Surah naba

  • 2 months ago
00:00In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
00:04About what you ask?
00:10About the great news
00:14About which they differ
00:17No, they will not know
00:20Then, no, they will not know
00:24Did We not make the earth a resting place?
00:27And the mountains as pillars?
00:30And We created you in pairs
00:33And We made your sleep a rest
00:37And We made the night a cover
00:40And We made the day for livelihood
00:44And We built above you seven strong
00:49And We made a bright lamp
00:54And We sent down from the rain clouds
00:58Flowing water
01:03That We may bring forth therewith grain and vegetation
01:08And gardens enveloped
01:12Verily, the Day of Judgment is an appointed time
01:17The Day when the Horn will be blown, and you will come in groups
01:22And the heaven will be opened, and it will be like gates