• last month


00:00I'm sorry.
00:02The people tried to defend themselves and Joaquin shot them.
00:09No one can believe it.
00:12But a witness said that Joaquin is part of the gang members who entered the hacienda.
00:24Where is Joaquin?
00:30The gang took him.
00:33They couldn't find him.
00:39Anything I can do for you, Miss Mariana, you know you can count on me.
01:00I'm sorry.
01:31I'm okay.
01:37I'm okay.
02:00No, Negro, that doesn't depend on me.
02:02Look, we're going to have problems.
02:04I know, Negro.
02:06My God, but when I found that boy, he was alive.
02:14I couldn't let him die.
02:19Pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.
02:25Lord, I ask you to receive Joaquin in your kingdom
02:35and give me the strength to make our baby grow healthier.
02:40It's all I have left of Joaquin.
02:44I'm sorry.
02:47and give me the strength to make our baby grow healthier.
02:52It's all I have left of Joaquin.
02:55Don't take it away from me either.
03:13What happened?
03:14What's his name?
03:19I don't know.
03:23I don't remember anything.
03:34Maybe I'll never remember anything.
03:39Boy, you have to be patient.
03:45I've lost count of how long it's been.
03:49I still feel like I should be somewhere else.
03:53I have something urgent to do.
04:00Your father is taking care of us in heaven.
04:18Mariana, are you okay?
04:21Breathe, breathe.
04:23Breathe, breathe.
04:50Mariana! Mariana!
04:52What happened?
04:57Who is Mariana?
05:00I don't know. It's a name that suddenly came to mind.
05:03But we promised to always be together.
05:05That's all.
05:12My name is Joaquin.
05:15And Mariana is...
05:18I don't know, but there's a place here called La Victoria.
05:24Yes, yes.
05:26It's the Ascarte's ranch.
05:28Ascarte. I have to go there.
05:30Hey, hey, hey.
05:33You were shot.
05:35You have enemies.
05:36But if I stay here, I'll never know who I am or what happened to me.
05:40Hey, hey, hey, boy.
05:43Calm down.
05:45Let me go.
05:48I know the area. I know the people.
05:51I'll go and find out.
05:53I'll come back and tell you.
06:14Good morning.
06:18Excuse me, sir. I'm here looking for a job.
06:22You got the wrong place.
06:24Don't say that, sir.
06:26If only you would let me talk to the boss.
06:29Mr. Benitez is not here.
06:30And Miss Mariana?
06:32Don't you know her?
06:33No, no, no, sir.
06:35A friend of mine recommended me.
06:38Miss Mariana doesn't live here anymore?
06:40And where did she go?
06:41I already told you she left.
06:43The last one who asked about the daughter of Dona Escara
06:45was left floating downriver.
06:47Are you talking about Joaquin?
06:49Did you know him?
06:50No, no, sir. No, sir.
06:52I just heard you mention his name.
06:55And if you don't want to end up like him, get out of here.
06:58Got it?
07:13Let's go.
07:22Benitez, wait for me here.
07:25Mr. Alfredo, it's time.
07:27We have to take Miss Mariana to the hospital.
07:32Ophelia, are you sure no one recognizes you?
07:35Of course.
07:36And that the best doctor treats you?
07:39Mr. Alfredo,
07:40I know perfectly well what my position is in this family.
07:43And I know I shouldn't give an opinion,
07:45but Miss Mariana is not well.
07:48And she hasn't seen her father in months.
07:50I think it would be good for you to accompany her right now.
07:56You're right, Ophelia.
07:58You don't have to give an opinion.
08:06Excuse me, sir.
08:07Go ahead.
08:17You're leaving with my daughter and you're not leaving for a second.
08:22You know what you have to do.
08:25You've seen that my actions speak louder than my words.
08:33Calm down.
08:36You're doing very well.
08:47Very good.
08:58I'm coming.
09:08Here you have to live a year doing nothing.
09:26If you don't measure yourself, I'll get another one that does.
09:30But you're leaving the city.
09:33Go ahead.
09:34Don't be stupid.
09:35Go ahead.
09:36Go ahead.
09:45Don't leave any traces.
09:47Don't tell anyone.
09:50What you have to do is steal a black baby that you're going to make today.
09:54And disappear it.
10:19You're pregnant.
10:20Close the door.
10:24Come sit down.
10:28You have a very temperate belly, Primitivo.
10:30I think you're going to give birth.
10:31I'm going to bring a nurse.
10:32No, no, no.
10:34Don't tell anyone.
10:36What happened?
10:38Because I've only been here five months and I didn't tell the doctor I was pregnant.
10:42I can't lose my job.
10:45I'm going to help you.
10:46I'm going to bring compresses and water.
10:48I'll be right back.
10:49In the meantime, take a deep breath, please.
10:51I'll be right back.
11:00Don Alfredo Escarate is the owner of the whole valley.
11:04If that man finds out that we have the bandit here who wanted to hurt his daughter,
11:09he'll kill us.
11:11I don't trust the authorities around here very much, but we're going to have to go to the police.
11:28Everything would be so different if you were here.
11:34I failed as a father, I know.
11:38I turned my back on our daughter and I didn't make sure I took the right path.
11:47This is what I'm going to do.
11:50You would never understand because you didn't know about cruelty.
11:54Black is coming on foot.
11:56We have to close the patient.
11:59Sometimes it hurts.
12:05You have to be cruel to be kind.
12:11Please don't do this to me.
12:13Sabina, the baby is in danger.
12:48Primitiva, look at me.
12:50Help, please!
12:51A nurse!
13:17What a curious baby you have.
14:17Oh my God, what is it?
16:22Where they find out that you have those meetings with those politicians of dubious reputation
16:26What will the government say when they find out that you are surrounded by people who give you massacres?
16:30I never stabbed a brother
16:32That shows, doctor
16:34And those conversations that you mention are tertulias to talk about the future of the country
16:38But what are you going to know about that?
16:40That your wife is not going to understand anything when it comes to the people
16:44Thinking differently these days can cost you your life
16:48Or the family's
16:52Just as things are, I got a good deal
16:55You're going to sign two death certificates for the price of one, unless you don't want to
17:00In that case, I'll get another one to sign three
17:04But the black guys don't worry
17:07That those are not going to show up again
18:14Oh, my God.
18:19Mariana. Mariana.
18:21Here you are.
18:23Here you are. Finally.
18:24Thank God.
18:25Come on.
18:26I'm going to put you to bed.
18:27You need to rest.
18:28Where's my baby?
18:30Come on.
18:31Lie down.
18:32We'll talk in the bedroom.
18:34Where is it?
18:39Your baby.
18:41Your baby is in heaven.
18:43Where is it?
18:44Mariana, your baby is dead.
18:46Where is it?
19:17I promise you everything will be fine.
19:19You'll see.
19:20You'll see.
19:29Everything will be fine.
19:31Everything will be fine.
19:33Everything will be fine.
19:35The doctor won't talk.
19:37And no one recognized Miss Mariana in the hospital.
19:42We're sure he won't talk or ask anything.
19:45He's got a lot of nerve.
19:47What he does suggest is that it's best
19:49if his daughter stays there another day.
19:51No way.
19:52Bring her to the hacienda ourselves.
19:53Yes, sir.
19:55Make it clear to everyone here at La Victoria.
19:58It is strictly forbidden to talk about what happened.
20:01If any of those blacks
20:02comes to pronounce Joaquin Mosquera's name,
20:06there will be consequences.
20:40Where's the boss?
20:44Hurry up. Everyone's waiting.
20:46Hello, boss.
20:48If you need a strong back, here's mine.
20:55I've got enough.
20:56No, no.
20:58I'm willing to do anything for food and shelter.
21:02Don't you think I should distrust someone
21:04who gives away his job for a piece of bread?
21:07You're absolutely right,
21:08but when you're not hungry, even bread is hard, you know?
21:12You're funny, sir.
21:15Boss, help me. I need it.
21:17Believe me, you won't have a problem with me.
21:19You won't notice, I swear.
21:21I swear.
21:22Gentlemen, hurry up with those side dishes.
21:24The truck is leaving.
21:28Boss, help me.
21:30Boss, help me.
21:32Put me on the list.
21:38Put John.
21:42You know what?
21:44I'm going to give you one chance.
21:47For now, you can eat with the other workers
21:49and sleep with them.
21:51But listen to me.
21:53With the first problem,
21:55I'll take care of the authorities.
21:56Do you understand?
21:58Take your bags to the truck.
22:00Let's see if your back is worth it.
22:19Let's go, let's go!
22:23I'm going to sign the exit papers, okay?
22:26Wait for me here.
22:31You see how my wife is.
22:33At least let her see the body.
22:35I understand,
22:36but we also had to make decisions
22:39and you weren't there.
22:40They didn't call me.
22:41Your wife never told us she was pregnant.
22:44We practically had to save her life.
22:47You expected me to make a phone call.
22:50Look, doctor.
22:51You understand our situation.
22:53You show me my son's body.
22:55We need to bury him.
22:56I'm really sorry.
22:58Doctors often make decisions we don't want to make.
23:02In the hospital, there's no way to preserve a body.
23:05That's why we sent him to the funeral home for cremation.
23:09Mr. Miguel Ibargüen,
23:11this is your son's death certificate.
23:15I'm really sorry.
23:20They burned him?
23:21I'm sorry.
23:23Excuse me.
23:26Mariana, where are you going?
23:27Mariana, what are you doing?
23:29Come, honey.
23:32We're leaving.
23:41I'll get it.
23:49I can do it myself.
23:55I can do it myself.
24:19I don't know what to do, Sonia.
24:22Is the doctor still alive?
24:25The girl needs rest.
24:29Can we go for a walk tomorrow?
24:33Nube is waiting for you.
24:36Let me ask, sir.
24:39Yes, please ask, Eugenia.
24:42This last harvest was phenomenal.
24:46I have plans.
24:48And I would like to tell you.
24:53Take him, Ophelia.
24:56I hope you can rest.
24:59And that you have everything you need.
25:02Don't worry, Dad.
25:05After being locked up for seven months,
25:08I can handle a few things.
25:22These are the pills for you to rest well.
25:35I'll be out here.
25:38Anything you need,
25:42call me, okay?
25:45You won't be able to erase from your consciousness
25:47everything you did to me.
25:48Mariana, I didn't mean to.
25:50Ophelia died and everything.
25:52And you weren't there to help.
25:57You left me locked up.
25:59And I was there, Mariana.
26:01The thing is, it was for your own good.
26:06Mariana, if people found out...
26:08Your excuses won't get me my baby back.
26:20I'm sorry.
26:25I'm sorry.
26:29I can't live without you.
26:34I can't live without you.
26:44I can't.
27:00Joaquin, Mariana!
27:02Don't run!
27:06I was missing you.
27:11The boss doesn't like people touching his orders.
27:16Since you haven't seen him,
27:19nice to meet you.
27:21Julian Mena.
27:24Nice to meet you.
27:35I missed you.
27:38Did you miss me?
27:46Only you know how I felt about Joaquin.
27:53Mariana, your father is waiting for you
27:55and you haven't even showered.
27:56The doctor said...
27:57Yes, the doctor says, you say, my father says.
28:00Everyone is worried about me.
28:02I don't even care if I'm alive.
28:04Don't say that.
28:05Mariana, make an effort, please.
28:11This time we were apart
28:13helped me realize
28:17that you're all I care about in life.
28:21That's why I've decided
28:23that you run the business.
28:26That the dream your mom had
28:28that was in my hands
28:30is now yours
28:32so you can continue it.
28:34I would have loved for you to say
28:36the same to my son.
28:38I'm trying to imagine
28:40what we can build together.
28:43Dad, you don't want to talk about what happened to me?
28:46It only hurts twice as much.
28:49I want us both to move on
28:52and leave our mistakes behind
28:54so we can look to the future.
28:56Our mistakes?
28:58What mistake did I make?
29:01You locked me up in a convent
29:03and you never visited me.
29:05You locked me up in a convent
29:07and you never visited me.
29:09And I haven't been able to tell you
29:11how you feel about my son's death,
29:13who is also your grandson.
29:15He wasn't my grandson.
29:17Yes, he was.
29:19You mixed my blood, Mariana.
29:21The blood of those black people.
29:26How can you say things like that?
29:28You're a horrible being, definitely.
29:31If looking for the best for my daughter
29:33and trying to protect her even from herself
29:35makes me a horrible being,
29:37then I am.
29:39You're not going to blame me for falling in love.
29:41Don't confuse love with desire.
29:43The second doesn't last.
29:45The first is for life
29:47and is built with people who are good to us.
29:49It's hard for me to believe
29:51you didn't understand.
29:54You know what I do understand?
29:58That I'm dying inside.
30:01And you only care about your land, your business,
30:04that everything keeps growing.
30:09I don't know why if you say you love me so much
30:11you hurt me so much.
30:32I'm so glad you're back, my child.
30:43But, Jelena, you're going to act as if nothing happened.
30:48Since I arrived, everyone in this hacienda
30:50acts as if things are still the same.
30:54Not you, please.
30:56I'm sure my life will never be the same.
31:01I'm just trying to do what's best for everyone
31:04so I don't have to bite my tongue many times.
31:06With me,
31:10we both lost
31:14my son,
31:18and my family.
31:22my son.
31:26I was so excited when my grandson arrived.
31:31To have Joaquin again in my arms.
31:38I held him so close.
31:40I heard him cry, but I don't...
31:43I don't know what happened.
31:46I think he's still alive.
31:49I hear him cry at night.
31:53I don't know if I'm going crazy.
31:58is the pain a mother feels when she loses her child.
32:04What woman doesn't go crazy with that?
32:09Miss Mariana,
32:11Miss Orelia is looking for you.
32:15She's talking to me.
32:18Please come with me.
32:21I love you.
32:23I love you.
32:47Don't cry, my child.
32:50What do I have to do?
32:52Wash the diapers?
32:55Sit down and sew?
32:59Don't cry, my child.
33:02Don't cry anymore.
33:08Don't cry, my child.
33:11What do I have to do?
33:15Wash the diapers?
33:18Sit down and sew?
33:21Don't cry, my child.
33:23Don't cry anymore.
33:26May your mother rest in peace.
33:29Alfredo, I...
33:31I gave her the dose like Dr. Carvajal said.
33:36Give her more.
33:41how much longer can we put up with this?
33:47I don't know.
33:49During the day, she goes around the entire hacienda
33:52in a shirt.
33:56And at night, she's a soul in pain,
33:58walking around this house.
34:00Give her the dose.
34:03Alfredo, I think it's important
34:05that I see a specialist.
34:07My daughter is not crazy.
34:11Alfredo, Mariana is suffering a lot.
34:15I think she left the house.
34:17Go get her.
34:30Mariana has been suffering for a week
34:32and nobody cares about her.
34:34I care about her.
34:36But it's an issue that Alfredo has to deal with.
34:39We shouldn't get involved in that.
34:41We shouldn't get involved and that's why we lost Joaquin.
34:44And Mariana lost our grandson.
34:46We lost Joaquin
34:48because we let him get into trouble where he shouldn't.
34:52Brasilia, I don't want to leave this place.
34:56I don't know, anywhere, far away.
35:00Do you think they'll give us a job anywhere?
35:04No, Virgelina.
35:06Although I don't want to admit it,
35:08Mr. Alfredo, we have work, housing,
35:12and food on our plates every day.
35:15At the cost of what?
35:21I'm not leaving.
35:24And neither are you.
35:39Honey, drink this.
35:43I don't want to.
35:44It's for your own good.
35:50For my own good?
35:52Ofelia, this is all your fault.
35:57You can't imagine how much I regret it.
36:01I regret leaving you there.
36:05But I thought I was doing you good, honey.
36:10Mariana, I can help you now.
36:14But for that, I need you to take the pill, okay?
36:23Mariana, if not, we'll have to ask for the help of a specialist in Cali.
36:42I'm going to stay here by your side until you feel better.
36:45But Virgel...
36:49I'll take care of you here.
36:50Ofelia, I want to be alone!
36:57I'm leaving.
37:00Get some rest.
37:27Where are all those black people?
37:29If you don't know who El Capataz is and he's in charge,
37:31explain to me who you don't know.
37:33I talked to other employees and no one gives me a reason.
37:35Where are the black people? Where are they?
37:37Yes, sir, but we're going to solve that situation right now.
37:58Brazilian, let's see if you can explain to me.
38:01Excuse me, sir, but I couldn't help it.
38:03It was Miss Mariana who gave you the day off to celebrate.
38:05Celebrate what?
38:06Your 15th birthday, sir.
38:0815th birthday? What is this ridiculousness?
38:10It's just that the girl woke up very strange.
38:12She's happy as if nothing had happened to her.
38:15She says she's turning 15.
38:17And it's just that we celebrated her birthday here.
38:20With this music and she had the same dress.
38:22You don't remember because...
38:23Because I wasn't there. I know.
38:25That doesn't give you the right to let her do whatever she wants.
38:29Ofelia, for God's sake, you look more and more like these blacks every day.
38:31Any excuse not to work.
38:33Tell me one thing, what do I pay you for if I have to do everything myself?
38:59Let's celebrate!
39:01Shut up!
39:06Dad, why do you end the party?
39:08Come on, let's dance. Dance with me.
39:11Let's celebrate!
39:12Mariana, this is not a game.
39:16You are not a girl. You are a woman.
39:18You are a disgrace. Behave yourself.
39:20Why are you so bitter?
39:22I'm just celebrating my birthday.
39:24It's not your birthday.
39:27Don't bore me.
39:33Mariana, wait for me.
39:36Mariana, wait for me.
39:38Oh, my God.
39:39Mariana, please.
39:40Mariana, please.
39:42Mariana, wait. Mariana.
39:44Mariana, please.
39:45She's waiting for me. Go after her.
39:47Mariana, Mariana, please.
39:51Benitez, go get Dr. Carvajal.
39:53Mariana, what are you doing? Mariana, no.
39:55Mariana, please. Mariana. Mariana.
39:58What are you looking at?
39:59Mariana. Mariana!
40:04Mariana. Mariana.
40:49Those idiots always come once a month to see how everything is going.
40:52All silver and smooth.
40:55Why are you hiding?
40:58For the same reason as you.
41:01You agree that they're fine and we're not.
41:04But don't worry.
41:06You can trust me.
41:07Either way, we're both running away from the law, aren't we?
41:11I'm not sure of what you're saying.
41:13I don't remember. I don't even know who I am.
41:15That's what I'm looking for.
41:16You're crazy.
41:18Even if you show innocence, they won't believe you.
41:21They'll never believe us.
41:23I have a better plan for you.
41:26Next week, I'm going to the United States.
41:30I'll give you some land and you'll pay ten times more than here.
41:33Can you imagine?
41:34We could buy a house for each of us.
41:37I don't know about that.
41:39Anything else?
41:40Of course.
41:42If we're lucky, we'll get a boat with coffee to Mexico.
41:46We'll cross the border and that's it.
41:49Adventure is a better day for two than one.
41:56Do you know where Victory is?
42:08Honey, I brought you something to eat.
42:19Thank you.
42:29You have to eat. You've been like this all week.
42:32The doctor said you lost a lot of blood.
42:34I also lost my son.
42:37Primitiva, we both lost him.
42:40But you're still with your life as if nothing happened.
42:43You think it doesn't hurt me?
42:45I'm suffering too.
42:46Then why don't you insist on finding out what happened?
42:50The doctor gave you a paper and convinced you with that.
42:53The doctor also told me you were found bleeding on the floor.
42:56That you almost died.
42:57My son was alive, Miguel.
43:01I saw him.
43:03If you don't want to find out, I'll go ask myself.
43:06Primitiva, you were kicked out of the hospital.
43:08They won't let you in.
43:09Do you think I care?
43:12I don't care about what they told you or that you don't believe me.
43:15I do believe you.
43:16You don't believe me, Miguel.
43:18I can see in your eyes that you think I'm crazy.
43:21And I'm not crazy.
43:30I just turned 15.
43:33Mariana, do you remember what you did last week?
43:37Yes, I went to buy my 15th dress.
43:40And then I went fishing with Joaquin.
43:43Do you know him?
43:46No, I don't know him.
43:50He's my best friend.
43:51Do you want me to introduce him to you?
43:53Another day, another day for sure.
43:56Mariana, do you know what day it is today?
44:00Doctor, you're not paying attention to me.
44:03I just told you I turned 15.
44:05You haven't congratulated me.
44:08Yes, you're right.
44:10Happy birthday.
44:12Thank you.
44:15But Mariana is living mentally in another era
44:18to avoid remembering what happened to her.
44:21This is apparently a multiple personality disorder.
44:25And it's a defense mechanism to try to forget
44:27something that happened to her recently.
44:33And what do you do, Arturo? How do you cure this?
44:36Well, my recommendation is to see a specialist.
44:39Someone who can examine her psychologically.
44:43My daughter is not crazy.
44:46Mr. Alfredo, I'm sorry to meddle,
44:49but since Mariana has had her crises,
44:53I've been investigating.
44:55And there's a specialist who could treat her
44:57and he's very discreet.
45:00Alfredo, if you care about your daughter's mental health,
45:05you should consider that possibility.
45:11Take him, Ofelia.
45:13As soon as you can.
45:16Ofelia, discretion.
45:20Of course, sir.
45:22Excuse me.
45:27What are you drinking?
45:31I want to go in.
45:33We have half an hour to get to the specialist.
45:35Ofelia, I'm not crazy.
45:38What I need is to talk to God.
45:42To God?
45:45Your father asked me to go straight to the doctor.
45:49Five minutes.
45:50Let me pray for five minutes, okay?
45:53You know what I need is the Lord's peace in my heart.
45:58Okay, but five minutes.
46:13I'm going to confess to the Father.
46:16We're just in time, Mariana.
46:17I won't be long.
46:27Father, forgive me for my sin.
46:30And if they catch us both,
46:32there won't be our Father to save us.
46:34You don't know how much I miss you.
46:36And I miss you.
46:38Why didn't you answer my call? What do you need?
46:41Because no one can hear us.
46:43No one can find out the truth.
46:45I'm not crazy.
46:47I just acted like I was out of my mind so I could see you.
46:51Look, I need you to help me with something.
46:55I only have the name and I think he works at the national railways.
46:59That man and his wife lost their baby the same night I lost mine.
47:03And I need to know what happened.
47:05I'm very sorry about the baby.
47:07The mother sent me to talk to one of the workers.
47:10The important thing is that with this,
47:12maybe things will be different.
47:13What things?
47:15I feel like my baby is alive.
47:19The same thing happens to me with Joaquin.
47:26Yes, I'll do everything I can to get you back to the hacienda.
47:34We're going to be late.
47:35Let's go.
47:44Your ranch is beautiful.
47:49Come on.
47:59I was asking around at the hospital.
48:03They told me you hadn't been going for a week.
48:07I was scared.
48:10But I told them I was sick.
48:14I'm sorry.
48:20What did I tell you?
48:22That you should live your life as if nothing had happened.
48:25If someone suspects, they'll realize
48:27that you haven't been going since the day the kids disappeared.
48:32Where did you take them?
48:35To the river.
48:37I left them near the river.
48:51Did anyone see you?
48:54No, no, no.
48:55No one saw me.
48:57Look, don't worry.
48:58I'll go back to work tomorrow
49:00and no one will find out what happened.
49:02No, I'm not worried.
49:05But you're going on a long trip.
49:31Before you come in,
49:33I need you to promise me something.
49:35You're going to keep up to date
49:37with the treatment the doctor gave you.
49:41I thought it was so funny to go to Cali
49:43and talk to that man.
49:45Although, gossipy, right?
49:47Asking me all those things about my private life.
49:50Well, that must be part of the treatment.
49:54Oh, Mariana, but really,
49:55I need you to take care of yourself.
49:57Let's see if your dad gets rid of that worry.
50:01Don't worry.
50:02I know that what matters here is my dad.
50:05Don't worry.
50:44I was thinking
50:45that I wanted to invite Abelardo and Orlando
50:47to a ride this Sunday.
50:52Well, we could go to the river,
50:54to San Cocho,
50:56and I'd like to tell Virgelina
50:58to take Jose and Joaquin.
51:03We'll see.
51:05We'll see.
51:07Well, if you don't want to go, we can go.
51:09And Ofe, you're also invited.
51:10You can take your husband if you want.
51:17No, Mariana, I...
51:21Don't you want to invite Braulio?
51:25Braulio and I...
51:28I'm not married.
51:32I forgot that you...
51:34Oh, they left you at the altar.
51:40Because whenever you don't like something,
51:42you have to stay quiet and obey.
51:44Because that's how things are, Mariana.
51:46Let's see if we can save ourselves some trouble.
51:47Oh, yes.
51:49I forgot that
51:50you only care about saving yourself trouble,
51:53not if I'm happy.
52:07I don't want anyone to tell me.
52:08If we can love each other.
52:10Let love define my destiny.
52:16Stop right there!
52:18They got you! They got you!