Matt Ryan Joins the Greg Hill Show!

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Former QB and BC Legend, Matt Ryan, is in town for the ALS challenge anniversary!
What does he think about the Pats potentially starting Maye week 1? Ryan: "I'm a believer that you should play young guys
00:00In the 10th year celebration of the Ice Bucket Challenge, it is Matt Ryan.
00:06Matt, thanks for being on this morning.
00:08Thank you guys.
00:08I like that little intro to the, uh, cold as ice.
00:11Yes, sir.
00:12Matty ice.
00:12How was the trip over from Logan?
00:14Did it take four hours?
00:15It's not good.
00:17It's not good guys.
00:19All this construction they've done for the last quarter of a century.
00:23Hasn't figured out how to get you back into the city, uh, in a, in an easy
00:27Well, you got a couple of eagles on the show in Curtis and Courtney and, uh, of
00:31course the great Jermaine Wiggins.
00:33And I think Wiggy wants to start this morning.
00:35Yeah, Matt, I, my question is, and I think you're the perfect person to answer
00:39this because we've been arguing about Drake May and your situations are similar.
00:45Third overall pick coming to a team that, uh, had only won four games, new coach.
00:51How important, and we talk about, I talk about live reps and Drake
00:56mays, not getting many with the ones.
00:58How important was it for you to be able to get thrown in there with the ones
01:05and kind of basically learn on the job where it seems like Drake may is sitting
01:12in the back waiting, just, I guess maybe take us down that road a little bit.
01:17I, you know, I think every situation is, is different.
01:20Um, but speaking from my own personal experience, you know, this is, this is
01:25like the hot topic right now, should we sit quarterbacks, uh, and let them
01:29develop or, or, you know, go let them play and, and kind of figure it out on their
01:33own, I thought there was tremendous value, um, to, to being thrown right into
01:38it and, and kind of figuring it out as you go.
01:41Um, and I feel like most of, of my progression, you know, during training
01:46camp, heading into that first season was, was, I mean, it was massive day to day.
01:51The things you're learning, the looks you were seeing, just the
01:54amount of reps I was getting.
01:55I thought that was, was huge for, for my growth and development.
01:59And then really, you know, even through that first half of the season, first
02:02three quarters of the season, my rookie year, you know, I was getting better
02:05week to week and, uh, so I thought there was tremendous value to it.
02:09Um, I think you could argue both sides of it for sure.
02:13I'm excited though.
02:13I'm going out to, uh, to check out practice tomorrow, uh, over
02:17in Foxborough and, and take a look.
02:19And so, you know, I'm, I'm excited to see it, you know, in person and what he can
02:22do and, uh, just on top of that, all of the changes that are going on, uh, with
02:28the organization as well for the first time in, you know, a quarter of a century
02:32that, that they've got all of the changes that they've had, it's going to be
02:35interesting to see, I'm a believer that you should play young guys.
02:38I think with the current climate of, of how contracts are set up and the salary
02:43cap, um, you know, you've got this four or five year window, uh, where essentially
02:48if you draft a young quarterback and you feel like he can play, you're
02:52playing with him for free.
02:54And so I think there's a ton of value to that.
02:56And I think, you know, you want to get as much experience for him as possible.
02:59And I think live reps are the best way to do it.
03:02Speaking of the changes here, did it surprise you that Arthur
03:05Blank passed on Bill Belichick?
03:09Well, I mean, when you think about the success Bill has had, I think.
03:13Anybody passing on him, right.
03:14Is, is, uh, surprising.
03:16I think that when you consider where Atlanta is at and what they want to do
03:20and kind of, you know, they've got their own quarterback situation as well with,
03:25with them signing Kirk Cousins and then drafting, you know, Michael Pennix, I
03:29think they're, you know, they're really looking long-term, uh, and trying to get
03:33stability in that organization, you know, for, for the next decade, decade plus.
03:37And, and I think, you know, considering all of that, I wasn't necessarily shocked
03:42that, that they went in a direction with the younger coach.
03:45What, which do you think he will regret, regret more that decision or maybe a
03:50premature celebration on the sideline during a Superbowl?
03:58Yeah, I think probably the premature celebration.
04:01We all could have used that, uh, game to end just a little bit sooner.
04:05Wiggy was saying he thinks that you, I was saying you probably
04:07don't think about that, Kate.
04:08Wiggy says he thinks you think about it every day.
04:10I don't.
04:11Oh yeah.
04:11I mean, I lost the Carol.
04:12I mean, I was in Carolina when we lost the Superbowl, Superbowl 38.
04:16And I think about that and being up 28 to three, that's completely different.
04:20It's like, oh yeah, this is Oz in hand.
04:22So I know he's, do you still think about it?
04:26I mean, I come on anytime I'm in new England, I'm reminded of it.
04:29So I think about it more often when I'm up here, uh, for sure.
04:33But it, it, it definitely is.
04:34I mean, I think as a player, right, you have all of the, uh, you know, these
04:38memories and, and for me, it's always the, the, the tough ones, uh, that you
04:43remember the good times, you know, you, you kind of celebrate them and move on.
04:46But the, the hard ones are the ones that last.
04:48And so, you know, it's, it's tough as part of, part of the deal, part of, uh,
04:53you know, playing in, in the most competitive environment in the world.
04:56And, uh, certainly disappointing.
04:58I'm not sure I'm completely over it, but, uh, we'll get there hopefully someday.
05:03Matt, there were rumors that the Falcons were all in on bill and then
05:06the crafts reached out to them and maybe blackballed, uh, bill
05:10for lack of a better term.
05:11Do you have any inside scoop on if they were in on him and what may
05:15have conspired behind closed doors?
05:18I don't have anything, you know, more than, than you guys, right.
05:21Um, you know, I know there was interest.
05:23I know there was multiple interviews and, and, uh, they certainly considered it.
05:28Um, I don't know anything about, you know, the conversations with, with, uh, Mr.
05:33Craft or, or anything like that.
05:35But, um, I think ultimately the decision for the organization, at least how I
05:39understand it is, you know, that they felt like they, they wanted to, to try
05:44and create, you know, a sustainable situation for the next decade, decade
05:48plus, and they feel like they've done that with Regan Morris, Matt.
05:51I know, uh, we've been talking about the Falcons and everything, and you're in
05:55town for, uh, maybe the greatest Eagle of Pete Frady's BC football.
05:59Looks like it has a optimistic future with Bill O'Brien taking over.
06:03Have you spoken with Billy and, and what are your thoughts on the
06:05hire for, for Boston college football?
06:07Well, I love it and I have, I was, uh, up for practice, uh, during the
06:12spring and got to speak with the team and kind of sit in meetings and talk
06:16with, with Bill, um, and, and I'm optimistic too, I think, you know,
06:20Boston college is, listen, the, the, the landscape of college football has
06:24changed so much, uh, since I played at BC and it's a, it's a different
06:28environment that you're competing in.
06:31But I've always felt like BC, uh, is a unique place and, uh, it requires
06:36people that, that know how it operates.
06:38And I think Bill being from the area, uh, St.
06:40John's prep, you know, alum and, and a guy that knows this area wants
06:44to be here, wants to be in this area.
06:47Uh, I think it's huge.
06:48And then you look at, you know, his, his track record as a coach, right.
06:53And, and where he's been the stops along the way, whether it's, you know,
06:56his time spent in new England and the NFL, whether it's his time as a head
06:59coach, uh, in, in major college football at Penn state or in the NFL with
07:03Houston and, uh, time spent at Alabama.
07:05I think all of these things, you know, seeing it, uh, you know, done
07:09different ways is, is really going to benefit him.
07:12And I think his, his tie to the area, his ability to recruit this
07:15area, keep, you know, the best players in new England, keep them here in
07:18new England and, and then go, you know, find a way, uh, like they did with
07:22me to find kids from Pennsylvania and New Jersey or Ohio, that was kind
07:26of always the blueprint, uh, for our success at BC and, and I think
07:30Bill's going to get back to that.
07:32Are you, when, when you you're at the age you're at, I'm at the age I'm at,
07:36which is 57, you look at Aaron Rogers.
07:39Are you surprised that, that, uh, that he's still doing it?
07:43I'm not surprised, you know, knowing, uh, what, what kind of player he is.
07:47And, and just, um, you know, I think a lot of times the narrative
07:53gets skewed with him, right.
07:54Um, but he takes such incredible care of his, of his body, uh, of his mind.
08:00I mean, he does it his way for sure.
08:02Um, but he's found a way to do it, uh, that, that works for him.
08:06And it doesn't surprise me.
08:07I played against that guy enough, uh, to, to never discount
08:10or, or never count him out.
08:12And so, uh, there are mornings where I wake up, I'm only 39, not 57, but, uh,
08:18you know, there are mornings I wake up and I'm like, man, I can't
08:21believe he is still doing it.
08:22Uh, but, but it's, it's definitely impressive.
08:25I'm like anybody.
08:27I mean, you know, excited to see what this Jets team is going to be.
08:31I mean, you guys know what being in the AFC East, uh, it's,
08:35it's going to be interesting.
08:37That defense was really good last year.
08:38The offense was inept, but I think when you add, uh, Aaron to the mix
08:43and what he can do, I think that's a scary team in the AFC East.
08:46You made a successful transition to television with CBS.
08:49How do you think Tom Brady will do?
08:51I think Tom will do great.
08:52Um, I really do.
08:53I think, you know, given, given his knowledge, uh, which is second to none.
08:57I mean, it's, he's got incredible insight.
09:01I also think he's a guy that, um, whatever it is, uh, he's going to do, he's going
09:06to put his complete effort behind it and he's going to be incredibly well prepared.
09:09And so, uh, like everybody else, I'm looking forward to, to kind of hearing,
09:14you know, what he has to say, how he's going to commentate games.
09:17I, I think he's going to learn a ton, you know, in that first year.
09:20You know, my, myself doing it last year, calling games, uh, the, the growth from
09:25the beginning of the year to the end of the year, significant, really learning
09:28the technical side of it, uh, to me was the hardest part, right.
09:32And, and kind of figuring out how to get in and out, listen to the producer,
09:35understand camera angles, uh, what plays well for viewers, uh, with different
09:41camera angles and, and really learning how to drive that, uh, to me is the
09:44key, you know, as, as a color guy.
09:46And I think he'll pick that up quickly, but I think his insight will be awesome.
09:50Players who do it sometimes say the hardest part for them
09:52was criticizing other guys.
09:54Was that hard for you?
09:56I mean, I think there's a way to be critical without being malicious.
10:00You know, like I often viewed it the same way I would view
10:04watching my own game tape, right?
10:05There, there's certain stuff that, you know, there are plays you should have made.
10:08And, and so, um, I kind of viewed it that exact same way of, if I were
10:14critiqued myself this way, I'm comfortable critiquing, you know, someone else.
10:18I also think that it comes, it comes down to a level of preparation.
10:23Like I'm not a massive fan of just making a hot take, you know, without
10:28having watched a ton of, of the film and what they're doing during the season
10:32and talk to them about some of the things.
10:34I think, I think all of those things make it, you know, a little bit more,
10:38uh, easy to, to be critical, uh, when you need to be.
10:42Speaking of guys joining TV, you surprised Bill Belichick is going to be on TV with
10:47Pat McAfee and with this, uh, underground, what was it called underdog
10:50underdog, uh, network, uh, this fall.
10:53Yeah, I think given, you know, given, given how he was, uh, for so long, I
10:59think it's going to be fascinating to see kind of the, the other side of him.
11:02And, and that's part of it, right.
11:04Whether you're a head coach, uh, or you're a quarterback, you, you know,
11:08when you're, when you're on the other side of, of the microphone, right.
11:13Answering the questions, you've got to protect the organization.
11:15You've got to protect your teammates, your staff.
11:18You've got to be able to do those things and build it his way.
11:20But, uh, I think being able to, to get into the, the behind the scenes with
11:25Bill, right, what he was like, uh, in the locker room with those guys in team meetings.
11:29I think that's going to be fascinating to watch.
11:31And, and I think there's a level of personality that's going to come out, uh,
11:35with him and, and, uh, I think it's going to be great for, for fans of the NFL.
11:39Uh, in the Twitch chat, they want me to ask you, Matt Ryan, were you a
11:43Marianne's guy or a city or a city side, city side, city side, equal opportunity.
11:51I'll be honest.
11:51I, I spent, I spent many hours in both establishments and
11:56if you needed food with your beer.
11:58So, you know, if you needed something to eat, you go over to city side, but
12:01if you were there to, you know, to, to partake and to get after it, you,
12:05you went right into Marianne's.
12:07Matt, you were one of the bigger names that took part in the ice bucket
12:11challenge at the beginning 10 years ago.
12:13I can't believe it, but you were probably the biggest to kick things off.
12:17How did you get involved in what's it like to see where it is now?
12:2010 years later.
12:22So I got involved, um, because a buddy of mine, uh, Pete Frady's, uh, tagged
12:28me on one of the challenges and so I was like, all right, I gotta do this.
12:32Pete, Pete was one of my friends from Boston college.
12:35He's actually one of the first guys I met, uh, on orientation, uh, you know,
12:40as an incoming freshman.
12:42And so, uh, knowing kind of his, his struggle with it and how he was fighting
12:46it and then being tagged in that way, it was kind of, it was like the, the perfect
12:50timing for something to explode, right?
12:52It was the beginning of, you know, kind of the honeymoon phase of social media,
12:57right, where it still was fun.
13:00Uh, it was a little bit less malicious at that time, which was good.
13:03And so I got tagged that did it and then tag some of my teammates and
13:06different guys and, and it took off.
13:09Um, that was it.
13:10It was, it was a friend, uh, who, who reached out, uh, to do it.
13:15And for me, it was like a no brainer.
13:17It was fun.
13:18I was a training camp at the time at, at flowery branch.
13:21So it felt really good after one of the practices, it was, it was probably
13:23something I was going to do anyhow.
13:25So, uh, to, to create awareness for, for ALS, uh, at the time and research
13:30and, and, you know, not only, you know, have something fun for people
13:33to do, but really raise money.
13:34I thought that part was, was awesome.
13:37And to look at it, you know, 10 years later, I think, uh, it's really
13:41important to understand the amount of money that has been raised to find a cure.
13:45Um, but with that, you know, people have, have started to live longer, uh,
13:51struggling with the disease and, and understanding the care portion of it
13:54for the families that, that are, you know, taking care of their loved ones.
13:58It's become incredibly expensive.
14:00Uh, and I think that's what the, the Frady's foundation is, is doing, right.
14:04Is, is finding ways to, to raise money, uh, to help the families that
14:08are going through it because it's bankrupt, uh, a lot of people.
14:11And as people who are struggling with the disease continue to, to live longer,
14:17the, the expense is only going to go up.
14:18So I think it's a really cool two pronged approach, right?
14:21We need to continue to raise money, uh, you know, for the research and they've
14:25done an incredible job of that, but we also have to find ways to support the
14:28families that are dealing with that.
14:30And I give a lot of credit to, to the Frady's foundation for doing that.
14:34Speaking of, of social media, how long after the super bowl loss, did it
14:38take you to start reading comments?
14:43I needed one of those darkness retreats or something like that afterwards.
14:46Uh, I didn't do it.
14:47I didn't know about it at the time.
14:49I wish I did.
14:49Well, it's really, it's really cool that you're doing this and, uh, it's
14:54a really important day over there.
14:56And I, I really appreciate you taking the time with us this morning, Matt Ryan.
15:00Thank you.
15:01I appreciate you guys.
15:02Thank you for having me on.
15:03How many wins for the Patriots?
15:06Put me on the spot.
15:06I'm going to say over four and a half.
15:08Is it?
15:08Oh, you're saying six.
15:09I'm going to say six.
15:11All right.
15:12All right, Matt Ryan.
15:13Thanks for taking the optimistic today.
15:15It's only August 1st.
15:16Thank you.
15:17Go Eagles.
