Sonic The Hedgehog Liberations-Forest Mayhem

  • last month
00:00I would like that.
00:01Like each stage?
00:02Whoa it's got like fast running.
00:05Do you move faster when you...oh goddammit.
00:10When you hit?
00:13Not jump hit.
00:15Just hit.
00:18I wasn't sure.
00:20You do.
00:21I know.
00:22Yeah no I don't.
00:23I rock and roll.
00:24They got fuckin' lost dude.
00:27Look how I get hit after he's done with me.
00:36I know.
00:38You know it sucks when you...
00:41It's okay.
00:42It's a neat little game though.
00:43It is.
00:44It's cute.
00:45I like it.
00:47Oh I was gonna say the next boss is gonna pop out.
01:16I like this one way better.
01:21I know.
01:23He kicked his ass.
01:24I always thought he didn't like move.
01:25He did nothing to us.
01:26That one was shit.
01:27Wow you're...oh shit.
01:28It's a run level.
01:29What do you do?
01:30Oh shit.
01:31Oh shit.
01:32Oh shit.
01:33Oh shit.
01:34Oh shit.
01:35Oh shit.
01:36Oh shit.
01:37Oh shit.
01:38Oh shit.
01:39Oh shit.
01:40Oh shit.
01:41Oh shit.
01:42Oh shit.
01:43Oh shit.
01:44Oh shit.
01:45Oh shit.
01:46Oh my god.
01:47You fucks.
01:48You should give us lives.
01:49Oh god.
01:50Jump attacks are really good on this...oh you bitch ass crab.
02:06Jump attacks are really good on this one.
02:09Oh, you bitch ass crab!
02:14Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!
02:16Ow, shit!
02:18I'm alive!
02:19You gotta learn to jump!
02:21The crab, man, the crabs are gonna kill you.
02:24They're assholes!
02:31Oh no.
02:33I'm gonna die.
02:35You got life. You didn't die, right?
02:38I didn't get life.
02:40You got life buffed.
02:42Weren't you low?
02:44Yeah, I was.
02:56I wasn't even getting life.
02:58Oh shit, I know.
03:00I wonder how the continue system works.
03:03Oh, what's that?
03:09Oh my god, he's like a mole.
03:11Oh shit.
03:15What's coming up?
03:17Oh shit.
03:21You son of a...
03:23What the fuck?
03:25Oh my god, I'm gonna die.
03:27I'm gonna die.
03:29Oh my god, I'm panicking.
03:31Oh my god, I'm gonna die.
03:33This has to be over.
03:35You keep going where his bombs are.
03:37I don't mean to.
03:39Oh my god, I can't do this.
03:41That's way too much.
03:45Oh, you are dead.
03:47Credits 9.
03:49I hate that it didn't get 5.
03:51Oh, you can choose who you want to be now.
03:55So is it like we have infinite credits?
03:59You want to be her?
04:01Okay, so you can defend that.
04:05I love you.
04:07If we get infinite continues,
04:09it's like an arcade game.
04:11Set credits.
04:13Hopefully we have infinite credits.
04:15You're right where the bomb is.
04:17Pay attention.
04:25It's okay.
04:27Whenever it says danger, they fall.
04:31I love you.
04:33Did I really die?
04:35Yeah, because you're just tanking everything.
04:39Just jump a lot.
04:41Yeah, when I do, I run into those things.
04:45Okay, is he targeting me because I'm a woman?
04:49He's got the hot for you.
04:53Suck my nuts.
05:01My god.
05:05I hate this one so much.
05:09I prefer the fighting.
05:11I agree.
05:15Why are you doing this?
05:19You need to die.
05:25I'm dead.
05:29I said you need to die.
05:31I can't.
05:33Either they give us the bombs
05:35or the bombs.
05:37The spikes?
05:39Yeah, they give the spikes or the bombs.
05:41You can't do both.
05:43You should try the rabbit girl.
05:45See if you like her.
05:47Okay, then don't.
05:49No, I just meant to try
05:51her other abilities.
05:53Although, I think the rabbit girl
05:55talks like she's southern.
05:57It's weird.
06:05There was a lot going on.