• last year
Playing a fan made Sonic demo.
00:00Alright, how do I jump?
00:09Uh, oh my god, wait.
00:12Oh, the mouse doesn't work. Thank god.
00:19Oh, this is actually pretty fucking cool.
00:28It makes me so sad that this game failed.
00:37Oh my god, this is beautiful.
00:42I can't believe I waited ten years to play this.
00:47Just played it right away, it is very nice.
00:57Oh fuck, I suck at Sonic, though.
01:06But I was in ball form, you motherfuckers.
01:11Wait, there was a spring right there, god damn it.
01:19Oh my god, I miss playing Sonic before he was a fucking genesis.
01:46I like the animation, too.
01:49No, is that really it?
01:57Please be more.
01:58Oh, okay.
02:05I won't buy a game like this.
02:10Like, I don't know if Sonic means Sonic or Generations.
02:19This is a good balance.
02:25Fuck, I suck, though.
02:28I'm just an idiot.
02:32I just feel like, I don't know how fast this actually should be, but this runs super well.
02:45God, you're gonna hit me.
02:48I don't even care if I miss Sonic, this is just nice.
02:52Can you hit it? Oh, fuck.
03:15Wow, all that spring blackened.
03:22I can do this quick little roll now.
03:34Oh, hard work, bitch.
03:39Death to all these robots.
03:43Death to them.
04:08Oh god, I suck.
04:20Had to raise it all the first way.
04:24Waterfall? No, no, no, no, no, no.
04:28You go to the safe zone.
04:30Like the wee little baby I am.
04:35Wow, I even like the movement of the flowers.
04:40No! Move, move!
05:02You bitch.
05:04You bitch!
05:09Don't game over me, please.
05:13I'm Sonic, now I gotta go slow.
05:16Right where the fuck I left myself.
05:38No, we do not go that way.
05:48Come on!
05:50That's not what I wanted.
05:57No, I want up all the way.
06:17Is that where I died last time? It was.
06:20Fucking hell.
06:26Aw, that was actually pretty cool.
06:32Aw, man.
06:34I wish they would have actually made this a game.
06:37They could have. That was very well.
06:46How much skill that kid had.