• 4 months ago
Le télescope spatial James Webb a fait une découverte stupéfiante qui pourrait changer tout ce que nous savons de l'univers. Il a trouvé un trou noir si massif qu'il pourrait théoriquement détruire notre univers entier—10 millions de fois plus grand que notre soleil ! Ce trou noir est apparu juste après le Big Bang, ce qui bouleverse totalement notre compréhension de la formation des galaxies. Parlons de ce trou noir hallucinant, explorons les plus grands qui existent, et découvrons si nous devons vraiment nous en inquiéter. Et au fait, qu'est-ce qui pourrait vraiment arriver à la Terre si le pire scénario se réalisait ? Animation créée par Sympa.
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00:00Black holes are massive.
00:02The densest objects in the universe,
00:04they have such a mass
00:06that their gravitational force
00:08does not let anything escape, not even light.
00:10But in this terrifying world
00:12of black holes,
00:14there are monsters that surpass
00:16all the others.
00:18Recently, astronomers
00:20have discovered a black hole
00:2233 billion times heavier
00:24than our sun.
00:26This space giant is located
00:28in a supergiant elliptical galaxy
00:30called Abel 1201,
00:32located 2.7 billion light years away
00:34from our planet.
00:39This black hole is so large
00:41that it has received the rare designation
00:43of ultramassive black hole.
00:45Nothing surprising about that.
00:47It is more than 8,000 times heavier
00:49than the supermassive black hole
00:51located in the center of our galaxy,
00:53the Milky Way.
00:55This ultramassive black hole
00:57can only be discovered
00:59using the gravitational lens.
01:01This method relies on the fact
01:03that very massive objects
01:05such as galaxies
01:07curve the light coming from
01:09a more distant object
01:11and amplify it.
01:13The advantage of this research method
01:15is that it allows astronomers
01:17to study inactive black holes.
01:19It could help us detect
01:21a large number of new black holes
01:23beyond our local universe.
01:25It could also give us the opportunity
01:27to discover objects
01:29that we have never seen before.
01:31Let's now talk about another
01:33brilliant instrument
01:35that helps us to effectively
01:37explore space.
01:39The James Webb Space Telescope.
01:41When it observes young galaxies,
01:43simple red spots seen from here,
01:45it manages to see the cyclones
01:47that are moving in their center.
01:49These are black holes.
01:51It used to be believed
01:53that giant black holes
01:55were rare but important actors
01:57in the beginning of the history
01:59of the cosmos.
02:01But the James Webb Space Telescope
02:03continues to discover more and more.
02:05For example,
02:07thanks to it, astronomers
02:09have detected a supermassive black hole
02:11dating from the time
02:13when our universe was less than
02:15600 million years old.
02:17A very young child,
02:19it was the most distant
02:21active supermassive black hole
02:23ever observed.
02:25It is located in the Bouvier constellation.
02:33This black hole is surprisingly small
02:35and not at all massive.
02:37It is in fact one of the smallest
02:39found in the primitive universe.
02:41Its size is equal to about
02:439 million suns.
02:45It may seem a lot,
02:47but supermassive black holes
02:49tend to reach billions of times
02:51the mass of our star.
02:53This discovery presents
02:55another particularity that scientists
02:57have a hard time explaining.
03:01a supermassive black hole
03:03is supposed to take well over 600 million years
03:05to reach its full potential.
03:07It develops
03:09by feeding on the matter
03:11around it or by merging
03:13with a larger black hole.
03:15Black holes comparable
03:17to the one in the center of our galaxy
03:19and whose mass is almost
03:214.3 million times
03:23higher than that of our sun
03:25are supposed to be observed
03:27in the recent universe.
03:31In fact,
03:33scientists have long suspected
03:35the existence of supermassive black holes
03:37in the primitive universe.
03:39But this theory has only been proven
03:41thanks to the James Webb telescope
03:43in the Red Space.
03:45It has shown that the black hole
03:47CRS 1019 is engulfing
03:49all the matter it finds on its path.
03:51Black holes
03:53that feed like this
03:55are usually surrounded by gas
03:57and dust swirls.
03:59This is called the accretion disk.
04:01The gravitational force of the black hole
04:03heats all this matter,
04:05which illuminates the disk.
04:07But that's not all.
04:09Very powerful magnetic fields
04:11channel the matter to the shoulder
04:13of the black hole.
04:15From time to time,
04:17this matter is released into space
04:19in the form of a powerful double jet.
04:21It moves at a speed
04:23close to that of light,
04:25which generates a radiation
04:27of incredible intensity.
04:29Astronomers have observed
04:31the galaxy that houses
04:33this very old black hole
04:35as part of a study
04:37on the primitive universe.
04:39The galaxy as it was
04:41when our universe,
04:4313.8 billion years old,
04:45was only 570 million years old.
04:47On this occasion,
04:49researchers have spotted
04:51two other black holes,
04:53probably appeared respectively
04:551 billion and 1.1 billion years
04:57after the Big Bang.
04:59They have also discovered
05:0111 ancient galaxies
05:03born between 470 and 675 million years
05:05after the birth of the cosmos.
05:11what would you say to take a look
05:13at the largest black holes
05:15that astronomers have discovered
05:17so far, and to discover
05:19what would happen to Earth
05:21if one of them penetrated
05:23our solar system?
05:25NGC 6166 is a monster
05:27whose mass is equivalent
05:29to 30 billion suns.
05:31It is an elliptical galaxy
05:33with an active nucleus in its center.
05:35It is also one of the brightest
05:37X-rays that we know.
05:39The supermassive black hole
05:41of the galaxy feeds
05:43two radio-symmetric jets
05:45in opposite directions,
05:47the result of an internal gas fall.
05:49Another particularity
05:51of NGC 6166
05:53is that it has a shift towards blue,
05:55which means it is getting closer to us.
05:57Should we pack our bags
05:59and leave the solar system?
06:01The next supermassive black hole
06:03is located in the Dragon constellation,
06:05about 10.4 gigahannes
06:07light years away from us.
06:09This supergiant
06:11weighs more than 30 billion
06:13solar masses.
06:15In addition to being
06:17incredibly massive,
06:19it is also very large.
06:21If it took the place of the Sun,
06:23its diameter would extend
06:25to the orbit of Pluto.
06:27Here is a picture
06:29Here is now
06:31one of the most interesting black holes
06:33on our list.
06:35It has a mass of 40 billion suns.
06:37It is actually a blazar,
06:39a super energetic quasar,
06:41very far away
06:43and super bright.
06:45The brightness of this blazar
06:47is 300 trillion times more intense
06:49than our sun,
06:51the equivalent of 25,000 milky ways.
06:53But as the distance
06:55of this quasar is about
06:571 billion light years,
06:59we cannot see it directly.
07:05we know that
07:07its central black hole
07:09consumes huge amounts of matter,
07:11about 4,000 solar masses
07:13of material each year.
07:19ICI-N101 is a supergiant galaxy.
07:23It is the most massive galaxy
07:25known to this day.
07:27Given its elliptical shape,
07:29it is not filled with gas.
07:31This is why there are
07:33only a few stars in this region.
07:35As for the black hole
07:37in the center of this galaxy,
07:39it is located in a beach
07:41with 40 to 100 billion solar masses
07:43and emits relatively clear radio signals.
07:45But open your ears wide.
07:47Astronomers have discovered
07:49a gravitational wonder
07:51that has reached
07:53an unimaginable level.
07:55The black hole I am talking about
07:57is called TON 618
07:59and it has a mass of 66 billion suns.
08:03we are holding another
08:05of these ultra-massive black holes.
08:07Imagine gathering
08:09all the stars of our galaxy
08:11and compressing the matter
08:13they are made of into one black hole.
08:15Well, it would still not be enough
08:17to create TON 618.
08:19If this monster replaced the sun,
08:21its radius would be more than 40 times
08:23the size of Neptune's orbit.
08:29You know that black holes
08:31are incredibly dense.
08:33But this does not mean
08:35that they are space predators,
08:37wandering in galaxies
08:39and devouring everything in their path.
08:41TON 618, for example,
08:43is still surrounded by an intact galaxy
08:45filled with stars and many other things.
08:47Black holes are therefore
08:49not necessarily
08:51gigantic matter vacuum cleaners.
08:53In reality,
08:55it is incredibly difficult
08:57to make a black hole grow.
08:59Try it and you will see.
09:01And now,
09:03what would happen
09:05if a supermassive black hole
09:07like the one in the center of our galaxy,
09:09the Milky Way,
09:11got a little closer to our solar system?
09:13The answer is simple.
09:15We would be doomed.
09:17It would lead to the worst of disasters.
09:19The Earth, as well as the other objects
09:21that make up the solar system,
09:23would be drawn into the orbit of the black hole
09:25and would revolve around it for eternity.
09:27But you can relax.
09:29We are still far from having
09:31such black holes in our neighborhood.
