How To Safe Guard Your Ignition Coil Explained by Pearlvin Ashby. உங்கள் வாகனம் திடீரென ஸ்டார்ட் ஆகவில்லையா? இன்கனீஷியன் காயில் கூட பிரச்சனையாக இருக்கலாம். இப்படியாக உங்கள் வாகனத்தின் இக்னீஷியன் காயில் பாதிக்கப்பட வாய்ப்புகள் என்ன? அதை எப்படி தவிர்ப்பது? இதனால் ஏற்படும் பக்க விளைவுகள் என்ன? எப்படி இதை எளிதாக தெரிந்து கொள்வது என்பது உள்ளிட்ட விபரங்களை காணலாம் வாருங்கள்.
00:00You have to remove it from the spot, from the direct battery, from the line that comes to the vehicle, and give it to a battery.
00:10Block ignition coil.
00:12So, if you look at this, there are two ignition points on top of each other.
00:16So, there will be two points.
00:18There will be a point here and a point here.
00:19My interceptor will shrink when I put a bolt nut.
00:23Corrosion will start at that point.
00:25Why does the ignition coil fail?
00:30This video is all about that.
00:31I am your friend.
00:32Welcome to Respect Tamil.
00:33We welcome you to our channel.
00:35So, if you look at this, this video is all about why your ignition coil is damaged.
00:40So, basically, this happens in two aspects.
00:43One is mechanical damage.
00:46The other is electronic damage.
00:48The other is through water.
00:51So, how can we prevent this?
00:53How can we prevent this?
00:56First, the pickup will go down.
00:58So, if you give an accident, there will be no proper throttle response.
01:04So, the performance will go down.
01:06Because the current flow in the spark will not go that much, your fuel will be proper and misfiring will also occur.
01:13So, when you drive, you can definitely feel it.
01:15Another thing is that when you start a vehicle, it starts from time to time.
01:22That is also because of this ignition coil.
01:25I will give you a small example.
01:27Recently, I took my vehicle to an off-road place.
01:30It was good.
01:31Suddenly, it did not start.
01:33I tried to start it for a while.
01:35It did not start.
01:36After a while, I tried to start it.
01:37The vehicle started.
01:38I was like, okay, fine.
01:39It started.
01:40Let's go.
01:41After that, there was a good performance.
01:43It turned off again.
01:44I tried to start it again.
01:45The vehicle did not start again.
01:47I was like, what happened?
01:49When I was checking the mechanics, I checked it from another angle.
01:55The spark plug and ignition coil were damaged.
01:59Fortunately, I did not get proper contact because the bolt was loose like the ignition coil.
02:06So, the spark plug was damaged.
02:10I will tell you what the matter is.
02:12If you leave the bolt loose in the mechanical error, there will be vibration.
02:17Because of this vibration, there will be no proper current flow inside.
02:22Secondly, there are many possibilities for the ignition coil to burn.
02:27Another thing is electrical damage.
02:29Many people have not driven for a long time.
02:35So, the battery will be low.
02:36When you hit in that way, the current flow will be improper and the coil will be weak.
02:40Secondly, when there is no proper current flow from the rectifier in your vehicle,
02:45your coil will be weak.
02:48So, you will definitely feel performance drop.
02:51Thirdly, I told you about this metal.
02:56Many people have seen it.
02:57It is black in color.
02:58In many places, it is silver in color.
03:00It is a metal.
03:01It is given in a matte finish.
03:03It is given in a matte finish without giving a proper coating.
03:06In some places, it is given in a thin layer of proxy film.
03:10After some time, it will fade.
03:12When you put a bolt nut, it will shrink.
03:14Corrosion will start in that place.
03:16So, if you don't use proper water for service,
03:22when there is salt content in it,
03:24there is a 100% chance that this metal will corrode.
03:28Because of this, the current flow will not be proper.
03:31Because of this, there is a 100% chance that your rectifier will be damaged.
03:37I will tell you how to check this.
03:40First, you need to locate the rectifier in your vehicle.
03:43Then, you need to check the power balance.
03:45You need to remove it from the spot.
03:48You need to remove it from the line that comes to the vehicle.
03:52You need to give it to a battery.
03:53You need to connect an ohm resistor to it.
03:55When you check it with a multimeter,
03:57you will get the correct voltage.
03:59You will get the correct voltage.
04:01Because, each ignition coil has a different voltage output.
04:04When you check whether it is coming properly or not,
04:07you will get to know whether it is weak or not.
04:09If it is weak, it will not work properly.
04:11So, this is weak.
04:12All you have to do is buy a new one.
04:14Or else, you can use the raising ignition coil of Enandhubilli.
04:18Here, they have given you three types of coils.
04:22One is called pencil coil.
04:24This is a pencil coil.
04:26It is long like a pencil.
04:28The other one is called block ignition coil.
04:31In this, there are two ignition points.
04:35So, there are two points.
04:37There is a point here and there.
04:39In my interceptor, I use the block ignition DC coil.
04:44So, I get two outputs from one coil.
04:47That is the block ignition coil.
04:49The next one is called Resil ignition coil.
04:53It is an ignition coil system.
04:55It looks like this.
04:57It is small in size.
04:58But, the holder is different.
05:00So, this is it.
05:01So, there are three types like this.
05:03For more automotive content like this,
05:05follow Trice Park.
05:06I am your host, Balwant.
05:07Stay tuned with Trice Park Travels.
05:08See ya!