Jungle Jim - Fury of the Congo (1951) - Full Movie

  • hace 3 meses
00:00:49Blinding sand, sufficiently penetrating to eat into the skin of man,
00:00:53torrential sheets of rain, and a blazing sun
00:00:56combine to make a perilous, steaming jungle in the Congo.
00:01:00The Congo, over a million square miles of the Earth's surface
00:01:03in the heart of the African continent,
00:01:05is the home of the world's wildest animals.
00:01:11This is the land where the professional animal agent,
00:01:13or game hunter, earns his living.
00:01:15His customer, the museum, the circus, the zoo.
00:01:20From these herds comes the circus lion,
00:01:23and the giraffe on display at the zoo.
00:01:26But among the rarest of all animals is the Akongo,
00:01:29striped, purplish-brown, short-necked,
00:01:33relative of the bongo and the okapi.
00:01:36This rare species is akin to the more common antelope and zebra.
00:01:40Ordinarily docile, the Akongo is fierce and cunning when disturbed.
00:01:46It feeds upon a rare equatorial plant called the mandrill.
00:01:50Within the glands of this animal, the mandrill leaf, upon digestion,
00:01:54is transferred into a powerfully destructive narcotic.
00:01:57Here is a seldom photographed herd of Akongos.
00:02:00The combined value of these rare specimens is in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.
00:02:04A prize indeed, even when their capture is not intended for the museum,
00:02:08or the zoo, or the circus.
00:04:01Well, I'm all right now, thanks to you, Mr...
00:04:05Jim, Jungle Jim.
00:04:07I'm Ronald Cameron, an inspector with the Territorial Police.
00:04:10I'm on a mission, or was, into the jungle country.
00:04:13You lost your bearings?
00:04:15No, no, I've been reconnoitering.
00:04:17A few weeks ago, Professor Dunham,
00:04:19Dean of Biochemistry at Cairo University, mysteriously disappeared.
00:04:23He was in this area doing some research.
00:04:25My job is to find him.
00:04:27What makes you think he came into the jungle?
00:04:29Well, he was looking for some kind of a rare animal.
00:04:32Rare animal? What kind?
00:04:34Well, I don't quite recall the name, but it was a cross between two other animals.
00:04:38Must be an Akongo.
00:04:53Tamba, come here.
00:04:55Come here, give me that hatchet.
00:05:00You've been in the Akongo country again.
00:05:03This is what the Akongos look like.
00:05:08Weird looking, aren't they?
00:05:10The natives carry them.
00:05:12Akongo natives?
00:05:13Primitive tribe, way back in the bush.
00:05:15They worship the Akongos.
00:05:17I hope I don't get one of these in the back of my skull.
00:05:20I hope not.
00:05:21Let's get some dry clothes on.
00:05:24Hey, Jim.
00:05:26If the chimp found the hatchet, he might know where the Akongo village is.
00:05:30You know, we might pick up the professor's trail there.
00:05:34Where'd you get this, fella?
00:05:36That way or that way?
00:05:42And I thought chimps were smart.
00:05:44Chimps are like people. Some are, some aren't.
00:05:47Chimps are like people. Some are, some aren't.
00:06:18Come here.
00:06:39There's the Akongo village.
00:06:44Seems to be completely deserted.
00:06:47Not for long. Those lions are headed for it.
00:07:17Come on. Tamba got himself into a little trouble.
00:07:47Come here.
00:08:17Come here.
00:08:39Come here, Tamba. Come here.
00:08:44It's all right, Tamba. He's gone now.
00:08:46Run along.
00:08:49Let's take a look at that village.
00:09:06Look, the shrine of the Akongo.
00:09:09It's deserted, all right. All that trudging for nothing.
00:09:13Let's take a look around.
00:09:16Come on.
00:09:25The natives must have moved out.
00:09:27Looks like they fought their way out.
00:09:32Good whites, maybe.
00:09:34Professor Dunham may have been with them.
00:09:46Let's go.
00:10:16Let's go.
00:10:46Let's go.
00:11:16Let's go.
00:11:46Let's go.
00:12:41That wasn't Akongo.
00:12:43Yes, I...
00:12:46There she goes.
00:13:01We may walk into a trap.
00:13:03We'll have to take that chance.
00:13:05The natives are the only ones who can put us on the right track.
00:13:16Let's go.
00:13:46Let's go.
00:14:07Jim, that spear.
00:14:09The women are looking at it as if it were magic.
00:14:11It's the native sign of obedience to the Akongo god.
00:14:14They don't understand how I know it.
00:14:19You make sign of obedience to Akongo god?
00:14:22How you learn that?
00:14:24I belong to the jungle.
00:14:26But where are your friends? Other white men?
00:14:28What other white men?
00:14:30The evil ones who attack our village and take our men away.
00:14:33What do you make of all this, Jim?
00:14:37You jungle Jim?
00:14:39That's right.
00:14:41I hear talking drums of jungle people speak of you.
00:14:45They say you are a man to trust.
00:14:48Why did they take your tribesmen away?
00:14:50To use them as hunters.
00:14:52To make them track down and kill the sacred Akongos.
00:14:55The animals we worship.
00:14:57I don't believe it.
00:14:59If Professor Dunham was with them, he knows your people worship the Akongos.
00:15:02He certainly wouldn't have any...
00:15:03The white men knew.
00:15:04Our chief told them.
00:15:07But they only laugh.
00:15:09Call us savages.
00:15:11I don't understand all this.
00:15:13I'm sure Professor Dunham only wanted one single Akongo alive as a specimen.
00:15:18She doesn't think so.
00:15:39I will go with you, Lita.
00:15:40No, Mahara.
00:15:41You must stay here to guard the young one.
00:15:43But my man, Lita.
00:15:45The whites could never make him kill the sacred Akongo.
00:15:48He would die first.
00:15:50We'll bring him back.
00:15:51Also the others.
00:15:53The main herd of the Akongos.
00:15:54Where would they be?
00:15:55Their feeding grounds are beyond desert.
00:15:58But Jim, I thought we were going to look for the Professor.
00:16:00If we find the Akongos, we'll find the Professor.
00:16:03Mahara, can I go with Lita?
00:16:11No, you stay here.
00:16:33Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
00:17:01This certainly doesn't look like the same stuff to me.
00:17:04Think the Professor's pulling a double cross, maybe?
00:17:06I don't know.
00:17:07He's been acting kind of funny ever since Cameron left.
00:17:11You sent for me?
00:17:12Yeah, yeah, Professor.
00:17:13Sit down.
00:17:15Have a cigar?
00:17:16No, thanks.
00:17:18Professor, that last Akongo you worked on there.
00:17:22He was the same as the others, wasn't he?
00:17:24Yes, of course.
00:17:26And this is from the same Akongo gland?
00:17:29The same.
00:17:30Could have made a mistake, maybe.
00:17:32Taken it from a different gland, maybe.
00:17:34It's the same that your Mr. Cameron took back to be processed.
00:17:37Then why is it turning yellow?
00:17:39It has to be processed within a week after extraction.
00:17:42Right now, this is quite useless for the evil purpose Mr. Cameron intends it.
00:17:47Well, in that case, Professor, we'll get you another one of them Akongos to work on right away.
00:17:51I'll have nothing more to do with those animals.
00:17:53Oh, yes, you will, Professor.
00:17:55Mr. Cameron is flying back in his own plane.
00:17:58Should be here any time now.
00:18:00And he's a funny kind of boss.
00:18:02Gets what he wants.
00:18:05And if he don't, he gets rough, maybe.
00:18:07Like that.
00:18:12Oh, did you hurt your head, Professor?
00:18:15I hope not, because you're going to need it for your scientific work.
00:18:19Now run along and we'll have another one of them Akongos for you to work on just as soon as you have a little rest.
00:18:26Queer character.
00:18:28Yeah, all them scientific guys are characters.
00:18:31Too much learning.
00:18:48Help get that animal under control.
00:18:51Leave him alone.
00:18:53He's a heady chief hunter.
00:18:55We'll need him.
00:19:21We got that one.
00:19:23Come on.
00:19:43I hear you've been causing a lot of trouble again.
00:19:46You know we don't want our work delayed.
00:19:49You understand me?
00:19:52Take care of him, Magruder.
00:19:54Be sure he understands.
00:19:58What about that animal that was just brought in?
00:20:00I'll see that nothing happens to it.
00:20:02I'll send the professor to do his act.
00:20:11Good afternoon, Professor.
00:20:13We just got another subject for you.
00:20:15I'm not interested.
00:20:17I'm not interested.
00:20:19He says he ain't interested in his job.
00:20:22Maybe I better persuade him.
00:20:24You know those animals are considered sacred by the natives.
00:20:27And you know I'm not impressed by savages who worship animals.
00:20:31You're still going to do your job.
00:20:33You forced me here under false pretenses.
00:20:35Get your equipment.
00:20:36I think maybe I can change his mind.
00:20:41I think you're going to waste your time.
00:20:43I don't think so.
00:21:17What happened?
00:21:31Alan's dead.
00:21:33Well, I persuaded the professor to change his mind.
00:21:36It doesn't make any difference now that your Congo's escaped.
00:21:39Who tied him up?
00:21:42That one.
00:21:47That one.
00:22:48Jim, do you mind if I rest a while? I'm tired.
00:22:51All right, Cameron. I'll do a little scouting around.
00:22:54I'll go, too.
00:23:18Is he one of your men?
00:23:21Yes, he's one of our tribe.
00:23:23I think it is Nadja.
00:23:25He must have escaped the white men.
00:23:32We've got to get out of here.
00:23:34Come on.
00:23:36Come on.
00:23:38Come on.
00:23:40Come on.
00:23:42Come on.
00:23:44Come on.
00:23:46We'd better overtake him.
00:24:16Come on.
00:24:28Grant must have let you escape.
00:24:30I'll have to correct his mistake.
00:24:46The Native attacked me.
00:24:49He's dead.
00:24:51Well, I had to defend myself.
00:24:53But he was unarmed.
00:24:55I couldn't take time to find that out. He came at me like a madman.
00:24:58You know, he probably thought we're some of those whites who've been making the Natives prisoners.
00:25:03That could be.
00:25:06Well, what was I to do?
00:25:08He would have strangled me if I hadn't defended myself.
00:25:10He's dead.
00:25:12He's dead.
00:25:15He would have strangled me if I hadn't defended myself.
00:25:17The last time we got a glimpse of him, he wasn't in shape to do any harm.
00:25:21What are you getting at?
00:25:22Nothing, Cameron.
00:25:23Except now you've ruined all our chances of ever finding out what's going on ahead.
00:25:27You can't take time to figure out fine points when you're being attacked.
00:25:30Well, it's too bad for the poor Native.
00:25:32And for us.
00:26:09We'll be able to take back a couple more of those, the Congos.
00:26:28All right, come on, you fellas. Hurry it up, will you?
00:26:31Come on, men. Let's get going.
00:26:40Time now to try escape.
00:26:42Use pit mate for our Congo.
00:26:44Go to White Settlement on Great River.
00:26:46Tell Chief of White Police what happens to our people.
00:27:12When to light up?
00:27:14Any one.
00:27:42Come on.
00:28:12Come on.
00:28:42I'd like to know what started them running away.
00:28:44So would I.
00:28:46Third time.
00:28:51Maybe I ought to talk to these Native one by one.
00:28:53Maybe. I know you could never get anything out of that.
00:28:57Forget it. We got one a Congo.
00:28:59Nothing left for us now but to get back to camp.
00:29:02I know you could never get anything out of that.
00:29:05Forget it. We got one a Congo.
00:29:07Nothing left for us now but to get back to camp.
00:29:32Come on.
00:30:02Come on.
00:30:33Come on.
00:30:44One of your tribesmen?
00:30:46Husband of Mahada.
00:30:48He must have tried to escape.
00:30:50Poor devil. If the leopard hadn't killed him,
00:30:52he might have led us to the other natives and Professor Dunham's party.
00:30:55His trail will lead us to them.
00:31:02Come on.
00:31:22Hey, Professor. Come out here.
00:31:29Come out here.
00:31:32Come out here.
00:31:42All right, Professor. Examine that animal.
00:31:45Go on.
00:31:48What's the matter, Professor? My men giving you a little trouble again?
00:31:51You and your men are murderers.
00:31:53No, no, Professor. That's no way to talk to your partner.
00:31:58I'm nothing but a slave.
00:32:00Like the natives.
00:32:01Oh, you're just tired, Professor.
00:32:03You've been working too hard.
00:32:05Yes, with a gun in my back.
00:32:07That's enough, Professor. Get busy.
00:32:22Well, it's not a good specimen.
00:32:24Let it go.
00:32:26Remember, you tried that once before, Professor. Remember?
00:32:29Come on, get busy.
00:32:31All right, all right. Bring it to my tent.
00:32:34All right, untie the animal. Hurry up. Come on, hurry up.
00:32:47I still think Cameron's having this done the hard way.
00:32:50You mean extracting the drug from the glands of the Okongos?
00:32:53Yeah. Why doesn't he use the narcotic plant they feed on?
00:32:56Wouldn't that give him the same thing?
00:32:58The drug's much stronger this way.
00:33:00Something to do with the chemical reaction in the glands of the Okongos.
00:33:03Why don't you ask the Professor?
00:33:05He'll give you the scientific explanation.
00:33:08Yeah. And I'm just a guy that would understand it.
00:33:29Beyond desert is forbidden land of Okongo.
00:33:32This is only path into desert.
00:33:35Mountains at other side, only one path into Okongo country.
00:33:39I'm sure we never could have found our way without your help, Peeta.
00:33:42Jungle Jim know path of desert and jungle.
00:33:45He would have found way.
00:33:47Do you think you could find your way out now, Jim?
00:33:50We'll get out.
00:33:52My people will never show way to evil white men.
00:33:55They are doomed never to leave.
00:33:57We better get across the desert before the sun is too high.
00:35:58So that was a Samoon.
00:36:00Yeah, a mild one.
00:36:02What was that animal?
00:36:04A desert spider.
00:36:06Vicious looking, isn't it?
00:36:08Yeah, it was.
00:36:27Let's go.
00:36:57Do the Okongos feed on this very much?
00:36:59Yes, when they can find it.
00:37:01What is it?
00:37:03It's a mandrill plant.
00:37:05What's that?
00:37:07A narcotic.
00:37:09Jim, do you think that's why those white men are after the Okongos?
00:37:11Because they have a narcotic value?
00:37:27We will soon be ready to help Jungle Jim rescue our men.
00:37:44We must hurry, finish our weapons and go.
00:37:47Today we're going after the whole herd of Okongos.
00:37:59Do you understand?
00:38:01Main herd of Okongos.
00:38:03Not around here.
00:38:04Where are they then?
00:38:06We do not know.
00:38:08Would you and your men like to get back to your wives and children?
00:38:11Yes, please.
00:38:12Take us to the main herd.
00:38:19We'll show you.
00:38:21I thought you would.
00:38:23Magruder, stay here and keep an eye on the professor.
00:38:25Take that gland extract from him and lock it up.
00:38:28Let's go.
00:38:58Let's go.
00:39:28I don't like this.
00:39:57I don't like this.
00:40:17Back to the camp.
00:40:45Professor Dunham.
00:41:04You and Lita stay here with him.
00:41:06Where are you going?
00:41:07Follow the man who was chasing them.
00:41:09He leads us to the place where the natives are being held.
00:41:11But you can't take them alone.
00:41:13Try him.
00:41:30I knew we'd get you back.
00:41:31Lucky I am.
00:41:32I see you're up to your old tricks again.
00:41:35I couldn't stand that murdering crew of yours any longer.
00:41:39You're going back to camp.
00:41:40This native woman's mine.
00:41:45Why don't you run away?
00:41:48Now get moving.
00:42:17He's heading this way.
00:42:46All right, we'll get him first,
00:42:47and then go after the professor and the others.
00:42:49Becker, you and Faxon stay after the natives.
00:43:16All right, let's go.
00:43:45All right, let's go.
00:44:14All right, let's go.
00:44:43All right, let's go.
00:45:12All right, let's go.
00:45:41All right, let's go.
00:46:10All right, let's go.
00:46:30We got to cross here.
00:46:31Let's go around the end of the ravine and pick up his trail.
00:47:01He got away.
00:47:22Now show us where you left the professor and the others.
00:47:24Come on.
00:47:53Come on.
00:48:24Come on.
00:48:45Come on.
00:49:14Come on.
00:49:43Come on.
00:50:12Come on.
00:50:41Come on.
00:50:51We could not wait longer, Lita.
00:50:53Try to save our men.
00:50:54White Man Cameron, who was saved by Jungle Jim,
00:50:57and Lita are those who hold our men captive.
00:50:59We must help Jungle Jim.
00:51:00He is fighting the evil ones alone.
00:51:10You've just about made a mess of everything.
00:51:12When I left you in charge, I thought things would be handled right.
00:51:15First off, you let the professor break every bottle of extract.
00:51:18But Cameron, I tried to...
00:51:19I want that whole herd of a congos.
00:51:22And you, professor, next time you'll do your work right
00:51:25or I'll find some nice unpleasant way to make you do it.
00:51:28What are you going to do about this Jungle Jim?
00:51:30Don't worry about him.
00:51:31He thinks I'm his friend.
00:51:33If I know Jungle Jim, he'll try to reach me and the girl tonight
00:51:36with the idea of trying to set us free.
00:51:40We'll have some nice reception committees waiting for him.
00:51:43And mind you, I want him taken alive.
00:52:10I thought I heard something.
00:52:12Oh, you're hearing things again.
00:52:39I'm Jungle Jim.
00:52:52I came to help you escape.
00:52:53We see today white man tried to kill you.
00:52:55Peter let us hear from your village.
00:52:57But I lost her and the white man.
00:52:59Peter not here.
00:53:00Only one here is Cameron, the leader.
00:53:02Bring back professor.
00:53:03We'll tackle Cameron later.
00:53:05Right now I must try to help you escape.
00:53:18Maybe Cameron was wrong.
00:53:20I don't think Jungle Jim is going to show up.
00:53:49Come on.
00:53:59Hello Jim.
00:54:00So you're the leader of this outfit.
00:54:02Thanks to you, I'm back here again.
00:54:04Well, we all make mistakes.
00:54:05I hope you don't make another.
00:54:07Meaning what?
00:54:08You're going to help us hunt that herd of the Congos.
00:54:11What makes you think I'll help you?
00:54:13You're no fool, Jim.
00:54:14You know I wouldn't stop at anything to get that herd.
00:54:18You want me to help you find the Congos?
00:54:20Then nobody gets hurt.
00:54:22Only the Congos.
00:54:23Take your choice.
00:54:24It's either the Congos or you, the professor and the natives.
00:54:49You wouldn't be stalling, would you?
00:54:57We've already searched half the jungle.
00:55:08Tomorrow, if we march well, we will be across the desert.
00:55:18Mahara, I will march with you.
00:55:21No, Aguirre.
00:55:22You have a duty here.
00:55:24I will take my place with you to fight for our people.
00:55:28You must take charge of those who will someday be our warriors.
00:55:32Now we go.
00:56:03The Congo tracks.
00:56:05I suppose you just didn't happen to see them.
00:56:07No, I didn't see them.
00:56:09The Congos are around here.
00:56:11Come on, men.
00:56:12Start spreading out.
00:56:13Come on.
00:56:14All right, you now start tracking.
00:56:16Those are fresh tracks, aren't they?
00:56:18Are they?
00:56:19You know they are.
00:56:20And that means the Congos are near here.
00:56:22Now get busy.
00:56:24You heard me.
00:56:25Find that Congo herd.
00:56:29Maybe I can spot them from up there.
00:56:31Okay, but don't try anything.
00:57:01The herd's up ahead.
00:57:11Have your men and the natives spread out.
00:57:13Spread out.
00:57:14Spread out.
00:57:15Come down from there.
00:57:27Come down from there.
00:57:34Come down from there.
00:57:48Come down from there.
00:58:17Come down from there.
00:58:45Come down from there.
00:59:14Come down from there.
00:59:43Come down from there.
01:00:12Come down from there.
01:00:41Come down from there.
01:01:10Come down from there.
01:01:39Come down from there.
01:02:08Come down from there.
01:02:37Come down from there.
01:03:06Come down from there.
01:03:35Come down from there.
01:04:04Come down from there.
01:04:33Come down from there.
01:05:02Come down from there.
01:05:31Come down from there.
01:06:00Come down from there.
01:06:29Come down from there.
01:06:58Come down from there.
01:07:27Come down from there.
01:07:43We'd be happy if you stayed for celebration.
01:07:45We roast wild boar from the roots of Biatchi and roots of Timia.
01:07:50We bake banana in juice of wild berries.
01:07:52This will indeed be a feast.
01:07:54But my work awaits at Cairo.
01:07:57Jungle gym. You will join us?
01:07:59I'll be back. I wouldn't miss it.
