Pet's Day: African bullfrog

  • 2 months ago
Pet's Day: African bullfrog

00:00We are going to dance again to take care of the animals
00:04because it's already Wednesday, KRSP, which means it's Pet's Day.
00:09So today, we have another pet with us.
00:14And to find out what this is, let's watch this.
00:21Whenever it rains, especially in the province,
00:24we often hear animals making noise around us.
00:28This noise is made by frogs.
00:31And this rainy season, their croaking is so loud.
00:37But many of us are afraid of frogs because of their looks.
00:43But some of us have a unique trip and want to keep it.
00:48Just like wildlife conservationist Jens Del Rosario who has an African bullfrog.
00:55So let's find out how to properly take care of frogs this Wednesday, Pet's Day.
01:05And now, we have with us Jens Del Rosario and his African bullfrog.
01:12Good morning, Jens, and welcome to Rise and Shine Philippines.
01:15Good morning to you.
01:17So, frogs.
01:19How did you start taking care of these animals?
01:23Actually, we really love animals.
01:27My father, my grandfather, really loves animals.
01:31So I was able to adapt.
01:33And when I was young, instead of watching cartoons,
01:37I used to watch Animal Planet and National Geographic.
01:40So he had an inclination to take care of exotic animals.
01:46But it's hard to take care of them.
01:48Yes, that's why we want to ask Jens,
01:50how did you decide to do this?
01:52Because this is exotic when we say pets,
01:54because normal domestic pets have cats, dogs.
01:57But this is exotic because you're taking care of a bullfrog.
02:02And how do you take care of this?
02:04It's so big.
02:06How do you take care of it?
02:08Actually, at home, they're just in an enclosure like this.
02:13It's just there.
02:14It's usually submerged in substrate, which is this.
02:18Or sometimes, they're just submerged in water.
02:23I noticed that it's always wet.
02:25Does it have to be wet in its environment?
02:28Yes, because in the wild, they live in wetlands.
02:32And their environment has to be wet
02:35because they don't drink water through their mouths.
02:39They just sip the water around them
02:44to stay hydrated.
02:46Yes, that's why there's water.
02:48How's their everyday routine?
02:50Does it have a name?
02:51Yes, its name is Mr. Tooth.
02:53Mr. Tooth.
02:54Mr. Tooth.
02:55How do you feed it?
02:56There, it jumped.
03:00What they eat, since they're carnivorous,
03:05they eat birds, rodents, and frogs.
03:09Sometimes, they eat tadpoles.
03:12And they eat frogs.
03:14Anything that fits in their mouths,
03:16they can eat.
03:18I'm curious.
03:20You said it's wild.
03:22So, it lives in an area where it's not a habitat.
03:28How long can it live in captivity
03:33compared to when it's in the wild?
03:35Actually, it's better if they live longer
03:39in captivity or in human care
03:41because humans provide food and vitamins.
03:44And they live 40 to 45 years in captivity.
03:48There it is!
03:52It's big and carnivorous, right?
03:55In captivity, they live 40 to 45 years.
03:58But in the wild, since there's competition in food
04:01and there are predators,
04:02they live 15 to 20 years in the wild.
04:05Yes, given.
04:06Don't we think there will be frogs or something?
04:11Is that true?
04:12Or just a misperception?
04:13No, it's not true.
04:14Frogs can only be caught from human to human.
04:18We don't get any disease from them.
04:23Our viewers are curious if Noel will become a frog prince.
04:28Of course not.
04:30I'm curious.
04:31Because its skin is protruding.
04:34It's like a frog.
04:35Is it hard?
04:36Actually, no.
04:37It's smooth.
04:38It looks like a frog because it's hollow.
04:42But it's smooth.
04:44Speaking of holding, how do you hold it?
04:48Actually, like this, for example.
04:50Is there a proper way to hold it?
04:53If we hold it like this,
04:55they can eat our fingers.
04:58So it should be on the back?
04:59Yes, on the back.
05:01Like this.
05:02Do they have personalities?
05:04Do they have anger?
05:05Or are they just the same?
05:07Yes, African bullfrogs, since it's carnivorous,
05:10our fingers are like meat.
05:13They can really eat.
05:17They're just babies.
05:18They don't jump like other frogs.
05:21But once they see our hand on their mouth,
05:26they can really bite.
05:28It's like they're really looking at you, Noel.
05:34For those who are interested in raising them,
05:36where can we buy them?
05:37How much is it?
05:38Where can we get them?
05:40Actually, African bullfrogs are not always available
05:44since it's hard for them to breed,
05:46especially females.
05:47African bullfrogs or anything that's a frog
05:50are really hard for females
05:53when it comes to choosing their partners.
05:56They can be bought in our exotic shops,
05:59like Wolfpack Exotics.
06:01It's really popular.
06:02You can only find it in Metro Manila.
06:05The price range is 10,000 to 14,000,
06:10depending on the size.
06:1210,000 to 14,000.
06:15Wait a minute.
06:16I'm curious.
06:17Do they get sick?
06:18How can we know if a frog is sick?
06:21Yes, they get sick.
06:23Actually, when it comes to exotics,
06:25when our exotic pets get sick,
06:27it's a human error.
06:31We can see that they get sick
06:35when their eyes are blurred
06:37and they don't eat.
06:39They lose their appetite.
06:40They don't move around.
06:42If possible, they get sick.
06:44Gents, what advice can you give to our RSP
06:47who also wants to raise African bullfrogs
06:49or any exotic animals?
06:53My advice is,
06:54before we start raising African bullfrogs
06:58or any exotic pets,
07:00this is our golden rule.
07:02Do your research.
07:04What is their behavior?
07:06What maintenance do they need?
07:10look for an exotic vet
07:14just in case they get sick.
07:16Then we'll know where to run.
07:18Don't be an impulsive buyer.
07:21If they get sick,
07:23we'll accept it.
07:25But what if we don't want to raise them
07:27for a few months?
07:29It's a pity.
07:30Of course,
07:31prepare for long-term commitment.
07:36If you don't know how to commit,
07:37don't raise this exotic animal.
07:41It has a beautiful color.
07:44But it's hard to touch.
07:47Yes, it's a piece of cake.
07:51Thank you so much, Jens,
07:53for joining us this morning
07:55and giving us your input about this bullfrog.
07:58And of course...
08:00Yes, thank you very much, Jens.
08:02Thank you.
08:03And see you again with your other exotic animals next time.
08:05Yes, thank you.
