10 Heartbreaking WWE Moments That Made You Cry

  • 3 months ago
Getting emotional with WWE's most tearjerking moments...


00:00It is cool to cry, that's right.
00:03We have tears for a reason and it's good to remember that, and when wrestling can tap
00:06into that water, awesome, I mean it's meant to be an emotional rollercoaster.
00:11So go and get those tissues and stop snickering as you try and use your potty brain to twist
00:15my words.
00:16And yeah, I am sorry for what culture, and here is 10 heartbreaking WWE moments that
00:21made you cry.
00:23The bloodline attacks Sami Zayn
00:25So maybe this made you cry with rage, but still, tears are tears.
00:29We've got to get this in here though, because in terms of modern WWE, few segments have
00:33been as powerful as this one.
00:34By the 2023 Royal Rumble, Roman Reigns had manipulated Sami Zayn to the point of lunacy.
00:40This poor man just wanted to bring Usi memories to the bloodline, and yet the head of the
00:44table always took it too far.
00:46This was a case in point.
00:47Because after his pack of wolves had defeated Kevin Owens and tied him into the ropes, Reigns
00:51took a chair and told Zayn to finish him off.
00:55He did this of course as he wanted to make sure Sam was loyal to the cause and KO was
00:58his oldest friend.
01:00This was like sacrificing a child when you think about it, and you know that's a wild
01:06It was pure excellence however, because as the fans roared for Zayn to change his mind,
01:10Sami took that weapon and yep, he blasted the Tribal Chief instead, and it ruled.
01:15Everybody played their part wonderfully and the reactions were spot on, and the icing
01:18on the cake was none other than Jey Uso.
01:20He didn't know what to do, he couldn't handle any of it.
01:23It was just the way WWE weaved this saga together that made it so good, and if you'd bought
01:27into it, it'd hit you right in the tum tum.
01:30I bet this is still good in another decade or so, it's sports entertainment done right.
01:36Kevin Owens Betrays Sami Zayn
01:37And this is a huge reason why the above was so good, Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens have history.
01:42This was also NXT at its best because man, this story ruled.
01:46KO and Sami had been dancing and prancing around after finally making it to big leagues
01:50together, mostly because they'd been working their asses off on the independent scene.
01:54The problem, though, is that Sam got there before Kevin did, and as we were gonna learn,
01:59Owens didn't like that at all.
02:01As such, Zayn has spent 18 months giving it his all to become the NXT Champion, and he's
02:05such a lovable babyface, everybody wanted this for him, we all knew it would be the
02:10So when he faced Adrian Neville in 2014 at this PPV and won, forget about it.
02:15The wrestling world collectively lost their minds, Sami Zayn, of all people, had climbed
02:19to the top and just got you right in the feels.
02:22The entire Good Guy roster came out to celebrate with him, with Owens being the final arrival,
02:27because of course, they'd been through so much, this moment was theirs, where Kevin
02:31wrecked him, you know it.
02:33I mean, he threw his now former pal to the ground and powerbombed him into the ring apron,
02:37and just go look at the crowd, you can see their hearts breaking, it's like Lisa Simpson
02:41ruining Ralph Wiggum.
02:42It was just the ultimate heel move as people started to genuinely hate KO as he started
02:47his own tear through NXT.
02:49This was so good, you should go relive it all today, it just doesn't age.
02:54Eddie Guerrero Wins The WWE Title
02:56So this was emotional at the time for obvious reasons.
02:58Eddie Guerrero was never meant to be the WWE Champion, but through sheer talent and the
03:03ability to win every single person on the planet over, he did, and he did it by beating
03:07Brock Lesnar of all people, I mean it was perfect.
03:10It hits even harder today though, because a year or so after his No Way Out 2004 victory,
03:15we would lose Eddie after he suffered a heart attack, and I think if we're being honest,
03:19it's still pretty damn sad in 2023, Guerrero was so young.
03:23If you do go back and watch this today, it will just ruin you when you see how happy
03:27the man is to do the unthinkable, and the fact it happens essentially in his backyard
03:31is even better still.
03:32I genuinely think this is one of the best things that WWE ever did, it's what wrestling
03:37is all about, our hero wins the day.
03:40Mark Henry Pretends To Retire
03:42I am still shocked by this one, I didn't know Mark Henry had it in him.
03:46This sums up that sometimes WWE needs to let its performers off the leash, as I bet Mark
03:50had this under the hood for years.
03:52Going down in 2013 however, Henry walked to the ring in that salmon jacket and said he
03:58was done.
03:59He shouted at his family and said he was coming home as an entire arena chanted thank you
04:03Henry, and even if a swerd hadn't have been coming, this would have hit you in the tootsie
04:09The true icing on the cake though was down to the fact that John Cena had come out to
04:12say hello, and even given Mark the WWE title to hold as a nice fare-thee-well.
04:18When Henry smashed this guy with the world's strongest slam, and revealed his true intentions,
04:23it ruled.
04:24This whole segment was magic, and absolutely the highlight of Mark's career, which is
04:28funny because that's what he was supposedly ending, but can't beat wrestling.
04:32It is terrifying, this was a decade ago, but still, talk about knocking it out the park.
04:38Johnny Gargano
04:40Because we want to believe in the power of friendship.
04:45Everything here just worked though, because Tommaso Ciampa and Johnny Gargano joined NXT
04:48at the same time, became pals, started the DIY tag team, and just had the best matches.
04:56When they won the NXT tag team titles, it actually felt like a happening, then it halted.
05:01Ciampa got injured and bam, all the plans were out the window.
05:04Gargano carried on swinging and actually made it to the main event scene, which was cool,
05:08when we eventually got to take over Philadelphia.
05:11Andrade had just defeated Johnny for the world title when Tommaso hopped out on crunches,
05:15Ciampa threw his walking aids to the floor, and you've already guessed it, destroyed
05:20his pal.
05:21What the flub?
05:22While this may sound like your traditional WWE tag team breakup, it really wasn't,
05:25because nobody saw this coming.
05:27Genuine betrayal allowed Tommaso to become a mega-heel too, and this was some of the
05:30best stuff NXT ever did.
05:32It felt real, dammit, tears flowed like wine.
05:36Undertaker Retires In An Empty Arena
05:38The Undertaker spent the last few years of his career looking for that perfect final
05:43And I get it, if you've been going that long, you want to go out in the right way.
05:46Sadly, that's not how life works, only it did.
05:49It felt like The Phenom was walking away after WrestleMania 33 and his loss to Roman Reigns,
05:54but the real-life Mark Calloway was so disappointed in that performance, he decided to carry on.
05:59Mania 34 saw that squash against John Cena, which I always thought would be a great goodbye,
06:04we got to the Goldberg fiasco, and it was the same with D-Generation X, let's just
06:09forget about it.
06:10Because thankfully after this, we did go and figure it out, because we had the Boneyard
06:13match with AJ Styles, and I tell you, this was one hell of a cinematic fare-thee-well,
06:17it fit the character no end.
06:20When Survivor Series 2020 rolled around though, WWE decided it would be nice if Taker did
06:24have a proper retirement, as this was 30 years since his debut, but there was one problem,
06:30we didn't have any fans.
06:32It was all down to the fact we were right in the middle of a pandemic, so we're in
06:34the Thunderdome, which is sad to start with, although to be fair, the ceremony itself was
06:38actually very effective.
06:39All of the Deadman's most famous opponents were here, and even Vince McMahon did a touching
06:43speech, this really was treated as the biggest of ordeals.
06:47Taker also dropped the line,
06:48My time has come to let The Undertaker rest in peace, as a hologram of Paul Bearer flashed
06:53up on screen.
06:54I mean, come on, this was the sort of emotion you can only get from someone who's been
06:58doing this a long-ass time.
06:59As we know, there will never be a character like this just because of the times we live
07:02in, but dude, I tell ya, what a moment this was.
07:07I'm sorry, I love you
07:08And no, I'm not talking to you, but it still rings true, I am sorry, and I do love you,
07:14As I always bleat on about though, I was live and in person at WrestleMania 24, and what
07:18a privilege it was to see this happen.
07:20Now if you don't know, it was the retirement match of one Ric Flair, and while the Nature
07:24Boy would do what all wrestlers do and keep going after the fact anyway, we didn't know
07:28that at the time, it really did feel like one of the greats was walking away.
07:31Shawn Michaels was also the perfect opponent as he could make me look good in the ring
07:35if he wanted to, don't forget what we had done before this.
07:38Flair had been challenging everyone and their dog with the promise of the fact that if he
07:41lost, bam, he'd be done.
07:43You also got that wonderful, leave the memories alone, video package which got you right in
07:48the tum-tum on the ending to this.
07:50Knowing his hero was finished, HBK tuned up the band, but before pulling the trigger,
07:55he did indeed mouth the words, I'm sorry, I love you.
07:59Good grief.
08:00Obviously it tied into the fact he didn't want to be the guy to retire Flair, but dammit
08:03he had no choice, I've already told you this, it's what wrestling is all about.
08:06It also meant when Flair was sobbing in the ring after the fact and waving goodbye, we
08:10all joined in, and he was wrestling again within the year, and let's be honest, it
08:14was always going to happen.
08:16The Macho Man and Miss Elizabeth Reunite
08:18I'm not sure there's ever been as good a relationship on screen in wrestling as Randy
08:24It's somewhat of a shame when you learn about the backstage happenings, but we don't
08:27need to worry about that here.
08:29By WrestleMania 7 though, these two were at odds on screen as The Macho Man went toe-to-toe
08:33with The Ultimate Warrior, and the sensational Sherry had taken over management duties for
08:38Together they had also cost The Ultimate Warrior his WWE Championship, they were heathens.
08:43It meant this match was littered in story, including the fact that now Macho King had
08:46put his career on the line to boot, everybody was like, man, it's all going off.
08:50It turns out this was going to come into play though as Randy did lose, which was somewhat
08:54surprising, and I suppose Sherry wasn't pleased about this because she was now out
08:58of work, so what did she do?
09:00She whipped Savage's ass.
09:01This was significant because Elizabeth had been shown in the crowd throughout this match
09:04so the fans knew what was about to happen, and it did.
09:07Before Liz got in the ring, smacked the sensational one around, when her and Savage embraced,
09:11and I can feel it now, it was excellent.
09:13A huge reason for this was because of the impact felt at Summerslam 1991 when they got
09:18married during the pay-per-view, and it was just the perfect end to their story.
09:21And it was nice, nobody ever does nice.
09:24It turned out there was more here because it was Vince McMahon who had decided Randy
09:27was going to hang up his boots because he thought he was too old, but again, let's
09:31not get into that, it ruins everything.
09:34Mick Foley Retires At No Way Out 2000
09:35We still do not give Mick Foley the credit he deserves, aside from being a top tier wrestler,
09:40he basically was the reason so many superstars made it to the top, because he went out of
09:45his way to make them look great.
09:47The man was brilliant.
09:48Triple H was absolutely in this group of individuals, and when they went to war in 2000, my word,
09:53they raised the bar, that Street Fighter The Royal Rumble is still all time stuff.
09:57It led to the No Way Out pay-per-view and this Hell in a Cell match, when Foley decided
10:00the years of physical abuse had taken their toll, it was time to walk away, now he just
10:05needed the right exit.
10:06It started going back to the Cactus Jack character, which Hunter was always great at selling as
10:10if it was some sort of demon, and then it became nice and simple, either Jack would
10:14win the WWE title, or he would retire.
10:17The reason it clicked is because fans decided this was surely a way to give Mick the title
10:20one last time, before maybe he went on to WrestleMania and gave it up, but no, instead
10:26Triple H hurled him off the top of the cell, through the roof and into the mat, before
10:29pinning Foley, saying goodbye.
10:32He had taken such a beating throughout this whole feud, you couldn't help but respect
10:35him even more, and you could see it in his eyes, as far as he was concerned, the journey
10:39was done.
10:40As ever, he came back as well, but let's not worry about that, once again this was
10:43just excellent, and really did remind you how wrestling can make you feel sometimes.
10:48The Streak Is Over
10:49A moment so shocking people still argue about it ten years on, you have never seen anything
10:54like this.
10:55An entire WrestleMania audience sat there stunned because The Undertaker's streak
10:58had just ended, like nothing else.
11:01The truth was, most people had come to the conclusion that it was never going to be stopped,
11:04so when Brock Lesnar dropped Taker with one last F5 and pinned the dead man, thousands
11:09of humans thought their brains had malfunctioned.
11:12No way, that just happened.
11:13It goes to show that long-term angles are the way, and this was over 20 years in the
11:18It also created memes and conspiracy theories that maybe this was a mistake, or really was
11:22something special.
11:23We even see some fans crying in the crowd, I suppose as to what's even the point of
11:26any more, and we may actually never top this.
11:29I'm not sure if wrestling has the patience, and also, let's not pretend otherwise, a
11:33lot of this was happenstance, WWE may or may not have lucked into it.
11:38Who cares though, because they did embrace it, and look where it is on this list, a true
11:42moment in time.
11:43Know of any other heart-breaking WWE moments that will make you cry, or like your cutting
11:48Make sure you let us know in the comments below.
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11:51Then head over to whatculture.com where you can read more articles like this with your
11:55Please do come follow us on social media, and most importantly of all, I just appreciate
11:59you stopping by.
12:00I hope you have a terrific day, and know that I'm very fond of you, and I will talk to
12:04you very soon.
