مسلسل جودا أكبر موسم 3 حلقة 33 مدبلجة

  • 2 months ago
مسلسل جودا أكبر موسم 3 حلقة 33 مدبلجة
00:00In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:30In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:00In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:02In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:04In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:06In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:08In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:10In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:12In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:14In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:16In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:18In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:20In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:22In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:24In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:26In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:28In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:30In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:32In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:34In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:36In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:38In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:40In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:42In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:44In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:46In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
01:48Oh, Jalal, are you hurt?
01:50Are you okay, my son?
01:52I was coming to you, Jalal.
01:54I was wondering
01:56why I was getting these bad thoughts.
02:00What is the reason?
02:02What is the reason
02:04that these thoughts are coming to me a lot?
02:06That my son, Adam Khan,
02:08is going to try to hurt you
02:10and he is going to attack you.
02:12I am very scared.
02:14I decided
02:16to send you a message
02:18that is why I left.
02:22As long as you are here,
02:26is Adam okay?
02:28Adam committed a very serious crime
02:30and that is why I punished him
02:32for what he did.
02:34You did the right thing.
02:38The right thing is to put Adam in jail.
02:42You will be safe.
02:44You will be alive.
02:48To tell you the truth,
02:50he has been trying for a long time
02:52to hurt you.
02:54Adam Khan wants to get
02:56everything you own.
02:58I mean,
03:00from your childhood games
03:02and when you grew up,
03:04he wants to take the crown.
03:06He is very stupid.
03:08He simply does not understand
03:10that you are the emperor
03:12He was jealous of you
03:14because he is older than you.
03:18He was very jealous
03:20to the extent that he became selfish.
03:26my son has no right to this.
03:28I blame Jalal.
03:32from your childhood,
03:34you did not give much importance to Adam.
03:36I used to give importance to you.
03:38I do not regret this at all.
03:40I did it from my heart.
03:42But, he used to think
03:44that I gave you time.
03:46I gave you time.
03:48I gave you love.
03:50For this reason,
03:52he became jealous of you.
03:54Of course, I did something wrong.
03:58whatever you want to do,
04:00think about it.
04:02Think about it, Jalal,
04:04before you do anything.
04:06For God's sake,
04:08do not worry about me.
04:12think about his wife, Javida.
04:16Javida will die
04:18if anything happens to Adam, Jalal.
04:22What is the crime
04:24that my son Adam committed?
04:26What did you punish him for?
04:28Answer me.
04:30Is it his fault?
04:34It is a big crime
04:36that he killed
04:38the minister's friend, Adga.
04:46Oh, God!
04:52So, Adam is a djinn?
04:54How could he kill the minister, Adga?
04:56Of course,
04:58you are guilty
05:00because he caused you a lot of pain
05:02by killing Adga.
05:06he deserves
05:08to be punished
05:10because he is stupid.
05:12How could he?
05:18You hit Adam,
05:20didn't you?
05:22Even if you hit him
05:24or insulted him,
05:26it is justified.
05:28What happened?
05:30I can't understand
05:32what you are saying.
05:34That is why I am asking you
05:36how did you punish my son Adam?
05:40My son Adam is the one
05:42I am proud of.
05:46I have nothing but my son.
05:48Why did you punish me?
05:50I will spend my life
05:52in prison.
05:54I will not talk to anyone.
05:56If you want,
05:58you can do anything
06:00but please fulfill my wish.
06:02Please have mercy on my son
06:04because he is like your brother.
06:08I want to forgive Adam
06:10because you are the king here.
06:18You are the decision maker
06:20and the ruler.
06:24Please have mercy on Adam.
06:28If anything happens to him,
06:30it is my fault.
06:58You are the decision maker
07:00and the ruler.
07:02If anything happens to him,
07:04it is my fault.
07:06You are the decision maker
07:08and the ruler.
07:10If anything happens to him,
07:12it is my fault.
07:14You are the decision maker
07:16and the ruler.
07:18If anything happens to him,
07:20it is my fault.
07:22You are the decision maker
07:24and the ruler.
07:26If anything happens to him,
07:28it is my fault.
07:30You are the decision maker
07:32and the ruler.
07:34If anything happens to him,
07:36it is my fault.
07:38You are the decision maker
07:40and the ruler.
07:42If anything happens to him,
07:44it is my fault.
07:46You are the decision maker
07:48and the ruler.
07:50If anything happens to him,
07:52it is my fault.
07:54Allah Hu, Allah Hu, Allah Hu, Allah Hu
07:56Allah Hu, Allah Hu, Allah Hu, Allah Hu
07:58Allah Hu, Allah Hu, Allah Hu, Allah Hu
08:00Allah Hu, Allah Hu, Allah Hu, Allah Hu
08:02Allah Hu, Allah Hu, Allah Hu, Allah Hu
08:04Allah Hu, Allah Hu, Allah Hu, Allah Hu
08:06Allah Hu, Allah Hu, Allah Hu, Allah Hu
08:08Allah Hu, Allah Hu, Allah Hu, Allah Hu
08:10Allah Hu, Allah Hu, Allah Hu, Allah Hu
08:12Allah Hu, Allah Hu, Allah Hu, Allah Hu
08:14Allah Hu, Allah Hu, Allah Hu, Allah Hu
08:16Allah Hu, Allah Hu, Allah Hu, Allah Hu
08:18Allah Hu, Allah Hu, Allah Hu, Allah Hu
08:20Allah Hu, Allah Hu, Allah Hu, Allah Hu
08:32Allah Hu, Allah Hu, Allah Hu
08:34Allah Hu, Allah Hu, Allah Hu
08:36Allah Hu
08:42I will not let Adham Khan live after today.
08:44I will kill the treacherous traitor
08:46who dares to kill his father.
08:48And not only Adham Khan
08:50And not just Adham Khan himself is responsible for what happened
08:54The real criminal is Maham Anga
08:57Of course I will punish him for what he did
09:00Let's go!
09:00Wait, Your Highness
09:01You have to think well before you take any step
09:04He committed the crime of killing minister Anga
09:06And he is the strongest minister
09:08And he comes in second place after the king
09:10And this says
09:12That this conspiracy is very big
09:14And he is of course supported by the king
09:16That's why we have to think well before taking any step
09:20I am very sincere and loyal to King Jalal
09:23But I will not forgive Adham Khan for what he did to my father
09:27I will never forgive him for this
09:50I was wrong
09:52If I had taken him with me
09:54He wouldn't have died
09:56Oh God, what have I done to you
09:58If I had insisted on him more
10:00He would have been alive
10:06I shouldn't have let you do what you wanted, my soul
10:08You should have come back with me
10:10I shouldn't have left you sleeping
10:13You should have come back with me
10:15I shouldn't have left you sleeping
10:42To be continued
11:13Excellent, and do you know who these traitors are?
11:15Not yet, my lord
11:17That's why I decided to do something
11:19I will go there, so that you and I may be able to discuss
11:21Don't let anything happen to you because of them
11:23I will die in peace, my lord
11:25Because I sacrificed my life to protect him
11:27Our king
11:29For me
11:31My duty was much greater than the promise I gave you
11:33When I feel there is a danger to your majesty
11:35Then it's time
11:37The shield that protects you
11:43To be continued
11:45To be continued
11:47To be continued
11:49To be continued
11:51To be continued
11:53To be continued
11:55To be continued
11:57To be continued
11:59To be continued
12:01To be continued
12:03To be continued
12:05To be continued
12:07To be continued
12:09To be continued
12:11To be continued
12:13To be continued
12:15To be continued
12:17To be continued
12:21I was a great minister
12:27A great soldier
12:29A soldier that knows his duty
12:31And finds the good in everything
12:33Who sacrifices his life for his people
12:35And was a mother to many
12:37But for me
12:39Adam Khan, please get up. You can't leave me alone and walk.
12:53How can you do this to me? Why did you leave me so soon?
12:59What made you walk this path? What made you die so early?
13:09Who will be my heir after this?
13:39Why did you leave me?
14:09Adam! Adam!
15:32No, my son, nothing will happen to him. No, no.
15:42I will go and see Adam now. If I see him, I will die.
15:48Idiot! He is still on his way. How dare you stop me?
15:57He is still on his way. I will go and see my son Adam Khan.
16:00You can't go there. How dare you?
16:03Mind your own business.
16:07Greetings, my queen.
16:11I have been asking to see Adam only once. This is my only request.
16:17After your Majesty's permission.
16:25It is best for you not to see your son Adam.
16:37You are saying this because your Majesty doesn't want to see Adam, right?
16:47I can understand your Majesty.
16:50I can understand that your Majesty is upset with me.
16:53I beg you. I beg you.
16:57Fulfill my request. I just want to see my son once, my precious queen.
17:03The truth is that everyone is saying that Adam Khan is not here.
17:17I can't believe this.
17:21I can't believe that nothing happened to Adam Khan.
17:25Because my son Adam is a great man.
17:31Nothing is impossible.
17:34I just want to convince everyone to let me see him just once.
17:39Tell me. Tell me that my Majesty has agreed.
17:57Your Majesty, I made a big mistake.
18:02I am the criminal and I deserve to be punished for my mistake.
18:06I will never complain.
18:10I just want to see my son Adam Khan just once.
18:19That's all.
18:23Because I saw the blood on your body.
18:27So I got scared.
18:28I don't want anything else.
18:31I was thinking of strange and scary ideas.
18:34I am sure that his condition is not good.
18:36But he might be injured.
18:39He is alive now. Right, Your Majesty?
18:43I want to make sure and see him.
18:47I want to make sure. That's why I want to see Adam.
18:58I am begging you, Your Majesty.
19:03Don't be shy to accept my request.
19:06You will be the king. You are now the king of all India, Your Majesty.
19:13I served you for many years.
19:16Let me see my son Adam.
19:18Let me see him just once and make sure of him.
19:24Just once. Just once.
19:28I beg you, Your Majesty.
19:30Let me see him.
19:40See me?
19:42Thank you. Thank you, Your Majesty.
20:04Thank you.
20:06Raifa, I don't know where Adam is now.
20:23Thank you, Your Majesty.
20:28Oh, God!
20:44I want Adam Khan.
20:53I want Adam Khan.
21:24Wait a minute. What are you doing?
21:28Calm down.
21:30Leave me alone, Your Majesty.
21:32I will not have mercy on my son or her.
21:35I will not stop until I take revenge for my father's death.
21:38The revenge for Adga's death was a while ago.
21:41And Adham Khan was killed.
21:43This is impossible.
21:45You are saying this to threaten me.
21:47I believe in the cause of anger.
21:49Look him in the eyes. Look.
22:13What's the point of killing him?
22:16I am sure of all the dead after Adham's death.
22:20Where is my father now? I want to see him, Your Majesty.
22:25Come with me.
22:46Shifti, don't go.
23:35Stop, Adham.
23:37You will never catch me.
23:57What's wrong, my love?
24:00Are you crying?
24:07Tell me, why is Adham crying?
24:11Why aren't you wearing your armor?
24:17Since you are gone,
24:19fighting Adga and Jalal means you have to wear the armor.
24:24Do you wear it every time you fight?
24:28Why didn't you wear it today?
24:31You had everything in this life, Adham.
24:36The position, the power, and my support.
24:41And more than that,
24:43I was Jalal's cousin, like his brother.
24:49But it was all for nothing.
24:52None of them cared about you.
24:57Neither your position, nor your power, nor me.
25:03I told you a thousand times,
25:05don't stand against Jalal, my son.
25:08There were other ways to get a higher position in the kingdom, Adham.
25:13I didn't tell you, but you didn't listen to me.
25:19There was one thing on your mind.
25:22You wanted to kill Jalal, and your only mission was to kill him.
25:26If you were loyal to Jalal,
25:28if you were his right-hand man,
25:30at that time,
25:32you would have become a prime minister, or even more,
25:34or a prime minister.
25:44You had a huge secret.
25:46And you had a lot of wealth.
25:48But you...
25:50You didn't listen to me when I warned you.
25:54Yes, Mbala.
25:57You always wanted to fight Jalal.
26:00You know how strong a soldier I was.
26:04There's no soldier like you in the whole kingdom.
26:10But your stubbornness is strong.
26:13And your anger.
26:15And because you didn't use your brain,
26:17all of this stopped against you, Adham.
26:21Everyone here is saying
26:23that you are the enemy of the kingdom.
26:28They all think you're a traitor, my soul.
26:31Why did you do this?
26:37Okay, ask me.
26:39Come and ask me.
26:41Come and argue with me, Adham.
26:44What happened?
26:46Why don't you want to talk to me?
26:49You know, I...
26:51I told everyone something very important.
26:54And I even told Jalal.
26:56I'm sure
26:58that nothing will happen to my son.
27:02Because I know that my son is a giant.
27:05And no one...
27:07No one can kill a giant.
27:10Get up, Adham.
27:12Come on, get up and talk to me.
27:14Or you'll prove that my belief in you is wrong.
27:19You know, my son,
27:21I used to sleep soundly and happily
27:24when I used to sing this song for you.
27:27I will sing it for you myself.
27:30Now and today, I will sing it for you
27:32until you fall asleep, Adham.
27:48All your loved ones came
27:52to see you
27:56and take you around the world.
28:02Around the world of dreams.
28:06And see the light of the high moon
28:11and cover you with a blanket of stars.
28:16Yes, because your mother is singing next to you.
28:22Yes, because your mother is singing next to you.
28:28Yes, because your mother is next to you.
28:31Your mother is next to you.
28:35Yes, because your mother is next to you.
28:44My son, Adham, is sleeping soundly.
28:54My son, Adham, is sleeping soundly.
29:00He will never...
29:02He will never...
29:06My son, Adham, will never...
29:47Adham, my son.
29:51Adham, my son.
29:54Adham is gone.
29:57Adham, my soul.
30:22Your Majesty,
30:25how fair is this?
30:27This man whose blood is spilled
30:30You grew up on his love, just like him.
30:37He is like your brother, Your Majesty.
30:40He is your partner in everything.
30:43This is how you kill him, in this brutality and mercilessness.
30:46Why, Your Majesty?
30:48Adham Khan committed a crime, didn't he?
30:52That means you could have locked him up and put him in jail for the rest of his life,
30:56but you shouldn't have killed him.
31:00Why did you have to kill him?
31:02In this way?
31:07This is not fair at all.
31:10Answer my question, Your Majesty.
31:14Because I taught you justice and how to judge people,
31:17that's why I have the right to ask you
31:19why you did this to my son, Adham Khan.
31:22Why? Answer me!
31:24Why did you do this to my son, Adham Khan?
31:29My son has done a great insult to me.
31:34Why didn't you do the same to my son as you do to any other criminal?
31:39I ask all the people standing here.
31:42Answer me, Your Majesty.
31:44Did he go to court?
31:49Did he discuss his crime with high-ranking officials?
31:54Did he give Adham Khan a chance to defend himself in court?
32:02You made the decision on your own.
32:05And this is not fair to my son, Your Majesty.
32:10I don't accept this.
32:12Answer me.
32:14Why did you do this?
32:15You don't even have answers.
32:19This story is not over.
32:21I will continue it and I will not stop.
32:24This story will not end
32:27until justice is served and everyone witnesses what will happen.
32:31And I will do the right justice.
32:34I am the minister of this kingdom.
32:36I am his mother, Adham Khan.
32:47The greatest king of India, listen to me carefully, Your Majesty.
32:53Jalal al-Din Muhammad Akbar,
32:55the heir of the Babur family in India,
32:58is me.
32:59And on this day, I announce in front of everyone
33:02that His Majesty the King was not fair to my son and did not give him his natural right.
33:07He was unjust to him and he was unjust to me as well.
33:11And today, I will do justice and take the decision.
33:17And I will do justice for my son by cursing him.
33:26Fire by fire, eye by eye, son by son, King.
33:31This is the right justice.
33:37You will regret the death of your son like I did, Your Majesty the King.
33:42I curse you, King.
33:46The king is like a pregnant woman with two children waiting to be brought to you.
33:50Take a promise from me,
33:52that you will carry their bodies in your hands and cry over them like you cried over my son.
33:57And you will suffer and your heart will burn like I am suffering and my heart burned over my son.
34:08Your children will be rebellious children.
34:15You will not get the happiness that anyone gets from his children.
34:23Oh God!
34:25If I used to pray for Misha Jalal from my heart,
34:29I would change my prayer today and pull all the strings today.
34:39Today, I beg you to accept the curse on King Jalal
34:43and punish him for what he did and take revenge from him.
35:00Say Amen!
35:08This is it, this is the right justice.
35:12And this is how my son, Adam Khan, sleeps soundly.
35:19This is justice.
35:23Come on, take a step.
36:12Game Over
36:31You will regret the death of your son like I did, Your Majesty the King!
36:36Take a promise from me!
36:38that you carry their bodies in your hands and cry over them like you cried over my son Adam
36:43and you will suffer and burn your heart like I am suffering and burning my heart over my son
36:49Adam Khan killed my minister without any mercy
36:56The minister Adga loved me a lot and he was like a father to me and like my uncle Khan
37:01and if I punished my brother for this crime, how could it be wrong?
37:06Adga's mission was to kill my children, but by my own decision, I was achieving justice
37:14My greetings, Your Majesty
37:15How dare you cut me when I warned you that no one would ever cut me
37:20Get out of my face!
37:26My greetings, Your Majesty
37:28What is it?
37:29His Majesty is very angry and he gave orders that no one should come and cut him
37:34I can understand what His Majesty is going through, but I have to go and talk to him
37:39You go
37:40My greetings, Your Majesty
38:01I told you I wanted to be alone, get out of here quickly
38:06But Jalal, you...
38:07I told you get out of here, Ruqayya
38:12But Jalal, you...
38:13Get out, Ruqayya!
38:45I tried a lot, Your Majesty, but Jalal...
38:48Jalal doesn't want to hear a word
38:51I've never seen him so upset
38:54If I stayed with him a little longer, Bijuz would have...
38:57Bijuz would have killed me
39:00As if he doesn't know me at all
39:02Oh, God!
39:03He stood with my son in this situation he's going through
39:06How long will he suffer all night sitting alone?
39:09One of us has to go talk to him, it's necessary
39:13Maybe we can help him get over what's inside him
39:16Okay, mother
39:18I'll go talk to him
39:19Don't go, you don't have to
39:21Not now
39:23Listen to me
39:24Leave him alone for now
39:27I'm very afraid of him
39:28Because Bijuz gets very angry and hurts you
39:31You're pregnant now
39:33And it's best for you to stay away from him
39:43You're responsible for my mother's cold
39:45And you're the one who forced her to do what she did
39:49And the biggest lie was that she was refusing your gifts
39:53And that's it!
39:54I want you to leave the throne
40:01You'll die here and she'll die there
40:04And then we'll take over your kingdom after we get you out of the throne
40:19First, take his crown from him
40:22Second, she was refusing your gifts
40:24And that's it!
40:25I want you to leave the throne
40:26And then we'll take over your kingdom after we get you out of the throne
40:31Why did you say that?
40:32Didn't you want me to get Jalal out of the throne?
40:45All of this
40:48Happened because of you
40:52Every time I have to kill my family and people because of you
40:55I just want to protect you
40:59Every time people stand against me and fight with me
41:01And they're against me just to get you
41:06First, you took my uncle from me
41:08And kept me away from him forever
41:10And then you took my grandmother from me
41:12And now
41:15And now you simply took my uncle from me
41:19You took from me everyone who stood by my side
41:25That's why
41:28I want to get rid of you and no one will ever see you again
42:05King Jalal, no!
42:10What did you do, Jalal?
42:12You burned the throne
42:14The throne belongs to the Mongol Empire
42:36Don't try to put out this fire, Queen Judah
42:40Let this evil luck burn
42:44Let it burn
42:46He must also feel the pain that's burning me from the inside
42:52Everyone thinks I'm dead, but I'm the biggest fool in my life
42:55Queen Judah is the ruin of my life
42:58This throne took my family and people from me
43:01And deprived me of the people I loved from my heart
43:05This throne has always kept the people who were loyal to me
43:08And whose intentions were against me, close to me
43:10The people who were loyal to me, who rebelled against me
43:13And who killed me because of this throne
43:15And my uncle Khan, who was my advisor and father
43:18Who gave me this throne and taught me everything
43:20Even if he's not against me because of this throne
43:24Mahat Shotshak
43:27Who I am his son
43:29She also wanted to kill me because of this throne
43:32My family, Abolmali and Sharifuddin
43:34Both conspired against me because of this throne
43:37Both conspired against me because of this throne
43:40Above all this
43:42This throne is the reason why my minister died
43:44It cost me more than my life
43:47I decided, Queen Judah
43:49To destroy this throne
43:51This throne, I will never love it again
43:53And I will never want it again
43:54And I will never be a king again
43:57Because I can no longer rule with the hatred of my loved ones
44:00And with hatred and with my hands stained with their blood
44:03This throne is the main reason for all the problems that happened
44:07This is not a throne, this is a curse, Judah
44:12It took everything from me
44:14Everything good it gave me, my Lord
44:17And it even took from me
44:18All those who are dear to my heart and whom I love
44:20This throne destroyed all the good relations
44:25This throne left me alone and I have no one left, Queen Judah
44:30Those whom I love or those who were killed
44:32Or who were wounded and left me because of this throne
44:36I am very shocked
44:38Because today even my mother
44:41Who was very dear to me
44:42Imagine that she even called for my children
44:45And all this because of this throne
44:49Look, even my brother Adham
44:51Who I loved like a brother
44:54I forgave him for all his mistakes
44:57He wanted to kill me just for this throne
44:59Because of this throne
45:03That's why I don't want this throne anymore
45:10Because of this throne
45:14My mother called for my children who have not yet come before my eyes
45:18I tried my best to return her kindness to me
45:20But she hated me because of this throne
45:22Because of this throne
45:28Don't worry Jalal
45:30Nothing will happen to me, you or our children
45:35Your Majesty
45:37Maham Anka didn't curse you
45:39It was just a mother's pain
45:41And I am sure that she
45:43Can't curse you from her heart, believe me
45:46No, Queen Judah
45:47This is what happened
45:49This throne left me alone and hurt me
45:51And I lost everyone I love
45:53It's not like that, Your Majesty
45:55Yes, Queen Judah
45:56I am not saying anything wrong
45:58Not everything happened because of this throne
46:00Not because of him
46:02That's why I decided
46:03I don't want this throne anymore
46:04And I don't care about it and the ruler
46:07And I don't care about this crown
46:09I don't want to be alone anymore
46:11I don't want any pain, Queen Judah
46:13I don't want any pain and any new suffering
46:17I don't want to be tortured anymore
46:21That's the point, Your Majesty
46:23Look at me
46:25Look at me
46:27We are not connected
46:29But because of this throne
46:31I am with you and under any circumstances
46:33It can happen to you
46:34Whether you have this throne or not
46:38I started a new life with you, Your Majesty
46:42It doesn't matter how many difficulties we have to face
46:45We will always be together
46:46And what matters to me
46:47Is that I love you
46:51I love you and your throne and your crown
46:56Not the throne
46:59Not this throne
47:00Not your possessions
47:02I don't want anything from them
47:04That's why
47:06No matter what happens
47:08Whether we are together or not
47:09Whether we are family or children
47:14I am sure
47:17Will always be with the King
47:22Believe me, even death
47:24Will not be able to separate us
47:26Because I want to live with you all my life
47:28And I want to die with you when you die
47:32You are not the only one, Your Majesty
47:35Judah was always with you
47:38And he is still with you
47:39And he is still with you
47:43And this is what will happen, Your Majesty
47:51I am with you in your heart, soul and body
47:54When you are touched by love
47:57The wound heals
47:59And there is no pain
48:03But the hard words
48:05Break my heart
48:10Oh God, forgive me
48:14The hard words broke my heart
48:16And broke my heart
48:20Give me strength, God
48:39Give me strength, God
48:41Give me strength, God
48:43Give me strength, God
48:45Give me strength, God
48:47Give me strength, God
48:49Give me strength, God
48:51Give me strength, God
48:53Give me strength, God
48:55Give me strength, God
48:57Give me strength, God
48:59Give me strength, God
49:01Give me strength, God
49:03Give me strength, God
49:05Give me strength, God
49:07Give me strength, God
49:09Give me strength, God
49:11Give me strength, God
49:13Give me strength, God
49:15Give me strength, God
49:17Give me strength, God
49:19Give me strength, God
49:21Give me strength, God
