A Shot to Another World (English)

  • 3 months ago


00:00I was peacefully dozing off on a plane to China, when suddenly someone yanked my hair and chomped on my ear like it was a snack!
00:08I whipped around to find a naughty-looking boy.
00:11Ow! Seriously? Keep your teeth to yourself, kid!
00:14He then burst into tears, and his mom turned to me.
00:17ä½ ē«Ÿę•¢åƹ他大喊大叫,他čæ˜ę˜ÆäøŖ孩子!
00:20I wish I understood Chinese, but her dramatic glare made it clear. I was the villain here.
00:26I tried to dive back into Dreamland, but the woman next to me had other plans.
00:31She woke up and started chewing her gum like a goat who hadn't eaten for 300 years!
00:36It was so loud that people from 30,000 feet below could hear it!
00:40Uh, excuse me, could you tone that down, please?
00:44Tone down the what?
00:46Oh, great! Her voice was even more annoying!
00:49I shrugged it off and reached for my trusty earphones instead.
00:52But before I could enjoy some music, the guy on my right suddenly smacked my shoulder!
00:57What is wrong with this flight? Everyone was driving me nuts! Left, right, front, and back!
01:02The culprit was so engrossed in some stupid adventure game on his phone.
01:07Hey, quick question. Do I look like a punching bag to you?
01:11A little bit.
01:13You can't play your stupid game without attacking a real person, you know.
01:17Chill, girl. It's called reflexes.
01:20Maybe if you had better ones, you wouldn't get hit.
01:23The audacity of this guy!
01:25I couldn't help but think, why do these online gamers waste their time in a virtual world
01:31when there's a beautiful one right outside the window?
01:34Real life is a thousand times better!
01:36Or so I thought.
01:38Hi, my name is Allira, and I'm an aspiring photographer
01:42who loves traveling around the globe and capturing the most beautiful scenes and moments.
01:47I had always enjoyed doing it alone, but things took a wild turn
01:51when a weird and mysterious guy started tagging along and changed my life forever.
01:56Before I continue, please like and subscribe.
01:59After dealing with all those annoying passengers,
02:02I eventually fell asleep after listening to music while letting my imagination run wild.
02:07Soon enough, the plane finally landed, and I headed straight to my beautiful hotel.
02:12I took a short beauty sleep while waiting for nighttime to roll around.
02:15And when it finally came, I excitedly jumped out of my bed, took my camera, and immediately rushed outside.
02:21Stunning views, beautiful people, inviting lights, glowing lanterns,
02:26and the sweet, traditional vibes of China.
02:29Ah, this is the dream.
02:31Walking along the streets, I stumbled upon a guy sleeping on a bench.
02:35Judging from all the stuff around him, he must be homeless.
02:38Poor thing.
02:39I found myself clicking pictures of him,
02:41my camera perfectly capturing his struggles and hardship from every detail of his form.
02:46Just then, a green owl suddenly appeared from behind the bench,
02:49perched on the sleeping guy as if he owned him, and scowled at me.
02:53Relax, little buddy. He's all yours.
02:56To my surprise, the guy woke up and scowled at me too.
03:00Ah, who are you? And what are you doing here?
03:03His eyes then lowered to my camera.
03:05Were you taking pictures of me while I was sleeping?
03:08Duh. I was taking pictures of the street, but you were blocking my view.
03:12It's not my fault you were sleeping there.
03:14That's a terrible excuse for disrespecting my private space.
03:17Private space? That's rich coming from you, who is sleeping on public property.
03:23Delete my pictures, or I'm gonna delete it myself.
03:26Don't you dare touch my camera!
03:27Do you have any idea what it takes to capture a beautiful moment or view?
03:31The countless hours, the right timing, the quest for the perfect angle.
03:36I pour my heart and soul into every shot.
03:40Those aren't just pictures. It's a piece of me.
03:43A piece of my struggle, my passion, my life.
03:47So please, don't take that away from me. I need...
03:50I trailed off when I realized that he was now holding my camera and swiping through the shots.
03:56But how?
03:57So you're not only homeless, you're also a snatcher.
04:00Give it back, you jerk!
04:01I lunged at him to retrieve my camera, but he suddenly vanished.
04:05I spun around, and he was still swiping.
04:08This guy, I swear to God!
04:10In all fairness, you have quite a remarkable talent for capturing beautiful images.
04:15What do you think of me now? Just some lousy, try-hard photographer?
04:19I snatched the camera back, and this time, he didn't resist.
04:22He practically handed it over.
04:23I immediately checked my gallery and realized he hadn't deleted anything.
04:27Relax. I usually don't meddle with other people's business. Unlike you.
04:32I tried glaring at him. I felt like I ended up pouting, which made him smirk.
04:36Oh, well. At least I finally bumped into someone who speaks English.
04:41I'm so tired of racking my brains and using weird hand gestures to understand what the locals are saying.
04:46He ignored me and started picking up his things as if preparing to leave.
04:50So, where are you from?
04:52Not from around here.
04:53I see. Where are you going?
04:56I don't know. Maybe under the bridge? At the back of the junkyard?
04:59Just anywhere with a roof where I can recharge my energy, so I can continue my pursuit of answers to my questions.
05:05Just then, a sudden rumble of thunder echoed through the streets.
05:09I think you should speed your pursuit up, because the rain is about to pour, buddy.
05:13I don't mind the rain. It helps me think better.
05:15But your owl doesn't. He stopped in his tracks when he realized that I was right.
05:20You know what? Why don't you just come with me to my hotel? I'll get you a room.
05:24It's just nearby.
05:25I appreciate your hospitality, but I don't need your pity.
05:29Oh, look. Mr. Grumpy Bench Guy is being such a drama queen.
05:35Fine. But the moment the rain stops, we're out.
05:39Another thunder rumbled as we started walking away.
05:42When we reached my hotel, the receptionist immediately greeted me with a question.
05:46ē»™ä½ ęœ‹å‹å¦äø€äøŖęˆæé—“?
05:48As I scrambled for my translation book, he then suddenly swooped in.
05:53Did you just speak Chinese?
05:55I speak multiple languages. I have a constant hunger for endless knowledge.
05:59So, you're a polyglot. So cool! That's literally my dream!
06:03But learning another language is so difficult for me. What's your secret?
06:07Oh, I use this splendid application on my phone, Duolingo.
06:11Oh, I have heard about it, but I never tried it.
06:14It has a fun and engaging approach to learning a language.
06:17It's like casually playing a game, which is a pretty good motivation for the learning process.
06:21Okay, that sold me.
06:23I immediately downloaded the app and was greeted by a cute green owl named Duo, who looked very familiar.
06:29I turned to his pet, who was sitting on his shoulder.
06:32Whoa! Duo looks exactly like your owl.
06:35They have the same name, too.
06:37Just a little warning. Duo's nice and helpful, but he can be a little persistent sometimes.
06:44But it's also for your own good.
06:47Well, he seems to be a cute little guide.
06:50I went straight to my first lesson, and I was already liking it.
06:53Xue means water. Xue? Gosh, I am so thirsty. I need some Xue.
07:00Okay, got it.
07:01Okay, so this is my room, and yours will be that one.
07:05I was talking to him, but he seemed preoccupied with something over my shoulder.
07:09I turned around and realized that he was looking at my collection of postcards on the wall.
07:13To my surprise, he suddenly barged inside.
07:16Where did you get these photographs?
07:18Those are the places that I captured with my precious camera, and these right here are my goal destinations.
07:24They're beautiful, aren't they?
07:25He looked so ecstatic as he gawked at one of the pictures like it was the most delicious meal he had ever seen.
07:32Where is this place?
07:33That's my next destination, the Tianzi Mountain. It's one of the reasons why I visited this country.
07:39Take me with you.
07:40Consider yourself lucky, my friend, because I'm going there tomorrow.
07:44I always preferred traveling alone, but maybe it was time for me to try it with a travel buddy this time.
07:49At least for a day, and just for fun.
07:51The next day, we traveled to the mountains, and when we got there, Haken's calm demeanor instantly changed to ecstatic.
07:58The stone forest.
08:00An image of a familiar place seemed to have flashed right before his eyes.
08:04The stone what now?
08:06He ignored me and started navigating the place, running around like he owned it.
08:10Dude, wait up!
08:12We rode a cable car, crossed a river, and jumped from one stone to another, and after an hour, I felt like collapsing.
08:19Slow down, Spider-Man! I'm not a marathon runner with endless stamina, you know!
08:25When I finally caught up, I found him standing in front of a mysterious and ancient-looking monument.
08:31He fiddled with a rock against it, but nothing happened, and he looked super frustrated.
08:35Um, hello? I would really appreciate it if you would tell me what's going on.
08:39What is that thing, and what are you trying to do with it?
08:42This is a totem, and I need an electro-element to activate it.
08:47What do you mean, electro-element?
08:49Electro-element. Something, anything that produces lightning.
08:53Oh, you mean electricity?
08:56Lucky for you, I've got something here.
08:59What is that?
09:00You don't know what a taser is? It's my go-to for self-defense.
09:04Zaps people with electro-electricity, or whatever you call it.
09:09He immediately took it from me, and tried it on the totem.
09:12After a few sparks, it suddenly got triggered, and a glowing symbol appeared on top of it.
09:17Holy cheeky bananas! Is that a hologram or something?
09:21He found two more totems, and after doing the same thing to each of them, a strong streak of light came from above, forming a pillar.
09:28What in the world is happening? Is this some kind of secret experiment from the government? And what's your deal with all of this?
09:35I've been traveling from place to place looking for these runes. Since I'm not from around here, I don't know where to go.
09:42I need to activate these beacons in six places scattered around the world.
09:46With your knowledge and resources, things are going to get easier for me now.
09:51But for what? Why are you doing all of this out-of-this-world stuff?
09:55We need to go.
09:56Dude, you didn't answer my question!
09:58Sometimes, the journey to find answers is more important than the answers themselves.
10:03Whatever you say, Plato.
10:05After activating the first beacon, we embarked on a thrilling and action-packed adventure of a lifetime!
10:11After Tianzi Mountain, we rushed straight to Huanglong River, which Hathom kept calling Luhua Pool Liu.
10:18There, we had to light up some fire totems. There were five of them, but according to him, only three needed to be activated.
10:24Of course, those three we needed were surrounded by water. Great, right?
10:30Hathom was all business, using his fancy tricks to get those waterlogged totems blazing, while I just snapped pictures of these outrageous moments.
10:38Our next stop was the breathtaking Matterhorn in Switzerland, a.k.a. Dragonspine, according to my travel buddy,
10:45where we faced a puzzle with circular platforms and wall signs.
10:49The place was so cold that I had to huddle by fire torches just to keep myself from turning into a popsicle.
10:55I let Mr. Mysterious Smarty Pants solve the puzzle by himself, while I continued my Duolingo sessions.
11:01You know I can't miss those streaks!
11:03With each beacon we activated, I felt a mixture of excitement and curiosity.
11:08What was this leading to? And why did it feel like the world had turned into one big, adventurous playground?
11:14During our flight to our next destination, I found myself fully immersed in my new favorite app, Xinqiao Tantoila Ilaira.
11:22You could take a break sometimes, you know?
11:25I need to learn the basics, at least for now, and I like how Duo keeps reminding me with his cute little expressions.
11:31When we finally reached Vietnam, I decided to try out what I learned by asking the locals about the directions.
11:40The woman stared at me as if she was solving the most difficult math puzzle.
11:52Okay, I guess it was too early for me to attempt a conversation.
12:04After learning the direction, Haytham continued walking towards the bay.
12:08Ugh, why is this guy so good at everything?
12:10You still have a long way to go, Ilaira.
12:13I literally just started!
12:15Just wait and see. I'll be leading the leaderboard with an unbeatable streak in no time!
12:20I commend your determination. Keep it up!
12:23Soon enough, we were greeted by the beautiful emerald waters and towering limestone island of Ha Long Bay, or as Haytham called it, the Golden Apple Archipelago.
12:33While I was snapping pictures left and right, Haytham got to work immediately.
12:36He solved a music rock puzzle thing, and after activating the place, we toured around the city and enjoyed their local food.
12:43I even tried conversing with the locals with the help of my brilliant travel buddy.
12:47It got me even more determined to learn more, so during our flight to Scotland, I got really busy with leveling up and earning rewards.
12:55I never knew that learning could be this fun!
12:57Ugh, learning could also be done in silence.
13:02And soon, we finally reached our next destination, the Isle of Skye in Scotland, or as Haytham called it, the Star Snatch Cliff, Mondstadt.
13:11After walking around, we came across a green fan-like object.
13:14I watched in amazement as he applied some wind pressure to activate it, unleashing a powerful upward current.
13:21Whoa, that's so dope!
13:23So, what's next?
13:24Time to fly!
13:25After taking a large cloth from his bag and holding onto it, he wrapped his arm around me, and we gracefully floated in the magical breeze!
13:33I never thought I would experience flying like this, not even in my wildest dreams!
13:38If this is a dream, I hope I can keep enjoying it and not wake up too soon.
13:42Our imaginations know no bounds, Allura. They possess the extraordinary ability to mock infinite possibilities.
13:50We then found two more fans along the way before we finally activated the totem at the top of the cliff and summoned the pillar.
13:57I stood there for a while and looked ahead at the seemingly endless horizon, thinking about how Haytham sees this beautiful world in his own vision.
14:05Finally, we were down to the last one, Deshra Desert Sumeru, or as we call it, the Great Pyramids of Egypt, my favorite!
14:13Haytham looked so nervous and excited while I was taking some pictures of the legendary structures.
14:17After hours of touring around, I followed him as we headed to the group of old, weathered columns.
14:23So, how do we solve this one?
14:25Hmm, we need to hit the larger columns until you match them with the corresponding symbol on the smaller columns beside them.
14:31Match all three big ones to the smaller ones to summon the last pillar.
14:35Aye aye, Captain!
14:36I grabbed a tree branch lying nearby and used it to help him hit the columns until we finally summoned the last pillar.
14:43All the pillars scattered across the world that we activated should be going now too.
14:48I dropped my jaw in amazement when their fusion created a swirling, glowing vortex or something.
14:54Is that a freaking portal?
14:57Yes, it's a portal back to my world, Allura.
15:00To your world? So there's indeed another world out there?
15:04Before he could answer me, the earth beneath us mildly shook and a horrifying creature suddenly appeared right in front of us.
15:11Holy crunchy potatoes! Is that a Transformer?
15:15Did Haytham summon that machine from their world? What if he was actually a bad guy who was said to ruin our world?
15:21Oh my gosh, what have I done? I wasn't ready to say goodbye to our beautiful earth just yet.
15:26I have yet to discover the other wonders ofā€”
15:28My paranoid voice trailed off when I realized that Haytham was gone.
15:32Just then, I felt a strong, glowing presence behind me.
15:36I slowly turned around and saw him and Duo transforming into something with dust particles and glowing green projections dancing around them.
15:44Everything then cleared away, revealing a strikingly handsome video game character and his adorable sidekick.
15:51Haytham, is that you?
15:53This is my true form, Allura, and my real name is Zal Haytham, a scholar from Sumeru and our academia scribe.
16:03That machine in front of you is a primal construct only found around the desert area of Sumeru.
16:09This machine enemy is often found guarding the temples and ruins, and I need to defeat it.
16:15So it's like the final boss in the game, and you're the brave hero.
16:20I suddenly felt bad for suspecting him as a bad guy.
16:23As the primal construct started charging toward them, three ethereal green mirrors popped in and hovered around Haytham, radiating a brilliant emerald light that almost blinded me.
16:33He then started fighting the monster, moving with grace and precision, consistently blending freestyle moves and rotational attacks with his sword and abilities.
16:41Watching them fight was mesmerizing, as if I had been transported into an epic video game.
16:47He unleashed a barrage of reflective attacks, boomerangs slicing through the air, slashes carving through steel.
16:53Each hit dealt a lot of serious physical damage. Soon enough, the terrifying machine was finally defeated.
17:00Dude, you were so cool! How did you do that?
17:03I don't need to fight. I only need to think. Everything else is connected.
17:11All I have to do is find the weakest link, deal with the causal factors, and everything else tends to resolve itself.
17:17Okay, okay. Enough with your deep philosophical words, dude, and maybe start explaining everything to me properly?
17:24You know, I've been following you around like a dumb little kitten and catching up with your stamina.
17:30As a gratitude for helping me, you deserve to know the truth.
17:34My friend Kave and I were trying to open a domain, but something went wrong. It started malfunctioning.
17:42The rule is to hit these columns using a physical attack and never use any elemental attack.
17:48Kave didn't know this, so he used his elemental skill because he thought it was more efficient.
17:54It made a different reaction to the process, and instead of opening a domain, it opened a portal that connected to the human world.
18:02And before I knew it, it started sucking my friend. I tried to save him, but I was the one who got pulled inside instead.
18:09I got teleported here, which was a very different place, and I have been finding my way back for quite a long time.
18:17Thanks to my friend Duo here, who also got accidentally teleported for some reason.
18:22He's been my companion since the day I got here, and he's the one who has been helping me learn the different languages of humans.
18:28Now that makes sense. And no sense at the same time. I swear, I'm stuck in a fantasy-adventure novel.
18:34Anyway, I'm glad that you finally made it.
18:37I appreciate all your help in this journey of mine, Alira. As much as I wanted to discover more about your interesting world, I need to return. Teyvat needs me.
18:47Oh, well, traveling won't be the same anymore without you. I'm gonna miss you a little bit, I guess.
18:55Just play Genshin Impact, and I'm sure you will enjoy the magical beauty of our world, Teyvat.
19:00We have seven nations brimming with natural wonders that you would love to capture.
19:04You'll meet a diverse set of people with unique personalities and abilities like me, and together we will fight exciting enemies.
19:11We'll share every adventure in this enchanting realm.
19:15I felt a lump in my throat as he extended his hand, but knowing that I would be seeing him again, I shook it with a smile.
19:22See you around, Alira.
19:24I watched them as they entered the portal, returning to their world.
19:29Come here, boy! Bam! Bam! Eat that, monkey butt!
19:33Alright, Aethem, time for some snacks!
19:36Ever since I started appreciating video games, I became the annoying passenger this time.
19:41These games opened my eyes to the existence of extraordinary places that remain hidden from our physical world.
19:47Places that only exist in our minds, yet they possess the power to transport us on thrilling adventures.
19:54They hold captivating magic and beauty, offering a gateway to fictional worlds.
19:59Now, I embrace the opportunity to immerse myself in both realities, and because of it, I have never felt alone again.
20:06I was so into the game that I jerked when an incoming announcement sound chimed in.
20:11Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking.
20:14We will begin our final descent to Paris shortly.
20:17And now, it's time to explore the famous beauty of Paris.
20:22But bonjour, comment allez-vous? Wait, is it allez-vous? Allez-vous? Bonjour, comment allez-vous?
20:44When it's my birthday, you're my day off. You got other plans and can't show up.
