Working on Korra Video IV 3:3

  • 3 months ago


00:00:00Come on
00:00:30They all laughed as they turned around and saw
00:00:37He said, you ain't welcome round here anymore
00:00:41You just won't as well go
00:00:44She wiped the blood from her face as she slowly came to love me
00:00:48She said, I'll be back when you least expect it
00:00:52And hell is coming with me
00:00:57Hell is coming with me
00:01:19There is a hill at the bottom of the valley
00:01:23Where all the poor souls go when they die
00:01:26And if you listen real close, you can hear it like a ghost
00:01:29Saying you're never gonna make it out alive
00:01:33There is a town at the bottom of that hill
00:01:36They got a secret that they keep, like you say
00:01:39They've got a black magic creature, a new 11th teacher
00:01:42You'll be heading up that hill to the grave
00:01:45And it is well with my soul
00:01:48You'll line your pockets full of money that you steal from the poor
00:01:51And on your way down to hell, you'll hear me ring that bell
00:01:54I paid the devil twice as much to keep your soul
00:02:01There was a drifter passing through that little valley
00:02:04See, she had promised she was coming back to town
00:02:07They didn't know it by her face or by the gun around her waist
00:02:10But she'd come back to burn this town to the ground
00:02:14First there was fire, then there was smoke
00:02:17And then that creature man was hanging by a rope
00:02:21How cute. I love Sister Goshpini.
00:02:24Yeah. Sister Goshpini.
00:02:29Okay, let's see. I need the notes document.
00:02:33Now, funnily enough, I actually had
00:02:36Have a lot of the Red Lotus script written
00:02:39Although I don't know how much of it is salvageable
00:02:42A combination with the storylines in Legend of Korra is that they're predominantly villain-centric
00:02:45The stories revolve almost entirely around the villains
00:02:48The fact that they end up being such weak characters becomes a problem
00:02:51Both Amon and Unalaq represent disparate political philosophies
00:02:54Such as the underclass uprising and the importance of spirituality
00:02:57And spirituality in tradition
00:03:00And while they end up presenting interesting ideas
00:03:03The show chickens out at the last second by making them both liars in some way
00:03:06It's time for the uprising of the working class
00:03:09Actually, no, I'm just mad about my abusive daddy
00:03:12It's time to unite the water tribes and come together as one people
00:03:15Actually, no, I'm going to become Satan instead
00:03:18The central problem is that
00:03:21Showing and telling issues aside, if they didn't turn out to be liars
00:03:24It would raise the question of, wait, why are we stopping them?
00:03:27Why are we stopping oppressed people from rising up?
00:03:30Why are we defending an unjust status quo?
00:03:33I always got the vibe that that question was raised during scripting
00:03:36And the two white guys who ran this show went, uh
00:03:39But rather than check their own privilege, it was easier to just go
00:03:42I guess it all became too much to balance
00:03:45Because season 3 and 4 villains were considerably less complex
00:03:48The season 3 villain has the notable trait of his ideas being dead on arrival
00:03:51Zaheer is part of a group called the Red Lotus
00:03:54Which aims to have humans and spirits coexist again
00:03:57By toppling all the established nations
00:04:00And ushering in a governmentless utopia of true freedom
00:04:03The Red Lotus are pure, unfiltered anarchists
00:04:06The laughingstock of political philosophy
00:04:09You probably heard the phrase, communism is perfect in theory
00:04:12And well, there's a reason it's stuck to theory
00:04:15Because every system of government needs people at the center operating it
00:04:18Or the entire thing falls apart
00:04:21And your first mistake was trusting fallible human beings with power
00:04:24Communism's biggest failing is that it presumes the working class are universally good-hearted
00:04:27And that will show when the influence of the elite is stripped away
00:04:30How do you deal with all the other human evils that could influence someone to become an oppressor?
00:04:33Like racism, sexism
00:04:36Sexism, fundamentalism
00:04:39Fundamentalism? They don't!
00:04:42Communists operate under the belief that all human evils are actually servants of class
00:04:45And that once class is abolished, all evil will vanish as well
00:04:48And that would be great if it was true, but it's not
00:04:51And that would be great if it was true, but it's not
00:04:54So when you say everything's fine, we got rid of the elites
00:04:57Anyone who has ever had to have a conversation with a Trump supporter is going to fucking laugh
00:05:00It treats the elite as some alien force separate to the rest of humanity
00:05:03And that once they're gone, communists usually establish one-party states
00:05:06To ensure communism can never be dismantled
00:05:09And they don't have to worry about corruption, because they got rid of all the elites
00:05:12Oh hey Stalin, what are you doing in that forced labor camp?
00:05:15One-party states will turn into dictatorships
00:05:18Dictatorships faster than you can say
00:05:21One-party states will turn into dictatorships faster than you can say
00:05:24Faster than you can say Cuban Missile Crisis
00:05:27Anarchism is the any% speedrun world record of that
00:05:30Anarchism is the any% speedrun world record of that
00:05:33It rips down the established systems in place, which a lot of people were probably not opposed to
00:05:36And even then the show still oversimplifies it
00:05:39And even then the show still oversimplifies it
00:05:42Anarchism in the real world isn't necessarily about no government, but rather decentralized government
00:05:45Anarchism in the real world isn't necessarily about no government, but rather decentralized government
00:05:48Usually something like direct democracy or individual statehood
00:05:51But regardless of the framework it uses, an anarchist is betting their entire mission on every single person being okay with this
00:05:54But regardless of the framework it uses, an anarchist is betting their entire mission on every single person being okay with this
00:05:57And historically speaking, that's probably not something you should put money on
00:06:00We often look at centralization in our daily lives from big things like the EU or United Nations
00:06:03To small things like how the internet has become 10 websites all owned by 3 megacorporations
00:06:06And we all know this probably isn't a good thing
00:06:09But the unfortunate truth of people is that centralization is convenient, and so we like it as a rule
00:06:12But the unfortunate truth of people is that centralization is convenient, and so we like it as a rule
00:06:15The internet wouldn't have become 10 websites copying from each other if people by and large didn't all use those websites willingly of their own volition
00:06:18The internet wouldn't have become 10 websites copying from each other if people by and large didn't all use those websites willingly of their own volition
00:06:21If you live in Europe, I'm going to guess find it more annoying to have to get 7 visas to take a train to see their relatives than the open borders the EU currently has
00:06:24If you live in Europe, I'm going to guess find it more annoying to have to get 7 visas to take a train to see their relatives than the open borders the EU currently has
00:06:27If you live in Europe, I'm going to guess find it more annoying to have to get 7 visas to take a train to see their relatives than the open borders the EU currently has
00:06:30Historically, the throne being empty doesn't mean we're free
00:06:33It means the throne is up for grabs, not just because power vacuums will suck harder than your mom in a nightclub
00:06:36But people by and large gravitate toward what makes their lives easier
00:06:39But people by and large gravitate toward what makes their lives easier
00:06:42Zaheer operates under the assumption that once he's killed the Earth Queen, the people of the Earth Kingdom will welcome their newfound anarchy with open arms
00:06:45Zaheer operates under the assumption that once he's killed the Earth Queen, the people of the Earth Kingdom will welcome their newfound anarchy with open arms
00:06:48And they didn't. New states formed pretty much immediately, the entire nation was consolidated, dissolved, consolidated, dissolved, and consolidated again
00:06:51And they didn't. New states formed pretty much immediately, the entire nation was consolidated, dissolved, consolidated, dissolved, and consolidated again
00:06:54Under a United Republic-style democracy, except not really
00:06:57Bandits ran roughshod over the Earth Kingdom like the world's most persistent pubic lice, and Zaheer was ever the fool
00:07:00Bandits ran roughshod over the Earth Kingdom like the world's most persistent pubic lice, and Zaheer was ever the fool
00:07:03Smooth move, Thick Fries, you sure show all us normies
00:07:12Zaheer's anarchist utopia was destroyed within seconds, and he even confessed in the final season he didn't anticipate a military dictatorship arising in its place
00:07:15Zaheer's anarchist utopia was destroyed within seconds, and he even confessed in the final season he didn't anticipate a military dictatorship arising in its place
00:07:18Zaheer's anarchist utopia was destroyed within seconds, and he even confessed in the final season he didn't anticipate a military dictatorship arising in its place
00:07:21Zaheer's anarchist utopia was destroyed within seconds, and he even confessed in the final season he didn't anticipate a military dictatorship arising in its place
00:07:24Zaheer's anarchist utopia was destroyed within seconds, and he even confessed in the final season he didn't anticipate a military dictatorship arising in its place
00:07:27Zaheer's anarchist utopia was destroyed within seconds, and he even confessed in the final season he didn't anticipate a military dictatorship arising in its place
00:07:30Zaheer's anarchist utopia was destroyed within seconds, and he even confessed in the final season he didn't anticipate a military dictatorship arising in its place
00:07:33Zaheer's anarchist utopia was destroyed within seconds, and he even confessed in the final season he didn't anticipate a military dictatorship arising in its place
00:07:36Zaheer's anarchist utopia was destroyed within seconds, and he even confessed in the final season he didn't anticipate a military dictatorship arising in its place
00:07:39Zaheer's anarchist utopia was destroyed within seconds, and he even confessed in the final season he didn't anticipate a military dictatorship arising in its place
00:07:42Zaheer's anarchist utopia was destroyed within seconds, and he even confessed in the final season he didn't anticipate a military dictatorship arising in its place
00:07:45Zaheer's anarchist utopia was destroyed within seconds, and he even confessed in the final season he didn't anticipate a military dictatorship arising in its place
00:07:48Zaheer's anarchist utopia was destroyed within seconds, and he even confessed in the final season he didn't anticipate a military dictatorship arising in its place
00:07:51Zaheer's anarchist utopia was destroyed within seconds, and he even confessed in the final season he didn't anticipate a military dictatorship arising in its place
00:07:54Zaheer's anarchist utopia was destroyed within seconds, and he even confessed in the final season he didn't anticipate a military dictatorship arising in its place
00:07:57Zaheer's anarchist utopia was destroyed within seconds, and he even confessed in the final season he didn't anticipate a military dictatorship arising in its place
00:08:00Zaheer's anarchist utopia was destroyed within seconds, and he even confessed in the final season he didn't anticipate a military dictatorship arising in its place
00:08:03Zaheer's anarchist utopia was destroyed within seconds, and he even confessed in the final season he didn't anticipate a military dictatorship arising in its place
00:08:06Zaheer's anarchist utopia was destroyed within seconds, and he even confessed in the final season he didn't anticipate a military dictatorship arising in its place
00:08:09Zaheer's anarchist utopia was destroyed within seconds, and he even confessed in the final season he didn't anticipate a military dictatorship arising in its place
00:08:12Zaheer's anarchist utopia was destroyed within seconds, and he even confessed in the final season he didn't anticipate a military dictatorship arising in its place
00:08:15Zaheer's anarchist utopia was destroyed within seconds, and he even confessed in the final season he didn't anticipate a military dictatorship arising in its place
00:08:18Zaheer's anarchist utopia was destroyed within seconds, and he even confessed in the final season he didn't anticipate a military dictatorship arising in its place
00:08:21Zaheer's anarchist utopia was destroyed within seconds, and he even confessed in the final season he didn't anticipate a military dictatorship arising in its place
00:08:24Zaheer's anarchist utopia was destroyed within seconds, and he even confessed in the final season he didn't anticipate a military dictatorship arising in its place
00:08:27Zaheer's anarchist utopia was destroyed within seconds, and he even confessed in the final season he didn't anticipate a military dictatorship arising in its place
00:08:30Zaheer's anarchist utopia was destroyed within seconds, and he even confessed in the final season he didn't anticipate a military dictatorship arising in its place
00:08:33Zaheer's anarchist utopia was destroyed within seconds, and he even confessed in the final season he didn't anticipate a military dictatorship arising in its place
00:08:36Zaheer's anarchist utopia was destroyed within seconds, and he even confessed in the final season he didn't anticipate a military dictatorship arising in its place
00:08:39Zaheer's anarchist utopia was destroyed within seconds, and he even confessed in the final season he didn't anticipate a military dictatorship arising in its place
00:08:42Zaheer's anarchist utopia was destroyed within seconds, and he even confessed in the final season he didn't anticipate a military dictatorship arising in its place
00:08:45Zaheer's anarchist utopia was destroyed within seconds, and he even confessed in the final season he didn't anticipate a military dictatorship arising in its place
00:08:48Zaheer's anarchist utopia was destroyed within seconds, and he even confessed in the final season he didn't anticipate a military dictatorship arising in its place
00:08:51Zaheer's anarchist utopia was destroyed within seconds, and he even confessed in the final season he didn't anticipate a military dictatorship arising in its place
00:08:54Zaheer's anarchist utopia was destroyed within seconds, and he even confessed in the final season he didn't anticipate a military dictatorship arising in its place
00:08:57Zaheer's anarchist utopia was destroyed within seconds, and he even confessed in the final season he didn't anticipate a military dictatorship arising in its place
00:09:00Zaheer's anarchist utopia was destroyed within seconds, and he even confessed in the final season he didn't anticipate a military dictatorship arising in its place
00:09:03Zaheer's anarchist utopia was destroyed within seconds, and he even confessed in the final season he didn't anticipate a military dictatorship arising in its place
00:09:06Zaheer's anarchist utopia was destroyed within seconds, and he even confessed in the final season he didn't anticipate a military dictatorship arising in its place
00:09:09Zaheer's anarchist utopia was destroyed within seconds, and he even confessed in the final season he didn't anticipate a military dictatorship arising in its place
00:09:12Zaheer's anarchist utopia was destroyed within seconds, and he even confessed in the final season he didn't anticipate a military dictatorship arising in its place
00:09:15Zaheer's anarchist utopia was destroyed within seconds, and he even confessed in the final season he didn't anticipate a military dictatorship arising in its place
00:09:19The world has entered a new age! Harmonic convergence created an energy shift, the likes of which has never been felt before!
00:09:24And after two weeks, Republic City continues to recover from Korra's epic battle with Ulumatu!
00:09:29Vines have sprouted up all over, creating pockets of wilds the spirits have come to call home!
00:09:33What other changes are in store for our city?
00:09:43Come back, won't you?
00:09:48If you don't want to wear the sweater I made you, that's fine!
00:09:51I'm sorry I got mad!
00:09:54Won't you? I'm running out of tree!
00:09:57Can we go down now?
00:10:01Won't you? A little help?
00:10:13Look! I'm airbending!
00:10:18Wow, that still hurt a lot.
00:10:31How are we ever going to clear away all these vines?
00:10:41I don't get it! I can vanquish Vaatu, but not a bunch of stupid vines?
00:10:45I'm sure you'll find a way.
00:10:47Why do you want to get rid of them? You changed the world!
00:10:49We're connected with the spirits again! The wilds are their home!
00:10:52I don't think the people who used to live here are as excited about it as you are.
00:11:01I mean, it's never looked better!
00:11:09Starting to look more Solarpunk, which is slightly different.
00:11:11Mr. President, are you concerned that your approval ratings are now nearly as low as the Avatar's?
00:11:15Have you seen today's headline? It says,
00:11:17Reich, oh no! Polls pay, press plans!
00:11:20I'm not concerned with snappy put-downs in the press.
00:11:22I'm facing this calamity just like every other citizen.
00:11:24There's a tree growing right through my office.
00:11:26You think I'm not doing everything I can to get rid of it?
00:11:30Oh, there's a game on Steam called Solarpunk.
00:11:32Do you regret the way you handled the Unalaq crisis?
00:11:34Why are you forcing the integration of spirits in Republic City?
00:11:37Listen, I've been trying everything I can think of to get rid of these vines, but...
00:11:40Why can't you fix this? Are the vines here to stay?
00:11:42Is this part of your New World Order?
00:11:44Look, Harmonic Convergence was just a couple weeks ago.
00:11:47I just need a little more time to get everything back to normal.
00:11:50The Avatar has put us all in a very difficult position, but my administration...
00:11:53Oh, I'm sorry.
00:11:55Did I put you in a difficult position by fighting the giant force of pure evil
00:11:58that was going to destroy the whole world?
00:12:00Maybe your administration could have handled that.
00:12:02That's all. No more questions.
00:12:07This is a disaster.
00:12:08Don't worry. We'll figure something out.
00:12:10God, the United Republic fucking sucks.
00:12:13It does.
00:12:15Who are they asking?
00:12:16You can't take that to heart. People are just frustrated.
00:12:18Gorsha, team up with Kovir and put Republic City into the ocean.
00:12:26You are not going to believe what just happened.
00:12:28Where's your father?
00:12:31What is it? What's wrong?
00:12:32I will never stop calling it Harmonica Converse.
00:12:34I will never stop calling it Harmonica Virgin.
00:12:41Yeah, Kovir.
00:12:48Oh my god!
00:12:51Neva was right to avoid that sailor by the way.
00:12:52She's always right.
00:12:56A fantastical thing just occurred.
00:12:58Okay, Bumzu and I had a little fight.
00:13:00I made him this sweater and he didn't seem to like it.
00:13:01And I'll admit, it might need work, but it was my first attempt at knitting,
00:13:04so I was a little hurt.
00:13:07Time for dinner, everyone.
00:13:10Check this out!
00:13:11I can airbend!
00:13:15Yeah, wait. Seriously, I was doing it.
00:13:18Hold on. I just...
00:13:19Maybe if I...
00:13:23I swear I'm not making it up.
00:13:28Stop waving your arms around at the table.
00:13:29It's not funny anymore.
00:13:31It's not a joke.
00:13:32What's up with him?
00:13:34Bumi says he airbended earlier, but he can't now.
00:13:36Oh, and I guess he's not very good at knitting either.
00:13:38I gotta say, I love being a part of this family.
00:13:40You got the grumpy dad, the wacky uncle, the put-upon mom, crazy kids.
00:13:43This is great.
00:13:44Where's Mako?
00:13:45Oh, you mean the brooding teenager?
00:13:47He's staying at the police station.
00:13:49I told him Tenzin invited us to stay here since our apartment is a vine habitat now,
00:13:53but he said he had to focus on work.
00:13:58Did you see that?
00:13:59I think the napkin moved.
00:14:00You blew on it.
00:14:02Maybe I can only do it when my life is in danger.
00:14:04Bolin, bend a giant boulder at me.
00:14:07Yeah, I don't think that's a good idea.
00:14:09If you're going to be bending giant boulders, you can do it outside.
00:14:11No one is bending giant boulders.
00:14:13We're going, Uncle Bumi!
00:14:18I told you!
00:14:23Bila's like, oh shit, that worked?
00:14:25He's actually an airbender.
00:14:26Wait until I tell mom.
00:14:28She's gonna love this.
00:14:42Milo's a genius.
00:14:43Milo believed in him.
00:14:45Slow down.
00:14:47He's on the same wavelength.
00:14:49Look alive, Uncle Bumi!
00:14:51What the heck did all this?
00:14:53It was my brother.
00:14:54He's out of control!
00:14:55Okay, just tell me what happened.
00:14:57We were arguing about the books, and Daw was yelling at me,
00:15:00and all of a sudden things started flying around.
00:15:02He was creating this storm, like...
00:15:04Like what?
00:15:05Well, like he was airbending.
00:15:08Sir, that's impossible.
00:15:10There are only five airbenders in the entire world,
00:15:12and your brother is not one of them.
00:15:14I know what I saw.
00:15:15He was freaking out, yelling,
00:15:16what's happening to me?
00:15:17Then he ran into the back room and locked himself in.
00:15:23Open up.
00:15:24Go away!
00:15:25Get out here, sir, or I'm knocking this door down.
00:15:28One, two...
00:15:33I'm so sorry!
00:15:38I told you! Airbending!
00:15:44I can't figure this thing out!
00:15:46Do you think being in the spirit world during harmonic convergence
00:15:49could have given him bending?
00:15:50I suppose it's possible.
00:15:52Maybe Uncle Bumi is just a late bloomer.
00:15:54I have been noticing a change in your aura lately.
00:15:57And you didn't tell me!
00:16:03Invisible spirit monster attack?
00:16:05Lin, you won't believe this.
00:16:06Bumi just started airbending.
00:16:09I'm afraid he's not the only one.
00:16:12I got a call last night about a guy
00:16:13who just started airbending out of nowhere.
00:16:15You mean there's another one?
00:16:16Where is he now?
00:16:17He blew a door down on me and got away.
00:16:20We've got an all-points bulletin out on him right now.
00:16:22Wait, we'll help you look for him.
00:16:23Where should we start?
00:16:24Oh, well, you know, you should leave it to the police.
00:16:27It's police business, you know.
00:16:29It's official.
00:16:33What are you doing?
00:16:34You know you're welcome to stay here
00:16:36instead of sleeping at the police station.
00:16:38No, I'm fine.
00:16:40I should just get going.
00:16:43So, as you were.
00:16:51Yeah, a bending outbreak.
00:16:52Yeah, an airbending outbreak.
00:16:53Definitely not a job for the Air Nation.
00:16:58You're not very good at this.
00:16:59You're the Avatar, master of all the elements.
00:17:01You should know how to drive.
00:17:02Besides, it's relaxing.
00:17:05Clutch! Clutch!
00:17:10That's the brake.
00:17:11I remember doing that.
00:17:12Let's try again.
00:17:13You ready?
00:17:17How long do you think talking to Mako
00:17:18is going to be worth pulling teeth?
00:17:19She's always on the clutch,
00:17:20just like the riders with casing.
00:17:23But it'll get better eventually.
00:17:25So, when I was gone,
00:17:26did he tell you that we broke up?
00:17:28Yeah, we all knew.
00:17:31That's pretty embarrassing.
00:17:32Actually, I need to tell you something about that,
00:17:34and I should have told you this sooner,
00:17:36but while you were gone,
00:17:38I kind of kissed him.
00:17:41I'm sorry.
00:17:43No wonder he's so nervous around us.
00:17:44You're not mad?
00:17:46I mean, I kissed Mako when he was going out with you, so...
00:17:48You what?
00:17:49I'm so sorry.
00:17:50I thought you knew.
00:17:51I'm just kidding.
00:17:52I knew a long time ago.
00:17:54Well, whatever happened with Mako,
00:17:55I'm glad it hasn't come between us.
00:17:57I've never had a girlfriend to hang out with
00:17:58and talk to before.
00:17:59Except for Naga.
00:18:01This is nice.
00:18:02Vine! Vine!
00:18:07A little bit of a good start to their relationship.
00:18:09What are you doing living in the middle of the road
00:18:11in the first place?
00:18:12Don't ask me, Avatar.
00:18:13You made the world this way.
00:18:14We're just living in it.
00:18:15Look, I don't have anything against spirits,
00:18:17but these vines are causing major problems
00:18:19all over the city.
00:18:20Just me, or is the animation quality suddenly worse?
00:18:22It's not just you. They changed studios.
00:18:23Seems like the Avatar would know that.
00:18:26And the budget was slashed.
00:18:28You okay?
00:18:29I think that spirit...
00:18:30Uh, very poor ratings resulted in Nickelodeon
00:18:32just, like, cutting back on the budget.
00:18:33Korra just gave me an idea how to get rid of these vines.
00:18:36And I'm gonna need a lot of water.
00:18:39It's like a dream, Dad.
00:18:41After 170 years.
00:18:43New airbenders.
00:18:46When a new guy gets airbending,
00:18:47does that make him our father?
00:18:48Well, in a way, all airbenders are our family.
00:18:51Does that mean I have to share my room
00:18:52because I like my personal space?
00:18:53Of course not.
00:18:55But we might have to get used to not being
00:18:56the only airbenders around anymore.
00:18:58I hope we have enough for an army.
00:19:01I wanna be a commander like Uncle Boomy.
00:19:03Air nomads don't have armies, Nilo.
00:19:05But maybe there will be enough to fill the temples again.
00:19:08What's wrong, Daddy?
00:19:09I just wish your grandfather were here to see this.
00:19:12Will you be airbender president?
00:19:15But I think the new airbenders will need
00:19:16lots of help and guidance to understand
00:19:18what it means to be a part of our nation.
00:19:20That's a big responsibility.
00:19:22Don't worry, Dad. We'll help you.
00:19:25I know you will.
00:19:30That's sweet.
00:19:31I hope this works.
00:19:34What are you guys doing here?
00:19:36I was alerted that you had a new plan
00:19:37to wipe out these noxious weeds,
00:19:39so I thought you'd want everyone to be here to watch.
00:19:41Avatar Korra, do you really think-
00:19:43No questions. Just stand there. Silently!
00:20:24Go in peace.
00:20:27How did you know what to do?
00:20:28Will you send the spirits away now?
00:20:29How soon can we expect public water service to resume?
00:20:43Look out!
00:20:53Let's go, people! Hurry!
00:20:59Hang on!
00:21:14I feel like we're having a glider.
00:21:20I think that could have gone better.
00:21:21Can't talk. Meditating.
00:21:28You must be at the end of your rope. You hate meditating.
00:21:31I thought that if I really tried, I might be able to contact my past avatars.
00:21:35Someone who knows something to help me.
00:21:37But I can't. They're gone, and I'm all alone.
00:21:40Did I ruin everything by leaving the spirit portals open?
00:21:44You didn't ruin anything. You did what you thought was best for the world.
00:21:48And now things have changed.
00:21:50Change can be good or bad, depending on your point of view.
00:21:53I know the people's point of view. It's bad.
00:21:56You're not the president, Korra.
00:21:58Your job isn't to fix the daily problems of every person in Republic City.
00:22:02Your responsibility is to bring balance to the entire world.
00:22:06And that means no matter what you do, some people are not going to be happy about it.
00:22:10On the other hand, some people will be very happy.
00:22:13Like me.
00:22:14What you did during Harmonic Convergence may have brought back the Air Nation.
00:22:18And that can only be good for restoring balance.
00:22:20That is the act of a great avatar.
00:22:22It's scary. I have all this power and all these people depending on me.
00:22:26But I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing half the time.
00:22:29It seems like I should be wiser.
00:22:32True wisdom begins when we accept things as they are.
00:22:35You started a new age, Korra. There's no going back to the past.
00:22:38Mako called. The cops found the new airbender guy.
00:22:40But when they tried to bring him in, he ran away and climbed to the top of Kyoshi Bridge and he won't come down.
00:22:44Oh, sorry. Did I interrupt an avatar wisdom session?
00:22:47Avatar wisdom is a thing of the past, Bolin. Come on.
00:22:50Oh, okay. Is that a good thing?
00:22:52Depends who you ask.
00:23:02Come down immediately or we will be forced to take action.
00:23:07Stay back! I'm dangerous!
00:23:25Don't panic. I'm just here to talk.
00:23:27Please! I don't know what I'm doing and I don't want to hurt anyone!
00:23:30Tell me about it. Rough day, huh? I'm having kind of a rough day myself.
00:23:34You mind if I sit down here?
00:23:36Look, I know you're scared.
00:23:38Look, I know you're scared. You've gone through a big change and it's kind of my fault.
00:23:43But you're not alone. There are other airbenders and they want to help you.
00:23:46Actually, they're really excited to meet you.
00:23:48I don't want to be an airbender. Please, you're the avatar. Make it stop!
00:23:53I'm sorry, I can't.
00:23:56Um, yes you can, Korra. You have energy bending.
00:24:01Just demonstrated it, like, not five minutes ago.
00:24:03Things will get better if you just give it a chance.
00:24:05Let me take you over to Air Temple Island and we can talk this through, okay?
00:24:22Daw, this is Tenzin. He's going to help you.
00:24:25It is absolutely my pleasure to meet you, Daw.
00:24:28I've never met a new airbender before.
00:24:30Well, at least not one whose diaper I didn't have to change.
00:24:32Actually, I just fell off a bridge, so I could use a fresh diaper right about now.
00:24:37So is this the deal? We have a crisis every other day now, thanks to you.
00:24:41Listen, I know you're having a tough time getting used to these changes, and I'm sorry for that.
00:24:45But you and everyone else are going to have to learn to live with it.
00:24:48The vines and the spirits are here to stay.
00:24:50Well, you know who's not here to stay? You!
00:24:52I order you to leave this city. You've caused nothing but trouble since you arrived.
00:24:58Don't worry. I was already leaving.
00:25:03I can see my path now.
00:25:05There are new airbenders out there, and I'm going to find them and rebuild the Air Nation.
00:25:08Don't think I'm not going with you.
00:25:10It's so exciting. Who knows who's out there right now,
00:25:13discovering the gift of airbending for the first time.
00:25:33You know the drill, Zaheer.
00:25:35Of course.
00:25:38Hope you still like rice.
00:25:40Have you ever read the poetry of the great airbending Guru Laghima?
00:25:45Guru Laghima lived 4,000 years ago in the Northern Air Temple.
00:25:49It is said that he unlocked the secret of weightlessness and became untethered from the Earth,
00:25:53living his final 40 years without ever touching the ground.
00:25:56Is that true?
00:25:59Is that how you plan to escape?
00:26:01With something you picked up from an old airbender children's story?
00:26:04Like all great children's tales, it contains truth within the myth.
00:26:07Laghima once wrote,
00:26:09Instinct is a lie told by a fearful body hoping to be wrong.
00:26:13What's that supposed to mean?
00:26:15It means that when you base your expectations only on what you see,
00:26:18you blind yourself to the possibilities of a new reality.
00:26:29You wouldn't want to singe your friend, would you?
00:26:31How? You're not a bender!
00:26:34Nature is constantly changing, like the wind.
00:26:58Bro should have the airbending proficiency of a toddler.
00:27:00Zaheer was actually a very skilled martial artist before this.
00:27:03You've got three weeks until the next shift change.
00:27:05It's the dawning of a new age.
00:27:07The end of the White Lotus.
00:27:09And soon, the end of the Avatar.
00:27:23Legend of Korra game stays winning, but at what cost?
00:27:29At cost of 52 dick punches.
00:27:33Okay, so.
00:27:35Moving into season three.
00:27:37Season three.
00:27:40We actually have a very strong start.
00:27:42Harmonic Convergence has changed the energy of the world,
00:27:46and not only seeded spirit vines all over Republic City,
00:27:52bringing some green back to that concrete jungle.
00:28:07With it a new badge.
00:28:13But it's also showing that Republic City is basically a pack of fucking jackasses.
00:28:17Is a pack of jackasses.
00:28:20As Raiko starts beefing with Korra.
00:28:25Over the fact that the consequences of...
00:28:29Consequences of saving the world are mildly inconvenient for people.
00:28:40Inconvenient for people.
00:28:43However, it's also seeded...
00:28:45Oh, you know what? I'm writing, so let's just put this away.
00:28:51All over the world, which we'll get into later.
00:28:58More depth at the end.
00:29:06This leads Korra to a heart-to-heart with a new airbender on top of a bridge.
00:29:14On top of a bridge.
00:29:16Showing what I still consider to be Korra's best moment.
00:29:21What I still consider to be Korra's best moment is she...
00:29:26Talks someone off a ledge.
00:29:32This leads Korra to Korra not only getting banished from Republic City,
00:29:37but deciding she's going to help gather new airbenders.
00:29:45Rebuild the Air Nation.
00:29:47Now, if the season had just been about this,
00:29:51about this, because the airbenders basically come...
00:29:53The airbenders end up being a catalyst with a bunch of...
00:30:02With the Earth Queen.
00:30:04Earth Queen later on, it would have been...
00:30:06It would have been interesting.
00:30:08Not the grand, massive stakes...
00:30:12Of sea...
00:30:17Season 1 had lowered the stakes from the last airbender.
00:30:21Last airbender in season 2 would basically raise the stakes so high...
00:30:25So high that the stakes burned up upon re-entry into the atmosphere.
00:30:33Atmosphere, but this is a great way to lower the stakes again.
00:30:39Stakes again with a more emotional story.
00:30:43Unfortunately, the episode ends...
00:30:48Unfortunately, the first episode ends with some dangerous criminal getting airbending.
00:30:58Airbending and declaring that the era of the Avatar is about to end.
00:31:06This is Zaheer.
00:31:08This is Zaheer.
00:31:10This is Zaheer.
00:31:12Avatar's equivalent of a school shooter.
00:31:17This is Zaheer, whose entire schtick is basically...
00:31:21Schtick is reading a manifesto written by a 17-year-old school shooter.
00:31:35This is Zaheer.
00:31:37This is Zaheer.
00:31:39This is Zaheer.
00:31:41This is Zaheer.
00:31:43This is Zaheer.
00:31:45This is Zaheer.
00:31:47This is Zaheer.
00:31:49This is Zaheer.
00:31:51This is Zaheer.
00:31:53This is Zaheer.
00:31:55This is Zaheer.
00:31:57This is Zaheer.
00:31:59This is Zaheer.
00:32:01This is Zaheer.
00:32:03So too is the mysterious Zaheer, who escaped from his remote prison thanks to his new ability.
00:32:07Now exiled from Republic City, Korra has made it her mission to find all the new Airbenders.
00:32:11But will she and Tenzin be able to bring back the Air Nation?
00:32:14Did someone order a fully equipped Future Industries airship?
00:32:35It's perfect. Thanks, Asami.
00:32:37Like time to be a sugar mama.
00:32:39If it's for Airbenders, we should do it in style.
00:32:41Yay, airship! I wanna see it!
00:32:43Come on, Poki!
00:32:45While you guys are gone, Pema and I will hold down the fort.
00:32:48Who's excited to spend some time with your Auntie Kai?
00:32:51Oh. Aww.
00:32:53He likes you.
00:32:59Mako, I'm so glad you're here.
00:33:01Of course, Korra. Avatar.
00:33:03Avatar Korra.
00:33:05Once I received your message, I proceeded to contact various locations within the Earth Kingdom as ordered by you, the Avatar.
00:33:11Right. The Avatar thanks you for your loyal service.
00:33:15Did you find any more leads?
00:33:17There are reports of Airbenders popping up all over the Earth Kingdom.
00:33:19I marked the villages on this map. You guys can take it with you.
00:33:23Actually, I was kind of hoping you could come too.
00:33:26Really? Um, it's probably better if I sit this one out.
00:33:30I know things have been weird between us since we broke up.
00:33:32But you're a part of Team Avatar, and we can't do this without you.
00:33:35I'm sorry. I can't.
00:33:39I'll miss you, sweetie.
00:33:41I'll miss you too. Once we find the Airbenders, I'll send word.
00:33:44You can join us at the Northern Air Temple then.
00:33:46Hey! How come Jinora gets to go with you, but we don't? That's so not fair!
00:33:50Yeah, what this girl said. Not fair!
00:33:53Because if Airbenders show up here, they're gonna need some guidance from you two.
00:33:56It's a very important job.
00:33:58Really? Me? A teacher? Yay!
00:34:02Those maggots will bow to me!
00:34:04Go easy on them, son.
00:34:06Mako, wait a sec.
00:34:07Korra already asked, bro. I can't just leave Republic City. I have a life here, and a job.
00:34:13A life? You sleep under your desk.
00:34:15And what's a more important job than helping the Avatar rebuild an entire civilization?
00:34:19It's not just that. I feel like I've been drifting apart from everyone.
00:34:23Well, drift back! We need you!
00:34:25Come on, Mako. We're going to Ba Sing Se where Dad grew up.
00:34:28What if I meet our grandma for the very first time?
00:34:31And she asks me,
00:34:32Where's your sweet brother?
00:34:34And I have to say,
00:34:35I'm sorry, Grandma. He had some really important police paperwork to file.
00:34:39And she starts to cry those grandma tears and is like,
00:34:41Mako! Why? Why? Mako! I can't go on! I can't!
00:34:45And then she dies.
00:34:46Okay, alright. I'll come with you.
00:34:49I guess I gotta call Beifong. She's not going to be happy.
00:34:52Bye! We'll miss you!
00:35:05So the Final Fantasy theme starts playing.
00:35:07As of now, these are the towns where we've gotten reports about airbenders.
00:35:10It looks like we can hit up most of them before we get to Ba Sing Se.
00:35:13We're going to bring the Air Nation back from the brink of extinction after nearly 200 years.
00:35:18And it's all because of you, Korra.
00:35:20And it's all because of you, Korra.
00:35:31Man, these prisoners to, like, house the Red Lotus are really fucking elaborate.
00:35:36I was about to say, the White Lotus really loves being out in the middle of nowhere with their prisons.
00:35:45Hey! Where are the other guards?
00:36:05Ah, that's clever, though. They need him out in the ocean because he's the airbender, right?
00:36:25It's nice to see you again, Ghazan.
00:36:27Thanks for busting me out. Where'd you pick up the new skills?
00:36:30I have Harmonic Convergence to thank for that. I was given a gift.
00:36:33I believe it's a sign that our path is a righteous one.
00:36:39Avatar Korra! Oh, it is such an honor to have you come to our humble village.
00:36:44I hate to get down to business, but is the airbender here now?
00:36:47Kuon and his family will be joining us shortly for a special dinner. Please, right this way.
00:36:53Kuon has been the talk of the town ever since he got airbending. He's like a local celebrity.
00:36:57I just want to say that it's an honor to meet a fellow airbender.
00:37:01Oh, I still just think of myself as a simple farmer who can airbend.
00:37:06Oh, I'm so sorry. I still don't have any control.
00:37:08No worries. I love pie. And so does Pabu.
00:37:12Well, you're so much more than just a farmer now. Harmonic Convergence changed everything.
00:37:17You represent the future of a culture that is being reborn.
00:37:20You're going to help us rebuild the Air Nation.
00:37:22I'm going to do what now? The only thing I'm planning to rebuild is my barn.
00:37:26But you must come with us to the Northern Air Temple.
00:37:28Well, I can't do that. I have a family and a farm.
00:37:31Of course you can come. This is of the utmost importance. Your wife will understand.
00:37:35Wait, what? No, I do not understand.
00:37:38Daddy, where are you going? Why does the bald man want to take you away?
00:37:41No one's going to take Daddy away, sweetheart.
00:37:43Actually, this bald man does want to take him, but it's for an important cause.
00:37:47Your dad is an airbender, and he should learn about his culture.
00:37:50I think there's been some sort of misunderstanding. I'm not going with you.
00:37:53I might be able to airbend, but I'm no air nomad. I'm no monk.
00:37:56Okay, maybe we should just have some dessert, huh? Who's up for dessert?
00:38:00Sir, you must understand. You're an airbender now, and there are thousands of years of culture you must learn about.
00:38:04Skills you must master.
00:38:06You expect me to abandon my entire life? My family?
00:38:09No. No, sir. I'm not going anywhere with you, and I think it's best that you leave.
00:38:18In my head, I saw that playing out very differently.
00:38:20Maybe we should have stayed and tried harder to convince him to join us.
00:38:23Or we could have thrown him into a potato sack and forced him into the ship.
00:38:26That's how they got me to join the United Forces.
00:38:28No, we can't coerce people. Or throw them in potato sacks.
00:38:31They must come freely. But not to worry.
00:38:33There are plenty of other airbenders out there who will be happy to come with us.
00:38:36That's not my house.
00:38:40When your son becomes a master, he'll get tattoos all over his body. Just like me.
00:38:47There's nothing more nutritious than our vegetarian diet.
00:38:52I can tell that you're going to love wearing our ancient airbender robes. They're very breathable.
00:38:59You'll never have to worry about your worldly possessions again, because you won't have any.
00:39:03You'll get to shave your head!
00:39:05Your best friend will be a giant bear!
00:39:12I really thought I hit that last guy.
00:39:16It's okay, Tenzin. I still want to be an airbender.
00:39:19Okay, we've tried it your way, and people just don't seem to be responding.
00:39:22It's time for a little tough love.
00:39:27Are you the Avatar?
00:39:29When my son got airbending, my husband and I were so happy.
00:39:32We thought this could open up a lot of doors for him, and maybe he could finally move out of the basement.
00:39:38How old is he?
00:39:39He's 22, and you know, still just figuring his life out.
00:39:42Well, I have a great opportunity for him.
00:39:45We're looking for airbenders to join us at the Northern Air Temple.
00:39:48That sounds wonderful! I'll get him.
00:39:51Ryu! Get up here!
00:39:59Hi, I'm Korra.
00:40:01So you're like the Avatar or something. Big deal.
00:40:04Uh, I just wanted to talk to you about an opportunity.
00:40:07Yeah, I heard you talking to my mom, and I'm not interested.
00:40:11Well, you're gonna be interested.
00:40:16You're an airbender now, and you have a responsibility as a citizen of the world.
00:40:19Whatever. I didn't ask to become an airbender, you know.
00:40:22Well, I didn't ask to be the Avatar, but I am, and I'm fulfilling my duties.
00:40:27So? You don't have to.
00:40:28Yes, I do have to.
00:40:30No, you don't.
00:40:31Yes, I do.
00:40:32No, you don't.
00:40:34Well, if I didn't embrace my role, then our entire world could be thrown into chaos.
00:40:37Think about that. Is that what you want?
00:40:40No, it's not!
00:40:41So what? Who cares?
00:40:42Everyone cares!
00:40:44I don't care.
00:40:45Yes, you do!
00:40:46No, I don't.
00:40:47Well, you're about to care, you little slacker, because you're coming with me!
00:40:51Stop pulling on my collar! You're stretching it out!
00:40:53Mom, are you just gonna let her take me?
00:40:55I think it's a great opportunity.
00:40:57Just try it for a week and see how it goes.
00:41:00No! Let me go!
00:41:04That's it!
00:41:05Korra, enough! Let's get out of here!
00:41:07So nice to meet you! Good luck with your son!
00:41:17Oh, this would be my personal health.
00:41:22Oh, yeah.
00:41:26We're under attack! Look out!
00:41:31Man, how is your hair not frizzy beyond hopefully hell?
00:41:39You need moisture and humidity to be frizzy.
00:41:42Oh, right.
00:42:06I never thought I'd be so happy to see your ugly mugs again.
00:42:09Great to see you too, Ming Hua.
00:42:11I'm flattered. You busted me out before that girlfriend of yours.
00:42:14We're getting her next.
00:42:17Well, I guess we should just go to Ba Sing Se and try our luck there.
00:42:20I don't know what to do.
00:42:21I just thought more people would be excited about coming with us.
00:42:24Well, maybe you gotta do more to get them excited.
00:42:26You need to add a little razzle-dazzle.
00:42:28Yeah, razzle-dazzle!
00:42:29We could put on some sort of airbending street performance.
00:42:32I was gonna say we could cover Tenzin's robe in sequence, but that's even better.
00:42:37It sounds ridiculous, but it might work.
00:42:39I'm willing to try anything at this point.
00:42:41Yes, that is the kind of enthusiasm I like to hear!
00:42:46Come one, come all, and witness the Amazing Airbenders!
00:42:50An airbending show that will leave you breathless.
00:42:53With wind!
00:42:54First up, the tattooed master himself.
00:42:56You know him as the son of Avatar Aang.
00:42:58He shaves every hair on his head every single day.
00:43:01It's the one, the only guy with an arrow pointing to his nose, Tenzin!
00:43:14Oh, wow.
00:43:15Ladies and gentlemen, please be quiet.
00:43:16I have some serious news.
00:43:17We've heard that an escaped firebending convict has been spotted near here.
00:43:21Now, I don't want to panic anyone, but if you see a firebender...
00:43:24Rev Tenzin!
00:43:26I see him! He's right there!
00:43:28I am the escaped convict, and you will all reap my fire.
00:43:32Damn, Tenzin, I'm facing myself. He can help you with that!
00:43:35Who will help us?
00:43:36I will! With my airbending skills!
00:43:44Hey, let me go! This is not what we rehearsed! Korra!
00:43:51With the power of airbending, even this beast can float!
00:43:54Like a feather!
00:43:56Look what can be done in only a few short weeks of practice!
00:44:00No, no, don't worry, folks! She might be young, but she is in full control!
00:44:05Ladies and gentlemen, if you or anyone you know is an airbender, please send them our way!
00:44:09Master Tenzin and Avatar Korra would love to teach them all they know!
00:44:17Hey, just get the word out!
00:44:18If you're looking for airbenders, you just found one.
00:44:22I want to join you!
00:44:23Lily, your Discord Pfe looks so cute. Got the artist on hand, want to send them compliments?
00:44:26Oh, the artist drew this to make fun of me, but I just thought it was hilarious, so I kept it.
00:44:31Just to be totally clear, you're going to be heading to Ba Sing Se and the Northern Air Temple to live as nomads and rebuild the Air Nation.
00:44:36I've just decided it's mine now.
00:44:37All that sound good to you?
00:44:38Yeah. Ba Sing Se, rebuild the temple, air nomad. What do you do?
00:44:41I remember someone tried to draw me as the once-ler to try and mock me, and I'm like, hey, I look good in purple.
00:44:45Yeah, it's like, dang, I look great. I look like a wine mom.
00:44:50Hang on a second, Kai. Where are your parents? We can't have you come with us without their permission.
00:44:54My parents are...
00:44:55They doesn't know.
00:44:57You're an orphan?
00:44:58Nobody explain it.
00:44:59It happened about a year ago. My hometown was raided by outlaws, but my parents fought back against them.
00:45:04I was so scared, but they told me not to worry. They would protect me, and they did.
00:45:09My parents saved me and the entire village, but they died in the fight.
00:45:13Mom and Pop meant everything to me. They are my whole life.
00:45:17Ever since then, I've been on my own and on the run. Those same outlaws are still after me.
00:45:22Well, you don't have to be on the run anymore. Right, guys? Tell him.
00:45:26I'm so sorry about your parents. I know we could never replace them, but we're here for you.
00:45:31We'll keep you safe. Come on.
00:45:33When you board this airship, you're going to leave your old life behind and start a new path.
00:45:37That's some big brother advice. Just think of me as your big brother.
00:45:47Guys, I think we got trouble.
00:45:55Early is the boy, or we'll take him by force.
00:46:00The outlaws. They're after me. Let's get out of here.
00:46:03We're not running from anyone.
00:46:06If you want Kai, you'll have to go through me.
00:46:24Your days of harassing an innocent boy are over. You outlaws are going to prison.
00:46:28Outlaws? Innocent boy? I'm a sheriff, and these are my deputies.
00:46:32And this kid is a thief. Whatever he told you is a lie. We've been chasing him for months.
00:46:37Where's Kai?
00:46:39Right here. I found him slipping away.
00:46:42I was going to the bathroom.
00:46:43With your sack of gold?
00:46:47I told you, I found that on the roof.
00:46:49Enough with the lies, kid. I want the truth.
00:46:51The truth is, he's the outlaw.
00:46:53He spent his entire life as an orphan until he got adopted by a real nice family about six months ago.
00:46:57And how did he repay them? By taking their entire life savings. We've been after him ever since.
00:47:02Is that true?
00:47:03The person who stole that stuff was the old me. Once I got airbending, I changed.
00:47:07I don't know how to explain it, but I feel like airbending chose me for a reason. Like I'm a new person.
00:47:13I'm sorry. Please, you have to listen to me.
00:47:17Are you taking him back to the orphanage?
00:47:20No. He's headed to jail.
00:47:23Wait! You guys got the family's life savings back. Now let us take Kai.
00:47:28Do you really want our first new member of the Air Nation to be a liar and a thief?
00:47:32He just needs some guidance, Tenzin. And who better to give it to him than us?
00:47:35Do you want this kid or not?
00:47:38Yes. You can release the boy into our custody.
00:47:44Thank you.
00:47:45Don't make me regret it.
00:47:46Welcome to the family, little bro.
00:47:49Ad break.
00:48:04I couldn't keep one jump ahead of the sheriff.
00:48:13Gotta keep one step ahead of the law, man. Oh, crap. I already fucked it up.
00:48:20I sentence you to the pear wiggler. I'll be right back.
00:48:57McKay, check your DMs.
00:48:59I'm checking.
00:49:00Oh, okay.
00:49:07Straight red. I don't buy that. I don't buy that because I steal that.
00:49:11Fucking genius, Red.
00:49:14Oh, I fucking shared her.
00:50:21I just want you to know I'm gonna be watching you, kid.
00:50:24I know exactly what you're all about because I've been there before.
00:50:27You don't have me fooled.
00:50:28Whoa. Hey, lighten up. I'm turning over a new leaf. Making a change.
00:50:33Don't you worry about me.
00:50:35Hi, I'm Jinora. If you need any help with airbending, I could show you what I know.
00:50:39Thanks. That's real nice of you.
00:50:41Jinora! We're leaving now.
00:50:57They came out of nowhere. I'm so sorry, Lord Zuko.
00:50:59How could you let this happen?
00:51:01They caught us by surprise.
00:51:02And Zaheer is an airbender now.
00:51:04No, this can't be.
00:51:06Do you have any idea the power these criminals possess?
00:51:09Individually, they could take down any bender.
00:51:11Put them all together, they could take down the entire world.
00:51:14And now you're telling me their leader is an airbender?
00:51:17No, Jinora, no.
00:51:19I know exactly where they're going.
00:51:21Notify the new chiefs of the Northern Water Tribe that an attack on their prison is imminent.
00:51:25And send word to Lin Beifong in Republic City.
00:51:27The Avatar must be protected.
00:51:31Where are you going?
00:51:32To pick a sick boy.
00:51:36I love him.
00:51:37Oh yeah, it's half a dricken.
00:51:39I'll take twenty.
00:51:42I'll take your entire stock.
00:51:52The next few episodes, the crew travels around the Earth Kingdom.
00:51:58Collecting new airbenders.
00:51:59Wait, didn't they extinct though?
00:52:08Runs around getting the gang back together.
00:52:26Only the Avatar can master all four elements.
00:52:29And bring balance to the world.
00:52:35The Air Nation has its first recruit.
00:52:37Team Avatar's search for new airbenders in the Earth Kingdom led them to Kai, an orphan with a shady past.
00:52:42Meanwhile, Lord Zuko is hot on the trail of three escaped criminals who pose a great threat to the Avatar.
00:52:46Unaware of the danger to her, Korra continues her mission to find more airbenders.
00:52:49Next stop, the walled city of Ba Sing Se.
00:53:00Light on your feet, Uncle Bumi.
00:53:01Remember, you want to be quick and evasive.
00:53:03Don't worry about me, little lady.
00:53:05I've been in a scrapper till you know.
00:53:07Oh, you're just a youngster, so I'm going to go easy on you.
00:53:10Wouldn't want to hurt a kid.
00:53:13Uncle Bumi, you've got to work on your stance changes.
00:53:16Kai, that was just really good.
00:53:19Thanks, Jinora.
00:53:20You're a great teacher.
00:53:26Hmm, did I drop my wallet?
00:53:30Give me that, you little thief!
00:53:32It's so exciting to be on a diplomatic mission to Ba Sing Se.
00:53:35What's the Earth Queen like?
00:53:36I've never met her, but I've heard she can be quite... demanding.
00:53:40This is it, Mako! We made it! This is where Dad grew up! Come here, look, look!
00:53:44Okay, calm down. I'm looking.
00:53:50The villain of the series is heteronormative.
00:54:00Oh, the lower ring looks terrible.
00:54:02Yeah, I can smell it from here. No wonder Dad left.
00:54:11Hello, middle ring!
00:54:29Wow, now this is more like it.
00:54:36Understeady? I wish.
00:54:39Avatar Korra, Master Tenzin.
00:54:41It is a pleasure to welcome you and your party to the upper ring of Ba Sing Se.
00:54:45I'm Grand Secretariat Gunn.
00:54:47Thank you.
00:54:49Ah, it's got that upper ring smell.
00:54:52Oh no, the Queen hates animals. We've got to get them out of sight.
00:54:56Well, I can just stash Pabu in my shirt.
00:54:58These two are going to be a little tougher.
00:55:00Come with me. Hurry, I'll take you to your quarters.
00:55:02Now, when you meet the Queen, make sure you bow low enough. That's very important.
00:55:06And don't look her in the eye. She can't stand that.
00:55:08If any food is served, don't eat before she eats.
00:55:10Oh, actually, I have to taste her food first, then she eats, then you can eat.
00:55:14Better yet, just don't eat.
00:55:16Seems like an awful lot of rules.
00:55:18You have no idea. And I'm the one who gets in trouble when people don't follow them.
00:55:21So please, please, for my sake, just try not to upset Her Majesty.
00:55:29Here we are.
00:55:31Ooh, very swanky.
00:55:33Now go in and make yourselves comfortable and keep those animals out of sight in the backyard.
00:55:37Avatar Korra, if you'd follow me, we don't want to keep Her Majesty waiting.
00:55:45Your Majesty, may I present Avatar Korra.
00:55:49You're ruining the koi pond!
00:55:52It's completely overshadowed by the topiaries.
00:55:54Topiaries! Guards! Take that buffoon away and get me someone who knows what they're doing!
00:56:00You! Rip everything out and start over!
00:56:06I am surrounded by idiots.
00:56:10So, I finally get a visit from the Avatar.
00:56:13Let me guess, you want something.
00:56:16Well, actually, Your Majesty, I was hoping you could...
00:56:18I hardly think you're in a position to ask me for favors.
00:56:21After everything the last Avatar did to the Earth Kingdom,
00:56:23he and Fire Lord Zuko took advantage of my father's weakness
00:56:27and stole our lands to make their own little empire.
00:56:30The United Republic is Earth Kingdom territory.
00:56:34Well, I... I'm not sure what I can do about that.
00:56:37Not that you care.
00:56:39But what's left of my kingdom is falling to ruin.
00:56:42Roving bands of barbarians are raiding villages in the countryside.
00:56:45And now, some of my subjects are refusing to pay their taxes.
00:56:49I'm very sorry for your troubles, but actually...
00:56:51That topiary is supposed to be an eel swan, not a turtle dock!
00:56:58Hey, has anyone seen Kai?
00:57:01Kai! Little bro!
00:57:03He's not over here.
00:57:04I don't think I've seen him since we landed.
00:57:06I knew that kid was no good.
00:57:08He was just waiting for an opportunity to run away again.
00:57:10We have to find him.
00:57:11What's the point? He obviously doesn't care about us.
00:57:14But he's my new little brother. He's probably lost and... and scared.
00:57:18He is just a little boy, and he's our responsibility.
00:57:21Besides, he's the only airbender we've recruited so far. We can't lose him.
00:57:24Fine. Bowl in and I will find him.
00:57:27No! To your left! Your other left!
00:57:31Do you have these problems with your servants?
00:57:34I don't really have servants. But, Your Majesty...
00:57:37The reason for our visit is that we're trying to gather all of the new airbenders who are popping up in the Earth Kingdom...
00:57:41And we'd like your help finding the ones in Ba Sing Se.
00:57:43Airbenders in Ba Sing Se? Where did you hear that?
00:57:47Before we left Republic City, we got some reports.
00:57:49Hmm. Well, before I even consider helping you, I'll need you to do something for me.
00:57:56Oh. Of course. What is it?
00:57:58I have a vault full of tax money sitting in a town south of here.
00:58:01Barbarians have stolen my past two shipments.
00:58:04Go, collect my money, and bring it back here.
00:58:08Yes, Your Majesty.
00:58:18Kai! Did you go fishing? You under the bridge?
00:58:29Here, sir. Let me help you.
00:58:31Oh, thank you, young man. What a strange, sudden breeze.
00:58:34Yeah. That was really weird.
00:58:36Thanks for your help.
00:58:38Kai! Get back here!
00:58:41Kai! It's us! Mungo and Bowl in! Your new family!
00:58:54Excuse me. Pardon me.
00:58:56No, no. Carry on.
00:59:03What are you doing running around robbing people?
00:59:05I was just practicing my airbending.
00:59:07Yeah, right. Let's go. You're in big trouble.
00:59:17I don't see any eyes on you. See you again, girl.
00:59:19Your little brother, huh?
00:59:21Yeah. Just a lovable little scamp, isn't he?
00:59:23Reminds me of my little brother.
00:59:24This is the express line to the Little Ring. Next stop, Polkom Station.
00:59:41All right. Let's see if we can catch a train back to the Upper Ring.
00:59:47Passports and tickets.
00:59:49We can pay. Hold on.
00:59:51Where's my money?
00:59:54No. Kai wouldn't...
00:59:57Aw, man.
00:59:59All right. Beat it, you two. Before things get ugly.
01:00:11I like trains.
01:00:14I like trains, too.
01:00:40I was just sleeping here. It's been a while since we spent the night on a trash pile.
01:00:44It's about how I remembered.
01:00:46I bet everyone's freaking out that we've been gone all night.
01:00:48I'm worried about Kai. He's just a little kid, out there on his own.
01:00:52He's probably really scared.
01:00:59Your breakfast, Master Fong.
01:01:01Keep the change.
01:01:04I love Ba Sing Se.
01:01:10I'm getting hungry.
01:01:12We might have to hustle up a little breakfast with the old fruit stand scam.
01:01:16Come on.
01:01:18You remember how it goes.
01:01:20I push you into the stand. You scream.
01:01:22I pretend to faint. I don't want any part of this.
01:01:25Besides, look at this fruit. It's disgusting.
01:01:27We don't want to steal this.
01:01:29Hey, you trying to steal my fruit?
01:01:31No, I just said I don't want any of this rotten fruit.
01:01:34Oh, you too good for my fruit?
01:01:36This is the best fruit on the block.
01:01:38So you want me to steal it?
01:01:40Just try it, buddy.
01:01:42Go ahead.
01:01:44I'm confused. Are we stealing the fruit or not?
01:01:47I knew it! Thieves!
01:01:51What's going on here?
01:01:53Dad, these fruit thieves are insulting our fruit.
01:01:57Bolin? Mako?
01:01:59How do you know our names?
01:02:01Yeah, I mean, I'm famous, so I get that.
01:02:03But how do you know his name?
01:02:05You look just like Sun.
01:02:07You? You'll never believe who these guys are.
01:02:09They're your cousins. My brother Sun's kids.
01:02:13That's like a Winky Dink.
01:02:15Oh, goodness.
01:02:21Hey, these two.
01:02:23This is a surprise.
01:02:25Finally, something interesting happens.
01:02:27Ruling the tribe is so tedious.
01:02:29Then you should enjoy this.
01:02:31We need to check on a secret ice prison in the Western Tundra.
01:02:37Your father sent us a letter years ago with your names.
01:02:39But that was the last we heard from him.
01:02:41Then we saw your pictures on the sports pages with your bending team.
01:02:43And, Bolin, we love those nuk-tuk movers.
01:02:45They're hilarious.
01:02:47Yeah, they're not really comedies, but, uh...
01:02:49Yeah, I could probably be a pro bender, or an actor,
01:02:51or something if I lived in a mansion in Republic City like you guys.
01:02:53You don't know what it's like here on the streets.
01:02:55You gotta be tough.
01:02:57Oh, Mako and I grew up on the streets.
01:02:59We were homeless, then we were kind of in a gang,
01:03:01then we lived in a gym...
01:03:03Hey, everybody! Look who's here!
01:03:05San's kids! Mako and Bolin!
01:03:07No way!
01:03:09Come in! Welcome.
01:03:11Is it true?
01:03:13After all these years?
01:03:15Boys, this is your grandmother, Yin.
01:03:17Ah, it is so wonderful to finally meet my long-lost grandchildren.
01:03:23Where is San and your mother?
01:03:27Wait, you mean you don't know?
01:03:29I'm sorry.
01:03:31They were killed when we were little.
01:03:43Why is Mako's scarf red if he was from the Earth Kingdom?
01:03:45It belonged to his father.
01:03:47His father was Earth Kingdom.
01:03:49Yeah, and his mother was a firebender.
01:03:53You're welcome.
01:03:55You here to pick up the tax shipment?
01:03:57Go ahead and load it on the airship.
01:03:59Oh no, here comes the Burriege!
01:04:13Oh no!
01:04:15Oh no, here comes the Burriege!
01:04:19So much for our esports...
01:04:21so much for our esports...
01:04:23So much for...
01:04:25So much for...
01:04:27Suddenly it's Mad Wako here.
01:05:18Retreat retreat
01:05:21You're on the wrong side of this fight avatar that gold belongs to the people not the queen
01:05:26Why do I get the feeling he's right?
01:05:33Why didn't anyone tell us we have a secret prison we could have been throwing people in
01:05:37I'd like to put my tailor in here
01:05:39He never gets my cuffs, right? They're so creasy
01:05:48We built this place secretly with your father to hold a very special prisoner
01:05:53She's a powerful firebender named pali who can create explosions with her mind
01:05:58Ironically, I hired a guy with a similar ability to kill the avatar myself once
01:06:05Didn't work
01:06:07Don't feel bad. I tried to kill core after she ruined my wedding
01:06:11It happens. Let's just focus on keeping this woman in prison
01:06:22The intense cold prevents her from fire bending there's certainly no way anyone's breaking out of here
01:06:28That's what we thought about the other three prisons
01:06:32Must be something exciting going on
01:06:34No one interesting has visited me in 13 years. Don't get used to it
01:06:39He's out, isn't he?
01:06:41I'm feeling warmer already
01:06:47This is so great we've never had a family before now we've got one two five eleven
01:06:54A big family. Yeah, so why did dad leave basing say?
01:06:58Oh, he always had big dreams. He couldn't wait to get out and see the world. Your grandfather thought it was ridiculous
01:07:03He wanted son to stay home and work the fruit stand but son was determined to leave and they had a huge fight
01:07:09And that was the last time they ever spoke
01:07:11oh, um
01:07:13Sorry mom
01:07:15Come with me
01:07:18I have something to show you
01:07:23This is the only letter we ever got from son
01:07:26It says he married a beautiful girl from the fire nation and had two wonderful sons
01:07:32He sent this picture of you all on his birthday
01:07:35Look mako dad's wearing your scarf. I'm so sad that I never got to meet your mother, but you have her eyes
01:07:42I know from looking at you too that she must have been a wonderful bride for my boy
01:07:52I'm sure they would want you to have this
01:08:04Your majesty the avatar has returned I would but my grandmothers are dead finally secure it in the vault
01:08:09It's being done as we speak
01:08:11So now your majesty if I could start meeting some of the airbenders here in the city the daily thoroughly searched the city
01:08:16But it seems your reports were incorrect. There are no airbenders in basen
01:08:20So you can gather your little band and be on your way tomorrow
01:08:24You make me do your dirty work extorting your own citizens for your stupid palaces and topiaries
01:08:28And then you just want to send me away. We're not going anywhere until we find some airbenders. We know there are some here
01:08:35Get her out of my sight
01:08:37Here's my uh, here's my idea for as a as like a rewrite. There is no red lotus. Korra kills the earth queen
01:08:45I love that idea
01:08:49I don't think korra at this point would be ready to do that
01:08:52But definitely by the end of the season if things continue as they are. Oh, yeah, definitely
01:08:56Oh, yeah
01:09:02Korra basically does it on impulse thinking she's doing the earth kingdom a favor
01:09:05But when everything just descends into bandit run anarchy she realizes oh I fucked up and goes into self-exile
01:09:14Like basically when that happens just like the words of ryko from early in the season just really start fucking with her
01:09:28This isn't over i'm gonna find the airbenders
01:09:30Of course
01:09:33You know san would have been so proud of you guys traveling the world with the avatar
01:09:37He would have loved that we actually need to get back to the avatar in the upper ring
01:09:41We're supposed to be helping her find airbenders in basing say
01:09:45What what happened
01:09:47One of our neighbors started airbending about a week ago a couple days later
01:09:51Two daily agents come out of nowhere and snatch him up. No one's seen him since
01:09:55They say the earth queen's locking all the airbenders up somewhere and using them for experiments
01:10:01Don't talk like that about her majesty
01:10:04Love me. She mean
01:10:06We have to go back to the upper ring and tell korra. I hope kai is okay
01:10:13Here sir, let me help you
01:10:36Welcome to her majesty's army first airbending regiment from now on you live to fight for the earth queen
01:10:48Fucked around found out
01:10:51Okay, that is gonna be it for today
01:10:56I will see you all tomorrow, I guess wait. No, no, not tomorrow get the patron call tomorrow. Uh monday