• 3 weeks ago
00:30First a rally if you can
01:00Same thing
01:03Marked for death you can go. Yeah that's witch rock. Yeah
01:27Go out if you're being targeted
01:34Shadow blade
01:53Final twilight run out
02:03Shredded you cannot escape my blade
02:26The stars cannot reach you here
02:37There you go
02:43Impressive but did you believe you were fighting the real thing?
02:47I will leave the Queen to you. I get paid regardless
02:53I'm your bounties grow before I you're all forget it. Come on resume getting more good than your character. Watch your back as me
03:03I can't need on the thing until you res me the things in the way
03:09There we go
03:22Seeing a slayer icon what called appropriate for your class the leg item appropriate for your class. I
03:29Don't I
03:32Pretty sure I do I got written down. Yep. I do got the receipt screenshot it
03:43Hasten mastery
04:22Think yeah, everyone was there everyone was here when we did Prague
04:28Well, I didn't roll the lowest that's the important part
04:52Oh boy, we're back at this one
04:58Okay, let's turn
06:20Phobias arachnophobia for me. Also, I'm afraid of Courtney that doesn't have a specific word attached to it
06:43How much fun are you having it seems to be massive yeah
06:49Honey I bet this is like though. I have been I've been rating and Wow since I was like 12 years old
07:07So Rora phobia
07:33Made that up on the spot based on phobia plus, okay
10:04Typically don't I typically don't think I have arachnophobia
10:09And then I play games that involve giant spiders running at me and I freak the hell out so who could say
10:56Used to be arachnophobic, but now it's more like disgust plus jump-scare
11:59It's got a plus jump-scare I'm arachnophobic and yet at the same time I do think spiders are cool
12:09Just you know
12:12Not not nearby not in real life through. I prefer to see them on video
12:27Would you spend a night camping in Australia knowing 100% one of our spiders is out there I would not
13:10Could the same way after a big spiders been in my window for a while big spiders
13:14Do not scare me the spiders that scare me are the little itty bitty teeny tiny spiders that nonetheless
13:20Like to repel down from the ceiling right in front of my face. I
13:27Swear they're fucking with me. There's a conspiracy. I tell you
14:47It's my personal pain the close-up on Aragog's eyes is he with whisper hisses makes my skin crawl
15:01It's a good thing we have no interest in ever watching those movies together
15:05Otherwise, I'd have to like read up over it with that's a lie Hagrid never opened the chamber of secrets
15:23I've got this drawing of Diva holding a newspaper
16:02With Lily dubbing it in a whispery seductive voice
16:05Jane Jane don't make me say anything from Harry Potter in this voice
16:16I'd much rather save this for calling my wife a pretty kitty
16:24You stop that oh, what's gonna do pretty kitty?
16:39Just say that ragdolled me across the
17:01Will cat girl in here, okay?
17:33I'm so proud of you moonlight
18:16Check it's bluster reassault revoice. Oh, it's happy to witness y'all. I sound like her is a cowardly duck great
19:01You're so lucky
19:03Lily flirting with her wife in front of a pissed-off married spider couple is just perfect
21:57Okay re-enabling the guild chat
23:14Yeah, I'm coming yeah
23:23Look at that
23:26Look at that. Oh my god, really my first role
23:40You rolled out of 10,000 not a hundred thousand Zardak roll again
24:04Dang Zardak
24:26Really grainy for me what happened they were they were death rolling and
24:31Zardak rolled a really low number many meaning he lost but he rolled out of 10,000 not a hundred thousand
24:36So I made him roll out of a hundred thousand got the same number basically
24:42Zardad do you want in this again?
24:57Fucking easy
25:01Boom oh
25:18I think it was 80,000 gold
25:25Streamers out here all day farming like cloth the auction house and I'm just sitting here gambling
25:51It's just top three you only do full full stats I can
26:03I've rolled at least the game
26:21I beat you. Yeah beat you too
26:39Season of
26:56We're gonna give it like another five minutes after that soup, maybe you're gonna go ill
27:02Maybe gonna be our option
27:07I'm gonna still ask Joe if he's there
27:38No, wait, and I can't
27:47Least I least he knows when anything doesn't have the money that you won't
27:58It's very strange that we're not having any people that signed up
28:03It's normal since it's like a court it's far away
28:19Yeah, it's pretty early
28:35You gotta be fucking kidding me man, all right
28:40Oh, I'm out for it for the night
28:46There you go, I'm gonna go farm some gold
29:10Fuck man, I hate feeling. All right, rest those back
29:19No, no, no we go again
29:22That just put me to like last place I bet on the shame
29:31Camp and I know you got the gold
29:34Okay, so we all have experience
29:38Okay, so we all have experience I'll drop a piece we all have experience on that bus
29:44Me all our tickets. We're doing the snap mechanic at first. Oh, no, never mind track track marks
29:50You weren't you weren't there last time, right?
29:56It's a fucking art bus. I hope that you watch a video during the pause because it's a it's a long one
30:04I did perfect
30:08So, yeah, let's do it let's clear it we have a way much higher item level now
30:13We may get it and get it in one or two tries. So
30:21And soon stone up, please thank you
30:25And company's just loving it again
30:44I'm just paying for repairs again
30:49Okay, let's do it
30:58Five four three two one
31:18Forgot I was here one
31:49Yes, buddy on the big B
31:51I'm gonna go
32:15All right, yeah
32:42Come on
32:46Okay, I'll put down marker
32:51What was the marker again that was working
33:00Do not release just wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, we have a soul stone up
33:16So that's a tricky moment
33:18remember a warrior you guys
33:22Rally during the charge. So first charge is round second charge an EVA
33:27Well, we're gonna get back to what we were doing at first get through
33:50And what was the other one you have the green marker and I will have the
33:57Moon I guess
34:16All right
34:25Five four three two one
34:39Seconds ago old when I discovered I've been pronouncing on of a wrong in my head the whole time. No, it's on of a
36:06Rally out
36:40Was a Dodge mechanic if we can clear the web do it, please. Thank you
36:50Break break the shield
37:36That's the dispel part
37:42So get out of the middle
37:49We'll take first
37:51Go near of the middle of the bus
38:03It's rump in the middle and even the middle and I'll or tickets in the middle
38:12Beyond as well
38:19We have time before
38:28Do they all need to be dispelled at the same time
38:33Because I can dispel one like right off the bat
38:44You gotta take that no, it's fine. Just just wanted to ask I don't do it again
39:11Yeah, we have two priests
39:14Yeah, yeah loading
39:26The repair bought down if you need to repair
39:31Yeah, thank you, so yeah, which is gonna make sure to LP alerts at that time
39:37They're more possible and we're gonna dispel more at the end of the spell, but I was a good Pope. Let's go
39:50Hey at the end of
39:52Phase two, do you want me to go ahead and start off with the noob since I got like the the self shield
39:59And then you can have what's his name?
40:12Yeah after the web thing that we need to dodge you
40:20And during that time
40:22Rowan if you can clear the web with your turtle could be very useful whenever
40:28We're at the the dodgy web thing
40:33Thank you, all right the dodgy web thing when the bus
40:45Okay, yeah, yeah
40:50And I just press on the
40:56Then and then I use my turtle
41:02Turtle, okay
41:12Five four three two one
42:53I'll go rallying cry out
43:02I'll use a cookie. Let's go
43:27It's the dodge part you can clear row one
44:08Have a resume
44:12There's a dispel part so go away of the middle go on the big bus
44:24I'll count up three people that needs to go in the middle
44:50Yeah, it's allergic is an eBay PK rogue in the middle
45:01Wait that people are a little bit more and dispel them
45:18A little bit more sooner that was but yeah good good stopping everybody was in good shape
45:24We just need to dispel
45:29Don't really wait
45:32No problem. You made a good point
45:35Campan we can keep them a little bit more stack and after the first pool
45:42We can separate the team after that so we can stack up together. It's gonna be easier for either
45:54The dispels are like the thing that's really fucking us is just that like
46:01Either we aren't topped off and they get all dispelled at once and we die
46:04or we are topped off and no dispel comes and then we just died a dot damage and it's like
46:10Come on, like just dispel us. It's not that I don't even know if we're supposed to be like dispelling them all at once
47:09Should we really be blowing these things up all at once? No the dispel
47:16Yeah, but like on more than one occasion like every time I get that I every time like I end up getting the debuff
47:22It's the explosion from getting dispelled that always kills
47:28Maybe we should be rotating them
47:51Yeah, but it's killing us
47:56It's the dispels that we that keeps killing us sorry Mike has been a little shit
48:03I've told him number takes after their owners
48:15Of the raid, you know
48:21Let's go
48:25Five four three two one
50:07Rallies out
50:28Can clean
51:44It's fine I can hold them for two
51:47APK and drag go in the middle. Yeah
51:52Great. I'm gonna die again. Stop everybody. Yeah go in the ring other people other people should be in the ring get ready to dispel
51:59Guys get around the bus. Don't be too near of each other
52:04Dispel them go
52:07And I'm not
52:09I got one
52:16Not nobody got dispelled
52:22When I called your name and you're going in the middle you don't have to stack on each other
52:27You got a spread out around the bus. So whenever you're getting dispelled the dispel is going
52:34Toward the bus and not
52:36On other teammates, so that's very important because we cannot tell you guys before you're
52:45If if we're in there too long she doesn't knock back
52:53No, she knocked us back before we were dispelled
52:58Yeah, I was like a half the cast left before it didn't knock back
53:06No problem, so yeah
53:10Wait, just wait
53:19Yeah, exactly so just spread around the bus you see it's very obvious whenever people have the debuff
53:29We got this I know it's a hard mechanic it's our bus
53:46Oil on your weapon
53:50That's time
53:52I'll be there in five seconds
54:54Oh early pulse
56:24One probably no
57:24Watch I'm gonna get it again are tight
