Working on Korra Video VII 4:5

  • last month


00:00:00some afterlives in the shadowlands only had one soul ah before deciding on a
00:00:07council ortham are pushed for thrall to become warchief again that's not new
00:00:12lore we were there
00:00:15Taranda as the night warrior and Sylvanas were evenly matched when they
00:00:31fought in Ardenweald augmented by a loon in the jailer all the soul fragments
00:00:37that have been taken by frostmourne were sent directly to the mall when it
00:00:39shattered which is why the jailer had it has his collection of souls they didn't
00:00:43go to the mall until then okay dreadlords ferried the helm of
00:00:53domination of frostmourne to Azeroth and weren't actually there to be jailers
00:00:56for the Legion but to ensure the Lich King's goals remained aligned with the
00:01:00jailers and when only had a brief meeting with Sylvanas in the mall at the
00:01:09end of shadowlands and then left for the people that thought he spent a long time
00:01:12there all domination magic was supposed to be locked in the mall Devos
00:01:17identified Arthas as an agent because morn blades were domination magic which
00:01:20should never have left them all
00:01:24jailer had no idea what the threat the jail oh my god the jailer had no idea
00:01:30what the threat he saw was he gleamed some unseen threat by viewing the lives
00:01:35of trillions of mortals and wanted to unite the shadowlands prepared to to to
00:01:40prepare for it the eternal ones figured any such threat was likely already
00:01:43accounted for by the first ones and to keep going as they were oh my god the
00:01:52mastermind of all of Wow's lore and he didn't even know what the fuck he was
00:01:57preparing for
00:02:40hell you convert as being an agent of the jailer even before meeting Sylvanas
00:02:43help Sylvanas for this reason and to piss off Odin no bargain
00:02:49anyone's injuries during the events of 5.1 heavily heavily reduced and may and
00:02:54he made a full recovery as opposed to permanently damaged bones Rathian forgot
00:02:58the Titans last message like the keepers previously he remembered it and
00:03:03references the keepers and references the keepers for forgetting
00:03:15Garrosh intentionally used Sunreaver agents because he knew Lord Tamar was in
00:03:18the process of switching sides and wanted to ruin that a few Sunreavers now
00:03:21directly involved but no real information on who or what ignores a
00:03:26this turning a blind eye the zools faction him up news and Alar wasn't
00:03:30sinking but seeing parts of its sink inspired them to now rekindle the
00:03:33ancient troll Empire Garrosh was corrupted by Yasha Raj who made him more
00:03:37desperate bullshit war of thorns combines elegy and Sylvanas's novel
00:03:42version of events yeah cuz they kept fucking yeah cuz they kept contradicting
00:03:50each other didn't I I guess a good war is just gone maybe bronze dragon is no
00:03:56longer involved in recruiting the Mag heart and now the night born bridge the
00:03:59rift to wad this might not be retconned but just an omission of ignoring the
00:04:02bronze those motivations now started out as wanting to unite just the
00:04:06Shadowlands he foresaw some unseen force by witnessing the lives of so many
00:04:09mortals as they entered and saw that a fractured Shadowlands would not be able
00:04:12to defeat it this got expanded over time to everything
00:04:27one sector first of five old gods at the time of the black Empire contradicting
00:04:31other sections that say for discrepancy is not explained so they do not like add
00:04:35a line about it dying before they say all old gods are dead after N'zoth
00:04:40entirety of Kul Tiras questline happens before the horde free to Lange and head
00:04:44to Zandal and head to Zandalar the entire entirety of the cult here is
00:04:48questline happening before the horde free to Lange and head to Zandalar
00:04:51makes no sense the whole motive to recruit Kul Tiras was them freeing to
00:04:55Lange and Zandalar destroying the Alliance fleet oh wow
00:04:58Sargeras's fear of a void Titan has been replaced with void creature which
00:05:03might not mean anything claims the Eclipse when Ysera dies was a lunar
00:05:06eclipse when in-game was clearly a solar eclipse mentions that we fought Aggramon
00:05:10the seat of the Pantheon just more boss magic stuff just Wow
00:05:28so if I'm in a bit quiet
00:05:50Wow they actually call the adventurers players in the sylvanas awakens section
00:05:56this thing was not edited at all nobody looked at this my god this intended had
00:06:06to be an early draft otherwise the players themselves are now canon and
00:06:09apparently Uther knows we exist reads like some mid-2000s Kingdom Hearts fan
00:06:13fiction but no Sylvanas really did have a soul battle in her head yeah that's a
00:06:20fucking dive into the heart shit my god reading it only makes the whole premise
00:06:25seem even more stupid I'm astounded he will look chattel and said yeah that's
00:06:28good send it in oh my god
00:06:39oh that is so stupid
00:07:16Oh my god.
00:07:18Yeah, that sounds rough.
00:07:22Anyway, Lolo, do you want to see Avatar Yakoma?
00:07:32Do you want to see Avatar Yakoma?
00:07:39Did you hear me?
00:07:41Yes, I heard.
00:07:42Okay, good.
00:07:48Oh, I like the color scheme on that.
00:07:50This is the Avatar after Neva.
00:07:56That's my Korra-esque ponytail.
00:07:59Yeah, it's the same one Lavi has.
00:08:02Oh, yeah.
00:08:04Yeah, I see now.
00:08:05Excuse me.
00:08:07And here she is in casual wear.
00:08:17She's very gender.
00:08:21That's good.
00:08:25I love the little swirl on the flap on her robes.
00:08:30That's really cool.
00:08:33Just that little detail.
00:08:48Oh, yeah.
00:08:49Render Lavi.
00:08:55Oh my god, that looks so good!
00:08:58I know!
00:09:01Ren, can I please...
00:09:04I don't want to sound vampiric, but I really want to absorb some of your power
00:09:10so I can become just as powerful as you.
00:09:13Because, Christ, you are at another level.
00:09:17Holy shit.
00:09:20The posing, the expression, the shading.
00:09:24God, the fucking shading!
00:09:43Shading on the... Lighting on the little fucking...
00:09:47Fucking spear right.
00:09:50Like, I still can't do that.
00:10:13So talented.
00:10:18Oh, yeah.
00:10:23I like how they both have action poses.
00:10:27Actually, I guess this is Neva's action pose.
00:10:30Fucking hell, look at this.
00:10:32Oh my god.
00:10:33You weren't around when this came out.
00:10:37Oh, I did see a bit of it.
00:10:39Oh, I did see a bit of it when I tuned in for a bit.
00:10:45Oh, I love the glowing around the eyes.
00:10:49The avatar state.
00:10:54It's so good!
00:11:10I've seen Wayne's world too.
00:11:12We're not worthy! We're not worthy!
00:11:28No, to give all of us a bit of credit,
00:11:31I think all of us artists,
00:11:35me, McKay, and Gwen,
00:11:38we've all got our strengths in different areas.
00:11:48Whenever you guys are appreciating each other's art,
00:11:51you always seem to put yourselves down in the process.
00:11:55And me, who doesn't draw at all,
00:11:57is just sitting here like,
00:11:58man, all my friends are so talented.
00:12:05I want to prep myself up a bit,
00:12:09because I think I'm really good
00:12:14at drawing a variety of styles and expressions.
00:12:19McKay definitely does way better expressions.
00:12:26And her posing has really improved.
00:12:29I remember seeing really old art of back in the TSR days,
00:12:34and compared to now, it's like,
00:12:36oh, she's grown so much,
00:12:39but she's still so much better.
00:12:41I remember I was watching the first episode of the show,
00:12:44and I was like,
00:12:45oh, I've never seen anyone do this,
00:12:47and I was like,
00:12:48I've never seen anyone do this.
00:12:51I've never seen anyone do this.
00:12:53She's grown so much.
00:12:57Oh yeah.
00:12:59In fact, I can do a direct comparison.
00:13:09I think one of my favourite art pieces I did for someone is definitely when I did...
00:13:15That drawing I did for McKay with...
00:13:17Hold on, hold on. This is one of the earliest things Ren ever sent me.
00:13:21Oh, that was Ren? Wow.
00:13:30And this is one of Ren's most recent pieces.
00:13:37Oh my god, holy piss Christmas. That is such a...
00:13:42That is such a glow up.
00:13:45Well, it was already glowing from the start.
00:13:47I know, but like...
00:13:56You really did a good transition in Ren going from a blindness art to a very stylized anime-esque.
00:14:13It's like if Studio Mirror didn't look like shit.
00:14:22Studio Mirror, they hired a good artist.
00:14:46Gentlemen, we can create the ultimate life form.
00:14:57I call it the art form.
00:15:04Or hell.
00:15:07I have the Madhouse. I have the Madhouse archive, so...
00:15:11Here's one of McKay's early pieces.
00:15:24And here's one of her most recent.
00:15:32Whoa, that's so much better.
00:15:37I love Emerald's expression.
00:15:42Oh, yeah.
00:15:49Oh, actually, an even later one of that is this one. Sister Goes Spinny.
00:16:02Oh, that's so cute.
00:16:28She was actually trying to do Ren's thing with lighting here, where everyone's lit from the back.
00:16:38And it works. Very glossy.
00:16:41I'm trying to do the glow dodgem effect when I'm trying to do my lighting, especially when I'm drawing armor.
00:16:53And it's difficult though, because you want to make sure that the lighting hits the right area,
00:16:58but you also kind of want to give it some shading down there,
00:17:03because otherwise it wouldn't look weird.
00:17:07You've really got to think about where the light is hitting the armor and all the shading around it.
00:17:16Because lighting is really effective on what material a character is wearing.
00:17:25So armor's very metallic, obviously, so you're going to make sure that the lighting reflects that.
00:17:36We all use different settings. Mckay uses overlay. I use add glow.
00:17:43I don't know if Mckay's program has add glow. She uses fire alpaca.
00:17:51Clip studio.
00:18:13Hell, just in terms of recent Madhouse stuff. Well, I say recent, it was months ago, but like...
00:18:31This is so cute. I know!
00:18:35Bonnie's reaching for a camera.
00:19:05I think Bonnie is where she really flexed her expressions,
00:19:14because Bonnie was not constrained by petty mortal things like anatomy.
00:19:27Well, better than that.
00:19:49This comic never launched. It wasn't even completed.
00:20:03I mean, come on, look at that face.
00:20:05I do like how a lot of times Bonnie's just hanging on the back of her mom's head.
00:20:14I love that detail. Like, when characters are so BB, they literally just hang on people's heads.
00:20:27You know, when I'm drawing Scaredad and I have no idea where to put a pony,
00:20:31I just feel like you just pop one of them on top of a crow's head.
00:20:45Here's one of my earlier drawings of Parfait with her fire powers, compared to now.
00:20:54Like, showing my evolution a bit.
00:20:56Peace was never an option.
00:21:16Comic Lily had no siblings and was cis, right? Well, yeah, Comic Lily does have a sibling, G.
00:21:27I have been thinking about reviving Madhouse,
00:21:41but kind of, like, picking up where it left off in a kind of soft reboot sense.
00:21:57Yeah, it's been a while since the last one.
00:21:59Well, I mean, Madhouse went down with the original blog.
00:22:03Oh, yeah, true.
00:22:15I take it the ridiculous sister was retconned. Why am I getting deja vu?
00:22:23Is there anywhere to find the original Madhouse?
00:22:25Uh, yes, I put it up on Patreon for Cryptid Tier Patrons.
00:22:31Although, well, technically, every comic is right here.
00:22:37Oh, right, I remember these.
00:22:53Madhouse was very sweet. I'm glad you think so.
00:22:56It seems like most, it seems a consensus of most people who aren't, like,
00:23:00massively, uh, massively reaching just so they can fucking bitch and moan about me
00:23:05seem to feel that way.
00:23:13Parfait being mad.
00:23:21She doesn't, she's just a puppy that breathes fire.
00:23:27Isn't she also, like, made of birthday cake?
00:23:32I'm even like, oh, well, how come she doesn't melt and everything?
00:23:35Shut up, it's magic.
00:23:39How come she doesn't, uh, doesn't melt?
00:23:41She's made of birthday cake, not ice cream cake.
00:23:47That is some good fire.
00:23:52I was actually looking for this earlier.
00:24:03What for?
00:24:04You'll find out.
00:24:11By the way, the reason why it's rainbow color is because, um, because she has this,
00:24:14Parfait has this ability where, um,
00:24:17um, her fire's like a mood ring. It's very, the color is very dependent on her emotions.
00:24:21So when she's, like, it's usually, like, um, blue, but when she's, like, pissed off,
00:24:26pissed off, it goes, like, white.
00:24:28But when she's really beyond her limits, it just goes full-on rainbow.
00:24:53Drawing that, I was listening to Bury the Light.
00:24:55While I was drawing that.
00:24:58Yeah, I know, you drew this because I put Bury the Light in a video.
00:25:05Like, when you put that in the video, that's the first time I heard that song.
00:25:08Like, I didn't see all the memes of it or anything.
00:25:13So once I actually found out the song, oh, that's actually a bit of a bop.
00:25:16I want to listen to that.
00:25:17And then I was like, yo, this is, like,
00:25:19this is Death's Southern Music that I would listen to when Parfait finds some, like, scooter cake.
00:25:41I wanted to bring this up about Parfait.
00:25:43She actually started off because, um,
00:25:45my mum had this, like, gave us this idea of, hey,
00:25:47why don't you make little animations for people's birthdays?
00:25:51And you could just design a character to, like, make little birthday animations to,
00:25:54to be for people to send through email.
00:25:56I was like, oh, okay, I'll make a birthday-themed character.
00:25:58That sounds like a good idea.
00:26:00And then I was like, okay, I like this character so much.
00:26:03Fuck it, I'm just going to make an entire story about her now.
00:26:14Once I finish this Korra video,
00:26:16I'm going to start working out a regular streaming schedule.
00:26:23Oh, yeah, you were, like, streaming, like,
00:26:25weren't you streaming, like, several days in a row?
00:26:28Uh, yes.
00:26:33Well, bless you, you must be exhausted.
00:26:37I don't stream for overly long.
00:27:04You doing fine, sweetie?
00:27:05Yeah, I'm all right.
00:27:07I'm not, like...
00:27:12It's, like, six hour streams.
00:27:14I have about a five to six hour workday, so...
00:27:19If I wasn't streaming, I would still be at my computer doing this.
00:27:26I usually take sun...
00:27:28Not always the case, but I usually take Sundays off.
00:27:37And the day after a video goes live.
00:27:44FreePersonKissMe, can I link it or tell you how to find it?
00:27:52Just tell me how to find it.
00:27:56You think you would ever upload VODs on YouTube?
00:27:59Uh, no.
00:28:01I still don't see a reason to ever upload VODs on YouTube.
00:28:04I don't think there's any value in doing that.
00:28:15Other people to...
00:28:17At least you could subject other people to the same tedium.
00:28:21Yeah, I don't...
00:28:21Yeah, I don't see...
00:28:22I've never seen a reason to upload VODs on YouTube.
00:28:32People don't even check the clips, let alone archives.
00:28:39Although, I'm going to check the clips.
00:29:05EvidenceLily still watches card captors and other normal stuff as of 23 VII 2024.
00:29:24Just delete that fucking clip.
00:29:29Especially not these chorus streams.
00:29:30Oh yeah, I couldn't upload these.
00:29:56I've gotten way better as an artist.
00:29:57It's definitely drawing people.
00:30:00Netflix colorless rainbow kiss meme.
00:30:06Oh, okay.
00:30:32Being grateful for these streams really helps me to take my mind off things.
00:30:36Oh, I'm glad.
00:30:38I like hanging out with you, Wren.
00:30:45The most popular is from Grounded with a surprise spider attack.
00:30:47Yeah, I have been slowly putting together a compilation of stream clips.
00:30:56Honestly, that'd be really fun, honestly.
00:31:03Like, best of Lily streams.
00:31:07I think the most recent...
00:31:11I've been sick and days are blending into one another.
00:31:13I feel like you've been streaming, like, most days.
00:31:16Ever since I started buckling down to the Korra video, I have been streaming most days.
00:31:26Last clip someone did was when I was playing Pokemon X, and I was just like...
00:31:35It was like, as soon as I did one gym, and I was finally able to go to a boutique,
00:31:40and I was like, yes!
00:31:41Thank you!
00:31:42This is what I've been slaving for.
00:31:46Oh, god, no!
00:31:50Hello, what's the name of the character you haven't...
00:31:54Oh, Sugarcoat!
00:31:56Oh, yay!
00:31:59Okay, yeah, here it is.
00:32:05Aren't there limits to behavior like this?
00:32:13That's what I was looking for.
00:32:19He's blasting off like Team Rocket!
00:32:29All right, off to the control room.
00:32:31This is the bathroom.
00:32:33This is... this isn't what I was looking for.
00:32:37You brought up inflation and glass jars.
00:32:39This is just dessert.
00:32:41I found you!
00:32:43Put the fork down, Spat...
00:32:48Why don't you stick that in the socket over here?
00:32:51You know, you'd really be able to fuck up all these machines if you just stuck that
00:32:56fork right in an electrical socket.
00:32:59Trust me.
00:33:00Trust me.
00:33:03Oh, god, no!
00:33:07Oh, it's a Klink!
00:33:09Can I fuse a stick to a stick?
00:33:12Oh, here we go!
00:33:14Oh, people are gonna, like, just be winning this game...
00:33:16beating this game with the goofiest weapons possible.
00:33:28Like that, I've got a Gopi and I almost had an accident.
00:33:31Ah, yes!
00:33:32Gopi is still in here!
00:33:39Was Bijou smiling and blushing?
00:33:45Well, that's something new we learned about Bijou, huh?
00:33:48Oh, you really should give us your phone number for two-factor authenticate.
00:33:51Fuck off!
00:33:52Oh, you know, you should check your email for this one-time confirmation.
00:33:58Fuck off!
00:33:59Ham-o-matic, scrubby!
00:34:00Oh, he said scrub the garbage, not vor the garbage, but that works too.
00:34:12Oh, I can't wait!
00:34:20God, I just remembered the time I drew Sugar Coat as a ham-ham.
00:34:24Gee, you sure are patient.
00:34:25I've run out of things to say.
00:34:27I was like, no!
00:34:28No, Sugar Coat's 13!
00:34:41Oh, that's beautiful!
00:34:43Oh, that's brilliant!
00:34:44Oh, someone clip that.
00:34:50And it's, like, right there at the tip of your fingers,
00:34:54and you're still not watching it.
00:34:55It's probably because you don't want to watch it.
00:35:00Oh, fuck!
00:35:08I'm fine.
00:35:10I'm okay.
00:35:13What was that Nuber clip?
00:35:14Oh, uh, this, uh, character who is annoying by just constantly going,
00:35:18heya, heya, heya, and then Lexair changed his name to Nuber,
00:35:23donated five dollars, and said, heya.
00:35:26And it was perfectly timed.
00:35:31Yeah, that's what we have so far.
00:35:34Oh, that's wonderful.
00:35:45I love all the clips where you're just, like, just laughing.
00:35:49Laughing like, yeah, we've got a care in the world.
00:35:50It's so nice to hear.
00:35:55I was also working on another drawing before I went.
00:36:20I'm so sad that the Mako flip got lost.
00:36:23Yeah, me too.
00:36:26I would love a compilation of moments of Noob Lord's stupid bullshit was caught on stream.
00:36:30I don't think that, yeah, that, that'd be, that'd be a, that'd be difficult.
00:36:35You'd have to, like, you would have to actually be on the stream, Noob Lord, not just in the chat.
00:36:43And even then, most of your stupid bullshit is just yelling peak fiction and running away.
00:38:09I've been trying to get into voice acting lately.
00:38:13Oh, yeah, you
00:38:15definitely got a good range.
00:38:17Oh, thank you.
00:38:21Have you got any
00:38:23any other things yet?
00:38:27Oh, no, I've been
00:38:29sending in auditions.
00:38:31Ironically, ever since
00:38:33I did that thing in the Discord server where I did
00:38:35a full voice acting thing for like
00:38:37for Coffin
00:38:39and people were like, Jesus Christ, Lily,
00:38:41you're good at this. I was like, okay, fine.
00:38:43I'll set up a booth and give it a shot.
00:38:47I'm not going to tell any of you
00:38:49about anything because I do it
00:38:51because I've been auditioning under a pseudonym
00:38:53and the last thing I want is the stalkers finding it.
00:39:01If I were to get a voice acting gig
00:39:03and my name was actually
00:39:05and my
00:39:07and Lily Orchard was actually on it,
00:39:09Jesus fucking Christ, they would be
00:39:11they would be
00:39:13blowing up my boss's phone
00:39:15to tell them every stupid bullshit lie
00:39:17they possibly could.
00:39:33Good call.
00:39:35You got the chops. Oh, yeah, apparently.
00:39:39It's funny. Like, something
00:39:41I did in a Discord call
00:39:45at the spur of the moment
00:39:47led to this.
00:39:49Would you fend against that?
00:39:51I don't know.
00:40:11How many voices can you do?
00:40:13It's not really about how many voices you can do.
00:40:15It's how well you do voices with.
00:40:19One piece of
00:40:21advice I got from a professional
00:40:25don't waste
00:40:27your time doing silly voices.
00:40:29No one wants to hear your Stitch impression.
00:40:35I don't know.
00:40:37I think a lot of your videos have great moments of character
00:40:39voice acting. The Pokemon video is a great example.
00:40:41Yeah, I guess so.
00:40:45At the same time, though, I was still kind of
00:40:47phoning it in because it's like, you know,
00:40:49it's a comedy video. Let's not take it too seriously.
00:40:53Like, I just...
00:40:55I gave, like, a...
00:40:57When I made
00:40:59it, it was like,
00:41:01I want to see things
00:41:03no one can see.
00:41:05Oh, you want drugs? Do you want to be on drugs?
00:41:11The truth of how trainers should be
00:41:13and a world where Pokemon
00:41:15have become perfect.
00:41:17The purple socks.
00:41:19Oh, yeah.
00:41:21I'm going to destroy the world because there aren't
00:41:23enough purple socks. If you want to
00:41:25stop me, you better beat me at this card
00:41:29Oh, that's so
00:41:33Add. Hang on.
00:41:37I love
00:41:39this voice.
00:41:49people like me?
00:41:51I'm famous. I have my own
00:41:53action figure.
00:41:59If you ever make StarCrossed Warriors
00:42:01a thing, you have to promise to give me a role in it.
00:42:03Oh, yeah,
00:42:05I will definitely.
00:42:07Eating the scenery that isn't even present.
00:42:15Hang on. Let me see. I'll get my roster
00:42:17up and see what kind of thing would fit you
00:42:21I mean, it sounds like I
00:42:23could do sugar coat.
00:42:29I think I do.
00:42:31If I had an ideal casting situation,
00:42:33I would definitely hire Eric Bowser.
00:42:39Eric Bowser.
00:42:41Who's that?
00:42:43He's the guy who did
00:42:45he did
00:42:47Foop in Fairly Oddparents and
00:42:49Half of the Looney Tunes right now.
00:42:59I remember when
00:43:01Foop was like
00:43:03my amazing oratory skills.
00:43:05If anyone knows how to go to the heart of the people,
00:43:07it's me.
00:43:09Virtuous slaves, victims, and morons.
00:43:11I will show you all death.
00:43:13If you vote for me
00:43:15and my leader, I will crunch you all
00:43:21That was great.
00:43:37fluttering characters
00:43:39are either very angry or very happy.
00:43:45I'll do more of this once the ad break ends.
00:44:17I also really liked your rendition of bead oh yeah my awful my my awful my
00:44:30deliberately awful British accent father you see yeah getting late for me have a
00:44:42great time thanks everyone see Ruby how you said mr. chairman of such
00:44:46exasperation but then the chairman disowned me and now that old lady keeps
00:44:59dragging me into boot camp on fairy type Pokemon Oh the fucking like a professor
00:45:06Farnsworth impression you did for Rose good news everyone I've decided to wipe
00:45:14out all life and gala before everyone's good of course I live for awful British
00:45:32accents I'm dying
00:45:45see I told you oh thanks I'm going to destroy the world what why because
00:45:55you're fucking ugly
00:46:14my sander was definitely my favorite
00:46:27why don't people like me I'm famous I have my own action figure
00:46:37I like I got I gave him like a fucking like autobiography it's my amazing life
00:46:54and it's clearly like tons of books this is very clear no one bought it
00:47:08you know that bit from Hercules were um before I met her this was about to fight
00:47:13that um that that central she was like oh I hope we were an action figure what's
00:47:24that for oh I think that was before he met Zeus or
00:47:27whatever I should remember that particular bit
00:47:42I mean it gives me Mark Hamill Joker vibes with that in mind you could
00:47:46definitely pull off sugarcoat oh yeah if Mickey Mouse fused with Joker so
00:48:09key from zombies well as I don't know that some um it was it was a Disney like
00:48:19a Disney Channel movie franchise I mean ginger talk about it and one of the main
00:48:27characters from the movie Bucky is like him he's this cheer captain but he takes
00:48:31his job so seriously he's like the most deliciously narcissistic person you could
00:48:38ever possibly meet there was one moment during his like um one of the songs where
00:48:50like he's trying to do cheer tryouts and everyone is so excited because he's very
00:48:54clearly a huge celebrity in in the high school so everyone's like trying to get
00:48:58selfies with him and he takes like the um because everyone had like little like
00:49:02you know little contestant numbers on them and yet when one contestant was
00:49:06trying to like take and take a selfie with him Bucky would join in he then took the
00:49:10contestant number off ripped it in front of him in front of the camera as well
00:49:15and just shoved it back in his face
00:49:36I don't know what character you make a good fit for but my story is a successful voice
00:49:54actor I think I'd like I'd like to think I'd make any stalker of yours who tried to
00:49:59contact me so confused if it's ripple cute
00:50:23I think for my I think with my next tax return I'm just finally gonna buckle down and get
00:50:28an expensive mic setup because I mostly use dirt cheap mic setups
00:50:42it's the one thing I haven't upgraded in a very long time
00:50:44oh yeah treat yourself now we can hear your voice with extra bass yeah oh what
00:51:00my voice isn't already bassy enough although funnily enough like my voice
00:51:11has just been a much higher register than it has an old videos older videos I just
00:51:14sound a lot deeper it's just less processed so hmm like an older videos I seem to be talking
00:51:26of this kind of a register yeah I noticed like it later but in your recent videos are
00:51:31a lot more like him what a lot more cheerful a lot more like snapping your delivery well
00:51:36yeah yeah I have been making an attempt to that but also just in general like my my my
00:51:40broadcast voice is pitched up cuz like I've been doing vocal for for the amount of time
00:51:44I don't use my I don't use my speaking voice when I'm when I'm when I'm doing recording
00:51:50like I don't talk like this it's it's too soft it doesn't come out on the mic and when
00:51:53I go through all the process I'd have to redo all the processing in it and it sucks but
00:51:57like when I shift into my broadcast voice it's just a lot higher pitch that it used
00:52:04to be and that's been just apparently that's muscle memory cuz I've been doing cuz like
00:52:07in my day-to-day life I do vocal training all the time and eventually your vocal cords
00:52:11they just get used to a sir to a certain way of moving
00:52:44same reason I'm struggling pronouncing certain sounds in English yep it's all muscle memory
00:52:49for one audition I was asked to basically do somebody who was depressed but all but
00:53:17like not monotone and so like sadness is creeping through and of course being depressed
00:53:22I know what that sounds like so I just made the guy sound sleepy I just kind of I kind
00:53:30of went for this kind of approach somebody is just out of energy and just tired or as
00:53:43I like to call it me when I'm drunk I am a sleepy drunk
00:54:05sad EP yep I'm a sad drunk oh yeah I've seen I've seen that if we were in the same room
00:54:33and we both got drunk we would just fall asleep tangled on a couch a sad drunken snuggle
00:54:46drinking to be honest what I never like drinking to be honest yeah I don't like doing it too
00:54:59much people hear about the shit that's happening in life and it's like I am surprised that
00:55:07you are not like an alcoholic and I'm just like I don't know I guess I just always knew
00:55:11that wasn't gonna help which is not how most people view drunken state yeah be a diabetic
00:55:28cuz like I'm like dude I'm trying to tone down the amount of sugary stuff I have I can
00:55:37never get past the taste yeah for the longest time I couldn't either it's just I guess like
00:55:43because I never actually used like any drugs or alcohol like before I was being traumatized
00:55:50I could never really grab I could never grapple with the notion that doing so would help or
00:55:56make me feel better they were like oh yeah I I smoked pot too oh yeah I smoked pot to get
00:56:01through the day and I'm just like how does that work what does it do then I tried pot and I was
00:56:09like I felt like I'd been drugged I felt like well yeah it felt like I'd been drugged and it
00:56:16was just a very very very uncomfortable experience actually fuck I think I know why it's because like
00:56:24when I was a teenager I used to have my drink spiked all the time Oh God Jesus
00:56:43the heck oh yeah oh yeah Courtney would like Courtney would make me tea and put vodka in it
00:56:50of course as soon as she fucking mentioned that Jesus
00:57:03or she fucking did why would someone do that to a pre-op up girl what the fuck
00:57:20pull me any you owe me an apology that was beyond inappropriate
00:57:37holy shit honey I'm so sorry I'm okay well yeah it's not all right but I'm okay
00:57:49I meant pre-operation it's still not appropriate
00:58:08think things through before you even type that out
00:58:10it's also just a really stupid question to ask
00:58:20holy shit honey I'm so yeah of course it was fucking her well look I was a teenager who
00:58:29else was it going to be be fucking honest here
00:58:39yeah I went a while thinking I went a while just thinking that tea made me sleepy
00:58:43I often it's funny I oftenly mentioned it to my brother one day it's like it was like one
00:58:51morning it was like oh you it's like you want some tea it's like no tea makes me sleepy what
00:58:56look at me like I had three fucking heads
00:59:07oh horrible discovery actually I was going through I've been going through the our old
00:59:14photo albums to five to basically scan them and make digital copies and I found a set of photos
00:59:21my mother had tried to take of me and Courtney when I when I was 14 during all of that and my
00:59:27fucking god the distress on my fucking face in those photos oh god you poor thing oh yeah like
00:59:44I had kind of known that was like the word that was my worst year for a lot of reasons but like
00:59:50seeing like seeing a photo of it seeing a photo of just like me at that period is just like
00:59:58I will not be I will not be scanning those I will not be keeping those
01:00:08and imagine what it's like staring all this in the face like that oh yeah
01:00:21jabs at you like a hot knife
01:00:24there's the earth like yeah I saw those and I looked at them for like a few seconds and I had
01:00:32to I had to just put the whole photo album down I just couldn't do it anymore I had the urge to
01:00:38burn them but they're mine but they belong to my mother
01:00:50so happy I don't have any photos of my childhood and adolescence some of the some of the photos
01:01:06from when I was like really little or cute especially given the fact that my mother
01:01:10didn't really know how to compose a photo and so all the shots are lit super ominously so it's
01:01:17like a photo of me as a baby you know what fuck it I it's like I have I have like I have some
01:01:23funny ones I still remember um the christening photos um my mom saved me when I was a little
01:01:33baby I still had like a huge like a white christening dress that was way too big for
01:01:43like for me to fit in okay do you want to see an ominously lit photo you guys want to see an
01:01:50ominously lit photo of me as a baby totally sounds like a photo version of flashback totally
01:02:02copying those sure okay here we go
01:02:15this is like this is you know my stalkers would probably snip this photo and in fact
01:02:20for that reason I'm gonna stick it over here my stock my stalkers would probably snip this
01:02:24photo and dramatically put it under the thing and like because of its lighting would just
01:02:29dramatically go and this is where her crime spree began the fictional version of my life
01:02:37that be that the stalkers have made out of me is like crimes begin birth crimes continue
01:02:42anyway yeah that was me as a baby and you're really stabbing people as soon as you came out
01:02:52came out of birth I was born and my father said this one's gonna be a discipline problem
01:02:58oh god no that's not me making a joke he actually said that no no no I just that's
01:03:08why I said oh god cuz I could just imagine him saying that that's such a cute pic oh yeah thanks
01:03:14oh god there's one of my sister as an infant and like it is so fucking prophetic and you
01:03:28know fuck her privacy so look at that demon baby actual devil spawn
01:03:48now that's a devil oh god she's plotting something
01:03:59her eyes look full-on black yep
01:04:13what's wrong with what's wrong with this man Oh regarding my father saying I was gonna be a
01:04:17discipline problem it's cuz I was born at 4 in the morning I'm not sure my husband my childhood
01:04:23photos and he was like the saddest it was said I was the saddest child he ever seen oh oh I did
01:04:37actually try pot at one point in my in my childhood when I was in when I was in the when I
01:04:42was in the hospital there's a brief there was after a while I was been I was there my parents started
01:04:47giving me like weekly money to spend and I basically just used it to buy pot from the other
01:04:53kids and so I like for like the the latter seven months I was there I was high as a kite all the
01:05:02time and the thing is because I didn't have a history of drug use nobody ever scrutinized me
01:05:10there was one guy the guy I usually bought pot from he would have to do a urine test every time
01:05:15he came back from a home visit I never had to because and it was because he had pot use on his
01:05:22criminal record I never had it so I didn't have to do jack shit I could come back I could get
01:05:31back at the hot back to the hospital with my eyes red as fuck and they would be like why are your
01:05:37eyes right now would be like I was crying about it's like I was crying on the way back it's like
01:05:41okay go on in oh hey me too 4 a.m. baby high-five 4 a.m. babies unite I was born before 10 like 5
01:05:5730 in the morning or the evening I don't know I didn't want to cure how my mom saved him the
01:06:03exact of newspaper on the day I was born look no matter when you're no matter what time you're
01:06:10born it was 4 a.m. somewhere true although I find it interesting how I found out that um like I'm
01:06:21kind of a huge sucker for star signs and um I found that love like him there's like an ascendant
01:06:27and a moon sign on what day you were born and what exact time you were born where the stars are
01:06:33aligned and that would tell you something about your personality now I know like star signs are
01:06:38not like you know science or anything but like I'd still find it very interesting and I found
01:06:43out that I'm um I'm a Capricorn with either a Sagittarius moon or a Cancer moon and Samoon
01:06:50so I'm either Sagittarius ascendant in Cancer moon or Cancer ascendant and Sagittarius moon
01:06:56also that says to me so definitely have like a cancer or Pisces energy yeah I was um I was
01:07:12high most of the time when I was in the hospital and which is which sucks because like there were
01:07:18there end up coming a point where I was doing so well and people were so proud of the progress I
01:07:23made and I'm just sitting here thinking the moment I go home I'm gonna have to be sober
01:07:30and things are gonna start causing and problems are gonna start happening again
01:07:46oh god it's getting a bit late for me I didn't realize it was midnight
01:07:54I don't know what happened to being here all night I know I just I just realized like you
01:07:59know what it has been a long day a long day anyway and like oh I don't go wrong I have
01:08:05enjoyed it I just I think I'd like to get go to sleep anyway all right see you Lolo love you
01:08:12love you I'll be around in the morning okay all right I'll see ya see ya bye bye
01:08:23so who wants to hear more hospital stories
01:08:44me I guess okay
01:08:59will you be all right telling them oh yeah I'm fine here's the thing I can tell most stories
01:09:03like it's uh the only stories I'm not comfortable telling are stories that are like the specifics of
01:09:11what happened during the year of hell as I've come to call it
01:09:22oh well there was one time me and four other patients uh we were out on a walk we decided
01:09:26okay we'll catch a bus up to um up to Halifax Shopping Center since it's only a 10-minute bus
01:09:32ride and we'll hang around the arcade for a bit and then go home so we get on the bus
01:09:40we get on the bus but we get on the wrong one
01:09:45so it doesn't go to Halifax Shopping Center it goes all the way out into fucking Spryfield
01:09:54and we don't realize it because we're not paying attention until we look up
01:09:57and we realize it has been 45 minutes we are now AWOL
01:10:10and we're on the other side and we're and we're on the other almost on the other side of the county
01:10:16Spryfield is a long way away from where the hospital was so we get out okay we're late uh-oh
01:10:34they're gonna send the cops out looking for us
01:10:36now the other two I was with Katie and Jordan Katie wanted to run
01:10:40Katie wanted to run for it I don't know why
01:11:06and the worst part was we get off the bus we look around we take stock of where we are and
01:11:11that's when we realize hang on we may have fucked up if we had stayed on the bus we could have just
01:11:17gotten easily gotten back but then we would have been crazy fucking late so we walk around for 20
01:11:26minutes looking for a pay phone or something we could use to just like call back the hospital
01:11:30because if we call back because you know if we go back with excuses they won't believe us
01:11:34if we call and say we got on the wrong fucking bus
01:11:38and we call from a caller id out in Spryfield they'll believe us
01:11:47so we do that the entire time Katie and Jordan are just like
01:11:51are just bitching about how much they need to smoke because like everyone there except me
01:11:57smokes like crazy some of these kids were 13
01:12:23we eventually found one called up uh called up tried to explain the situation and said we were
01:12:29on our way back we were still gonna it turns out we were still gonna be in trouble when we get back
01:12:34which sucked but mercifully not as much trouble as if we just turned up at the hospital with no
01:12:40with no explanation this isn't border i told you to take the giant eagle was a stupid idea
01:12:48anyway since we're gonna be in trouble anyway we just decided to walk back which took us
01:12:54three hours and we got back at like one in the morning
01:13:05and i made up some shit about us not having money for the bus
01:13:16we were both on hold which means a total loss of privileges for 48 hours
01:13:33anyway now i know how to get around Spryfield don't might as well have a stroll yeah
01:13:40this was at a time where i could walk anywhere i could walk any distance and not get tired
01:13:48because i was because i was used to being out that long
01:14:01when i actually uh when i when i was first uh when i was first brought into uh
01:14:05put into the hospital there was a no contact order against my fam my family
01:14:10uh and it lasted for about two months and after two months of being there they were actually
01:14:14allowed to go visit me and i was told it's like yeah your parents and your sister are coming to
01:14:19see you and of course hearing that my sister was coming to see me i was like no no no no no no no
01:14:24because like two months away from that hellhole was merciful because like you grow numb when
01:14:32you're in the middle of a pit of hell but once you're out of the pit of hell you start getting
01:14:36less and less numb and so suddenly the thought that Courtney was coming to visit was going it
01:14:41was uh was coming to visit just filled me with such primal fear i freaked out so badly i had
01:14:48to be isolated they have a they have a small room that they put you in uh when you're freaking out
01:14:53it's a small and it's a very small empty room and they call it the time away room
01:14:58i always call it solitary so i had to be put into solitary uh and the visit had to be cancelled
01:15:06because i was freaking out too much and i wouldn't tell the workers exactly why but basically like
01:15:13because i'd freaked out so badly uh as a result of hearing that Courtney was coming uh the no
01:15:18contact order was actually extended on Courtney for another six months
01:15:38i didn't i i didn't explain why it freaked me out so much but
01:15:42the fact that i had freaked out so badly couldn't be ignored
01:15:49and she was not allowed to visit me at all while i was in while i was at the hospital
01:16:08solitary but glad to hear the the no contact for the
01:16:11the psychopath stuck that's a good thing i'm very glad she wasn't yep
01:16:50let's see something funny something funny something funny
01:16:54good on them extending the no contact uh on her
01:17:08oh actually my first month my first month there didn't go well because transitioning to a new
01:17:15to a just transitioning from the environment i had been in to anything else was just difficult
01:17:21so at one point they decided they were going to sedate me so they gave me a sedative
01:17:31i didn't really have a choice in the matter they injected me they basically said it's like
01:17:35you can either cooperate or we can strap you down and inject you so they strapped me down
01:17:39and they injected me now it was supposed to calm me down and help me relax for the night
01:17:47instead it knocked me out for two days straight
01:17:52turns out nobody had weighed me when i got there and because i wore such baggy clothes
01:18:00they had basically just guessed as to how much i weighed so
01:18:08they had guessed that being a 14 being a 14 year old boy that i must be that i
01:18:17must have been about 150 to 160 pounds
01:18:22especially given the fact that i was pretty tall by that point
01:18:28i actually weighed 85 pounds
01:18:33so i have so i was massively overdosed
01:18:37so i was out for three days i kind of like woke up but like i i kind of woke up in the
01:18:50midst of it but like i was very sick so i was just like out again
01:18:58and they couldn't figure out what was wrong with me like they couldn't figure
01:19:01out what the hell was wrong with me because like you can't weigh someone who's unconscious
01:19:04they're way heavier
01:19:08nap mode so i came to and like it took me like a few more days to recover and basically said
01:19:14it's like we well we don't know what we gave you the sedative to calm you down we don't know
01:19:18what happened i was like well how much did you give me a normal dose and they said a normal
01:19:23a normal dose for like a 150 pound teenager like 150 i'm 85
01:19:35i had to actually take off my shirt and show them that like you can see my
01:19:39fucking rib cage you can see my spine in my front
01:19:48surprised you knew your weight i'd been weighed
01:19:53i'd been weighed like before going to the hospital it's just that
01:19:55the iwk never weighed me when they took me in
01:20:05yeah when i say i was fucking underweight i fucking mean it like being fuds like
01:20:15i think by the time i went to the hospital i know before i was like
01:20:19i know courtney said my height was five four by the time i went to the hospital i was about five
01:20:22seven and 85 pounds that is like hang on a sec what's my what the bmi there bmi calculator
01:20:355 7 85 pounds that's a bmi of 13.3
01:20:41yeah um in terms of like when it comes to like teenagers who are anorexic
01:20:57a bmi of 13 is like extreme
01:21:05a stiff breeze could knock you over yep
01:21:07i would faint upon seeing that i am so glad i can't time travel yeah that's one gust of
01:21:14wind away from a big adventure oh i was frequently blown away in the wind
01:21:19a very big wind would knock me off balance um so after that happened not only were all my
01:21:28medications scaled back because it turned out one of the big reasons that i was having such a huge
01:21:34problem with medications for so long is because i was being overdosed like crazy uh they also
01:21:41basically put me on way more food than uh than the patients normally got to get me into a normal
01:21:47body weight
01:21:59retelling it like it makes my how skinny i was sound more dramatic but like
01:22:04yeah i was real fucking light it was dangerous
01:22:08and it was causing me health problems it's one of the reasons i was so short for so long
01:22:17actually fuck hang on
01:22:43now i don't have it
01:22:50i thought i actually had a photo that served as a decent comparison i don't that's a form
01:22:57of nutritional abuse yep doctors uh this one gets to have mcdonald's whatever they want
01:23:07well that was kind of that was kind of a double-edged sword because on the one hand
01:23:11i like see the thing is is that because the family was poor food was an issue
01:23:17but i was the one person in the house who wasn't overweight
01:23:23and i was the only one so there it ended up being a combination so like because i wasn't
01:23:29overweight and because i had a i had a fast metabolism i had a very fast metabolism
01:23:35i was singled out as the reason we were out of food and you can kind of see why
01:23:42so my father created this narrative that i devoured everything i didn't
01:23:49uh so the end result is that already i'm in a situation where i where i need to eat more than
01:23:56normal but i'm eating less than normal both because but i'm eating less than normal simply
01:24:02just by virtue of the fact that any time i'm hungry i get screamed at
01:24:06making me fume whenever i hear this yeah uh now this ended up being a double-edged
01:24:11sword because on the one hand getting more food as a teenager is great
01:24:15on the other hand if you're not hungry they make you eat it anyway
01:24:20literal scapegoat i'm so fucking glad i can't time travel
01:24:27so there were more than one occasion where it's like i'm given a bigger portion than
01:24:30everyone else and i'm literally not allowed to not finish it
01:24:33um i was still underweight when i got out of the hospital uh but like my i think the target was 145
01:24:42but when i got out of the hospital i was 130 so i didn't quite get there
01:24:48however a big part of that is the fact i shot up from 5.7 to 5.10 in just a year
01:25:19at least you weren't able to be blown away by a sneeze anymore
01:25:25I think that might be one of the reasons why court
01:25:27I I think that might be one of the reasons why Courtney didn't try and fucking blackmail me again
01:25:31After I got home is because now I was suddenly much taller and much bigger
01:25:53Hopefully, yeah, no, I wasn't getting blown away in the wind anymore
01:26:02And I also wasn't being overdosed anymore
01:26:10Once I was actually put on a new diet I
01:26:14They basically weighed me every day. They would weigh me every week every Monday morning before breakfast
01:26:19It would be like we got to come take your weight
01:26:34Better get to bed. Happy stream Lily. Thanks needs more gays
01:26:49Any wholesome hospital stories
01:27:07Wholesome hospital stories. Well, there was my primary care worker for the lab for like the latter eight months
01:27:15so I was in the hospital for 13 months and I had multiple care workers at different times, but like
01:27:20They tend to give you a different that's like the all the youth
01:27:23There were a bunch of youth care workers there and everyone had a primary care worker
01:27:27Basically one of the staff who basically handled you specifically
01:27:31Granted the staff handled everybody but basically if you needed something specific you talk to your primary worker
01:27:37Now I had several but I just didn't really I didn't really connect with any of them
01:27:44And then I was given Krista who initially I didn't I didn't really connect with
01:27:50But it was actually easy. It was easier to connect with her and this is gonna set this is gonna sound weird
01:27:55But give it this is gonna sound odd. But given the fact that I was an abused child a heavily abused child
01:28:03Was more comfortable around Krista because if I wanted to I could just fucking throw her across the room. She was that short
01:28:12So it's like oh, okay, I don't I don't immediately feel in danger anymore
01:28:18Why don't the so-called defenders of abuse victims stand up for you? I don't know
01:28:23So actually we started we started getting along and
01:28:26and it kind of became apparent to Krista was kind of the first person to realize is that
01:28:32Lily does not respond to pushiness at all. She just doesn't
01:28:41If you basically just give her you need to do this because we told you she will bite back
01:28:46Immediately and it will dig her heels in it's trans misogyny. It's always been trans misogyny. Yeah
01:28:54She will bite back and she will dig in her dig in her heels
01:28:57So she's just she's just not like it's just not gonna work and Krista was the first one to basically just try something different
01:29:24For something simple like say
01:29:28Apartment chores
01:29:32Krista would actually stop framing it as
01:29:34Like when she when she was that when she was telling me it was time to get like it was my turn to clean the
01:29:40Apartment she would actually stop framing it as like this is your assigned task. It needs to be done
01:29:46She would start like if she would start basically doing it as light as like Lily. Could you load the dishwasher for me?
01:29:54Framing it as me doing her a favor. And of course, I like I liked Krista. So it's like yeah. Sure. Give me a sec
01:30:08Krista kind of figured out quickly
01:30:10It's like if if I actually if you actually had my if you would actually had my respect
01:30:14I'd basically do whatever the hell you wanted
01:30:17And I've always been like that I'm still like that
01:30:33All this information all these things of like
01:30:36Discovering how I how I work and how my brain works all these things were like written down in my in my charts
01:30:43And they were all given to my parents and my parents didn't use any of them
01:30:48Basically, hey, we have we have basically devised the perfect handbook to get your daughter to stop battling you on everything
01:30:55Here you go, and then it's like great. I will do none of this
01:31:03Fucking hell
01:31:14My mom ignored whatever my psychologist told me give it all that information to just ignore it all I'm so sorry
01:31:20No, it's funny. It's really fucking funny because guess what?
01:31:27They paid a grand total of $12,000 for me to be in that in that program
01:31:49This was not a free program
01:31:56They were still paying it off when I got home
01:32:00So they paid all that money
01:32:02to then do
01:32:06They paid all that money and got all of this information of how I take as a person
01:32:14But because it didn't confirm what they wanted to be true they threw it all away and
01:32:20Isn't that just fucking hysterical?
01:32:25While I was in the hospital
01:32:29Like before I'd gone to the hospital
01:32:31I had spent years slowly doing extreme amounts of damage to the house to the point that my bedroom had to be torn apart and
01:32:38Rebuilt and rebuilt so not only were they paying like $12,000 for me to be in that program my father had to pay
01:32:46Another like another ten thousand to to fix the damage. I had done to his house
01:32:56So all in all I cost that man $22,000 a three-piece pie of said funny and infuriating yep
01:33:04Wasn't all bad though, I mean I learned a lot about myself there
01:33:28That's good at least yeah
01:33:30That's good at least yeah
01:33:33Krista's one of the your primary worker at that at the at the hospital was basically a surrogate parent and
01:33:42Krista actually really did feel like a path more like a parent than my actual parents did
01:34:07Krista along with most of the other youth care workers were actually let were actually laid off when the IWK decided to
01:34:14remove the youth care workers from that program and
01:34:20Replace them with nurses
01:34:24Now let me tell you something
01:34:28Nurses in a mental health ward are the worst fucking thing you could possibly do youth care workers were specifically trained
01:34:35But because the nurses union were kicking up a fucking stink
01:34:40They basically got more positions throughout the IWK
01:34:43so the people who actually knew what the hell they were doing were kicked out and
01:34:49Glorified pill sorters were brought in oh
01:34:53Dear okay
01:35:02There you are hey you
01:35:06What time you in the bed
01:35:11Some up
01:35:17I've been telling hospital stories. I'm yeah, I popped into scenes like oh wow
01:35:26Nurses are the worst thing for this kind of house was like I believe you
01:35:35I've heard horror stories about how petty nurses can be
01:35:44See I clicked really well with Krista, it's a shame that she got laid off another youth care worker. I clicked well with was Shauna
01:35:55Didn't see her very often
01:35:56I think she was the second I think everyone had a secondary care worker as well who wasn't as involved
01:36:01Shauna yeah, Shauna was my secondary care worker, and it's basically like
01:36:06If your primary care worker isn't in your secondary care workers probably going to be in at which point
01:36:11It's basically like they'll leave a message for your primary worker
01:36:14Shauna is the first person who has ever wanted to braid my hair and who I actually let braid my hair
01:36:28Krista kept trying to convince me to cut it short
01:36:31Of course
01:36:33on two different occasions
01:36:34My mother forced me to get a haircut and it was awful and I would come back and Krista would be like oh your hair
01:36:39Looks so good. I'm like fuck. You know it doesn't
01:36:49Sweet the braiding. Oh, yeah, yeah the braiding was sweet. I
01:36:52Didn't have it. I I didn't have it for very long because I toss and turn in my sleep
01:36:56And so it just came out while I was asleep
01:37:00Okay, who's in the middle by the way the one with the coffee? Oh, that's Ren. Oh, yeah
01:37:08This was part of our
01:37:10Christmas package for her
01:37:16It's a mean
01:37:22Kittles half a half on path finding
01:37:43Yeah, shut
01:37:45Shauna's first person who ever let braid my I ever let braid my hair and the last person I would let braid my hair for
01:37:50a very long time
01:37:55She's not good people growing what
01:38:00She sounds like good people yeah growing up a guy with long hair is like
01:38:06Everyone wanted to touch my hair
01:38:12Yep, fucking goddamn irritating. It's like have you never seen long hair on a guy before I?
01:38:20Have random I'd just I'd be at school random girls basically go going can I braid your hair?
01:38:37In spite of the fact that they're excited the fact that in spite of the fact that like
01:38:42Both of them kept pushing me to cut my hair short that did not stop my mother or my sister from constantly having her dad
01:38:48They're fucking fingers in my hair
01:39:05Fuck I was one of them in elementary elementary add that to the cringe list oh
01:39:12You were like that with guy with guys with long hair, or are you saying you went to school with me specifically?
01:39:32The former I bet oh yeah, Oh God I hated it so much
01:39:43It's like I play with your hair, it's like we never it's like
01:39:47Mercy long hair on guy, but like this was like just before
01:39:52This was at a time where literally everybody had a crew cut or a shaved head this was just before the Bieber hairstyle came in
01:40:10And of course here I am I'm here here
01:40:12I am hair to my shoulders thick as you wouldn't fucking believe I mean you've run your fingers through my hair
01:40:17My hair is thick as fuck oh
01:40:28My sister said multiple times I looked like Gene Simmons son
01:40:56Classmate I believe was named Andrew. I'd apologize if I ever meet him again
01:41:18And break oh my god
01:41:33Freaking wild it's like just don't touch people's hair
01:41:41Don't smell people's hair either. I've had that problem. Yeah, I had that too
01:41:47You're okay. Yeah, I'm okay
01:41:49Here's the thing if I if I'm if I'm comfortable telling the story. I'm okay
01:41:57Good rule of thumb
01:42:04Excuse me smell. Oh, yeah, excuse me one of one of McKay's co-workers. Just walked up and smelled her hair one day. Oh
01:42:15Yeah, I was just I was just in the back my name is
01:42:24Like snatcher grab me by the collar pulled me back and just took away
01:42:30Yeah, that's you had a car you put up a comic about that just a vent
01:42:37Yes, I did
01:42:39Yeah, if I can find it again
01:42:41I'll turn it around if somebody used to sniff my hair all the time surprisingly not who you think
01:42:52No, no God
01:42:56Okay, I was just thinking like who would be the least likely to
01:43:01Know it's I imagine that somebody sniffing my hair. Your first answer would probably be Courtney. Oh
01:43:07Right rising surprisingly no
01:43:11It was a classmate. I was in junior high with and it was just this
01:43:16Constant constant thing and because she was a girl. Nobody took it. Seriously. It's like
01:43:22Man the early 2000s fucking suck
01:43:27Mm-hmm. I got was in the hospital in 2007. Okay, that's a long ago. Most of this was
01:43:36Three years, it'll be like 20 three years is coming on the 20th anniversary since I got out since I went into the hospital
01:43:47Not creepy at all. Yeah
01:44:12Eventually just caught on to the idea if I stop washing my hair my hair will get greasy and people won't want to touch it
01:44:19Or sniff it
01:44:21So that's what I started doing. I just I would just
01:44:25when I when I got a shower, I would just get my hair wet and that would be about it and then
01:44:30my hair got really greasy and it was just
01:44:33People left me the fuck alone
01:44:39If surprisingly people may if people leave you alone when you make yourself repellent
01:44:49Hmm who would have funk?
01:45:03Utterly shocking concept as Bonnie would say shocking. I know
01:45:20Basically hiding behind a friend at all times and wouldn't let anyone near me
01:45:23But then again, there were people who just grabbed me and make me do things so I couldn't really do anything about it. Ooh, I
01:45:30Know that feeling
01:45:35One problem with being extremely underweight is that people is that since you can be dragged around when and offer little resistance people do
01:45:43The hair smellers are rude. Oh, they're beyond rude
01:46:30What were the other patients like, uh, most of them
01:46:35Most of the most of them were the whitest motherfuckers you would ever see trying so hard to be gangster
01:46:42because it was
01:46:44And these were all like and these were all like 12 to 15 year olds
01:46:52So a lot of them were really fucking cringe
01:46:58Most of them wore those flat brimmed hats that were like tilted 45 degrees to one side
01:47:06They all dressed the same they all talked the same
01:47:18Had one girl from Cape Breton
01:47:22Who I initially thought was from Newfoundland because of her at because the Cape Breton accent in the Newfoundland accent are basically the same
01:47:36We had one girl
01:47:38You're gonna find this hilarious. We had one girl who walked with a kid who was like
01:47:44Really grungy and walked with a cane because she had nerve damage in her leg and her name was Bonnie
01:48:10Me and Bonnie really clicked really quickly when she when she got into when she
01:48:15came into the hospital and we were like
01:48:19We were hanging out we we hung out we started hanging out very quickly
01:48:23And we hung out so often the staff thought we were dating which you weren't allowed to do. Oh
01:48:39Of course you packed 12 teenagers into one apartment, what do you think's gonna fucking happen? Yeah
01:49:03That's it that's exactly what it was
01:49:28A real friendship if there aren't rumors here get rumors you're gay for each other. Oh, yeah
01:49:47It was really funny being accused of it was really funny when the staff accused me and Bonnie of dating because like
01:49:54Unbeknownst to everybody else. I knew that Bonnie was gay
01:50:16Anyway ain't a real friendship if there aren't rumors you're gay for each other. Yep
01:50:54A real friend if there aren't rumors you're gay for each other. Yeah
01:50:59Yeah, Bonnie was gay she was also 13 so like no fucking way, right I
01:51:05Was 16 when Bonnie came into the by I came into the into the hospital. Oh
01:51:12I actually looked Krista in the eye and said Krista. What do you take me for?
01:51:24Ironically after getting out of the hospital hospital at 16. I then proceeded to date a 19 year old. Oh
01:51:36That was not my wisest decision
01:52:15Over the other pain, okay, so we had multiple Amanda's
01:52:24Mm-hmm. I got along with none of them
01:52:32We had two we had two Brandon's and we had a guy named Catlin
01:52:54I don't remember so many names. I lived with them for a year
01:53:17A year I was always in for no more than a week. No, I said earlier I was in this place for like 13 months
01:53:26Was a long-term inpatient facility