What drives Ethan Hunt?

  • 2 months ago


00:00Today, we'll be looking at the man at the center of Mission Impossible, Ethan Hunt.
00:04This hero of espionage and action has been gracing our movie screens ever since a very
00:08intense Tom Cruise started sprinting through the streets of Prague, Dubai, then Venice,
00:13on top of a train, on top of another train, then again, okay, you get it, Tom runs a lot.
00:19We all get it.
00:20Did you know that he does his own stunts?
00:22I used to go out and climb the tallest trees on windy days.
00:26I go at a full tilt and I'm sprinting as hard as I can.
00:30In between wind sprints, the character of Ethan Hunt has saved the world many times
00:35In order to do that, he's had to survive knife fights, motorcycle chases, dealing with
00:39suppressive persons, and more.
00:41But as the series has evolved into the current stunt fest that it is today, each film seems
00:45less and less interested in Ethan Hunt's personal life.
00:49What drives him to do such heroic deeds and death-defying feats?
00:52Does he have hobbies like fantasy sports or gardening?
