Revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ-CHARLES LAWSON BIBLE SERMON-JULY 28 2024

  • 2 months ago
The Word of God Fits In the Progress of Time and Time Has No Control Over God. The Book of Revelation Reveals to Us About the Lord Jesus Christ: He Lives, He's the Savior, He Rules, He Is the Judge, He Is the Almighty, He Is the Lamb of God, He Is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and He Is the Alpha and Omega. Here On Earth Is Where God Deals with the Issue of Sin and the Restoration of Mankind.

00:00Before I preach this morning, I have a special prayer request.
00:03Kim Clark's mom and dad, especially her mother,
00:06please remember them in prayer.
00:08I was just told about that a few minutes ago.
00:10And please lift them up before the Lord.
00:13And we know this, we know that he that keepeth Israel
00:17neither slumbers nor sleeps.
00:19He knows. Amen.
00:21Alright, if you have your Bible, turn to the book of Revelation.
00:24Chapter number 1.
00:28Revelation chapter 1 and verse number 1.
00:38Revelation chapter 1 and verse 1.
00:42The heading of mine in my Bible, they all aren't the same,
00:45but it says the Revelation of Saint John the Divine.
00:48How many of you have that in...
00:50Alright, a lot of you do, well.
00:54This, of course, has to do with who wrote it.
00:57But it's the Revelation, not of Saint John,
01:00it's the Revelation of Jesus Christ.
01:02Look carefully at the text now.
01:04Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave to him
01:07to show unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass.
01:12He sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John,
01:15who bare record of the word of God and of the testimony of Jesus Christ
01:20and of all things that he saw.
01:23Blessed is he that readeth
01:25and they that hear the words of this prophecy
01:28and keep those things which are written therein
01:31for the times at hand.
01:33Father, bless this holy book now.
01:36In thy name I pray. Amen.
01:39This Bible, this book, the last book of the Bible,
01:42completes the canon of Scripture, all 66.
01:45By its testimony says that it is a book of prophecy.
01:49He said, write the things which thou hast seen,
01:51the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter,
01:55encompassing all the aspects of time, past, present, and future.
02:00The first book of the Bible in Hebrew is Bereshith, beginning.
02:04We get our word Genesis from it.
02:06The English word Genesis is used in a lot of different ways.
02:10And the last book of the Bible is Apocalypse,
02:13or we get the English word anglicized Apocalypse.
02:17And that means an unveiling, an opening up.
02:20So the first book of the Bible says,
02:22as we get the text of it, in the beginning.
02:25The last book of the Bible opens up into the future.
02:28So the word of God fits in the progress of time.
02:31This is what we're talking about.
02:33He said, I am he that liveth and was dead.
02:35And he said, behold, I'm alive forevermore. Amen.
02:38And have the keys of death and of hell.
02:40So all the part that has to do with time.
02:43Time is irrelevant with Almighty God
02:45because he is from everlasting to everlasting.
02:48Time has no meaning to him whatsoever
02:50except he make it and use it and apply it.
02:53Therefore, time has no control over him.
02:56He is not answerable to it.
02:58Time is a creation of his own hand.
03:01So in the book of Revelation, we have a remarkable, wonderful thing revealed to us.
03:05And that is, it is the revelation of Jesus Christ.
03:09Now I want you to look at two ways at this.
03:11Way number one, he is revealing to us things that are to come.
03:15And he certainly does.
03:17He tells us what is to come.
03:19What is to expect.
03:21And we can expect it.
03:23Here we are in 2024.
03:25Some of these things have great relevancy for the culture we live in.
03:29But the second thing, the way to look at this revelation of Jesus Christ,
03:33not on the sense of he's telling you what's coming,
03:36but it reveals who he is.
03:38And that's important to us.
03:40For we need to know who he is.
03:42He is the revealer of the secrets of mankind.
03:47The Lord Jesus Christ is the one who came to mankind from Almighty God.
03:53I want to leave a little thing with you.
03:55Take home this afternoon and consider and study.
03:57And dig into it a little bit.
04:01And see what you find.
04:03The Bible said when God made Adam, he made in his own image.
04:07In the image of God made he man.
04:09And so therefore that separates us from the animal creation.
04:13The devil has tried for generations to pull you down to the level of an animal.
04:18God Almighty made you in his image.
04:21But when the Lord Jesus Christ showed up 2,000 years ago,
04:27my friend, he restored that image of God that man had lost.
04:31He restored it.
04:33But will you try to find in that Bible, anywhere in that text,
04:37where it says the Lord Jesus Christ was in the image of God in the Old Testament.
04:43And if you ever thought of that or not,
04:45I like to drop these little things on people to make them go home and study.
04:49Because it reveals a good bit.
04:51You see, the Lord Jesus Christ is the second person of the Trinity.
04:55God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost.
04:58He didn't have to be in the image of God.
05:00He is God.
05:02But when he incarnated himself as a man,
05:05when he took upon himself human form like we are,
05:08he became a man.
05:10Well, the man that he became is the God-man.
05:13And that God-man resided within him every perfection that there is in the image of God.
05:19And so, therefore, the Lord Jesus Christ came to restore that image that Adam lost.
05:25And believe me, he does that.
05:27Most people, they think the image of God only has to do with what they can see with their physical eyes.
05:32The image of God, my dear friend, goes much, much, much deeper
05:36than what you can see with your physical eye.
05:39The image of God goes into the very fact of the essence of who and what you are.
05:44Nowhere in the Bible does it say an angel is made in the image of God.
05:47Nowhere in the Bible does it say a cherubim or a seraphim is made in the image of God.
05:52So, therefore, the essence of a cherubim or a seraphim or an angel or any of the rest of them,
05:57my dear friend, is completely and totally different than the essence of a man.
06:02You were made in the image of God.
06:04And to be born again is to have residing deep within your essence and in your soul,
06:09something that can connect with God in a way that nothing else can.
06:14And that's the job of this preacher is to try to open the Bible
06:18and show you how that you have a place in the heart of God that nothing else can have.
06:24Nothing else can have.
06:26The Bible tells us in the book of Revelation, chapter number 1, he said,
06:29I am he that liveth and was dead, John.
06:32And he said, now look at me real well.
06:34I'm alive forevermore, and I have the keys of death and of hell.
06:39So one of the things that is revealed to us from the book of Revelation is the fact that he lives.
06:44This was important 2,000 years ago that he lived,
06:47because 2,000 years ago the Christians were enduring terrible persecution
06:53at the hands of the Romans, and then it passed on down.
06:56Here's what it said.
06:58Widely criticized after the great fire of Rome, note carefully the date, 64 A.D.,
07:05the emperor Nero tried to divert attention away from his own failings
07:09by providing an easy scapegoat, the Christians.
07:13The Christians were different.
07:15They were not of Rome.
07:17Nero wasted no time.
07:19He arrested and tortured all the Christians in Rome
07:23before executing them with lavish publicity.
07:27Some were crucified, some were thrown to wild animals,
07:30and others were burned alive as living torches.
07:34Can you imagine a culture like that?
07:37Can you imagine two Romans meeting on the street one day?
07:40One Roman says to the other, what are you doing today?
07:43The other says, I'm going down to the Colosseum.
07:46By the way, the Colosseum itself was built
07:49by pillaging what the Jews had had in Jerusalem
07:52that was taken and used to build the Colosseum.
07:56I'm going down, I'm going to listen to the Christians
07:58as they scream while the animals tear them apart
08:02and they burn alive in that Colosseum.
08:05Oh, so this is going to be your afternoon entertainment.
08:08What a thing.
08:10Did you know they started the Olympics in Paris, France?
08:13Do you understand?
08:15It is a very complicated, complex thing.
08:18So please understand that before I say what I say.
08:21It's complex.
08:23But when they started the Olympics,
08:25they had the opening ceremony,
08:27and in the opening ceremony of the Olympics
08:29they had a parody of the Lord's Supper
08:31that da Vinci made a few hundred years ago.
08:34But it wasn't a parody that you would accept or I would accept.
08:37It is a parody of drag queens
08:39and every kind of a perversion you can imagine
08:42to destroy the very image that da Vinci created
08:45a few hundred years ago of the Lord's Supper.
08:48So what are they doing?
08:50They're mocking and they're making fun of Christ
08:52and his followers and his believers.
08:55It is very offensive to me,
08:57especially in a generation that has cis-gendering.
09:01And if you don't give their gender the way they want it,
09:03they're so offended.
09:05And what a nit-picking crowd that we live in
09:08when they can turn around and join something like this
09:11that destroys the very thing that I hold so dearly
09:15in my soul this morning.
09:17There is none that I love more than my Lord Jesus Christ.
09:21I am offended.
09:23I want you to understand that.
09:25I am offended to my soul.
09:27But I'll tell you this. Mark it down in your book.
09:30You'll never see them do something like that about Mohammed.
09:33Oh, don't you believe for a minute they'd ever dare do it. Why?
09:37Because the Muslims would burn them to the ground.
09:40How many have ever heard of Charlie Hebdo?
09:43Do you know anything about French history?
09:45Well, there's a magazine over there
09:47that had some pretty salacious pictures of Mohammed in it
09:51and some this and that and this and that.
09:53And a few, I don't know, 10, 20 years ago,
09:55I'm going by memory now,
09:57some Muslims went in there and they burned that place to the ground.
10:01Yes, they did. Yes, they did. Yes, they did.
10:03And French are all about freedom of speech, and so am I.
10:06But I wonder if they learned their lesson then.
10:09Amen. What are you dealing with? Amen.
10:11This is not to cast aspersions upon Christians.
10:14I'm sure there are some real believers.
10:16These are kids. They've worked hard.
10:18They're in competition in the Olympics.
10:20I understand. That's why I say it's complex.
10:22It's not a simple thing.
10:24But I'll tell you one thing. The U.S. government ought to raise its voice.
10:27Somebody with authority ought to say something. Amen.
10:30They ought to say, now, look, you can't do this.
10:33We have at least 150, 200 Christians left in America.
10:38Maybe a few thousand left here. Who knows?
10:40And, you know, we're not going to let you do that and run the name of Christ down.
10:44But, my friend, let's watch it, okay?
10:46Because one thing leads to another.
10:49And it may not be that far down the road when another Nero rises up.
10:53And he can take Christians and burn them alive at the stakes. Amen.
10:57And throw them to the wild animals.
10:59Oh, yeah, that can happen.
11:01Make no mistake about it.
11:03You're living in a time when freedom of speech was such a precious commodity.
11:07And it's going, folks. It's leaving.
11:10It is leaving.
11:12The second thing I want you to notice about the book of Revelation
11:15is the fact that he's revealed to be the Savior.
11:17The Scripture says that they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb.
11:20Revelation 1, 5 says,
11:22"...washed us from our sins in his own blood."
11:25There are those in the Baptist church that are preaching to people,
11:28well, that blood is figurative.
11:30It's not real blood. You're kidding me, are you really?
11:33Do you really believe that?
11:34The blood of Christ, my friend, is how he entered into the Holy.
11:38In the presence of God.
11:40And he sprinkled the very mercy seed of heaven with his own blood.
11:44Not with the figurative blood, but with the real blood.
11:47And the washing that washes your sins away is not figurative.
11:51It takes the blood of Christ to wash it away.
11:54And it is real.
11:55Not only that, but he rules.
11:57The book of Revelation talks about the kingdoms of this world
12:00becoming the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ.
12:03And the kingdom is what it's all about, my dear friend.
12:06Do you know what the word hegemony means?
12:08Every nation has its own hegemony.
12:10From the Monroe Doctrine, for example,
12:12here in the western hemisphere,
12:14there will be no Soviet power coming into this hemisphere.
12:18There will be none of that that happens.
12:20And Cuba almost brought us to a world war.
12:22So what does that mean?
12:23That means every nation is locked and loaded and armed and ready to defend itself.
12:28That's right.
12:29And they're upheld at the barrel of a gun.
12:32You can have all the NATO.
12:34You can have all of the United Nations.
12:38You can have all of the agreements and peace agreements and this and that.
12:42You want, but it boils down to this.
12:44Keep your ammunition dry.
12:47And your guns locked and loaded.
12:49Because I'll tell you right now, my dear friend,
12:52the moment they can, there are dictators on this earth
12:55that will take your country from you in a heartbeat.
13:01You say, why?
13:02Because the kingdom of heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force.
13:07Why is that?
13:08The Lord Jesus Christ told his disciples, buy a sword.
13:12Yes, he did.
13:13He told them to buy a sword.
13:15And this is long after turning the other cheek when the kingdom of heaven was breached
13:19because we're in a different dispensation entirely.
13:22So what does that mean, preacher?
13:24That means that you seek peace.
13:25That means that you're a good citizen.
13:27That means that you pray unto the Lord God to protect you and your family and your children.
13:31But don't be naive.
13:34Don't be foolish.
13:36These kingdoms, the Gentile kingdoms, are still doing the same thing
13:41they've been doing for hundreds of years.
13:43They've been taking by force what does not belong to them.
13:48Study just a little bit in World War II of Japan when they entered into Manchuria.
13:53They didn't stop there.
13:54They moved all through the Pacific.
13:56And they were taking the resources of the other countries.
14:00Because they expanded Japan.
14:02Check a little bit into Germany in World War II.
14:05Hitler says we need breathing room.
14:07So he moved into Poland.
14:09And he moved into Europe.
14:10And the first thing you know, World War II starts.
14:13This can happen again.
14:14I'm not throwing aspersions against Germans who are alive today.
14:17I had no part in it.
14:18Nor the Japanese today.
14:20As a matter of fact, some we fought in one war.
14:22They're allies with the next war.
14:24That's the way it goes when you start dealing with these things.
14:28Keep in mind, anybody that goes into the White House in Washington, D.C.
14:33that wants to disarm you and disarm this nation is your enemy.
14:38The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord.
14:42And it's Christ when he comes to take them by force.
14:46For the Bible says, I saw heaven open.
14:48Behold a white horse.
14:49And he that sat upon him was called faithful and true.
14:52And in righteousness he doth judge and make war.
14:57The world has never handed the power and authority to God.
15:01But he won't ask them to hand it to him.
15:03He'll take it by force when he comes.
15:06Well, I thought that's our job to build the kingdom.
15:10I thought it's our job to build the church.
15:13It's our job to preach the gospel of Christ.
15:15And the Holy Ghost will build his church.
15:18For he said, upon this rock I will build my church.
15:21And the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
15:25It took me 150 years to learn that.
15:28You start out wrong.
15:30Sometimes it takes a while to get right.
15:34You're not going to build his church.
15:35And you're not going to build his kingdom.
15:37Neither one you're going to miss miserably.
15:39It's when he comes back.
15:41So why does John say at the book of Revelation,
15:44having looked at all of this, the four horsemen of the apocalypse,
15:48he's looking at war and death and blood.
15:51You know what he says at the end of the book of Revelation?
15:53He says, even so, come.
15:55Lord Jesus, come.
15:57That's my prayer today.
15:59Looking for that blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior,
16:04our Lord Jesus Christ.
16:06That's the only answer for the world.
16:08He's the answer for your sins.
16:10He's the answer for your peace.
16:12He's the answer for your salvation.
16:14And he's the answer for this world.
16:17It's called the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior.
16:21The Bible reveals him as the judge.
16:24He opens the books.
16:25He opens the books.
16:26He opens the seals.
16:27He opens the vials.
16:29And he sits on a white throne and he judges mankind.
16:32He bought that right.
16:34He earned that right.
16:35He's qualified for that right.
16:37How else can he judge a human being?
16:39He knows everything about a human being.
16:41He knows every breath you've ever drawn,
16:43every word you've ever said,
16:45every place you've ever been.
16:47If there's one that can judge righteous judgment of a human being,
16:50it is the Lord Jesus Christ.
16:52He knows us, my dear friend, from head to toe.
16:55How many agree with that?
16:57He knows you better than you know you.
17:00And he's our judge.
17:01And it reveals him as the judge.
17:03And then why is he called in Revelation?
17:05Revelation chapter number 1 and verse number 8.
17:07He's called the Almighty.
17:10The Almighty.
17:11Wait a minute.
17:12I'm a Jehovah's Witness.
17:13How can he be the Almighty?
17:14That's right.
17:15You see, he's not a created God.
17:17He creates gods.
17:20And these are angels in the Old Testament.
17:23And he calls them God.
17:24He said, I said that ye are gods.
17:26The Lord Jesus Christ is God Almighty.
17:29He's the second person of the Trinity.
17:31And there is none higher than him.
17:34The second thing it reveals about him, he's the Lamb of God.
17:37The Bible says in the book of Genesis chapter number 1
17:40that Abel brought his lamb.
17:42And God had respect to Abel and to his offering to Cain.
17:45He did not.
17:46John the Baptist stood up and said,
17:48Behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world.
17:51Are you still digging into what that sin is?
17:54Have you spent any real time praying about that?
17:57One scholar says, it's the sin offering.
18:00One scholar says, no, he became a sinner.
18:03Another scholar says, well, it's this and it's that.
18:06It's this, it's that.
18:07My dear friend, they don't have a clue what they're talking about.
18:11He taketh away the sin of the world.
18:14The Bible said in 2 Corinthians chapter number 5
18:16that God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself,
18:19not imputing or counting their trespasses against them,
18:25and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation.
18:29Be ye reconciled to God.
18:32We say, preacher, one day I'll die and go to hell and pay for my sins.
18:35No, you won't. They're already paid for.
18:37He doesn't want a second payment.
18:39They're already paid for.
18:40That's issue settled.
18:42You see, when the Holy Ghost comes, according to the book of John, chapter number 14,
18:46he'll convince the world of sin,
18:49just one sin,
18:51and that is the unpardonable sin.
18:53He'll convince the world of sin.
18:55What sin is it?
18:56Because they believe not on me.
19:00And here's what the old timers used to say.
19:02Light rejected becomes lightning.
19:07You cannot blaspheme the Holy Ghost if there's no Holy Ghost present.
19:13How many believe that?
19:15How are you going to blaspheme the Holy Spirit if he's not there?
19:18The Holy Spirit confirms his word.
19:21This book.
19:23This is what he's here to do.
19:25And here you are, living in America, 2024.
19:29Blessed. You've got a Bible in your hands.
19:31The Word of God is preached.
19:33The light is blinding us.
19:35And yet men are turning away from it, and you're turning to fables.
19:39You're turning to wives' tales.
19:41You're turning to your own wisdom.
19:43You're turning to your experience.
19:45Instead of taking God and his word and what he said,
19:48I believe that Bible.
19:50I really do. I believe the Bible.
19:52I believe it is the Word of God.
19:55And let me tell you something about it.
19:57God can speak out of the clear blue,
20:00just like he did to me.
20:02My home wasn't broken up.
20:04I wasn't lying drunk in the ditch.
20:06I wasn't trying to straighten up or rebuild my life or anything of that.
20:11I wasn't even searching for anything.
20:13I was playing pinball machines.
20:17And a light came down upon my soul like I had never seen before.
20:23You got that right.
20:24And he opened me up like a can of worms.
20:28And I knew somebody a whole lot bigger than me had just spoken to me.
20:34And he can do you like that too.
20:37And once he ever does you like that, you'll never be the same.
20:41And I pray that that happens for you.
20:45He opened me up.
20:47Oh, boy.
20:48And then he saved my soul.
20:51And when he wrote my name in the Lamb's Book of Life,
20:54he sealed me by the Holy Spirit of God.
20:57And here I am today, 1973 to 2024.
21:01Good night.
21:02It's been 51 years this spring.
21:0651 years.
21:08Listen, I wouldn't swap five seconds of born again for 100 years unsaved.
21:16Best life.
21:17We got problems.
21:18Sure we do.
21:19I hurt.
21:20I get hungry.
21:21We got problems.
21:22This and that and this and that and this and that.
21:24A life as a Christian is 100,000 times better than any life you'll ever have as an unsaved man.
21:31Yes, it is.
21:32By far and away.
21:34Now, I want you to notice something else about this.
21:36He's revealed to us as the King of kings and the Lord of lords.
21:40Isn't that good?
21:41The King of kings and Lord of lords.
21:43Remember, I've told you before the greatest government that you could ever have on this earth is a monarchy.
21:50What's that?
21:51That's a king.
21:52But he has to be a good king.
21:54Because if he's not a good king, then that's the worst government you can have on the face of this earth.
22:00To have a bad king.
22:02They wanted to make George Washington a king.
22:04He said, no, we're not going to do that.
22:05Not going to do it.
22:06This is a republic.
22:07We're going to stick with a democratic republic.
22:09And so they did.
22:10My friend, when the Lord Jesus Christ comes back, he's not going to have a council that he meets with.
22:15There will be no parliament.
22:17He won't have to put a coalition government together.
22:21Y'all do a little reading about what's going on in Europe right now.
22:24I mean, they're in a mess over there.
22:26Sweden, for example.
22:28Germany, for example.
22:30France, for example.
22:31Look at how they're throwing out the old guard and they're putting new prime ministers in.
22:36And you know why?
22:37Because of all of these people that have come into their country.
22:40And at first it was open arms, you know, graciousness.
22:45We want you to come in.
22:46Let you become part of us.
22:48Be prosperous with us.
22:49But what they didn't realize is that they were bringing their culture with them.
22:56I'll tell you.
22:59Where this Bible is preached, I don't care if you're red, yellow, black, white, pink, blue, chartreuse, or whatever.
23:08Where this Bible is preached, there will be freedom for men and freedom for women.
23:13And you will prosper.
23:15And you will be blessed.
23:18And the problem is that these people are leaving countries where they've been treated like dogs.
23:24They live like dogs.
23:26And they try to assimilate them into the European cultures.
23:30And it doesn't happen overnight.
23:31It takes a while.
23:33How many of you are truly thankful for what your grandparents and great-grandparents have left you?
23:38I got a great-grandson sitting back here in the back.
23:44Now what kind of country am I leaving him?
23:47I know what I was born into.
23:49We were born into prosperity.
23:52Even the poorest of us.
23:54And we didn't have anything.
23:56My wife and I argue all about which one was the poorest.
23:59And we do.
24:02You wouldn't believe it.
24:03I said, oh, you were rich.
24:05This and that and this and that back and forth, you know.
24:08A little good banter on the part.
24:10But the truth of the matter is, if I wanted to work, I could get a job.
24:13I never went hungry.
24:15You could find a place to live.
24:17Went in the military.
24:18Came out of the military.
24:19Had a good job.
24:21Had a job all of my life.
24:22If you want a job, there's plenty of jobs.
24:24Drive around this town right here in Knoxville, Tennessee.
24:26Help wanted.
24:27Hiring now.
24:28Help wanted.
24:29Hiring now.
24:30What's your problem?
24:31What's your problem?
24:32Are you like the Cretans over there in the book of Titus chapter number 1?
24:34Who are they?
24:35Go read it.
24:36Turn to the book of Titus chapter number 1.
24:38Look at Titus chapter 1 and read about the Cretans.
24:40Who are they?
24:41They're slow bellies, he said.
24:44He said they won't work.
24:45And you know what the apostle Paul said about this?
24:47And this is the only people he said about in the whole Bible.
24:50He said, and the witness is true.
24:53And so he left Titus as the first bishop of the church of the Cretans.
24:59That's right.
25:00So if somebody today called you a Cretan, how many of you has ever heard that word, Cretan?
25:05A few of you have.
25:07That's not a good term.
25:10Go to Titus chapter number 1 and you'll see they're really throwing a good one at you.
25:14The bottom line is that if you want to work, you can work.
25:17And the apostle Paul said if you don't work, you don't eat.
25:23You live in a prosperous country.
25:25I know inflation.
25:26I know food's 30% higher now than it was.
25:28I know a gallon of gasoline 30, 40, 50% higher than it was.
25:31I understand all that.
25:33I ought to ask some of the senators up there how much a gallon of milk costs.
25:37Yeah, ask them how much a gallon of milk costs.
25:39See if they even know.
25:40A loaf of bread.
25:41If they have any idea what it costs.
25:43They don't know what it costs.
25:44You know why?
25:45They live in a bubble.
25:46They live in their own world.
25:47They don't live in your world.
25:48What are you going to do, preacher?
25:49Throw them out.
25:55At least you'll feel good if nothing changes.
25:58At least you threw them out.
26:01But God has blessed America.
26:04That's what I'm trying to say.
26:06He's blessed us, folks.
26:07We have been blessed.
26:09I have been all over this world.
26:11I have been to places that you wouldn't believe unless you saw it yourself.
26:15I've been to places where I saw things with my eyes that you'll never find written.
26:19They will not write it.
26:21But when you go there, they can't hide it.
26:23And you see it with your very eyes.
26:25And I'm going to tell you right now, we have been blessed.
26:29And why have we been blessed?
26:31Because they got on their knees and they prayed.
26:33And God gave them.
26:35And then finally, this one.
26:37Turn to Romans 11 and verse 36.
26:41He said, I'm the Alpha and the Omega.
26:44In Hebrew, that's the Aleph and the Tau.
26:46In English, of course, it's A to Z.
26:49First letter, last letter of the alphabet.
26:51In the book of Romans 11 and verse 36.
26:56For of him and through him and to him are all things.
27:02To whom be glory forever.
27:05You see that?
27:07There's a reciprocation here.
27:09But he's the Almighty.
27:10You remember?
27:11He said the Almighty.
27:13Of him, through him, to him are all things.
27:17Whether we understand it or not, there's no difference.
27:20He is the one who holds it all together.
27:23Colossians 1 verse 15.
27:25Here's what he says.
27:26Who's the image of the invisible God.
27:28The firstborn of every creature.
27:30For by him are all things created.
27:33That are in heaven, that are in earth.
27:35Visible and invisible.
27:37Whether they be thrones or dominions or principalities or powers.
27:40All things were created by him and for him.
27:43And he is before all things.
27:46And by him, all things consist.
27:51They are held together by his essence.
27:55Does that tie him up?
27:57It's his essence.
27:58It's who he is.
27:59He's the creator that sent it forth.
28:01He's the creator that maintains its existence.
28:03That's what the scripture is telling you.
28:05In other words, when he says I am the alpha and the omega.
28:07He said I'm the beginning and I'm the end.
28:09I'm the start and the consummation of everything.
28:12It all revolves around Christ.
28:15You remember the chess game?
28:17You remember when God's sitting down?
28:19And the devil's on one end, God's on the other.
28:21The Lord says, your move.
28:23Well, they're playing right now.
28:25And they're still moving.
28:26Remember the queen?
28:28I've played people that if they lose the queen, well, it's over.
28:31Forget it.
28:32Ball game.
28:34Because the queen is by far above and away the most powerful piece on that board.
28:38No question.
28:40She can go any direction, any number of spaces.
28:43The king can go any direction but only one space.
28:46And he cannot move himself into jeopardy.
28:49He cannot do it.
28:51So, what's the object of chess?
28:54The object of chess is to protect the king and take the other man's king.
28:59Get him to where he can't move.
29:01He can't block it.
29:03He can't take it out of the way.
29:04He's stuck.
29:05And then you say chess mate.
29:07The Lord God is going to give Satan every move he can possibly make.
29:11You know what he said to that serpent?
29:14He said, because thou hast done this thing.
29:17I want to give you five things.
29:19And I'll close with you.
29:21Many of you have heard this before.
29:23Some of you never have.
29:25Satan has five casting downs or casting outs in Scripture.
29:30Five times.
29:31In the book of Ezekiel, chapter number 28, he loses his authority in the third heaven.
29:37Where's the third heaven?
29:38That's the very presence of Almighty God.
29:41Where God allows his creatures to come into his presence.
29:45Like, for example, in the book of Job, there's a day when God met the sons of God.
29:49Satan was with them also.
29:51So, Ezekiel 28, 14 through 16 said he's the anointed cherub.
29:55He said, I will cast thee as profane.
29:57The second casting down of Satan is found in the book of Luke, chapter number 10.
30:01He loses his authority in the second heaven.
30:03Where's that?
30:04That's the stars above us.
30:06That's the heavens above us.
30:07That's the physical creation above us.
30:09The first heaven is a spiritual abode of God.
30:13The second heaven is the physical creation.
30:16Stars, clusters, all that's up there.
30:19Have you noticed how it says in the book of Revelation,
30:23and there is a new heaven and a new earth.
30:28He doesn't go into any detail about it.
30:30How many of you looked at the, and of course, I'll catch a lot of flack from flat earthers.
30:34I'll swear they wear you out.
30:35Boy, you can't say a thing, man.
30:37And there's a lot of good flat earthers out there.
30:39I believe they love the Lord.
30:40I do.
30:41But I've never seen him beat in my life.
30:43He's possessed with something.
30:44How many of you has ever looked at these photographs of Mars?
30:47Man, I sit there for hours, and I marvel.
30:49It's just red planet.
30:51Here are these rocks.
30:52These are the valleys, and this and that, and this and that, and this and that, and this and that.
30:55I think to myself, but there's not one living soul on Mars.
30:59Not one.
31:00Do you know why?
31:01It's just a rock out there.
31:03It's just something God stuck out there.
31:06It has no real meaning out there.
31:08You ever notice in the Bible, there's no real meaning to them except for Masoreth in the book of Job.
31:13He talks about the constellations and the message that's in the constellations before the word of God was ever written.
31:18You got 12 of them up there.
31:20You start with Virgo, the virgin, and wind up with Leo, the lion.
31:25That's out there, and that matches the constellations practically all over the world.
31:30But you see, that's not important.
31:32What is important is you.
31:35This earth, and this earth, this earth right here is where he settles the issue of sin,
31:41and on this earth is where mankind is redeemed and brought back to a relationship with God right here.
31:48It won't happen in Mars.
31:50It won't happen in Uranus or any of the other out there, Venus and the rest of them.
31:58It'll happen right here on this earth, right here.
32:02The third time in Ephesians chapter number 2, he loses his authority in the first heaven.
32:07Where's that? That's here.
32:09You're breathing the air of the first heaven right here.
32:12In Revelation chapter number 12, they prevail not, and no more place was found for them in heaven.
32:18The great dragon was cast out, that old serpent called the devil,
32:22and Satan, who is to see with the whole world, cast out to the earth, and his angels cast out with him.
32:28And then the fourth is in the book of Revelation chapter number 20.
32:32This is at the second advent.
32:34He loses his authority over the earth when he's cast down into the bottomless pit,
32:38and he'll spend a thousand years there, locked up in the bottomless pit, chain put on him.
32:45And then finally, this is the final destination of Satan.
32:48Revelation chapter 20, the final casting down occurs when he's cast into the lake of fire forever.
32:55The devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone,
32:59where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night forever and ever and ever.
33:08That ought to shock a human being just to think about eternity.
33:12That blows my mind.
33:14Have you ever thought into eternity?
33:17How far into eternity can you go?
33:19Have you made it a million years yet?
33:22How about a billion?
33:24How about a trillion?
33:26How about a quadrillion?
33:28And I don't know what's above that. What's next?
33:30A zillion, kazillion, or whatever?
33:33Have you ever thought about eternity?
33:35Have you ever really thought about it?
33:37You see, that's the problem.
33:39You are an eternal being.
33:45If you could just cease to exist like a lot of people would like to, that's one thing, but you can't do that.
33:51You've been made in the image of God.
33:54That means that you're going to be around.
33:56Where are you going to be around?
33:58If you have eternal life, then He doesn't embellish this life.
34:03He doesn't extend this life.
34:05He doesn't make this life better.
34:07He gives you His life.
34:09And that's the only thing that makes sense.
34:12He gives you His life.
34:14It's the life of God. Amen.
34:16He gives us His.
34:18You're born from above.
34:20We're going to be somewhere for eternity.
34:22To be in eternity without God is enough damnation in itself.
34:27Even without hell.
34:29But I can't imagine.
34:31I can't imagine.
34:33Leave me, leave me, leave me behind.
34:35I can't go that far into it.
34:37It's beyond human comprehension.
34:40Eternity is just too big.
34:42I can't handle it.
34:44Believe it? Of course I believe it.
34:46I believe the Bible.
34:47Father, bless Your Word.
34:49Thank You that we could come into Your house and preach it.
34:53Lord, You've been good to me.
34:56Oh, how You have been good to me.
34:59I pray, Father, for Your Word now that it won't return void.
35:04It will accomplish that which You please.
35:06It will prosper in the thing whereto You sent it.
35:10I know that.
35:11I know that without a doubt.
35:14And I pray for the souls that have heard it.
35:16I pray for them to receive it.
35:18And then, Father, for it to work whatever You intend for it to work in their heart.
35:21I don't know what it is.
35:22I don't really need to know.
35:24That's between You and them.
35:26But I pray that Your Word would work what You want it to work in their heart today.
35:30In the Holy Name.
35:33Your heads are bowed this morning.
35:34Everybody raise your hands.
35:35Say, Preacher Lost, I want you to pray for me because God spoke to me.
35:38He spoke to me this morning.
35:40And I say, praise God if He did.
35:43Because He, like I told you, in 1973, He spoke to me out of the clear blue.
35:47Anybody raise your hand and say, pray for me, Preacher.
35:50God did speak to me this morning.
35:53God bless you over there.
35:55God bless you.
35:56Anybody else?
35:58God bless you here.
35:59God bless you back there.
36:02Anybody else?
36:03People raising their hand.
36:06Remember, I've said to you a thousand times, I'm the messenger.
36:10This is in the hands of God now.
36:12This is the work of the Holy Ghost, not my work.
36:14I've done what the messenger does.
36:17Anybody else?
36:18Raise your hand.
36:19Say, pray for me, Preacher.
36:20God bless you there, my sister.
36:21God bless you.
36:22Anybody else?
36:23God bless you.
36:24Father, in thy name, I pray now.
36:26I pray for the hands that went up.
36:27Bless them.
36:28Help them.
36:29Let the sweet Holy Ghost now move down into their lives.
36:32And you know what they need.
36:33And I don't need to know.
36:35I don't need to know.
36:36That's between them and you.
36:37But I pray for them.
36:38I pray for them.
36:39Oh, God.
36:41God, give them that power, that peace, that anointing,
36:45that unction to move in their soul now, to draw nigh to thee.
36:49And help them in Jesus' name.
36:52For Jesus' sake I pray.
36:56Let's stand up now.
36:58Page number 385 in the church here.
