Reading Be Patient Little Chick Book

  • 2 months ago
Hello everybody Today i'm reading a book Called Be Patient Little Chick and i hope you like it.
Summary: Impatient to grow up, Little chick learns to appreciate his mother's advice and protection when confronted by an angry rooster, includes facts about hens and chicks.
Book: Be Patient Little Chick
By Claude Clement
Adapted By Patricia Jensen
Illustrations By Erost
Reader's Digest Kids
Pleasantville, N.Y.- Montreal
A Reader's Digest Kids Book
Published by The Reader's digest Association, Inc
Produced By Joshua Morris Publishing, Inc
Copyright {C} 1993 The Reader's Digest Association, Inc
Illustrations and story concept Copyright {C} 1990 Editions Nathan
All Right Reserved, Unauthorized Reproduction, in any manner, is prohibited
Printed In The United States Of America
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00:00Hi everyone! Welcome back to a book reading. Today's book that I'm going to
00:11read to y'all and it's called Be Patient Little Chick. It's a Reader's Digest Kids
00:23A Little Animal Adventures book and here's what it looks like if you wanted
00:30to know what it looks like. Here's the front, here's the side, and here's the
00:50back and it's by Claude Clement, adapted by Patricia Jensen, illustrated by Ross.
01:08Summary. Impatient to grow up, Little Chick learns to appreciate his mother's
01:25advice and protection when confronted by an angry rooster. It clues bats about
01:35hens and chicks. One bright spring day, a hen's egg began to crack open. After a
01:48short while, a little chick bursts out, looking in wonder at the world around
01:55him. Still wearing part of his shell, the impatient chick decided it was time to
02:04get up and explore the world. Which way is the garden? he asked his mother. Where
02:12are the great woods? Now, now, little chick said mama gently, you've been part of
02:19this world only a short time. You shouldn't be in such a hurry to grow up.
02:26Good things come to those who wait.
02:40What kind of things? asked little chick, taking a peek at the farmyard. You shall
02:48see when the time comes, said mama. Right now, you are still a very little chick.
02:56Someday soon, you will see the garden and the woods. But before that time, there are
03:04many things you need to learn. I already know everything I need to know, said
03:11little chick, confidently. Is that so? said mama. Well, the most important thing
03:18for you to learn is to stay close by me while you are still small. That way I
03:25can protect you.
03:36I can take care of myself, declared little chick, hurrying out into the
03:43farmyard. Suddenly, he was surrounded by some large turkeys. Maybe I should stick
03:50by mama, said little chick to himself nervously. She might get scared all by
04:06Little chick rushed back to his mother. I thought you might find it a little
04:12frightening out on your own, she said, as some grain before one of those turkey
04:19decides he wants it. Little chick looked at the ground in disgust. Grain? he
04:25grumbled. I would much rather eat other things. Little chick spotted a small dog
04:33bone and walked over to it. He pecked and pecked, but no matter how hard he tried,
04:40he couldn't eat it. Grain is the best thing for little chicks to eat, said mama
04:46softly. You will be able to eat other things when you are older. Now come back
04:52with me and eat your breakfast with the rest of the chicks. All right, said little
04:58chick, but when I get bigger, I'm going to eat dog bones every single day. Mama
05:15laughed as she nudged little chick back to breakfast, but no sooner had he begun
05:21to eat than something else caught his attention. Look at that bird, little chick
05:27cried. Oh mama, it is so beautiful up there. Little chick dashed after the bird.
05:34Wait for me, he shouted, flapping his wings. I want to fly with you. Little
05:41chick, called mama, come back here. Chick can't fly like that bird. I bet I'll be
05:49able to fly like that when I get bigger, said little chick stubbornly. Mama smiled
05:56as she led the spunky chick back to the farmyard. Now please stay here where I
06:04can keep an eye on you, she told little chick.
06:16But little chick was still impatient. The moment mama wasn't looking, he ran down
06:23to the pond. I'll join you for a swim, little chick called to a duck in a pond.
06:30Chicks can't swim, said a duck. Little chick was about to protest when he heard
06:36a familiar clucking of his mother. Before she could catch him, he ran off.
06:52Little chick ran so fast that he bumped into the biggest of the rooster. Watch
06:58where you're going, shouted the rooster. You don't scare me, little chick shouted
07:04back in his loudest voice. You need someone to teach you a lesson, crowed the
07:09rooster. He strutted toward the chick. Always gotta be a mean person in the
07:16crowd. Everywhere you go, you can never escape that part.
07:27Help me, cried little chick. Mama, mama, help! Quick as could be, mama came running.
07:38She cackled loudly, rubbed her feathers, and flapped her wings at the rooster. Little
07:44chick hid behind a bush, safe from the angry rooster. I hope mama doesn't get
07:50hurt, he whispered fearfully. Mama cackled and flapped her wings until finally, the
07:57rooster trotted off in a huff. Good, bully's niece to run away from the
08:07mama chick that's trying to protect her young.
08:14Back in their nest, little chick cuddled up very close to mama. Be patient, little
08:27chick, she said. Hey, she finally said the title of the book. Before you know it,
08:33you'll be one of the biggest roosters in the farmyard and ready to see the great
08:39wide world. But it takes time to grow up and learn all the things you need to
08:46learn. Remember this, good things come to those who wait. Let me repeat it again to
08:55those the ones that's having a hard time with anything, especially me and any
09:02others that's going through things. Be patient, little chick, she said. Before
09:11you know it, you'll be one of the biggest roosters in the farmyard and ready to
09:18see the great wide world. But it takes time to grow up and learn all the things
09:29you need to learn. Remember this, good things comes to those who wait. I'm just
09:41just rereading it so y'all can will know what it's saying. I'm not in
09:49such a hurry anymore, mama, said little chick. I'll stay close to you until I get
09:55a little bigger. Then he nestled under his mother's wing, snug and warm, safe and
10:12Okay, this is the one where you can learn about chicks. Before a chick is born, it
10:21grows inside an egg for 21 days. The mother hen keep the egg warm by sitting
10:29on it. A chick's first feathers are called down. When a chick cracks through the shell
10:38of an egg, the chick is all wet. Then it's down, begin to dry and flop out. The
10:47mother hen show the chick what is good to eat. Chicks knows how to pick at food
10:53as soon as they are born. The mother hen protect her chick from danger by
11:01ruffling up her feathers and fighting for her children. When her chicks
11:06strutted, she called them by clucking. Chicks peck at almost everything they
11:12find, grains of wheat and rice, breadcrumbs, worms, and small stones, and
11:19even nails. Hens and chicks do not have teeth so they cannot chew what they
11:26pick. Their stomachs grind up their food. And that is everything you need to learn
11:36about what they do. And the end. Thank you all for coming out to this book reading.
11:52I hope that y'all like it. The book is called Be Patient Little Chick and I
12:03love y'all. God bless y'all. Be safe out there. Please give this a thumbs up.
12:10Comment down below what y'all think. Press that subscribe button and leave
12:17positive comments, no negativity please. Bye. God bless y'all. Be safe out there. Bye.
