The Traitors NZ S2 Episode 9

  • 2 months ago
The Traitors NZ Season 2 Episode 9


00:00Previously on The Traitors.
00:05I'm going to say no.
00:07When Mark refused to become a traitor...
00:09Take him away.
00:11...the cloak was handed to Bailey.
00:13Oh, man.
00:15Mark's left me alone.
00:17But with Utah sharing Mark's note with his alliance...
00:20I now suspect Jeremy.
00:22...the hunt for a traitor began.
00:24I mean, I've heard Ben's name thrown out there.
00:26It's so weird that you're now throwing out your alliance's name.
00:30Why are you having chats with Utah this morning bringing my name up?
00:32And when Jane was confronted at the table...
00:36...the votes began to mount.
00:55It's time, Bailey.
00:56Another player must be turned.
00:59I need to know now which faith will you choose.
01:22That was fast.
01:23We're like first in.
01:24If it's the coffee, it'll be hot.
01:26There's only nine chairs, guys.
01:29I straightaway am thinking to myself,
01:32there has been a blackmail and a murder.
01:38Today I need to observe a couple of people.
01:41And I'll say their name just to you two before they come in.
01:47I feel like the traitors are just being chopped down at the moment.
01:50So I have to kind of like latch onto anything
01:53that will make other people look suspicious.
01:56We all know Jo.
01:57We all know he has moments.
01:59But the last couple of days, he's different.
02:02I barely saw him yesterday.
02:05At this point of the game, I need to start building up
02:08a really close relationship with at least one other person.
02:12And that would be Donna.
02:14We've done like insanely well.
02:16Oh, 100%.
02:17Four traitors out of seven round tables.
02:19That's over 50%.
02:20Jane being revealed as a traitor was the only time
02:23that I did not feel uplifted and happy that a traitor got out.
02:27Jane, please reveal who you voted for and tell us why.
02:30Sorry, but I had to vote for you.
02:33Jane put my name down last night and gave me a cryptic wink.
02:39Why would Jane throw me under the bus
02:40when I was the only one who didn't jump on the Jane train?
02:43You know what I mean?
02:44Like, I'm faithful,
02:45but everything points to me being a traitor for everyone else.
02:48Well, the fact there's nine chairs is really throwing me,
02:50because I'm 90% sure there's one traitor left,
02:52and if there's one, they have to blackmail.
03:07As you are now my only traitor,
03:09I must insist you deliver an ultimatum
03:11to a faithful of your choice.
03:14Become a traitor or be murdered.
03:17I do feel like I have the most power in the game right now,
03:20and I'm feeling the pressure to pick the right person
03:23to get to the end.
03:25I'm weighing up who would accept the responsibility
03:29of being a traitor,
03:31who's got trust, who's got suspicion on them.
03:35Please write the name on this parchment.
03:38Honestly, so freaking hard.
03:40Like, this is the most important decision
03:42I've made so far in this game.
03:44Bailey, I will see that this is delivered immediately.
03:47Enjoy your days as a traitor.
03:55Oh, OK.
03:58Good morning!
04:00Good morning!
04:02This morning's a little bit...
04:07Morning. Morning, morning, morning.
04:09I can't see Utah or Kat.
04:11Do you reckon that was the murderer?
04:13I don't know, we're just speculating cos there's only nine chairs.
04:16It just feels a little bit unsettling.
04:21Who's not here?
04:25Utah, Jace, Kat, Marley.
04:28Marley. Oh, my goodness.
04:34You're pretty tolerant with Marley, right?
04:37Yeah, I don't think she's a traitor.
04:39I don't think so. I just... Yeah.
04:43Ben says he trusts Marley,
04:45which I don't trust her for shit.
04:49Good morning!
04:51I see the strain of the game on everybody's faces,
04:54and she's just cool, calm and collected all the time.
05:03I don't want to break up with Benny Bear.
05:05Morning. Morning.
05:07But at the same time, I don't think he wants to see it,
05:09for whatever reason.
05:15Pretty chuffed that I've made it to day nine.
05:19Utah and Kat are missing.
05:23If I was the traitor, I'd be trying to disrupt the allies
05:26by recruiting those who are strong leaders
05:28or taking out the person that everyone likes.
05:31It would be the meanest power play
05:33because it'll upset everyone's line of thought.
05:37It better not be my bro.
05:39Who's who? It better not be my bro.
06:00Who is it?
06:08I knew it was between me and him.
06:12I really, really liked Utah as a person.
06:16And as a player, I think that he easily could have won the game.
06:21I think it's a huge blow to the Faithfuls.
06:30Utah, you know, he's my bro.
06:33He was such a strong player,
06:35but in the last two round tables,
06:37he's stuck his neck out there.
06:39You all right?
06:44I'm absolutely gutted by it.
06:49Even though I murdered him last night.
07:06How are you?
07:08Not good?
07:10We just lost Utah.
07:12It was a frontal attack on our alliance
07:15of Siali, Utah, Kat and Joe.
07:21Be strong.
07:23We've got to stay tight.
07:26They had to take one of us out.
07:28They had no choice because they knew
07:30they were going to lose.
07:32They had to take one of us out.
07:34They had no choice because it was getting too big and too strong.
07:40My whole team.
07:42Here's to Utah.
07:44He gave it everything.
07:46Very, very strong player.
08:03Dearest Siali,
08:05your presence is required at a secret meeting.
08:09Please make your way to Conclave.
08:13The Conclave.
08:18Here we go.
08:21Here we go.
08:26My heart's just pounding.
08:28I can't breathe.
08:30I've got no idea who the traitor is.
08:49You are good.
08:53Thank you.
08:54It's a blackmail.
08:56I look good in green.
08:58I want to be a traitor.
09:00I want to play the game.
09:04I've got a lot of learning to do.
09:06I've got to do it quickly.
09:08And just stay in the game.
09:10Are you nervous?
09:12Yeah, I am nervous.
09:14Do exactly what you've been doing.
09:16You can't change.
09:18You've got to put your acting pants on now.
09:20I am feeling so confident in my decision.
09:23I feel like I can trust him
09:25and remain so steady, so solid.
09:28We can do it.
09:30Four days.
09:31We've got to go all the way now.
09:33We are going to the ends.
09:35We have a job to do.
09:38Here we go.
09:42Tell me what you're thinking.
09:43Give me some.
09:45I think someone who's fully influential.
09:47Who we've heard.
09:53I was shocked that Utah's name came up.
09:57It's his best friend in here.
09:59And I thought it was kind of a risky move.
10:02I just think it wouldn't come as a surprise
10:05because he's really put his neck out there.
10:07He put it out last night.
10:08He's got a lot of sway.
10:09Yeah, he's got a lot of sway.
10:11If he sniffs something out, he'll follow it.
10:14It's tough.
10:15You're ripping up that alliance.
10:16I am, I am.
10:18Murdering this person is going to change alliances
10:22and it's going to scatter everyone.
10:24They're going to have to find places to hide,
10:26people to cling to.
10:28So this is good for the end game.
10:31We're taking out Utah.
10:34I'm feeling nervous about it.
10:36Here we go.
10:39But, you know, the game's got to be played.
10:48I feel so bad.
10:51But I feel so good.
11:01Let's go, baby.
11:06Dear Utah, you have hereby been murdered.
11:09Yours faithfully, the Travers.
11:14I knew I was on borrowed time.
11:15I've got to speak my mind.
11:17And I knew that'd eventually bite me in the butt.
11:21I'm going to miss my boy, Celia, the most in this game.
11:24He's on his own now,
11:25and it'll be interesting to see how it all pans out.
11:38What that whakatauki means is
11:40if one warrior dies,
11:42then who's going to step in that person's place?
11:47Magda. Magda, Eva, come on. Come on.
11:50Oh, for goodness sake.
11:51It's not the first time we've done this.
11:53Why is this so hard?
11:55Come on.
11:57Oh, the dogs kill me.
11:59The one that had the hair was cute,
12:01but I'm really not a fan of hairless animals.
12:03Um, I'm sorry.
12:06Oh, my God.
12:08Oh, I tell you,
12:10the Gabors are driving me crazy this morning.
12:14Bad news, I'm afraid.
12:16One of our favourites, Zsa Zsa.
12:21Utah. Gone.
12:23We loved Utah, didn't we, eh?
12:27But we've learnt not to become too attached around here.
12:33So, three cars on the forecourt shortly for today's mission.
12:38But please, don't stop for strangers.
12:44Hallelujah, players.
12:46Come on. Come on.
12:48Those dogs are the brats.
12:50So, we're all thanking him.
12:53Don't stop for strangers.
12:55They're going to be creepy people and...
12:57Oh, my God, please, no.
12:59Oh, my God.
13:12Oh, that was tough.
13:14Yeah, yeah, yeah.
13:16That was tough, bro.
13:18I was waiting for it to happen, on us.
13:21We're too tight. We're getting too tight.
13:24People are going to be angry about Utah.
13:28But I think the game of the Traders
13:30is to break up those alliances.
13:34I certainly knew it was going to hit Joe hard.
13:36That stupid boy.
13:38I think we pushed the Trader into a corner.
13:42I feel so bad for Utah.
13:45I need him here. Like, I genuinely need him.
13:49So, you don't think he was recruited?
13:51No, he said he would take her.
13:54So, he was murdered?
13:57The next couple of hours is us assessing the damage,
14:01packing out those weak links.
14:03I'm just not 100% on mine.
14:08And then, at the round table,
14:12just putting in the final dagger.
14:18I was awake all of last night,
14:20trying to put the pieces together.
14:23I was just going back through from the start.
14:27And I remembered when Whitney and Ciale won the Shields.
14:32Do we want to do a shield?
14:34Yep, yep, yep.
14:41And I can't remember what the reason was
14:43that they said they went for it.
14:45When I asked Whitney,
14:46but who knows if she was telling the truth,
14:47because she was a Trader.
14:48What did she say?
14:49Whitney said that Ciale wanted to go for them.
14:53Do you think it's going to happen?
14:56You've got to look at everyone.
14:57No, I know, I know.
14:58You're right, you're right.
15:01You asked me some strange questions yesterday.
15:04There's just a lot of stuff that doesn't add up.
15:06And I knew that today I had to go hell for leather,
15:09no matter what.
15:11Because I'm pretty sure it's Ciale, who's a Trader.
15:17No, I forget what I was on about, honestly.
15:22It's up to you, whoever you are.
15:25He's a Trader somewhere.
15:26Yeah, he's a Trader somewhere.
15:28As soon as you become a Trader,
15:30you feel like you've got this huge Trader flag
15:34just everywhere you go.
15:36I honestly thought I was going last night.
15:40I thought it was me.
15:42I do want to ask you, Ciale,
15:44about last night when we came out of banishment.
15:47I was iced out of the conversation with you, Utah,
15:51Joe and Jason.
15:53If it's not no...
15:55That's Cale.
15:57Then it's one of us.
16:02Then I was like running around.
16:05It was really odd.
16:07It was nothing about you.
16:09We actually...
16:11It was about you.
16:12Yeah, I heard you.
16:14But it was about us
16:19some sort of
16:22If it was anyone else,
16:23I'd probably be like,
16:24come on, mate.
16:25But it's Kat,
16:26and Kat is ferocious.
16:29Did you ask anyone else
16:30if they prepared to be blackmailed yesterday?
16:33Or was I the only one?
16:36When he asked me about blackmail,
16:37I found it really, really strange.
16:39Did I ask you that?
16:40You sure did.
16:43have got to hang together.
16:45I agree.
16:46Even if you are
16:49blackmailed or whatever.
16:57I genuinely couldn't remember
16:59what it was about.
17:00Conversations like that
17:02in here,
17:03you remember.
17:04Anyway, I'm going to go.
17:09Yeah, they kind of put me
17:10on the back foot, eh?
17:14Oh my God.
17:15Yeah, I just went hard.
17:16See you later.
17:18He asked me about blackmail yesterday.
17:20I didn't ask anyone else about it.
17:23I'm really sus on him.
17:26I think it's Ciali.
17:28He has been so vocal
17:29about Utah being his best mate.
17:30I barely saw a reaction.
17:38Put yourself in the treasure's shoes.
17:40Who would be a good recruit?
17:45People are saying Ciali's name today.
17:48That worries me.
17:50Ciali's kind of denying
17:51saying some stuff to Kat
17:52that he said.
17:53I was there for that conversation.
17:56I needed him to not like
17:57lie or twist words
17:59or forget what he'd said
18:00and now I feel like
18:01all those things have happened.
18:04Ciali's attitude
18:05has only changed really today
18:06which is why I personally think
18:08he was the last nine recruit.
18:09And who better to murder
18:10than like your best friend
18:11who you're like
18:12I would never murder them.
18:13There's one person
18:15who I thought I could trust.
18:17Did either of them just fill you in
18:18on what I just heard?
18:20She doesn't.
18:21Oh my God, OK.
18:23I will not be able to move
18:24from him as a traitor.
18:25I won't be able to be moved
18:26from there.
18:28I was so confident last night
18:30that I had chosen
18:31the right person.
18:32I had big visions
18:34of us making it to the end
18:36and now
18:38all those thoughts
18:39I just...
18:48But Kat is after me today.
18:51Ciali looks like he is guilty as sin.
18:54He looked like he was wearing the weight
18:56of gunning down his own bro.
18:59I don't think it'll be Ciali.
19:00I just...
19:01I can't see it.
19:02He's been consistent
19:03the whole way through.
19:06Who are you going for now?
19:08I don't know
19:09because the thing with Molly
19:10is that I do still have sus on her
19:12but I feel like no one else does.
19:13If they do,
19:14they won't tell me they do.
19:15I know Jace does.
19:16Jace does, huh?
19:18I noticed that when she's
19:20talking about memories,
19:22she looks you in the eyes.
19:24But when you ask her
19:25about what she's thinking,
19:26she doesn't.
19:29I don't know.
19:30That's what I'm just saying.
19:31I can see the strain on everyone.
19:33Every single person
19:34except Molly.
19:36You've got to bring that up though.
19:38I know I should, yeah.
19:40we can't just go in there
19:41with one or two names.
19:42No, I know.
19:46Oh, I knew it!
19:47Go right to the end.
19:48I knew it!
19:49Oh, no.
19:52No, thank you.
19:53Oh, I don't like that.
19:54I don't like that one bit.
20:04Oh, my God!
20:05What are you doing?
20:07Oh, my God!
20:12Oh, God.
20:13Straight away,
20:14I knew it was an ambush.
20:15Oh, God.
20:16Oh, God.
20:17I've done loads of training
20:18for dangerous situations
20:19just like this.
20:20The key thing is
20:21when adrenaline or fear
20:23starts pumping,
20:24What the bloody hell is going on?
20:27you've got to control that fear.
20:29Oh, my God.
20:32Step up.
20:33Step up.
20:34Up, up, up.
20:35Step up.
20:36Step up.
20:37Two million feet back.
20:38Next minute,
20:39I'm sitting in the back
20:40of what I think is a truck.
20:42Where are we going?
20:44I'm scared.
20:48My neck!
20:51Being shipped off like cattle,
20:52you don't know what's about to happen,
20:54but you just know that
20:55it's probably not going to be good.
21:07They ripped the bag off my head
21:09and we're in some shed
21:12with these mannequins
21:16with our names on them.
21:19First thing I'm doing
21:20is looking for an exit strategy.
21:24How the ropes were connected
21:25to the poles
21:27and the locations
21:28of where everyone was.
21:30Everyone is on the floor
21:31sitting down,
21:32fully in shackles.
21:34If it wasn't freaky before,
21:36it's certainly freaky now.
21:39Sorry about the sacks, players.
21:42I did tell you not to stop for strangers.
21:46Yes, you're padlocked to a pole
21:49and dangling from the rafters
21:51just out of reach
21:53are keys to your padlocks.
21:55You must work together
21:56to free yourselves.
21:58Once you're free,
21:59you can choose one voodoo doll
22:01to stab in the back.
22:03And retrieve silver
22:04to add to the prize pool.
22:07There are nine voodoo dolls of you
22:10and one of me.
22:13There's $500 worth of silver
22:16in each doll,
22:17except mine.
22:19Because clearly,
22:20I'm worth four times as much as you.
22:23So, that's a possible $6,000 on the line.
22:28You will have a chance
22:29to win a prize.
22:32You will have just 30 minutes
22:34to complete this mission.
22:36And one more thing,
22:37a shield will be rewarded
22:39to any player
22:40whose voodoo doll remains intact.
22:44I think Kat needs a shield.
22:46She's been so vocal about Ciali.
22:48It's going to be really interesting
22:49to see how people play this.
22:52So, free yourselves, my pretties.
22:55Your time starts now.
23:02The first thing I'm doing
23:03is working out
23:04what are the tools
23:05that we have available.
23:06There's like little bits here.
23:08Get the little rope.
23:09There's a little rope down there somewhere.
23:12So, we're scavenging around
23:13through the hay
23:15to find this little rope
23:16with the bag name on it
23:17to get the key.
23:18And we start swinging.
23:23Anything throwing,
23:24I'm shocking at.
23:27This is not mine.
23:29This is not my forte.
23:33Oh, oh, yes.
23:38I was pretty much
23:39one of the first ones
23:40to get my key.
23:44But it didn't unlock my lock.
23:45Got it.
23:46Got it?
23:49Yep, got mine.
23:51Nah, too big.
23:52Everyone, come into the centre.
23:54Come into the centre.
23:55Those with keys,
23:56just try them on.
23:57Everyone's locked.
23:59The goal is just get the keys,
24:01pass them round the group.
24:04Oh, I've got yours.
24:05I was the first one unlocked.
24:07I'll stab Paul now.
24:09Good choice, Donna.
24:10Good choice.
24:11I am going for Paul
24:12because I know
24:13he has the most silver.
24:17And it was a great delight
24:18to stab him in the back.
24:22Put them on the plinth there.
24:24Oh, my gosh.
24:26Oh, my gosh.
24:29Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes.
24:30I got it.
24:32All right, I got mine.
24:33Hang on, Bailey.
24:34Let me see yours
24:35because this wouldn't budge.
24:36There you go.
24:37You're out.
24:38I was the second one released.
24:41I know that I'm going to have to
24:42start making really,
24:43really hard decisions.
24:49Ben has been discussing
24:51theories on Ciale.
24:53So I absolutely want
24:55to have Ben
24:56in that pool of people
24:57that I can murder tonight.
25:02we are halfway
25:03through the mission.
25:05Oh, good job.
25:08Nice cut.
25:09Is there an act to it?
25:11Okay, so then just drag it in.
25:13Rick, I think I still have my key.
25:16Did you unlock anyone?
25:18I realise I'm holding
25:20someone else's key
25:21that hasn't unlocked
25:24Which ones are the used keys?
25:26I panicked.
25:27I chucked it.
25:28I didn't know what to do.
25:32Oh, there you go.
25:33Here we go.
25:34Can you just try turning that?
25:36Is it mine?
25:41So now what are we doing?
25:43Has anyone stabbed?
25:44I stabbed Ben.
25:45You stabbed me?
25:47My mannequin
25:48is one of the first ones
25:49stabbed and it's Bailey,
25:50which is really weird to me.
25:53So I stabbed hers.
25:56This one has not been used yet.
25:58I am finally free,
25:59but I have to figure out
26:01which person I'm going to
26:02stab in the back.
26:04Noah still suspects me.
26:07So I'm going to take
26:08this opportunity
26:09because you keep thinking
26:10I'm a traitor.
26:12Oh, yeah.
26:13I want to stab Sally in the back
26:15because I think he stabbed
26:17Utah in the back.
26:20Where's the rest of the keys?
26:23I'm standing watching
26:24the rest of the group
26:25wondering who is going to
26:26stab me in the back
26:28and take my shield.
26:33Thanks, Jase.
26:36Eight minutes to go, players.
26:38Where are the rest of the keys?
26:39Oh, I got it.
26:40I got it.
26:43Sweet dear Joe
26:45stabs himself.
26:48I don't know
26:49what game he is playing.
26:53No one has stabbed me
26:54in the back yet.
26:56As more people are stabbed,
26:58I'm realizing my chances
26:59of getting a shield
27:00are higher and higher.
27:06That's enough.
27:07So I try every key
27:08that's laying on the floor
27:09and none of them work.
27:10That's enough.
27:12There's going to be
27:13a key missing.
27:14Yeah, guys,
27:15I accidentally took one out.
27:16Because Bailey accidentally
27:17took one out.
27:18What do you mean
27:19you took one out?
27:20Like I took the one I got
27:21and then your key
27:22set me free, right?
27:24So I was still holding mine.
27:26So how do you get out?
27:29I hate, hate, hate
27:32being the person
27:33that screwed up.
27:34So where is it?
27:35Where is it?
27:36Where is it?
27:37Where is it?
27:38What did I do?
27:39I chucked it back in there.
27:40Oh my God.
27:41That was just such
27:42a stupid little mistake.
27:43Okay, are we looking
27:44for a key in the haystack?
27:45Looking around
27:46and seeing all these people
27:47laying on the floor.
27:49That was such a shit show.
27:50Not fair.
27:52You have just three minutes left.
27:55Once I get free,
27:56I see that hat,
28:00and Molly's not stabbed.
28:06But I go for Molly
28:08because I want to break up
28:09the alliance
28:10between her and Ben.
28:14Are you sure it's out here?
28:15Did someone else
28:16throw it back in?
28:17I've only been a trainer
28:18for a day
28:19and that was the last thing
28:20I wanted people
28:21to focus on.
28:22I swear it was like
28:23just here.
28:25Oh, there it is.
28:27I've got it, I've got it.
28:28Oh my God.
28:29What a disaster.
28:30Can I get a time check?
28:31No, you have less than
28:33one minute remaining
28:34in this mission.
28:35We're doing good.
28:37It was frustrating.
28:40We're running out of time.
28:41Yeah, got it.
28:45So the voodoo dolls
28:46remaining intact
28:48are Jason
28:50and Kat.
28:53Who will you choose?
28:55I gave him a big
28:56pleading look.
29:00I just hope that
29:01the relationships
29:02that I've built
29:03are strong enough
29:04for me to get a shield today.
29:18Thank you.
29:19Excellent, Noel.
29:20Place your silver
29:21on the plinth.
29:27All of you completing
29:28it within time.
29:34What a great game
29:36of stabby,
29:39You've added $6,000
29:40to your prize pool.
29:44come up to me.
29:46Your doll
29:47remains intact.
29:50So a shield
29:51will protect you
29:52from murder tonight.
29:54But look,
29:55there's another shield
29:56you can take as well
29:58to give to a player
29:59of your choosing.
30:00Thank you, Paul.
30:02You must decide
30:03before the round table
30:06It's a heavy weight
30:07to work out
30:08who to give
30:09the second shield to.
30:11But also
30:12I feel
30:15I get another knight
30:16in the game.
30:18It's my time
30:19to banish
30:20a traitor.
30:35is questioning everyone.
30:36It could be
30:37Jason, Ciali and Noel.
30:39Bro, if he wins the game,
30:40you're the screw.
30:42Everyone's trying
30:43to work out
30:44who's running who.
30:45I don't think
30:47I can be putting
30:48Ciali's name down.
30:49I think
30:50tonight's round table
30:51is going to be
30:52quite interesting
30:53and I'm just
30:54praying that we're right.
30:55It's honestly
30:56just chaos
30:57at this point.
31:01when we were
31:02under the hood,
31:03it came to me.
31:05it cannot leave this car.
31:06No, I'm not going
31:07to say anything.
31:08It's Kat and Donna.
31:10If you were that traitor,
31:12in my mind,
31:13you wouldn't kill
31:15Where's that
31:16backstab like that?
31:17Like, that's a girl move
31:18to me.
31:20I don't know,
31:21he's always been
31:22very level-headed.
31:23So I thought it was
31:24really weird that Kat's
31:25suspicious of him.
31:26I find it weird
31:27how she's just going
31:28from 0 to 100.
31:30Only on, like,
31:32the thing yesterday.
31:33We were a part
31:34of that conversation
31:35and it was never like that.
31:36I don't know
31:37what to do, honestly,
31:38because Kat,
31:39you know,
31:40she's someone I feel
31:41like I can count on.
31:44One thing
31:45that I have noticed
31:46about Joe
31:47is that he hasn't been
31:48his whole
31:49dubious self.
31:51can I grab you
31:52just for a quick chat?
31:53There's definitely
31:54something changed
31:55and I just need to
31:56dig a little deeper.
31:57How you doing?
31:58I just wanted to
31:59check in with you
32:01we've noticed
32:02the last couple of days
32:03that you've not
32:04been yourself.
32:05I just want to
32:06check in with you.
32:07Yeah, I'm fine.
32:08I'm fine.
32:09I'm fine.
32:10I'm fine.
32:11I'm fine.
32:12I'm fine.
32:13I'm fine.
32:14You sure?
32:17You weren't
32:18all over the place
32:19like the normal Joe.
32:20Oh, here's the thing.
32:24You don't know who I am.
32:28I feel as though
32:29it is
32:30a very defensive
32:32from me
32:33asking a simple question.
32:34I truly
32:36think that
32:37you're one of the traitors.
32:38I have nothing to hide.
32:41I literally didn't
32:42come in here to say
32:43you had anything to hide.
32:44I was literally
32:45asking you
32:46how you were.
32:47Well, um,
32:48same old.
32:51I will, uh,
32:52leave the room.
32:55Alright, well,
33:05I'm so confused.
33:08But who do you think?
33:10I'm thinking
33:11it was Ciale
33:12just because Kat, like,
33:13we were chatting in the car.
33:14Nah, it's not him.
33:15I promise.
33:16It's not Ciale.
33:17I promised Molly with everything.
33:18It's not Ciale.
33:20I truly believe
33:21Ciale is a faithful man.
33:23I've never ever doubted him.
33:25But if I'm wrong,
33:27then that'll be so, so sad.
33:34Oh my gosh.
33:37if they put your name up there
33:38and you go up there
33:39and you're a faithful,
33:40I'm grabbing my bags
33:41I don't give a damn.
33:43Joe seems
33:44pretty lost today.
33:46I feel like the game
33:47is just getting
33:48too much from him.
33:50I like that about him
33:51because it just
33:52keeps the focus
33:53off me.
33:54I'm telling you
33:55right now
33:56I'm walking out.
33:57That's how much
33:58I know you're faithful.
33:59They got the numbers?
34:00They wouldn't have the numbers.
34:01They've got the numbers.
34:02For me,
34:05they've been working
34:06this whole day.
34:07I know Kat's coming for me
34:08at the round table.
34:10And I'm trying
34:11not to be
34:12too nervous
34:13about everything.
34:14But as a trader,
34:15it's way harder.
34:16Top times bro.
34:18The best defense.
34:19There's an offer.
34:21At the moment
34:22our lines have still
34:23got the numbers.
34:24But you know,
34:26anything can happen
34:27at the round table.
34:32OK, so how did it go
34:33in the car today
34:34with you and
34:36Well, I was just
34:37really clear about
34:38where my vote's going.
34:39Yep, CLA.
34:41I was straight up
34:42for you.
34:45CLA's it.
34:49It made me so sad
34:50that Joe was
34:51floating my name.
34:55I've heard you're
34:56coming for me.
34:57So is it possible
34:58to have a chat
34:59with you on your own?
35:01That's probably
35:02the first time
35:03I've ever suspected
35:04Joe in this game.
35:06Are you going to
35:07go for me?
35:09No, just told me
35:10that you're going for me.
35:12Go for me, that's fine.
35:14But go for me with what?
35:16What have you got?
35:18I'm not shy of
35:20because I have had
35:21to fight for anything
35:22and everything
35:23I've ever had.
35:25That man is faithful
35:26and I believe it
35:27with everything.
35:28If he gets up there
35:29and he's faithful
35:30I'm going.
35:31I can't.
35:32I know that guy's
35:34I didn't even ask him.
35:37One minute I'm
35:38like, I can't.
35:39The next I'm
35:40believing, see,
35:41I don't know what
35:42the truth is anymore.
35:43I'm not moving that vote
35:44and so you come at me
35:45but come at me
35:46with something
35:47other than
35:48he's a faithful.
35:49I have nothing.
35:50Exactly, exactly.
35:51Then don't go me.
35:52It's not fair.
35:54I'm just so physically
35:55mentally tired
35:56but I don't know
35:57where I have it
35:58in me
35:59to choose.
36:04I was actually wanting
36:05to give the shield
36:06to Joe
36:07so it's a heavy weight
36:08to work out
36:09who to give
36:10the second shield to.
36:11Can I grab you?
36:21I gave Ben a shield.
36:22He had said that
36:23he was also going
36:24to vote for Seattle
36:25and this game
36:26is all about numbers.
36:29Don't make me look dumb
36:30but hey, whatevs.
36:31You're not going to look dumb.
36:32You're not going to look dumb.
36:34Nobody knows.
36:36At this point in the game
36:37the only person
36:38who I'm certain
36:39is a traitor
36:40is Ciali
36:41and I will do
36:42everything I can
36:43to banish a traitor.
37:05To build trust
37:08Who knows
37:10who's lying
37:13Seems everyone here
37:15is just surviving
37:17There's $45,000
37:20sitting in front of you.
37:22There are just 9 of you
37:23sitting here now.
37:27only 8 of you
37:28will remain.
37:30The mood today
37:32has been somber
37:33among you.
37:36Was it the loss of Utah?
37:38A popular player?
37:40Were you sad to see him go?
37:43Or did his murder
37:45just sharpen your focus?
37:49You might be wondering
37:50how strong your alliances are
37:53but here's a question.
37:55How important
37:57is it to have an alliance
37:59when you have no idea
38:01who's telling the truth?
38:06Who will begin?
38:11We've lost Utah
38:12who was one of our
38:13main detectives.
38:17One of us has got to
38:18step in that place.
38:19I don't know if there's
38:20two traitors or three.
38:22What I do know is
38:23as a team
38:24when we work together
38:25we got four.
38:29And hopefully
38:30we'll get another one.
38:31And we've got to
38:32look at each other.
38:33You know?
38:35So I'm going to
38:36bring my theories
38:37and I could be
38:38absolutely wrong
38:39or I could be correct.
38:41Every faithful
38:42that's gone
38:43has left us
38:47Utah yelled out
38:48that he saw
38:49Jane wink
38:50at Noel.
38:52I didn't see the wink
38:53alright but
38:55it was something
38:56that was said.
38:58I just wanted to
38:59pose the question
39:00who actually saw
39:01the wink?
39:05Ciali I thought that
39:06you had mentioned
39:07that you had seen it
39:08and I was wondering
39:09if there was anybody else.
39:12Throughout the game
39:13Ciali's been outspoken enough
39:15but not so much
39:16to be on a radar.
39:18I'm certain it's him.
39:22I've spoken to you
39:24Help me Kat.
39:25Let's go.
39:26Game on my bro.
39:27Game on.
39:28Let's go.
39:29You know it's coming.
39:30I know it's coming girl.
39:32It's the first time
39:33someone has
39:34fully just
39:35come at me.
39:41she better come quick
39:43if you come for me
39:44I'll come for you.
39:45This is how we play.
39:59Last night
40:00you came up to me
40:01when I was taking
40:02a breather
40:03and you asked me
40:04about blackmail.
40:08And then today
40:09in front of Noel
40:10you said
40:11did I ask you about blackmail?
40:12I can't remember.
40:13I don't think I asked you
40:14about blackmail.
40:15One it's a strange thing
40:16for a faithful
40:17to even be asking
40:18someone about
40:19and then two
40:20to pretend
40:21like you hadn't.
40:22What was that?
40:27I don't even remember
40:28saying that to you.
40:29You were sussing me out
40:30to work out
40:31if you were
40:32to offer me blackmail
40:33that night
40:34whether I would
40:35decline it
40:36so that I would
40:37then leave the gang.
40:38And I feel like
40:39that's why Utah went
40:40because we all know
40:41Utah would have
40:42declined blackmail.
40:45I saw you sitting there
40:47I knew that you were
40:48feeling a certain way
40:49I literally just came
40:50and talked to you.
40:51But then why ask me
40:52about blackmail?
40:53If that's true
40:54why ask me about blackmail
40:55and then I just
40:56want to talk to you.
40:57Which is weird.
40:58It's so weird.
41:00What you're saying
41:01and what you imagined
41:03it definitely
41:04didn't happen like that.
41:05I've been fighting
41:06the good fight
41:07for faithfuls
41:08right from day one.
41:11provided evidence
41:12I've checked with people
41:13I've had conversations.
41:15What I saw from you today
41:19trying to be
41:20a faithful
41:23find out stuff.
41:24I couldn't have a conversation
41:25with you because
41:27you felt like
41:28you trusted me.
41:29Yeah because I felt like
41:30you went for Utah.
41:32Utah was my biggest ally.
41:34Why would I do that?
41:41I feel like you're
41:42hiding in plain sight.
41:46I'd like to bring
41:47like another
41:48name into this.
41:52I wanted to talk
41:53to you today.
41:54You've brought names
41:55to the table
41:56but with like
41:57no evidence
41:58at all.
41:59And it just feels like
42:00the waters are being
42:02and we don't get anywhere
42:03and the next day
42:04like it's all cleared up
42:05really fast.
42:08I don't even know.
42:10I honestly don't even know
42:11what to say
42:12to you.
42:13That's so fair.
42:15That's fair.
42:18So I came in to do
42:19a mental health check
42:20on you because I was
42:22concerned about you.
42:24And then for you to
42:25turn around and go
42:26I've got a theory on you.
42:27Put my name down
42:28and I'll get down.
42:34OK I'm confused.
42:37I'm thinking
42:38is this a distraction
42:39because he feels bad
42:40that he got rid of Utah.
42:42I don't even know
42:43what's real
42:44what's fake
42:45what's the truth
42:46what's the lie
42:47I just don't know Donna.
42:48What else do you
42:49want me to say?
42:50No no no that's fine
42:51I just generally was
42:52waiting to hear
42:53Yeah that's my answer.
42:56You just
42:57shut up for once.
43:00I'm so confused.
43:04I don't even know
43:05if I have it in me
43:06to see the next
43:14no you still know that.
43:16You're still right there
43:17on my list
43:18but I made a promise
43:19to myself this morning
43:20to go I can't just
43:21be fixated on you
43:22because there's someone else.
43:24I don't think anyone's
43:25off anyone's list.
43:26No hard feelings.
43:27That's the game.
43:28But one thing I'll say
43:29is Mike stood up
43:30and he did say three names
43:31he said Ben
43:34and I mean
43:35what we do know
43:36and what we know for sure
43:37is that Jane was a traitor.
43:38I'm not going to lie to you
43:39I have definitely
43:40racked you through
43:41my brain a few times.
43:44Mike did say
43:45to be looking at people
43:46that haven't been brought up
43:47and my name has already
43:48been brought up.
43:49That was ages ago.
43:50It was
43:51but if you look at
43:52somebody like yourself
43:53where your name
43:54hasn't come up
43:55that's where I think
43:56that we should be looking.
43:58I've been actively
44:00doing stuff
44:01along the way.
44:02I don't think you have.
44:04You know Molly
44:05I feel like you were part
44:06of this bubble
44:07that we obviously like
44:08popped last night
44:10and I feel like anything
44:11I've ever heard from you
44:12I've also heard from
44:13the three other people
44:14like surrounding you
44:15and I feel like
44:16nothing new has come.
44:17I will say that
44:18I do approach
44:19Ben and Jane
44:20with my theories
44:21before I bring it to the group
44:22because those were
44:23the two people
44:24that I trusted.
44:25I see where you're
44:26coming from
44:27but I'm not the right
44:28person to be looking at.
44:32Why not?
44:34Yeah I kind of think
44:35everyone's the right
44:36person to be looking at
44:37you know what I mean?
44:39Yeah but
44:41because I'm faithful.
44:45Enough discussion.
44:47It's time to cast
44:48your votes.
44:49Will you please
44:50write down the name
44:51of the person
44:52you want banished
44:53from the game?
45:13Have you all
45:14locked in your votes?
45:20we'll start with you.
45:22Can you please reveal
45:23who you think
45:24should be banished
45:25from the game
45:26and tell us why?
45:29I'm sorry Molly
45:30I voted for you
45:31I think you showed us
45:32on day one
45:33like how competitive you are
45:34and I think you've
45:35just been swaying
45:36as a way to kind of
45:37blend into
45:38the group.
45:42who have you voted for
45:43and why?
45:46Tonight my vote
45:47is for Siali.
45:53My vote tonight
45:54is also for Siali
45:56so I'm sorry
45:57I owe you a drink
45:58if I'm wrong but
46:06I voted for you Molly
46:09because I think
46:10there's too many
46:11unanswered questions.
46:14That's two votes
46:15for Siali
46:16and two votes
46:17for Molly.
46:21who have you voted for
46:22and why?
46:25shock horror
46:26I voted for Siali
46:28I just feel like
46:29there's too much
46:30that doesn't add up
46:31and I know
46:32that you approach me
46:33about blackmail
46:34and forgetting
46:35that conversation
46:36just seems
46:37too out there for me.
46:44I think this person's
46:45caused the
46:46most chaos
46:47and uncertainty
46:48in the house.
46:51I voted for me.
47:05made a promise
47:06this morning
47:07that I would
47:08look everywhere
47:09else in the room
47:10and now
47:11after the
47:12vote that has
47:15I actually feel
47:16pretty bad
47:17in doing this vote.
47:18Sorry Joe.
47:29I hope I'm not wrong
47:30that's all.
47:36So that's three votes
47:37for Siali
47:38three votes
47:39for Molly
47:40two for Joe.
47:44have the last vote.
47:46As a faithful
47:47I've come under
47:48a lot of scrutiny
47:49this game
47:50and I've never
47:51I've said
47:52don't look at me
47:53I've just said
47:54let's look at everybody
47:55and tonight
47:56this person said
47:57I'm not the one
47:58to be looking at
47:59and that irks me
48:00so Molly
48:01I just had to go for you
48:02I'm sorry girl.
48:07you have received
48:08the most votes
48:09you are banished
48:10from my game.
48:11Please come and join me.
48:16It's been a long road
48:18before you leave
48:19the game forever
48:20please reveal
48:21are you a faithful
48:22or a traitor?
48:25You guys
48:26this has been such an adventure
48:27and I am so grateful
48:28to have met
48:29every single one of you.
48:33From the very beginning
48:34I've been a faithful
48:38am leaving the game
48:39as a faithful.
48:40I love you Molly
48:41well done.
48:42See you Molly.
48:46And so
48:47a faithful departs
48:49eight of you left
48:51how hard can it be
48:52to spot deceit?
48:56There is one
48:58that may or may not
48:59be in play this evening
49:01another shield
49:02ensures Kat
49:03will be at breakfast
49:04tomorrow morning
49:06and there are only
49:07two of you
49:09and that
49:11and there are only
49:12three breakfasts
49:14I'll be at all of them
49:16will you?
49:17Fare thee well.
49:29The game's getting harder
49:33I think we've just got to go
49:34back to the drawing board eh?
49:37Some of us do.
49:42It's not personal
49:43it's not personal
49:44I'm listening
49:45I'm listening
49:48Just get her out
49:51It's me
49:52I don't even know
49:54I'm not surprised
49:55that people are
49:57it's a hard game
49:58but we all
49:59signed up for this
50:00it's not called
50:01the traitors for nothing
50:03I really just need to
50:05relationships tomorrow
50:07to give myself
50:08a fighting chance
50:10and you know
50:11I'll do what I can
50:30How was that?
50:31I didn't realise how hard
50:32that day was going to be
50:34and it got off to a
50:35rough start
50:36This is what happens
50:37when we take a big player
50:38out right?
50:40But you kind of
50:44Good evening the two of you
50:45Good evening
50:46I'm going to present you
50:47with your first
50:48and last
50:50to seduce
50:51a faithful
50:52before the end of the game
50:54Or would you rather
50:56eliminating the opportunity
50:57to become a trio?
51:01I will leave you
51:02to deliberate
51:09I'm thinking
51:10murder, murder, murder
51:11murder, murder
51:13if we seduce
51:14someone tonight
51:16we could offer up
51:17another traitor
51:18and keep us safe
51:20It's our last chance
51:21It's our last chance
51:23To be honest
51:24I think if we get someone
51:25like a seduction
51:27it's going to just
51:28take more hit of us
51:30Right, because today was
51:32It was
51:36It's a better play for me
51:38And I think Bailey's
51:39thinking the same way
51:40The heat's already
51:41on me
51:42that's for sure
51:43Yeah, yeah, yeah
51:44And as days go on
51:45it's only going to get more
51:49Chance she turns it down
51:53She comes to breakfast tomorrow
51:54and she tells everyone
51:55and she would
51:57She would
51:58If she agreed to it though
52:01she's got backing
52:04Kat would be a great seduction
52:06She is yelling my name
52:07from the rooftops
52:09we have to try and silence that
52:11If she came for me today
52:12she's going to come
52:13doubly hard tomorrow
52:15And the only other person
52:16that's got her side
52:17got her ear
52:19is Ben
52:22If I take Ben out
52:24it halves the conversation
52:25that's happening
52:26around me and Kat
52:28If we get Ben
52:30do you think
52:32the potential of him
52:33flipping on us
52:34is high?
52:36but I don't think
52:37he has his sway power anymore
52:39because his people are gone
52:42At this point of the game
52:43I don't think he has a
52:45huge amount of support
52:48So it's either
52:52or Ben
52:56Those are our two
52:57greatest threats
53:00If we get
53:01one of them
53:02then they'll turn against
53:03each other
53:04which is exactly
53:05what we want to happen
53:07They're going to
53:08start playing again
53:09They better
53:13Next time
53:16Prepare to be shocked
53:20Oh my gosh
53:22As the traitor's
53:23next seduction
53:24I've seen a behavioural
53:25shift in both Ben and Kat
53:27throws the game
53:28into turmoil
53:29Smells like a
53:31on the horizon
53:32I saw your reaction
53:33and it was
53:34way different
53:35You're influencing people
53:36that it's a certainty
53:37when it's not