When DAJJAL Met MUHAMMAD ﷺ (Man Known As Dajjal)

  • 2 months ago
Discover the power of Islamic motivation and transform your life!

In this inspiring video, we delve into the core principles of Islam that fuel motivation and drive. Learn how the teachings of the Quran, the wisdom of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and the Five Pillars of Islam guide believers toward a life of purpose, discipline, and righteousness.


00:00But we are now interested in the big Dajjal, the final Dajjal.
00:04And there are, before we get to the hadith about Dajjal,
00:08there are two interesting aspects that are found in hadith literature
00:14that confuse the average reader,
00:17and in fact they even confuse some of the sahaba.
00:19So they still remain elements of confusion about the issue of Dajjal.
00:24The first of them was that there was an individual
00:27who lived at the time of the Prophet ﷺ,
00:31whom even the Prophet ﷺ for a period of time didn't know,
00:36is he that Dajjal or is he a minor Dajjal?
00:39He didn't know.
00:41And this incident is mentioned in Sahih Muslim and many books of hadith.
00:45It is an authentic incident, multiple narrations exist,
00:48about a certain young man who lived in Medina,
00:52who was from one of the Yehudi tribes.
00:55And he was a sorcerer.
00:58He had a alaqa, a connection with the jinn.
01:01He would call the jinn.
01:03And he was a magician.
01:05And he would pretend he knew the future.
01:08And he would foretell the future.
01:10You know in English we call them a soothsayer.
01:12He would foretell the future.
01:14And in our religion, anybody who pretends to know the future is a liar.
01:19And in our religion, anybody who invokes the jinn and calls out to the jinn,
01:23this is a magician.
01:24We don't call out to the jinn.
01:26We don't do anything for the jinn.
01:28And perhaps in another lecture I'll talk about this reality
01:31of how mankind has a relationship with the jinn,
01:35which is a very scary and interesting and deep topic.
01:38And all of our men and women love talking about the issue of jinn.
01:42Jinn stories are swapped at night when the hours become in the wee hours of the night.
01:47It becomes common to swap ancient jinn stories.
01:50And inshaAllah one day I'll give an academic lecture.
01:53What is all of this?
01:54Is there something called jinn?
01:56Is there something called magic?
01:57And inshaAllah we'll explain at that stage.
02:00For now realize that it is possible for evil people to invoke the jinn.
02:06It is possible.
02:07And when they do so, this is what we call magic.
02:10And that's why magic is haram.
02:12It is always haram to invoke the jinn.
02:14Because they are wanting nothing but evil.
02:17Whoever does so, must sacrifice tawheed and get involved in shirk.
02:23Because the payments that jinns accept,
02:26evil jinns, because you have good jinns as well.
02:28The payments that jinns accept is what?
02:31Do you think they will accept your American Express?
02:34Do they care about dollars and cents?
02:37What is the currency you will give the jinn?
02:41Your worship.
02:43That's the only thing the jinn wants.
02:45The jinn doesn't care about your credit score.
02:48He doesn't care about your credit cards and your money.
02:51What will the jinn do with credit cards and money?
02:54What does the jinn want?
02:55The same thing he wanted, Iblis wanted.
02:58That, أنا خير من.
02:59I am better than this creation.
03:01Let this creation bow down to me.
03:03Let this creation worship me.
03:06And if the jinn gets this,
03:08in return, the jinn will do some favors for you.
03:12We'll go and tell you something that, whatever.
03:14We'll talk about it when we get to it.
03:15So there was this magician,
03:17at the time of the Prophet ﷺ,
03:19by the name of Safi ibn Sayyad.
03:23That was his name.
03:24Safi ibn Sayyad.
03:27And some say his name was Abdullah ibn Sayyad,
03:29but his name was Safi.
03:30Safi ibn Sayyad.
03:32And he was from one of the Yehudi tribes
03:34who remained living in Medina for a number of years.
03:37Not all of the Jewish tribes were expelled.
03:39Some small families remained.
03:40And he was from of those tribes
03:42that lived on the outskirts of Medina.
03:44And when our Prophet ﷺ migrated to Medina,
03:47Safi ibn Sayyad was a young child,
03:50and he was about to reach puberty.
03:53And that's when...
03:54And so he's around 13 years old.
03:55And that's when our Prophet ﷺ begins interacting with him.
04:00And there are a number of interesting narrations
04:03about Safi ibn Sayyad.
04:06Of them is that,
04:09the Prophet ﷺ heard
04:12that there is this young child
04:15who has these visions of the jinn.
04:17He predicts the future.
04:18And so Umar and the Prophet ﷺ,
04:20this hadith is in Sahih Muslim,
04:22they walked towards a group of children who are playing.
04:26And amongst them was Safi ibn Sayyad.
04:30And ibn Sayyad is his name.
04:33He's called in hadith literature ibn Sayyad.
04:35Ibn Sayyad was not aware
04:37that the Prophet ﷺ was coming
04:38until he was right behind him.
04:40And ibn Sayyad turned around
04:42and the Prophet ﷺ was there.
04:44So the Prophet ﷺ said to ibn Sayyad,
04:47Do you testify that I am Rasulullah?
04:51Do you testify I am Rasulullah ﷺ?
04:53And ibn Sayyad said,
04:55I testify that you are the Rasul of the Ummiyin
05:00in a derogatory manner.
05:02You are the Rasul of the unlettered people.
05:05You're not Rasul to me,
05:06you're Rasul to the unlettered folk.
05:08So ibn Sayyad then said to the Prophet ﷺ,
05:13and he's 12-13 years old,
05:15look, he said,
05:16Do you testify that I am Rasulullah?
05:20What did we say?
05:21One of the signs of a dajjal is what?
05:25Dajjal claims he is Rasul.
05:28So he is now saying,
05:29and look at the arrogance.
05:31And this also shows you
05:33that this is what happens
05:34when you start getting involved in magic.
05:37You really become a very evil person.
05:40How dare in front of the face of the Prophet ﷺ,
05:43and you are twisting the question,
05:45and you're saying, okay, you ask me,
05:46now let me ask you.
05:47Do you testify that I am Rasulullah?
05:50And the Prophet ﷺ said,
05:53آمنتُ بِاللَّهِ وَرَسُولِهِ
05:55I believe in Allah and His Messenger.
05:57That was his response.
05:59And he said to ibn Sayyad,
06:01What do you see?
06:03What visions come to you?
06:05Ibn Sayyad said,
06:06I see two people come to me.
06:08One of them tells the truth,
06:10one of them tells lies.
06:12The Prophet ﷺ said,
06:13Rather, the matter has been made confusing for you.
06:16Meaning both of them are telling lies.
06:18Then the Prophet ﷺ said,
06:20I have a test for you.
06:21I have hidden something for you.
06:23And what was that thing that he was hiding?
06:25He was hiding a verse from the Qur'an,
06:27which is,
06:28يَوْمَ يَأْتِ السَّمَاءُ
06:31What's the half of it here?
06:32فَانْتَظِرْ حَتَّى
06:33What is it?
06:34Yes, what is the beginning of it?
06:36My mind is a little bit awkward
06:38because of the hajj,
06:39I'm still not fully recovered.
06:41فَارْتَقِبْ يَوْمَ تَأْتِ السَّمَاءُ
06:43بِدُخَانٍ مُّبِينٍ
06:44فَارْتَقِبْ I'm saying فَانْتَظِرْ
06:45فَارْتَقِبْ يَوْمَ تَأْتِ السَّمَاءُ
06:47بِدُخَانٍ مُّبِينٍ
06:49So the professor had recited this verse to the Sahaba.
06:52And he's saying,
06:52I'm holding, I'm testing Ibn Sayyad.
06:55He says he knows ilm al-ghayb.
06:57He says he knows everything.
06:58Okay, I just recited this verse,
07:00let's see,
07:01does he know did I recite this verse or not?
07:03You see the test, right?
07:04And by the way,
07:05any person who charges you $5 an hour
07:09to predict the future,
07:10is betraying his own lies
07:12when he's forced to charge you $5
07:14to predict the future.
07:15If he knew the future,
07:16he would be investing in Bitcoin
07:18and the stock market
07:18and become multi-millionaire instantaneously.
07:20The fact that he has to charge you $5
07:22to read your hand,
07:23the fact that you have to call in $3.99 per minute
07:26to predict the future,
07:27indicates what a liar that person is.
07:29Is that clear what I'm saying, right?
07:30So, the professor is testing.
07:32This is a man,
07:33he is claiming he knows ilm al-ghayb.
07:36He knows everything.
07:37Okay, I just recited a verse 20 feet away from him.
07:40Let's see whether he can tell his followers
07:43what I just recited to all of you.
07:45Simple test, right?
07:47فَارْتَقِبْ يَوْمَ تَأْتِ السَّمَاءُ بِدُخَانٍ مُّبِينٍ
07:50He had recited to Umar ibn al-Khattab.
07:51Now he goes to Ibn Sayyad,
07:53and he says to Ibn Sayyad,
07:54I have a test for you.
07:56Do you know what it is?
07:57Do you know what I have hidden for you?
07:59And this shows you,
08:01Ibn Sayyad did have contact with the jinn,
08:04but the jinn are not all knowledgeable.
08:07All he could say was,
08:09دخ... دخ... دخ...
08:11And the verse was,
08:16فَارْتَقِبْ يَوْمَ تَأْتِ السَّمَاءُ بِدُخَانٍ مُّبِينٍ
08:19And the jinn narrated two letters,
08:22دخ... دخ... دخ...
08:24And not the whole verse.
08:26You see that, right?
08:27So there was some jinn
08:29that was communicating with Ibn Sayyad,
08:31and he wasn't able to do it.
08:33So the Prophet said,
08:34اِخْسَأْ يَا عَدُوَّ اللَّهِ
08:36And اِخْسَأْ literally translates as shut up.
08:39It is a harsh word.
08:41اِخْسَأْ, the English word is shut up.
08:43And the Prophet said,
08:45except to those who deserved it.
08:47اِخْسَأْ يَا عَدُوَّ اللَّهِ
08:48Shut up, O enemy of Allah.
08:50فَلَنْ تَعْدُوَ قَدْرَكُ
08:51You shall never go beyond your meagerness.
08:54You think you are so big,
08:55you're never gonna go beyond this.
08:57Umar ibn Khattab said,
08:58Ya Rasulullah, allow me to execute him.
09:01This is a Dajjal.
09:03He says he is Rasulullah.
09:04He is communicating with the jinn.
09:06His penalty is execution.
09:07Ya Rasulullah, allow me to execute him.
09:10And our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,
09:12If he is that Dajjal,
09:16you shall not be able to kill him.
09:19And if he is other than that Dajjal,
09:22your killing won't benefit anyone.
09:24It's nothing.
09:24It's gonna go away.
09:26Leave him be.
09:26Now, this hadith is in Sahih Muslim.
09:28It's authentic.
09:29Now, if he is that Dajjal,
09:33you shall not be able to kill him.
09:35Because who shall kill that Dajjal?
09:38Isa a.s.
09:39No one will be able to kill that one.
09:41So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is telling Umar,
09:43If he is that Dajjal,
09:45you won't be able to kill him.
09:47And if he is other than that Dajjal,
09:50yeah, what's the big deal?
09:51He's gonna come and go, no one will care.
09:53Your killing will not harm or benefit anyone.
09:55He's gonna be a minor, which was the case.
09:57He became a footnote in history.
09:59Majority of Muslims don't even know about his name.
10:01Even though during the time of the Sahaba,
10:04he was somewhat of a big deal.
10:06In the sense, we don't know his state,
10:08as we're going to come to.
10:10So this is one hadith about Ibn Dajjal.
10:13Another hadith, sorry, Ibn Sayyad, sorry.
10:15Another hadith is that once,
10:18the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,
10:20went to go test Ibn Sayyad.
10:26And he walked towards his house with some of the Sahaba.
10:30And he hid behind some date palms,
10:33trying to see Ibn Sayyad
10:35in a way that Ibn Sayyad would not see him.
10:37But Ibn Sayyad's mother
10:39saw the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the distance.
10:41So she shouted out,
10:43Ya Safi, O Safi, watch, be careful.
10:47His mother was on the side of, obviously,
10:49mothers typically side with their sons.
10:51Even in batil, unfortunately, this is human nature.
10:53So the mother is saying to Ibn Sayyad,
10:56Ya Safi, that's his name, or Ya Saf.
10:58She cut out the Ya, out of love,
11:00it's called in Arabic, Bab al-Tarkhim.
11:01So she said, Ya Saf, look,
11:03there is Muhammad, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
11:05So he turned around and he saw
11:07the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
11:09And there was again some conversation
11:11that did not result in anything fruitful per se.
11:14And that Ibn Sayyad,
11:16he continued to live in Medina
11:19after the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
11:22And he resided in Medina.
11:25And a number of Sahaba swore by Allah
11:29that that is the Dajjal.
11:31And they considered Ibn Sayyad to be that Dajjal.
11:35And of them was Umar ibn Al-Khattab.
11:37He would make halef with Allah that that is the Dajjal.
11:40Also Jabir ibn Abdullah, the famous Sahabi.
11:44He felt that that is the actual Dajjal.
11:47And a number of other famous Sahaba.
11:50Nafi' said that I heard my master Ibn Umar,
11:54Ibn Umar is of course the son of Umar ibn Al-Khattab.
11:57So Umar and his son Abdullah ibn Umar,
12:00obviously the same family.
12:01They both thought Ibn Sayyad is that Dajjal.
12:04Nafi' is the famous slave of Ibn Umar,
12:08who was freed by Ibn Umar.
12:10And he became a great scholar.
12:13And Ibn Umar died,
12:14and Nafi' became the Shaykh of Medina.
12:16And Malik ibn Anas came studied with Nafi'
12:20and so the golden chain which you should all know,
12:22Malik ibn Anas from Nafi' from Ibn Umar.
12:25This is one of the most famous Isnads of Islamic history.
12:28And Nafi' was nothing other than a servant, a slave,
12:31whom Allah honored with knowledge.
12:33This is what knowledge does.
12:34He was purchased as a young child as a slave,
12:37but he was eager for Islam.
12:38He memorized the Quran, he memorized Hadith,
12:40and therefore every book of Hadith has Malik from Nafi' from Ibn Umar.
12:44So Nafi' said,
12:46I heard my master Ibn Umar say,
12:48Wallahi, I have no doubt that Masih ad-Dajjal is Ibn Sayyad.
12:53He's making halaf,
12:54because he heard it from his father.
12:56So Umar and his son Ibn Umar,
12:58they felt that Ibn Sayyad is none other than that ad-Dajjal.
13:03And there's a famous narration as well that is mentioned in Sahih Muslim,
13:07that once Ibn Umar met Ibn Sayyad in the streets of Medina.
13:13And he had a fight with him, verbal fight.
13:18And he made Ibn Sayyad very angry.
13:21And Ibn Sayyad walked away stomping, very angry.
13:24So Ibn Umar then visited the house of his sister Hafsa,
13:29our mother Hafsa.
13:30And Hafsa heard the news that Ibn Umar and Ibn Sayyad had a confrontation in the bazaar,
13:37in the public sphere of Medina.
13:39This is after the death of the Prophet.
13:41The news spread that Ibn Sayyad and Ibn Umar, they had it out.
13:45They were shouting and screaming.
13:46Ibn Sayyad left stomping and angry.
13:49Hafsa said to her brother that,
13:53What is the matter with you and Ibn Sayyad?
13:55Why do you have to interfere with him?
13:57Why are you getting involved in this issue?
14:00Don't you know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,
14:04so this is a hadith now,
14:06that the dajjal shall come and appear after something has caused him to become angry.
14:13Meaning why are you poking him?
14:15Why are you prodding him?
14:17Why are you getting him angry?
14:19What is your business with the man? Let him be.
14:21We don't want the dajjal to come when he's alive.
14:23Which means even Hafsa might have been sympathetic,
14:27that Ibn Sayyad is who?
14:29Is that dajjal.
14:30And that's one family, Hafsa, Ibn Umar, Umar.
14:33They're one family,
14:34and they thought that Ibn Sayyad is the actual dajjal.