islamic motivation story

  • 2 days ago
Discover the power of Islamic motivation and transform your life!

In this inspiring video, we delve into the core principles of Islam that fuel motivation and drive. Learn how the teachings of the Quran, the wisdom of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and the Five Pillars of Islam guide believers toward a life of purpose, discipline, and righteousness.
00:00Do you remember the name of Allah Al-Ghaffar? It comes from the word
00:05Ghaffara and it means to cover, hide, protect and forgive. And we said Allah is
00:12the one that covers, hides, protects and forgives all our sins and faults over
00:17and over again. Al-Ghaffur also comes from the same root word Ghaffara and
00:23also means to cover, protect and forgive. But Al-Ghaffar is in reference to the
00:29quantity of forgiveness. Meaning whether you committed one sin or a lot of sins
00:34Al-Ghaffar forgives over and over again. Al-Ghaffur on the other hand is in
00:40reference to the quality of forgiveness. Meaning it doesn't matter how big or
00:45small your sin is, it is easy for Al-Ghaffur to forgive it. With these two
00:50names in mind we should never lose hope. Allah still gives us the opportunity to
00:55ask for forgiveness no matter how many times you committed wrongs and
00:59regardless of how big or small they are. How should we live by this name?
01:051. We should learn how to seek forgiveness the right way. It all starts with the heart.
01:09We should reflect on ourselves and our deeds so that we become aware of the
01:14mistakes we made and what we need to do to get better. We should feel deep regret
01:19of what we have done. We should have a firm intention never to do it again.
01:242. Give people their rights back if we have wronged them. If we have stolen something we should
01:29return it. If we have hurt someone we should seek their forgiveness.
01:343. Give Allah his rights. If we have missed prayers or missed some fasting days we
01:39should repeat the ones we missed. 4. We should forgive others if they have
01:43wronged us even before they seek our forgiveness. 5. We should do daily du'as
01:49seeking forgiveness. One can say Astaghfirullah at least 70 times a day.
01:542. Be sincere in all our actions. Speak the truth, perform good deeds and stay
02:01away from dishonesty because according to a narration from the Holy Prophet
02:05these are signs of one who is repentant.