Surah Al Waqiah Ki Fazilat Is Ko Padne Se Har Kisim Ki Mali Musibat Khatam Hongi

  • 2 months ago
Discover the power of Islamic motivation and transform your life!

In this inspiring video, we delve into the core principles of Islam that fuel motivation and drive. Learn how the teachings of the Quran, the wisdom of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and the Five Pillars of Islam guide believers toward a life of purpose, discipline, and righteousness.
00:00Surah Waqi'ah was revealed in Makkah, 96 verses and 3 Surahs.
00:12The greatness of Surah Waqi'ah is mentioned in a narration,
00:17which has also been quoted by Ma'rib-ul-Quran.
00:21Once, Hazrat Abdullah ibn Mas'ud was sick.
00:33Hazrat Usman came to him
00:38and asked him what his problem was.
00:45Hazrat Abdullah ibn Mas'ud said,
00:49I have a problem with my sins.
00:53Hazrat Usman said,
00:56What do you want?
01:00Hazrat Abdullah ibn Mas'ud said,
01:03I want the mercy of my Lord.
01:08Hazrat Usman said,
01:12I will arrange a doctor for you.
01:17Hazrat Abdullah ibn Mas'ud said,
01:21The doctor has made me sick.
01:24Hazrat Usman said,
01:28I will arrange some money for you.
01:36Hazrat Abdullah ibn Mas'ud said,
01:39I do not need it.
01:42Hazrat Usman said,
01:44You can take it.
01:46After you, it will be useful for your daughters.
01:51Hazrat Abdullah ibn Mas'ud said,
01:55Do you think that after me,
02:01my daughters will be poor?
02:07I am not worried about this
02:11because I have told my daughters
02:16to read Surah Waqia at night.
02:20I have heard from the Prophet that
02:24if a person reads Surah Waqia at night,
02:28he will never be poor.
02:33I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan.
02:37In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
02:44When the event takes place,
02:47there is no lie in it.
02:51It is low and high.
02:55When the earth is shaken,
02:58and the mountains are crushed,
03:02it will be scattered.
03:09And you will be three kinds.
03:15The companions of the right,
03:18what are the companions of the right?
03:22And the companions of the left,
03:25what are the companions of the left?
03:31And the foremost of the foremost.
03:36They are the ones brought near
03:39to the Gardens of Bliss.
03:45A group of the first,
03:49and a few of the later.
03:55On couches laid out,
03:59reclining on them, facing each other.
04:06They will be surrounded by two eternal couches
04:13with goblets and vessels
04:17and a cup of wine.
04:22They will not be shaken from it,
04:25nor will they be wasted.
04:29And fruits of that which they choose.
04:36And meat of birds of that which they desire.
04:43And fruits of that which they desire.
04:51As a reward for what they used to do.
04:59They will not hear therein any ill speech,
05:03nor any sin,
05:06except that it will be said,
05:08Peace, peace.
05:12And the companions of the right,
05:14what are the companions of the right?
05:20They will be surrounded by cushions laid out,
05:23and cushions laid out,
05:29and cushions laid out,
05:33and water poured out.
05:39And fruits of that which they choose,
05:42neither cut nor forbidden.
05:48And cushions laid out.
05:52Verily, We created them, if We willed.
06:02And We made them young,
06:06fair, and near to the companions of the right.
06:13A group of the first,
06:16and a group of the last.
06:22And the companions of the left,
06:24what are the companions of the left?
06:30They will be in scorching heat,
06:32and scalding water,
06:34and a shade of scalding water,
06:38neither cool nor noble.
06:44Verily, before that they were full of pride.
06:51And they used to persist
06:53in the great insolence.
06:59And they used to say,
07:01When we die and become dust and bones,
07:07will we be resurrected?
07:13And our forefathers?
07:19Say, Verily, the first and the last
07:24will be gathered together
07:26until the appointed time of the Day.
07:33Then, verily, you, O those astray,
07:40those who deny the truth,
07:44will eat from a tree of dates,
07:52and fill your bellies with it.
07:57Then you will drink from its boiling water,
08:01and you will drink the boiling water of the Hymn.
08:06This is their descent on the Day of Recompense.
08:11We have created you,
08:14so why do you not believe?
08:18Have you seen that which you believe?
08:24Is it you who create it,
08:29or are We the Creator?
08:34We have decreed death among you,
08:38and We are not in advance
08:43that We may change your likenesses
08:48and create you in that which you do not know.
08:55And you have known the first creation,
09:00so why do you not take heed?
09:04Have you seen that which you guard?
09:10Is it you who plant it,
09:15or are We the Grower?
09:20If We willed, We could have made it into rubble,
09:25and you would have remained in disarray.
09:30Verily, We are to be devoured.
09:33Nay, but We are to be deprived.
09:38Have you seen the water which you drink?
09:46Is it you who send it down from the spring,
09:52or are We the One who sends it down?
09:57If We willed, We could have made it into rubble,
10:02so why do you not give thanks?
10:07Have you seen the fire which you light?
10:14Have you produced its tree,
10:20or are We the Producer?
10:25We have made it a reminder
10:29and provision for those who remain.
10:34So glorify the name of your Lord, the Most Great.
10:40I swear by the setting of the stars.
10:47It is a great oath, if you but knew.
10:54It is a noble Qur'an
11:02in a Book preserved.
11:06None can touch it but the purified.
11:13A revelation from the Lord of the worlds.
11:20Is it in this Hadith that you are in awe?
11:28And you make your provision that you deny.
11:35So why not when it reaches the throat?
11:43And you at that time look back.
11:50And We are nearer to it than you,
11:54but you do not see.
11:59So why not when you are not certain?
12:07You return it if you are truthful.
12:16But if he is of those brought near,
12:24then it is a pleasure and a delight,
12:27and a garden of bliss.
12:32But if he is of those on the right,
12:40then it is peace for you from those on the right.
12:47But if he is of those who deny,
12:53who are astray,
12:59then it is a descent from boiling water
13:03and a burning fire.
13:07Indeed, this is the truth of certainty.
13:14So glorify the name of your Lord, the Great.
13:20Allah Almighty has spoken the truth.