Reading Fluffy's Silly Summer Scholastic Book By Kate McMullan Illustrated By Mavis Smith

  • 2 months ago
Hello everybody Today is a perfect Time to Read Fluffy's Silly summer and let see what Fluffy have in store and see what he been up to for summer even if it's a little Silly.
Summary: Having gone home with Maxwell for summer vacation, Fluffy the Classroom guinea pig goes swimming, enter a contest, and investigates a jungle.
Book: Fluffy's Silly Summer
By Kate McMullan
Illustrated By Mavis Smith
All Rights Reserved, Published by Scholastic inc
Test Copyright {c} 1998 By Kate McMullan
Illustrations copyright {c} 1998 By Mavis Smith
Hello Reader! and Cartwheel Books and Associated Logos are Trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Scholastic Inc
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00:00Hi everyone, welcome out to a book reading. Today's book is just a perfect
00:13time to read since this is summertime and I thought this book is perfect for
00:22summer. The book that I am going to read to you and it's called Fluffy's Silly
00:33Summer. It's a classic book and it's by Kate McMullen, illustrated by Mavis
00:47Smith and here what the book looks like if you want to see what it looks like
00:54before I read it. Okay here is Fluffy's Silly Summer. Here's the front, here's the
01:09side, and here's the back.
01:24Fluffy the Hero. Fluffy went home with Maxwell for summer vacation.
01:35Oh boy, thought Fluffy. I will nibble grass. I will lie in the sun. I love summer.
01:47That little boy is Maxwell and the one that's carrying on the other side, I
02:05think that is his dad. And the girl that's looking out the window, that's I
02:13think that's his sister. Maxwell put Fluffy's cage in the den. He gave Fluffy
02:23seeds and water. I'm going to the park, Maxwell told Fluffy. I will see you later.
02:31Wait, thought Fluffy. What will I do? Maxwell's sister, Violet, so I was right, came
02:43into the den. Are you tired of being in that cage, she asked Fluffy. You got that
02:50right, thought Fluffy. Do you want to go outside with me, asked Violet. Do I ever, thought
02:57Fluffy. Take me to the grass. So this girl right here, that's Violet, that's
03:10Maxwell's sister. Violet picked Fluffy up. I'm going to take you swimming, she said.
03:19Take me what, thought Fluffy. Hey stop, wait a second, thought Fluffy. I am a land animal. I
03:30walk, I run, I even draw it, but I do not swim. Violet carried Fluffy outside to
03:43her wading pool. She put him on the back of a yellow duck. She pushed the duck
03:51toward the middle of the pool. Whee, she said. The duck bounced up and down. Fluffy
04:02held on to the duck's neck. Easy big fellow, he said to the duck. I don't want
04:10to get wet. And this, this girl right here, that's Violet and Maxwell's mom.
04:28She's lying, she's laying on the lounge and reading a newspaper or a book. I just
04:35wanted to let you know about the family tree. Violet jumped into the wading pool.
04:42Isn't this fun, she said. Not yet, thought Fluffy. Violet kicked and splashed. Whee, she
04:52said. The duck bounced up and down. Stop, thought Fluffy. Whoa, ducky. Then Fluffy saw a fin
05:03in the water. A shark was swimming toward Violet. Fluffy had to save her. Go, go, go,
05:13Fluffy called to his duck. Fluffy rode toward the shark. Faster, he called to his
05:23The duck carried Fluffy over to the shark. Fluffy hit the shark on the head. He popped
05:41it in his nose. Fluffy hit him again right in the teeth. That did it. The shark
05:49rolled over. Almost similar to Jaws. That's a nice reference to that movie.
06:08Fluffy the hero rode his duck over to Violet. You are safe now, Violet thought
06:17Fluffy. That shark will not hurt you. Violet picked Fluffy up. No, no, do not
06:27thank me, thought Fluffy the hero. I was only doing my job.
06:32Violet dumped Fluffy in the water. Whee, she cried. A hero's life is never easy,
06:41thought Fluffy. And he is right. Take a look at all the superheroes. It's really
06:49hard for them to keep everyone safe from all these villains running around
06:55causing havoc and mischief. So he is right. A hero's life is never easy.
07:11A prize for Fluffy. Maxwell, Wade, and Emma read a sign in a pet shop window. It
07:23said, Best Pet Contest. Is your pet good-looking? Is your pet smart? Can your
07:32pet do a trick? Bring your pet to Mr. Small's Pet Shop on Saturday at 1 o'clock
07:41there will be a there will be prizes for the best pets. Fluffy could win a
07:49prize, Emma said. A prize, thought Fluffy. I win all the prizes. On Saturday morning,
07:59Emma washed Fluffy's face and ears. Maxwell washed Fluffy's paws. Wade turned him
08:08over and washed his tummy. Enough, thought Fluffy. I'm not going for the clean prize.
08:16We want to enter Fluffy in the contest, Maxwell told Mr. Small. You are looking
08:35at the big winner, thought Fluffy. Mr. Small wrote down Fluffy's name. This guy
08:55right here, that's Mr. Small. All kinds of pets came for the contest, but there
09:06was only one other guinea pig. Maxwell put Fluffy down beside it. I am a crested
09:15pig, the other guinea pig told Fluffy. She scratched her head. I am going to win
09:23this contest. Fluffy's eyes got very big. The other guinea pig was Kiss. Kiss did not
09:32seem to remember Fluffy, but Fluffy remembered her. Kiss has eaten his
09:39Valentine's apple. Kiss has said his toys were junk. Fluffy did not like Kiss. I am
09:49beautiful, Kiss told Fluffy. I am smart. I can do a million tricks. I will win all
09:58the prizes. I don't think so, said Fluffy.
10:05That's Kiss, the black guinea pig, next to Fluffy, guinea pig. Kiss called Mr. Small.
10:25A girl took Kiss onto the stage. Kiss turned around. Kiss counted to one. Kiss
10:34rolled over. Fluffy thought Kiss was very good. He bit his nails. Can I beat her? he
10:41wondered. I'm pretty sure you can. You just gotta believe. Did you see me? Kiss
10:56asked. When your turn was over, I was really great, wasn't I? Kiss scratched her
11:04head again. Fluffy saw some dark spots on her crest. Kiss had fleas. One of her
11:12fleas jumped onto Fluffy. Yikes! thought Fluffy. Fluffy called Mr. Small.
11:20Maxwell carried Fluffy onto the stage. He put Fluffy down. Fluffy shook his head. He
11:28shook his arms and his legs. He had to get that flea off. I think somebody forgot to
11:38give Kiss a bath since he had fleas. Fluffy skipped across the stage. Go, Fluffy! called
11:51Wade. Fluffy turned upside down and kicked his feet. What a pig! called Emma. Well, I
12:02guess the flea is doing him good because he's getting a lot of praise from the crowd. Fluffy
12:15scratched his head with one paw. He rubbed his tummy with the other. He had to get rid of that
12:22flea. The flea was on Fluffy's head. All of Fluffy's jumping around had made the flea very
12:29dizzy. The flea jumped off Fluffy. Yes! thought Fluffy. The flea was gone. He pumped his paw in
12:39the air as he ran off stage. Here is a prize, said Mr. Small. It is for the best dancer, Fluffy.
12:48Everyone clapped and clapped. Way to go, Fluffy! You finally got a prize for a good dancer. Wow!
13:01Maxwell said. How did Fluffy get to be such a good dancer? I think I will keep that a secret,
13:13thought Fluffy. All thanks to that flea. Thanks, kids. Big Bad Fluffy. Maxwell took Fluffy out to
13:32the backyard. Fluffy looked around. It's a jungle out here, he thought. Keep an eye on Fluffy,
13:41Maxwell said to his mom. Don't worry, said Maxwell. Fluffy won't go anywhere. Maxwell
13:48lay down in the backyard. He put Fluffy down next to him. Maxwell watched Fluffy nibble grass.
13:56He watched him sniff the ground. Maxwell closed his eyes. Fluffy wandered away. In the jungle,
14:05thought Fluffy. Danger is everywhere, and he is right. There is danger everywhere,
14:14including in a backyard or around the world. There is danger. There is danger everywhere,
14:21and you can never get away from it because it's everywhere.
14:25Fluffy walked into the jungle. A lion poked his head out of the brush. Get back,
14:41thought Fluffy. You do not want to mess with a big bad pig. The lion ran back into the brush.
14:50Fluffy made his way through the jungle. A snake lay in his path. Go away, thought Fluffy,
14:59or I will tie you in a big bad knot. The snake crawled off.
15:07Fluffy walked deeper into the jungle. A tiger jumped out at him. You don't scare me,
15:25thought Fluffy. I'm big and I'm bad. The tiger hurried away. Fluffy smiled. It is good to be big
15:37and bad, he thought. Suddenly, a dog barked at Fluffy. Fluffy jumped. He started running. He saw
15:47a hole at the bottom of a tree. He dove into it to hide, but the hole was not empty. It was full
15:56of baby rabbits. They're so cutie patooties. Fluffy saw the dog running for the rabbit hole.
16:15Fluffy jumped into the nest of baby rabbits. The dog stuck his head into the rabbit hole.
16:22Fluffy tried to look like a cute little bunny. The dog went away. Sometimes, thought Fluffy,
16:30it is good to be little and cute. He is so cute pretending to be a bunny. That's so adorable.
16:45Just then, Mama Rabbit came home. Mama Rabbit picked up one of her babies. She picked up
16:54another one. She bent down to pick up Fluffy. Uh-oh, thought Fluffy. You are not one of my
17:01babies, Mama Rabbit said. She growled at Fluffy. Get out of my nest or you will be sorry.
17:09Fluffy leaped out of the nest. He jumped out of the rabbit hole. He ran across the backyard
17:16straight to Maxwell, even though Maxwell was asleep at the time. By thinking, Maxwell opened
17:24his eyes. I knew you would not go anywhere, he said to Fluffy. Maxwell picked Fluffy up and took
17:32him inside. Sometimes, thought Fluffy, it is good to be home. And the end.
17:59Thank you all for coming to this video of this book called Fluffy's Silly Summer. I'm glad that
18:11Fluffy had a good summer. Well, mostly be silly. And if y'all enjoyed this book, please give it a
18:22thumbs up. Comment down below what y'all think. Press the subscribe button. And I'll see you in
18:31the next book reading. I love y'all. God bless y'all. Be safe out there. Leave positive comments,
18:39no negativity. And I'll see you in the next video. Bye, everybody.
