• 3 months ago
00:01:00Let's go!
00:01:23It is without surprise that the great sect of Kunlun has come to take the weakest!
00:01:28Nous faisons régner la justice au nom du ciel. Vous et vos sirènes, vous le méritez bien.
00:02:29Ah !
00:02:38Ah !
00:02:39Donnez-moi la Larme de Sirène, et peut-être que je vous épargnerai la vie.
00:02:46La Larme de Sirène est notre trésor le plus précieux,
00:02:51que notre peuple protégera jusqu'à son dernier souffle.
00:02:55Ah !
00:03:14Ah !
00:03:24Ah !
00:03:40Ah !
00:03:47Ah !
00:03:54Que vous, chef de la célèbre secte Gunlun, ayez utilisé de la poudre de Bannes, je ne peux le croire.
00:04:00Vous devriez me donner la Larme de Sirène.
00:04:03Sinon, tout votre peuple va mourir aujourd'hui.
00:04:07Ah !
00:04:23Luoxi ! Luoxi !
00:04:28Luoxi !
00:04:38Ah !
00:04:44Père ! Père, que s'est-il passé ?
00:04:46Luoxi, écoute-moi bien.
00:04:49Une catastrophe s'est abattue sur nous, et c'est irréparable.
00:04:53Je crains de ne plus pouvoir m'occuper de toi.
00:04:56Tu dois te débrouiller seul maintenant. Va-t'en !
00:04:58Non, père. Je ne peux pas vous abandonner.
00:05:08Père ! Non ! Père ! Arrêtez !
00:05:13Père ! Ne faites pas ça !
00:05:15Tu dois survivre, Luoxi.
00:05:18Tu portes en toi notre seul espoir.
00:05:38Mes honorables ancêtres !
00:05:40Moi, Diang Tianyang, je vous ai abandonné.
00:05:43J'ai déclenché le Kourou de mon père.
00:05:45Arrête tes âneries ! Tu ne fais que m'énerver tous les jours.
00:05:48Je t'avais dit de venir te recueillir sur toi-même,
00:05:50pas de manger toute la nourriture en offrande.
00:05:52Père, je… je vous promets que je ne vous mettrai plus en colère.
00:05:56Je me concentrerai sur mes études, sur les arts martiaux,
00:05:59et je vous rendrai fier de moi.
00:06:01Tianyang !
00:06:03Viens ici, espèce de crapule !
00:06:05Ne te fâche pas contre moi ! Je vais te donner une bonne leçon !
00:06:08Tianyang, s'il te plaît ! Je t'ai apporté à manger !
00:06:11Je t'ai acheté de la nourriture ! Attrape !
00:06:18Ça sent vraiment bon !
00:06:24C'est très bon !
00:06:26C'est vraiment bon !
00:06:32T'aimes ça ?
00:06:33Ouais ! Dis-moi, qu'est-ce que tu fais ici ?
00:06:37À cette heure-ci, tu ne devrais pas être en train de t'entraîner.
00:06:40Euh… Eh ben… Aujourd'hui tout le monde est…
00:06:48Ils sont allés à la source noire !
00:06:52Tianyang ! Attends ! Tianyang !
00:06:57Je vous donne une dernière chance.
00:06:59Donnez-moi la Larme de Sirène,
00:07:01et je vous promets d'épargner la vie de tous les autres.
00:07:04Non ! Ne lui faites pas confiance !
00:07:12Vous n'avez pas d'autre choix.
00:07:56Non !
00:08:27Tout ce que vous obtenez d'un vol
00:08:30n'est rien de plus qu'un feu de paille éphémère.
00:08:34Notre peuple préfère mourir que de se soumettre.
00:08:47Très bien. Je vais vous y aider.
00:08:50Emparez-vous des sirènes. Quant aux autres, tuez-les.
00:09:21Avancez. Allez, plus vite !
00:09:29Par ici.
00:09:50Par ici.
00:10:20Non !
00:10:50Non !
00:11:04Votre secte Coulomb aura ce qu'elle mérite !
00:11:27Ne vous inquiétez pas, chef.
00:11:29Les gardes sont partis à la recherche de la Sirène qui s'est enfuie.
00:11:32Nous retrouverons la Larme de la Sirène rapidement.
00:11:44Père, vous m'aviez promis d'y réfléchir davantage.
00:11:47N'étais-tu pas censé être dans la salle des ancêtres ?
00:11:49J'ai entendu parler de ce qui s'est passé.
00:11:51Comment avez-vous pu rompre votre promesse ?
00:11:53Tianyang, tu ne peux pas dire ça à notre chef.
00:11:57Je parle à mon père. Ce ne sont pas tes affaires.
00:12:01Père, vous allez bien ?
00:12:10Vous avez été blessé.
00:12:14Nous devons parler.
00:12:17Qu'est-il arrivé à mon père ?
00:12:20Tant d'années de combat pour Khun Lone l'ont fatigué.
00:12:22Ils l'ont affaibli et l'ont rendu malade.
00:12:24Il a besoin de Larme de Sirène pour guérir.
00:12:27Il ne doit plus être mis en colère.
00:12:29C'est pour ça que vous êtes allé à la Source Noire ?
00:12:31Nous n'avions pas d'autre choix.
00:12:33Vous pouvez prendre la Larme de Sirène sans avoir à les torturer.
00:12:37Tianyang, tu es encore jeune, tu ne comprends pas.
00:12:40Les Sirènes sont de nature vicieuse.
00:12:42Si on les laisse partir, elles voudront se venger.
00:12:45Et deviendront une menace pour le monde entier.
00:12:48Mais il faut...
00:12:50Père ? Père !
00:12:52Est-ce que vous allez bien ?
00:12:55Notre chef a besoin de se reposer.
00:12:57Retourne à la salle des ancêtres.
00:12:58Mais père...
00:13:06Prends soin de père pour moi.
00:13:07Je compte sur toi.
00:13:14Tianyang est d'une nature gentille.
00:13:16Mais il est jeune et incrédule.
00:13:18Et il est...
00:13:19beaucoup trop influençable.
00:13:23Je ne peux m'empêcher de m'inquiéter sur ses...
00:13:25capacités à diriger.
00:13:28C'est pour ça que je t'ai enseigné...
00:13:31pendant toutes ces années.
00:13:36Ce que vous voulez dire, c'est que...
00:13:39Tu possèdes...
00:13:40un talent exceptionnel, Liu Jian.
00:13:42Et tu...
00:13:44pourrais l'épauler dans l'avenir...
00:13:47pour que notre secte Kunlun devienne plus puissante.
00:13:52Vous pouvez être rassurée.
00:13:54Je ferai honneur à votre confiance...
00:13:57en aidant Tianyang à régner.
00:14:02Lors du rassemblement de demain,
00:14:04je déclarerai à tous...
00:14:06ma succession pour Tianyang.
00:14:10Tu peux aller te reposer.
00:14:12Oui, chef.
00:14:38Vous allez mieux ?
00:14:39Vous avez demandé à me voir ?
00:14:46Je me rétablirai plus vite...
00:14:47si tu arrêtais de me désobéir.
00:14:51Je vais faire de mon mieux.
00:14:53Prenez un peu de thé.
00:14:55Nous sommes sortis, Tian Bao et moi,
00:14:57cueillir des feuilles de thé spécialement pour vous.
00:15:18Comme tu es là,
00:15:19j'ai quelque chose d'important à te dire.
00:15:23Vous savez quoi ?
00:15:25Moi aussi j'ai quelque chose à vous dire.
00:15:27Je voudrais vous demander une faveur.
00:15:31laisser partir toutes les sirènes ?
00:15:35Je sais bien que...
00:15:36je n'aurais pas dû vous tenir tête devant les autres.
00:15:41ce que nous faisons subir à ces sirènes
00:15:43est complètement immoral.
00:15:47Immoral ?
00:15:49Seuls les plus forts survivent
00:15:50et c'est ainsi que fonctionne ce monde.
00:15:52La race humaine est plus forte que les tritons et sirènes.
00:15:55Donc les éliminer...
00:15:56n'a rien d'immoral.
00:15:58Ce ne sont rien d'autre que des êtres de sang-froid.
00:16:00Et ils sont...
00:16:02extrêmement sauvages.
00:16:04Je n'ai...
00:16:05fait qu'appliquer la justice divine.
00:16:07Même s'ils ont le sang-froid,
00:16:09ils sont comme nous autres.
00:16:10Ils ont aussi des familles et des amis.
00:16:13vous avez massacré les tritons
00:16:14et emprisonné les sirènes.
00:16:15Vous avez martyrisé les plus faibles.
00:16:16C'est absurde !
00:16:19Ils prenaient une forme humaine
00:16:20et sortaient de l'eau
00:16:21pour tuer des gens.
00:16:22Si Liuzhan ne me l'avait pas dit,
00:16:24je n'aurais jamais eu connaissance
00:16:25de tous les crimes qu'ils commettent.
00:16:27Ce sont des animaux
00:16:28qui méritent d'être punis.
00:16:30Leur peuple et le nôtre
00:16:31ont toujours vécu en paix.
00:16:32Ils ne peuvent même pas
00:16:33rester longtemps hors de l'eau.
00:16:34Comment auraient-ils pu tuer des gens ?
00:16:37vous ne pouvez pas croire
00:16:38de telles inepties.
00:16:41Tu sous-entends...
00:16:42que je suis devenu sénile ?
00:16:44Bien sûr que non, père.
00:16:45Je vous demande de discerner
00:16:46le bien et le mal.
00:16:48Je confonds entre le bien et le mal ?
00:16:50Ne vous méprenez pas sur mes propos.
00:16:52Je ne suis pas un homme.
00:16:53Je ne suis pas un homme.
00:16:55Ne vous méprenez pas sur mes propos.
00:16:59Tu es tellement naïf, Tianyang.
00:17:01Comment ne pas m'inquiéter pour toi ?
00:17:08Père ?
00:17:11Qu'est-ce qu'il y a ?
00:17:15Père !
00:17:17Qu'est-ce qui vous arrive ?
00:17:20À l'aide, mon père va mal !
00:17:22Père !
00:17:26Chef ?
00:17:33Tu as assassiné notre chef ?
00:17:37Comment pourrais-je lui faire du mal ?
00:17:40Garde, emmenez-le au cachot.
00:17:41Oui, chef.
00:17:45Lâchez-moi !
00:17:46Père !
00:17:47Je dois sauver mon père !
00:17:49Laissez-moi sauver mon père !
00:17:51Je dois le sauver !
00:17:55Laissez-moi le sauver !
00:18:26Tianyang !
00:18:29Tianbao !
00:18:32Tianbao !
00:18:33Comment va mon père ?
00:18:36Notre chef...
00:18:37Que sais-il passer ? Parle !
00:18:39Notre chef...
00:18:42Notre chef est décédé.
00:18:46Qu'est-ce qu'il y a ?
00:18:49Qu'est-ce qu'il y a ?
00:18:52Qu'est-ce qu'il y a ?
00:18:56Qu'est-ce qu'il y a ?
00:19:01Impossible !
00:19:02C'est impossible !
00:19:04Mon père ne peut pas être mort !
00:19:05La nouvelle chef dit que...
00:19:07Elle dit que c'est toi qui l'a assassiné.
00:19:11La nouvelle chef...
00:19:13Les membres de la secte avaient besoin d'un nouveau maître.
00:19:15Donc ils ont désigné Liu Qian...
00:19:17Comme notre nouvel chef.
00:19:22La mort de mon père est trop suspecte !
00:19:24Je dois sortir d'ici et découvrir la vérité !
00:19:26Tianyang, tu dois rester calme.
00:19:28Je suis avec toi.
00:19:29Le chef était un maître en arts martiaux.
00:19:31Une simple colère n'a pas pu le tuer.
00:19:33Quand c'est arrivé...
00:19:34J'ai vu père vomir beaucoup de sang.
00:19:36Quelqu'un a dû l'empoisonner !
00:19:39Tu as des preuves ?
00:19:40J'ai besoin de sortir pour en trouver !
00:19:44Tianbao !
00:19:46Tianbao !
00:19:48Tu dois trouver une solution.
00:19:50Tu dois me faire sortir d'ici !
00:19:52Tianbao !
00:19:53Seul toi peux me faire sortir.
00:20:53You're not going anywhere !
00:21:15You !
00:21:16What are you doing here ?
00:21:17How dare you enter the chief's room ?
00:21:19I'm here to find proof.
00:21:21And this is what I discovered.
00:21:23My father was killed by this venomous toad.
00:21:25You escaped from your cell.
00:21:27And now you're making false evidence !
00:21:29Capture him !
00:21:34Catch him !
00:21:51Stop !
00:21:57Stop !
00:22:14It's over now.
00:22:15You're coming with us.
00:22:17Tell me, Wuji...
00:22:19Why did you choose this path ?
00:22:21To be a guard dog ?
00:22:22Sorry, but I don't have a bone for you.
00:22:24You'd better shut up.
00:22:25What you just said is going to cost you your tongue !
00:22:48To be continued...
00:23:19Don't stain my name with your blood.
00:23:22It's a mermaid !
00:23:23Looks like today is my lucky day.
00:23:26Come on, everyone !
00:23:27Catch her !
00:23:38That'll do for now.
00:23:39Let's go !
00:23:41Run !
00:23:47You'd better run !
00:23:56Thank you for saving me, miss.
00:23:58My name is Tian Yang.
00:23:59And you are ?
00:24:02Hey, miss.
00:24:04I need to know your name.
00:24:06So I can give you the device.
00:24:11No, please !
00:24:16You just saved my life.
00:24:17Why are you killing me now ?
00:24:18Why ?
00:24:19I'm Liuji, a mermaid from the Black Source.
00:24:21And the Kunlun Sect is my enemy.
00:24:23Me too !
00:24:25Me too !
00:24:28Actually, to tell you the truth,
00:24:29my father was also killed by the Kunlun Sect.
00:24:32And I want revenge.
00:24:34I joined them for years.
00:24:36I was about to get my revenge.
00:24:38But they unmasked me.
00:24:39Speaking of bad luck,
00:24:41after discovering it,
00:24:43they tried to kill me and get rid of me.
00:24:46But I managed to escape them.
00:24:48And I came here.
00:24:50If you hadn't been there to save me,
00:24:52they would have killed me without any remorse.
00:24:56My God !
00:24:57It must be my father who sent you !
00:25:00To protect me.
00:25:02Father !
00:25:03I'm sorry !
00:25:05I'm sorry !
00:25:09I failed to avenge your death.
00:25:12After leaving the Ryoshi Palace,
00:25:14I trained day and night
00:25:16to metamorphose myself
00:25:18and be able to walk out of the wolf.
00:25:20I'm going to the Kunlun Sect
00:25:22to save my people.
00:25:25The sect ?
00:25:27I know it like the back of my hand.
00:25:29Let's go together.
00:25:31In my opinion,
00:25:32to end this quickly,
00:25:33we must capture their leader.
00:25:35And if I help you capture him to thank you ?
00:25:39For saving my life.
00:25:41What do you think ?
00:25:45Let's go ?
00:25:53Bravo !
00:26:03The next day
00:26:11These big tangerines are very sweet
00:26:13and there are also pears.
00:26:14Hey !
00:26:15Are you trying to steal my fruits again ?
00:26:16Hey you !
00:26:17What are you doing here ?
00:26:18Hey ! Come back here !
00:26:21What are you doing ?
00:26:22Aren't you ashamed ?
00:26:23You can't do that !
00:26:27Hey !
00:26:29You know it's not right to steal ?
00:26:31That's none of your business !
00:26:32My boss is going to teach you a lesson !
00:26:33Come ! Come closer !
00:26:34I'll take care of you !
00:26:35Wait ! You have a boss ?
00:26:36What ? Of course I have a boss !
00:26:39Boss !
00:26:43Are you his boss ?
00:26:49Let go of me now !
00:27:02Come on ! Let's go !
00:27:18Wait !
00:27:21It fell on the floor.
00:27:22You can't eat it.
00:27:24I'll buy you another one, okay ?
00:27:28Sir !
00:27:29Yes ?
00:27:30Give me a stuffed bread.
00:27:31Thank you.
00:27:32Okay, sir.
00:27:35You can eat this one.
00:27:36Take it.
00:27:39Come on.
00:27:42I want it too !
00:27:43I want it too !
00:27:44I want it too !
00:27:45I want it too !
00:27:46Okay, okay.
00:27:47Just a moment.
00:27:48Wait, wait.
00:27:49Thank you, sir.
00:27:50Thank you very much, sir.
00:28:02This girl does great magic.
00:28:04I've never seen anything like it.
00:28:05It's incredible !
00:28:06Bravo !
00:28:17It's a mermaid !
00:28:18A mermaid !
00:28:19It's a mermaid !
00:28:20Oh my God !
00:28:21Did you see what she did ?
00:28:22It's a mermaid !
00:28:23It's a mermaid !
00:28:24It's a mermaid !
00:28:25It's a mermaid !
00:28:26It's a mermaid !
00:28:27It's a mermaid !
00:28:28It's a mermaid !
00:28:29It's a mermaid !
00:28:30Go ahead, cry !
00:28:31What are you waiting for ?
00:28:32Go ahead, cry !
00:28:33Go ahead, cry !
00:28:38Go ahead, cry !
00:28:39Go ahead, cry !
00:28:40Go ahead, cry !
00:28:59It's my fault.
00:29:01I couldn't protect you.
00:29:03All these people didn't seem to love me at all.
00:29:05It's wrong, don't say that.
00:29:08It's just that they had never met a mermaid before.
00:29:13But if...
00:29:15you can really cry pearls,
00:29:17we would have money to sleep in a better place.
00:29:21In fact,
00:29:22unlike all the other mermaids,
00:29:25I can't cry.
00:29:30So I can't give you pearls.
00:29:32It doesn't matter.
00:29:33If you can't cry,
00:29:35you can always laugh.
00:29:37I'll teach you.
00:29:47It feels good.
00:29:51It's a very beautiful fabric,
00:29:52look how exceptional it is.
00:29:54one of them, please.
00:29:55Welcome to my shop.
00:29:56You are a beautiful woman.
00:29:58You are lucky, sir.
00:30:02It's my little sister.
00:30:03It's my little sister.
00:30:05Would you happen to have a beautiful dress for my sister?
00:30:07Yes, of course.
00:30:08Follow me, please.
00:30:10Look at this one.
00:30:12This red dress is of a particularly exquisite fabric.
00:30:15You will be splendid with it.
00:30:17How do you find it?
00:30:20You don't like it?
00:30:21Come on, look.
00:30:22This dress is even more beautiful.
00:30:24It's one of our most prestigious dresses.
00:30:27It took more than two months and five embroiderers
00:30:29to make it in the smallest detail.
00:30:31It's a pure marvel.
00:30:32Look at the finishes.
00:30:33They are all gold threads.
00:30:41You really have a lot of taste.
00:30:43This is our most majestic dress
00:30:45and I think it will suit you perfectly.
00:30:47Do you like it?
00:30:49Very well, then let's try it.
00:31:01It's beautiful.
00:31:32Come on, let's go.
00:31:40These are Kongming lanterns.
00:31:42Humans make them fly in memory of their deceased ancestors.
00:31:46The light of the lanterns
00:31:48looks like the light of the white pearl of the palace of Lyoxi.
00:31:52My people have always
00:31:55lived in the black source.
00:31:57It is so dark there.
00:31:59The only source of light was that of the white pearl.
00:32:04But it always seemed glacial.
00:32:09Do you have someone to commemorate?
00:32:29He's late anyway. I'm hungry.
00:32:31He'll be here soon.
00:32:33I'm tired of waiting.
00:32:36Ladies and gentlemen, here are your dishes.
00:32:38Enjoy your meal.
00:32:39Thank you. I love what he does.
00:32:41You said it was beautiful.
00:32:43It's not too early.
00:32:44He's a little late, but it's beautiful.
00:32:49Where have you been?
00:32:50Come on, close your eyes.
00:32:51I have a gift for you.
00:32:56Open them.
00:32:59This umbrella can shelter you from the wind and the sun.
00:33:01And most importantly, it can block water and rain.
00:33:04You don't have to worry about it anymore.
00:33:05You are protected.
00:33:12I must have damaged it coming here.
00:33:14What should I do?
00:33:31Now it's also a weapon.
00:33:33To protect me.
00:33:45Are you sure your uncle lives around here?
00:33:48It looks like no one lives around here.
00:33:51My uncle left the Kulun sect so many years ago.
00:33:56To become a hermit.
00:33:57I've been here before.
00:33:58I'm sure it's this way.
00:34:06You see?
00:34:09Come on.
00:34:16Be careful.
00:34:27See you, Chen.
00:34:58This way.
00:35:11Yangsu's powder.
00:35:20Kulun's elixir.
00:35:25This place is too dangerous.
00:35:27Let's go.
00:35:42Liuji, did you see that?
00:35:50I'm sorry.
00:35:51I'm sorry.
00:35:56I'm sorry.
00:36:03Come on.
00:36:04Let's start over.
00:36:25Kulun's elixir.
00:36:55Kulun's elixir.
00:37:25Kulun's elixir.
00:37:49This is not a place to talk.
00:37:50We have to leave.
00:37:55Let's go.
00:38:11Thank you for saving me.
00:38:13I'm worthy of the Five Poisons.
00:38:18Why did you fight them?
00:38:22It's a long story.
00:38:25Let's go.
00:38:44Our leader has always trusted you.
00:38:46And you, you betrayed our sect while he was away.
00:38:51I did this for the good of the sect so that it could ally with the Kulun sect.
00:38:55But unfortunately, the Kulun sect didn't keep its promise.
00:39:01Because of you, the Five Poisons' scepter is lost.
00:39:06The leader will not hesitate to punish you when he returns.
00:39:09I deserve it.
00:39:11Do you remember the rules of our sect?
00:39:15Changyin, please!
00:39:16Help me, Changyin!
00:39:17Changyin, I don't want to die!
00:39:21We've been brothers-in-arms for so many years.
00:39:24Far from here.
00:39:26You are no longer part of the Five Poisons' sect.
00:39:33Thank you.
00:39:47I want the scepter back.
00:39:52You're looking for trouble, I'd say.
00:40:09I'd rather die than let the leader know about this.
00:40:15Speaking of this scepter, it's the one with a huge hideous flag on it.
00:40:19A huge hideous flag?
00:40:22It's the powerful flag.
00:40:27Don't dream.
00:40:28I infiltrated the Kulun sect.
00:40:30I saw your scepter.
00:40:32And I know very well where Liu Chang hid it.
00:40:36Breathe, calm down.
00:40:39Everything I said is true.
00:40:40You can ask him.
00:40:43We're going to Kulun to take revenge.
00:40:47What do you think?
00:40:48Do you want to come with us?
00:40:51I'll help you find the scepter.
00:40:53What do you think?
00:40:56Let's go, now.
00:40:58Let's go.
00:41:15By the way, people say that the Five Poisons' sect excels in this field.
00:41:19It's impressive.
00:41:21Thank you.
00:41:22Our leader is a true expert.
00:41:24When you have time, could you teach me?
00:41:29Liu Xie!
00:41:33Liu Xie!
00:41:34Liu Xie!
00:41:35What's wrong with her?
00:41:37She stayed too long without water.
00:41:38She needs it.
00:41:40I don't know where we could find some here.
00:41:42I know.
00:41:44Yes, I'm coming.
00:41:48Yes, sir.
00:41:49Waiter, you can go take care of them.
00:41:52The kitchen, where are the plates?
00:41:54Miss, bring us another bottle.
00:41:56Okay, okay.
00:41:57I'll bring you that.
00:42:00Waiter, bring them some alcohol.
00:42:02We can't leave without it.
00:42:03Hey, Mei Liang!
00:42:06Drink with me.
00:42:07No, it's okay.
00:42:09Do you think I don't know what you think, you pervert?
00:42:12No, come back here.
00:42:17Do you want me to drink a few glasses and then take advantage of me?
00:42:20Go back to your place.
00:42:22And leave me alone.
00:42:23If you start again,
00:42:24I'll cut you into pieces to feed my dogs.
00:42:29Mei Liang,
00:42:30tell me,
00:42:31why are you so angry today?
00:42:33You wouldn't be indisposed by chance, would you?
00:42:36You'd better shut up.
00:42:39What makes you laugh like that?
00:42:40You men are all the same.
00:42:42Come on, that's enough.
00:42:46My room!
00:42:49Can I help you?
00:42:51Can I help you?
00:42:52Do you have a room?
00:42:53You're both so handsome.
00:42:55One room.
00:42:57Go upstairs.
00:43:05Bring some hot water.
00:43:12How is she?
00:43:14How could she have been poisoned by Ban's powder?
00:43:17It must have happened to her during the Battle of the Black Source.
00:43:20How can we save her?
00:43:23The cure is never far from the poison.
00:43:25Ban's powder comes from the feathers of the birds of the Kunlun Peak.
00:43:29A detoxifying herb is found there.
00:43:31I'll go get it.
00:43:33I know the place better than you.
00:43:35I'll go there.
00:43:38Take care of Liu Ji for me.
00:43:39I'll be back soon.
00:43:43Her petals are yellow and her pollen is white.
00:43:45She's as big as my apple!
00:43:47I'll be back soon.
00:44:12Bring some hot water.
00:44:47Tell me it's right.
00:44:49Come on.
00:44:50We have to try it.
00:45:17I'll be back soon.
00:45:45You're finally awake.
00:45:48How do you feel?
00:45:50I was so worried about you.
00:45:52But Changyin told me
00:45:53there was nothing to fear.
00:45:55You'll see.
00:45:56You'll recover in a few days.
00:45:59Did I sleep long?
00:46:01An entire day.
00:46:09What's happening to your hands?
00:46:13It's nothing.
00:46:17Thank you for saving me.
00:46:19No, don't say that.
00:46:21You did the same thing for me.
00:46:24Judging by your discussion,
00:46:25I think that...
00:46:29The medicine is still a bit hot.
00:46:32Give it to me.
00:46:33These treatments can't be delayed.
00:46:47I'm sorry.
00:47:08When I was looking for the flower,
00:47:09I discovered that all the secret channels
00:47:11were blocked.
00:47:13We'll have to enter through the main door.
00:47:15In a few days,
00:47:16the Kulun Sect will have a big anniversary.
00:47:19We'll take advantage of it
00:47:20to sneak into the mountains.
00:47:22But the Kulun Sect has so many members.
00:47:23What are we going to do?
00:47:25Don't worry.
00:47:26Changyin and I have discussed it.
00:47:28We know what to do.
00:47:35Here, eat this.
00:47:37Liuji, you're still weak.
00:47:41You should eat more.
00:47:42You're the one who's injured.
00:47:44Do you need strength?
00:47:46No, you need strength.
00:47:48You have to eat.
00:47:50No, you have to eat.
00:47:53This is for you.
00:47:55And this is for you.
00:48:07And put me down!
00:48:08You two, come here!
00:48:09And put me down!
00:48:11You two, come here!
00:48:14Let me go!
00:48:17I told you to let me go!
00:48:18Put me down now!
00:48:19Leave her alone!
00:48:23Who do you think you are
00:48:24to mess with my things?
00:48:26Get out!
00:48:27Get out!
00:48:38Get them out or I'll kill you!
00:48:44We'll see about that!
00:48:49You're a good man.
00:48:51Thank you for your help.
00:48:52Young man, I just hurt my ankle.
00:48:55Can you help me go back to my room?
00:48:58Changyin, you should help her.
00:49:01Liuji and I will leave you.
00:49:03Young man!
00:49:11You need to rest.
00:49:12I have to go.
00:49:31Get some rest.
00:49:46Your dress is really...
00:49:48very special.
00:49:52Thank you for saving my life earlier.
00:49:55Even though I'm just a simple girl,
00:49:57I'm a person who's always very grateful.
00:50:02What if...
00:50:04I gave you all my love?
00:50:08There's no need.
00:50:09It was nothing.
00:50:11It's normal.
00:50:14Do you think I'm not good enough for you?
00:50:16I'm nothing more than a brute.
00:50:18I don't deserve your love.
00:50:20I understand.
00:50:24I should sell this inn
00:50:26and follow you wherever you go.
00:50:28And so...
00:50:30we'll be together forever.
00:50:32And for life.
00:50:38what do you think?
00:50:52I love you.
00:51:00It looks like I'm finally going to find my freedom.
00:51:23Send guards for an ambush.
00:51:25Capture Tian Yang.
00:51:26And especially Liu Ji.
00:51:29I can't go alone.
00:51:30Stay with the mermaids.
00:51:32I need a lot of pearls.
00:51:34For my reign.
00:51:36Yes, chief.
00:51:39Don't leave any traces.
00:51:41Reduce the inn to ashes.
00:51:43And what about Mei Niang?
00:51:46Doesn't she want to regain her freedom?
00:51:48She'll be completely free again after tonight.
00:53:18Mei Niang.
00:53:30You go first.
00:53:34Let's go.
00:53:41Mei Niang.
00:53:42My dear.
00:53:44What are you...
00:53:46Come with me.
00:53:48Let's go.
00:53:58Let me go!
00:53:59My inn!
00:54:00Mei Niang!
00:54:01Give up.
00:54:02We can't do anything anymore.
00:54:04Liu Jian knew we were here.
00:54:06These flies will inform her.
00:54:08She won't know we're still alive.
00:54:10Let's take the opportunity to surprise her.
00:54:12The flames will destroy everything.
00:54:14You should go.
00:54:15We'll have to leave you.
00:54:17I'll come with you.
00:54:20I'll go to the Kunlun Sect with you.
00:54:47Let's go.
00:55:17Let's go.
00:55:47Let's go.
00:56:17Liu Jian!
00:56:35Zhang Yin!
00:56:47Zhang Yin!
00:57:06Zhang Yin!
00:57:13Is everyone okay?
00:57:17Let's go.
00:57:47Where did Zhang Yin go?
00:57:49You'll find out soon enough.
00:57:55Stay down.
00:57:56Don't make a sound.
00:57:59You did it.
00:58:18Look at the surprise.
00:58:23It's beautiful.
00:58:37It's especially for you.
00:58:40It's breathtaking.
00:58:42Zhang Yin.
00:58:44Why did you save me?
00:58:45Zhang Yin.
00:58:46Why don't you take advantage of the fireworks
00:58:49to seal our union?
00:58:52Don't joke about marriage.
00:58:55You're a member of a sect.
00:58:57And not a monk, as far as I know.
00:58:59Even if our sect is not a temple,
00:59:01we are a worthy sect.
00:59:04If I make a promise,
00:59:06I must keep it.
00:59:09It's not about my sect, but about myself.
00:59:11Okay, okay.
00:59:16Don't you have anything to say to each other?
00:59:22Let me do it.
00:59:23Zhang Yin,
00:59:24in your heart,
00:59:26will you marry Liu Jian?
00:59:40Me too.
00:59:45Me too.
01:00:16I've been waiting for you, Zhang Yin.
01:00:22How dare you burn my inn?
01:01:25Let's go.
01:01:45Liu Ji!
01:02:16You're just a bad traitor, Zhang Yin.
01:02:18Not only did you kill your father,
01:02:20but you also joined our enemies.
01:02:22You're the traitor who killed your own master!
01:02:24Whatever it is,
01:02:27I thank you.
01:02:29It's kind of you
01:02:31to bring the mermaid princess to our home.
01:02:34Don't listen to her.
01:02:37So you didn't tell her anything, Zhang Yin?
01:02:40I didn't tell her anything.
01:02:42So you didn't tell her anything, Zhang Yin?
01:02:47Your father was killed by him.
01:02:51And today, thanks to him,
01:02:53I will finally be able to kill you too.
01:02:58Liu Ji,
01:03:12It's time to end this.
01:03:24Zhang Yin!
01:03:25Zhang Yin!
01:03:30I promised to protect you.
01:03:33And I have to keep my promise.
01:03:36Why did you do that?
01:03:41You shouldn't have done that.
01:03:46Stand up.
01:03:47Tian Yong.
01:03:48Tian Bao.
01:03:49Follow me.
01:03:50Come on.
01:03:52Let's go.
01:03:54Come on, Tian Yong.
01:03:57This way.
01:03:59Be careful.
01:04:10Is what Liu Ji said true?
01:04:13I came here to kill Liu Ji.
01:04:15I didn't want to.
01:04:17But you knew very well
01:04:18that your father destroyed my kingdom.
01:04:20Your father killed mine.
01:04:23My father was deceived by Liu Ji's lies.
01:04:28How can I believe you now?
01:04:32Liu Ji,
01:04:33it's time.
01:04:54My sister,
01:04:55you have become the leader of the sect.
01:04:57Let them go now.
01:05:01Tian Bao!
01:05:08To satisfy your ambition,
01:05:10you lost all your dignity.
01:05:14What do you know?
01:05:16If I were you,
01:05:18I wouldn't waste my time.
01:05:21If I were you,
01:05:22I wouldn't waste my time.
01:05:50Tian Bao!
01:06:20Tian Bao!
01:06:50Tian Bao!
01:07:20Tian Bao!
01:07:50Tian Yong!
01:08:20Tian Bao!
01:08:50I'm sorry.
01:09:16I'm sorry.
01:09:18I tried to get back on my feet
01:09:20for what the Kulun Sect did to the Mermaids.
01:09:22I hurt you unintentionally.
01:09:25On our way,
01:09:27I saw something in you
01:09:29more important than the hatred you carry.
01:09:36Liu Ji,
01:09:40I love you.
01:09:44For this life,
01:09:45I will love you until my last breath.
01:09:50And for the next one,
01:09:53I would like to marry you.
01:10:15I love you.
01:10:45I love you.
01:11:15I love you.
01:12:11Why did you do that?
01:12:13I gave so much for the Sect.
01:12:16But he still wanted to name you as his successor.
01:12:27I don't think I'm any less good than you.
01:12:30And that's not true.
01:12:34I would never kill a brother or a sister.
01:12:37And even less my own master.
01:12:42If the Kulun Sect fell into your hands,
01:12:45it would be doomed forever.
01:12:48A true hero
01:12:51doesn't care about that.
01:12:54What you did
01:12:56hurt so many people.
01:12:59You deserve your fate.
01:13:01You're wrong.
01:13:13Liu Ji,
01:13:15I love you.
01:13:42I love you.
01:13:52We will always be with you!
01:14:13I'm sorry.
01:14:15I lied to you.
01:14:19I came with you on purpose.
01:14:23If no one had warned Kulun,
01:14:26how would he have known that Liu Ji was at the inn?
01:14:30Changyin, I can explain everything.
01:14:33You had your own reasons.
01:14:35And if you really wanted to hurt us,
01:14:37you would have done much worse.
01:14:43Thank you.
01:14:50on the night of the fire,
01:14:52I had the opportunity to save myself.
01:14:55Do you understand
01:14:58why I didn't do it?
01:15:03We were in a bad position.
01:15:06But I made a crazy bet.
01:15:12And did you win it?
01:15:21I've met all kinds of people in my life,
01:15:23but I've never met
01:15:25someone like you.
01:15:26Someone as stubborn as you.
01:15:33So you don't have
01:15:34any feelings
01:15:36for me, Changyin?
01:15:39You know, to be honest,
01:15:40I have a favor to ask you.
01:15:49I'm listening.
01:15:51If it's something I can do,
01:15:55I'll do it.
01:16:00Marry me.
01:16:04Don't forget anything.
01:16:08Do you really think so?
01:16:15I didn't know this drug
01:16:16was going to kill your father, Tianyang.
01:16:19My sister.
01:16:20What is it?
01:16:22I failed.
01:16:24I betrayed the sect.
01:16:26I would like to die for what I did.
01:16:28Your sister forced you.
01:16:29You had no choice.
01:16:31My mistake is unforgivable.
01:16:34You have to kill me.
01:16:39we grew up together, you and me.
01:16:41I know you're loyal to me.
01:16:43And I've always considered you
01:16:44as my own brother.
01:16:47The Kunlun sect needs to be rebuilt.
01:16:49I need your help.
01:16:58Luobing and Luoxiu want to say goodbye.
01:17:07Let's go.
01:17:13So, you're leaving us already?
01:17:15Stay here to heal your wounds.
01:17:17Luoxiu lost her Siren Blade.
01:17:19For her own good,
01:17:20she must cultivate it again.
01:17:21We must bring her back to the Black Source.
01:17:35I want to redeem myself
01:17:36Luoxiu said she thought
01:17:37you would be a good leader.
01:17:39I could come and see her at the Black Source.
01:17:42Our people don't want any more contact
01:17:43with human beings.
01:17:45Maybe you should forget about it.
01:18:07Come this way.
01:18:09Let me hold her.
01:18:12it's your little sister.