A Nobodys Way Up to an Exploration Hero LV ep 5

  • 2 months ago


00:00I'm going to work today. Come home as soon as you can.
00:06Okay. I'll be home early today, so let's have dinner together.
00:13Promise. Well, I'm off, Haruka.
00:17Have a good day, Papa!
00:30Mama, Papa, I'm off!
00:32To see Yumi?
00:34Yes. You said we'd study together today, right?
00:38That's right. Have a good day.
00:46Takagi-kun, are you going to practice dancing or working out today? Or...
01:00Let's go down to the end of the world!
01:30Don't look at me.
01:32No matter how many times I pretend not to notice, reality pierces me like a reaction.
01:40I'll light up the depths of my heart with my unsubstantiated emotions.
01:45I'll end the dazzling days that I'm looking at now.
01:53To a world no one knows.
01:57I'm sure I can go with you.
02:00Pierce through the darkness.
02:03A new record will be set.
02:08Let's go down to the end of the world.
02:23To the End of the World
02:31All participants, please line up here.
02:39Are you ready?
02:54The End of the World
03:02Phew, we made it.
03:04I'm glad.
03:06Actually, this is my second time using the gate, so I'm really nervous.
03:12I just used it the other day when I went back to Earth.
03:16We're the same.
03:18Oh, really?
03:19Yes, I was nervous, too.
03:23This is the stairs to the 7th floor.
03:25Today's event is scheduled to last three hours.
03:28Should we buy something before we go down to the 7th floor?
03:32It's convenient that there's a convenience store in front of the transfer gate.
03:38That's a lot of luggage.
03:40Is that so?
03:42By the way, aren't you all wearing too little?
03:45Because I have this.
03:48Is that a magic pouch?
03:51I have one, too.
03:53I have one, too.
03:55Magic pouches are expensive enough to buy an apartment.
04:00My dad bought it for me.
04:01My dad bought it for me.
04:03My mom and dad bought it for me.
04:06Oh, you're all good girls.
04:11But you're all well-equipped.
04:15Ever since I was a kid, I've been trying hard to sell my magic.
04:20You're all well-equipped.
04:22Miku-chan, it's not good to say what you think right away.
04:33Let's go to the 7th floor.
04:36No, I won't push you.
04:39Yes, thank you.
04:45Well, the monsters that appear in the 7th floor are...
04:49Mostly golems.
04:51You've been preparing for this, haven't you?
04:53It's the basics of game hunting, isn't it?
04:56Yes, that's right.
04:59It's not a game, though.
05:04Don't tell me...
05:05A golem?
05:07No, that's...
05:10Oh, hello.
05:14Are you an event participant?
05:16Good luck.
05:18Thank you.
05:22The cast keeps the dungeon clean.
05:26I'm so grateful.
05:29Oh, right, Jinguji-san.
05:31You can call me Airi.
05:33I'm level 16.
05:36I'm level 16.
05:38How old are you, Airi-san?
05:40I'm level 18.
05:44What about you, Hikari-san?
05:46You can call me Hikarin.
05:48I'm 15.
05:49What about you, Miku-san?
05:51You can call me Moriyama-san.
05:53I'm 15, just like Hikarin.
05:55But Hikarin has 75 MP.
06:00That's almost twice as much as me.
06:02What's wrong?
06:03It's not that bad.
06:07Another cast?
06:08No, that's...
06:18A stone golem!
06:20I'll go first.
06:22Hikarin, prepare for magic.
06:23Miku, protect Hikarin.
06:25Yes, ma'am!
06:26Um, I...
06:29That's right.
06:30Protect me.
06:32Yes, ma'am!
06:33Let's have a fair fight!
06:54I didn't even have time to support her.
06:56That's our Aiki-san for you.
07:07Bronze golem!
07:10Yes, ma'am!
07:12Whirlwind, blow the earth away.
07:15Hammer, blow the world away.
07:17Earth Wave!
07:23Go, Snatch!
07:26Go, Snatch!
07:42Now, Hikarin!
07:43Fire of Hell!
07:45Flames of Hell!
07:46Shine bright and illuminate the sky!
07:49Fire Bulb!
07:52Magical Repellent!
07:54As expected of MP-75!
07:56This is the end!
08:07You guys are amazing.
08:09Moriyama-san, Hikarin, behind you!
08:13Iron Golem!
08:17It's hard!
08:27Hikarin and Miku, step back.
08:33It's hard.
08:35Even Airi-san can't do it?
08:42Fire Bolt!
08:46It's not working!
09:02You're strong, Snatch!
09:04If this is the case, Shield Lucerio...
09:10Magical Sword, Balzard.
09:12When it attacks, it can inflict the damage it imagines.
09:17I see.
09:18The image of defeating the enemy...
09:21If it doesn't work, let's protect Shield Lucerio.
09:24Hang in there!
09:26I'm in a pinch.
09:30Earth Wave!
09:33Earth Wave!
09:41Keep an eye on it.
09:43Got it.
09:44I got it.
09:46Imagine it.
09:48Iron Golem...
09:56Iron Golem will explode!
10:05I did it!
10:09Kaito-san, you're amazing!
10:16So that's a magical sword called Balzard.
10:20You have something amazing.
10:22I thought it was a steak knife.
10:25It's a drop item.
10:27It's my first time using it, but I'm glad it worked.
10:30It was cool!
10:33I see.
10:35Magical swords drop items.
10:39In that case...
10:40In that case...
10:46I'm glad you're safe, Snatch.
10:50You can call me Miku.
10:51Snatch seems to like you, Kaito.
10:55Yes, Miku-san.
10:59Miku, I've never seen a Carbuncle before.
11:03I've never seen it in a video.
11:05In the first place, Servants don't appear on camera.
11:09Is that so?
11:10You've never seen a photo or a video, have you?
11:13Now that you mention it...
11:16The Guild staff won't ask me about Syl and Lucilia.
11:21Then does that mean only you know about Snatch?
11:27I met her at an auction, and I applied to the Guild, so everyone knows about her.
11:34I see.
11:36This is for today's event.
11:38Do you want to put it on the magic pouch?
11:41I'll put it on.
11:42It's a matching pouch.
11:44What should we do?
11:46Hey, Kaito.
11:48I've talked to Miku and Hikarin.
11:50If you don't mind, would you like to have another party?
11:54With me?
11:58The Transmission Gate is on the fifth floor.
12:01That's why we've decided to go to the 11th floor, where the second gate is.
12:08Would you like to go with us?
12:09But I'm not like you guys.
12:12I'm just a normal explorer.
12:14Or should I say a mob?
12:17That's a good idea.
12:20It's not a bad thing to be normal.
12:22You'll be safe, Kaito.
12:25No one's throwing a party, right?
12:33I'm not sure if I should call you a human, a god, or a demon.
12:41What if you think I'm taking a little girl with me?
12:50I'll get you!
12:56Can I think about it for a moment?
12:58You don't want to?
12:59No, no, no.
13:00That's not what I meant.
13:02I'll talk to you about it first.
13:05Please let me.
13:06There must be a reason.
13:11Let me know when you've made up your mind.
13:15I'm sorry.
13:30She's obviously in a bad mood.
13:36You're throwing a party?
13:39Is that the first thing you're going to say after leaving us alone?
13:43I didn't mean to leave you alone.
13:45You did!
13:46You're not going to school today, right?
13:48Then call us in the morning.
13:50Even if you say that, I don't feel comfortable.
13:54So, what about the party?
13:56I think the three of us are fine.
14:00There's no need to increase the number of members.
14:05Master, let's end the conversation here.
14:10Anyway, why do you keep calling me Luceria?
14:16Luceria is Luceria, right?
14:18You call me Sir.
14:22Is this another jealousy thing?
14:28Since it's Luceria...
14:33No, Sherry.
14:35You have no sense.
14:39But it can't be helped.
14:40You can call me Luce.
14:42Yes, Luce.
14:44Luce, huh?
14:45I'll call you that from now on.
14:50Thank you.
14:54That's great, Luceria.
14:56No, Luce.
14:58Okay, let's go.
15:08I'm a little tired.
15:14Did you practice dancing last weekend?
15:17Or did you work out?
15:22I see.
15:23Then, what about this Saturday?
15:26If you don't have any plans, will you go out with me?
15:30Go out with you?
15:34That's right.
15:36Okay, I'm happy.
15:37That's great.
15:45Yumi, good morning.
15:47Good morning, Haruka.
15:52Are you going on a date?
15:55What's a date?
15:57It's when two people who love each other go out together.
16:00That's not what I meant.
16:01Why would Katsuragi-san go on a date with me?
16:04It's just shopping.
16:10So, how was the event?
16:12Was it an old man?
16:14No, it was three girls.
16:16Three girls?
16:17One was a college student who was two years older than me.
16:20One was in the same year as me.
16:22One was one year younger than me.
16:23Hey, wait a minute.
16:24What's that?
16:27It might have been a fun place.
16:31Should we go back, too?
16:36Mom, Dad, I'm going.
16:39Have a good day.
16:43Good morning, Takagi-kun.
16:44Good morning, Katsuragi-san.
16:50That's it!
16:51Let's buy the demon's core that we'll get when we defeat the monsters!
16:55I agree with you, Haruka!
16:58This demon's core isn't something we can use right now.
17:02But the demon's core is filled with unknown energy.
17:06I'm sorry.
17:07Are you that interested in the dungeon?
17:09Um, well...
17:12But forget about it for today, okay?
17:24It's been a long time since we've gone out together like this.
17:28When I was little, my dad took me to a lot of places.
17:35Camping, the sea...
17:37Movies, too.
17:38Hey, let's go watch a movie together next time.
17:41I'd love to.
17:48How is it?
17:51Yeah, it's cute.
17:53Thank you.
17:57How about this?
18:00Yeah, it's cute.
18:02Thank you.
18:06How about this?
18:09Yeah, it's cute.
18:11Stop that.
18:14Which one do you like, Takagi-kun?
18:17Huh? Me?
18:21Let's see...
18:23I like that one.
18:24Then I'll take this one.
18:30It's a nice day today.
18:39It's so cute!
18:43It's really cute.
18:49Let's ride that.
18:56There's a pretty fish.
18:59Yeah, it's pretty.
19:06Now that I look at it, it's like we're on a date.
19:12No, don't get carried away, Takagi Kaito!
19:15This is just a shopping spree.
19:17There's no way Katsuragi-san would go on a date with me.
19:21What's wrong?
19:23Takagi-kun, you seem a little stronger.
19:30I think it's because I practiced dancing and worked out.
19:34Y-You're right.
19:36It's because I practiced dancing and worked out.
19:43It's not bad to do this once in a while, right?
19:48The breeze feels so good.
19:56This is delicious.
19:58This is delicious, too.
20:00Do you want a bite?
20:09It's really good.
20:15It's so good!
20:33There's one more place I want to go to.
20:36Is that okay?
20:38Of course. Where is it?
20:40You see...
20:50Um, do you want to go in?
20:52The parade will start soon.
20:55There's fireworks at night, too.
20:57Is the dungeon around that building?
21:02Papa is in that basement, right?
21:08We promised to eat dinner together that day.
21:17He's not back yet?
21:20I wonder why he went into the dungeon.
21:24I had a lot of fun today.
21:27M-Me, too.
21:29Let's go home.
21:37I know you're worried about me.
21:40But I...
21:42I want to be a hero like Captain Katsuragi someday.
21:46I want to be a hero like Captain Katsuragi someday.
21:48I want to be a hero like Captain Katsuragi someday.
21:50I want to prove it to you.
21:55No, it's nothing.
22:18I want to be a hero like Captain Katsuragi someday.
22:20I want to be a hero like Captain Katsuragi someday.
22:22I want to be a hero like Captain Katsuragi someday.
22:24I want to be a hero like Captain Katsuragi someday.
22:26I want to be a hero like Captain Katsuragi someday.
22:28I want to be a hero like Captain Katsuragi someday.
22:30I want to be a hero like Captain Katsuragi someday.
22:32I want to be a hero like Captain Katsuragi someday.
22:34I want to be a hero like Captain Katsuragi someday.
22:36I want to be a hero like Captain Katsuragi someday.
22:38I want to be a hero like Captain Katsuragi someday.
22:40I want to be a hero like Captain Katsuragi someday.
22:42I want to be a hero like Captain Katsuragi someday.
22:44I want to be a hero like Captain Katsuragi someday.
22:46I want to be a hero like Captain Katsuragi someday.
22:48I want to be a hero like Captain Katsuragi someday.
22:50I want to be a hero like Captain Katsuragi someday.
22:52I want to be a hero like Captain Katsuragi someday.
22:54I want to be a hero like Captain Katsuragi someday.
22:56I want to be a hero like Captain Katsuragi someday.
22:58I want to be a hero like Captain Katsuragi someday.
23:00I want to be a hero like Captain Katsuragi someday.
23:02I want to be a hero like Captain Katsuragi someday.
23:04I want to be a hero like Captain Katsuragi someday.
23:06I want to be a hero like Captain Katsuragi someday.
23:08I want to be a hero like Captain Katsuragi someday.
23:10I want to be a hero like Captain Katsuragi someday.
23:12I want to be a hero like Captain Katsuragi someday.
23:14I want to be a hero like Captain Katsuragi someday.
23:16I want to be a hero like Captain Katsuragi someday.
23:18I want to be a hero like Captain Katsuragi someday.
23:20I want to be a hero like Captain Katsuragi someday.
23:22I want to be a hero like Captain Katsuragi someday.
23:24I want to be a hero like Captain Katsuragi someday.
23:26I want to be a hero like Captain Katsuragi someday.
23:28I want to be a hero like Captain Katsuragi someday.
23:30I want to be a hero like Captain Katsuragi someday.
23:32I want to be a hero like Captain Katsuragi someday.
23:34I want to be a hero like Captain Katsuragi someday.
23:36I want to be a hero like Captain Katsuragi someday.
23:38I want to be a hero like Captain Katsuragi someday.
