Origin of Akram Science in India

  • 2 months ago
kram science originated in India because here anger, greed, deceit, and pride have developed more than people in other countries. Due to this development, the level of suffering is also higher and they need a solution for a way out of this suffering. When extreme struggle comes, the search for spirituality arises and the Soul could be looked for and found out which is the very reason for the origin of Akram Science in India.
00:00My question is why does this science originate or come from India?
00:07Because you know Indian puzzle, anger, pride, deceit, greed, that selfishness 40 feet
00:20height, in foreign only 4 feet height or 4 inch height, 40 feet, puzzle here straight
00:32forward just like a little children they will help or they don't want to help then they
00:40don't help but Indian puzzle they says I will definitely help you and never they help others.
00:47So this puzzle intellect is developed too much, ego is also developed too much and due
00:54to ego and intellect, anger, pride everything is developed too much.
01:00So too much suffering is there, that's why they need how to come out from all this worldly
01:08suffering and then in the full stage of suffering they will find out what is, how to come out
01:19from all this suffering and spiritual science is developed over there.
01:27Now suppose you want to separate gold from other element then they will put gold in furnace,
01:36hot furnace, so in India is a hot furnace and in hot furnace gold becomes pure and other
01:50element can be separated.
01:53So like that soul totally covered with anger or ego, intellect, everything is in hot furnace
02:04that is separated and pure soul remains separate by spiritual science.
