Akram Vignan-Spiritual Science

  • last month
There is a difference between religion and spiritual science. In religion you follow rituals, chant mantras, do meditation, leave bad things, adopt good things, etc, while Spiritual Science is experiencing eternal things. When you realize your Self, you enter into Spirituality. Spirituality, also called Spiritual Science is science for liberation.
00:00There's so many different religions, so many different beliefs in this world and I guess
00:18how do you know which beliefs to trust and by extent how is Akram Vignan a science and
00:28not a religion?
00:29According to our development we are getting religion.
00:33So whatever development suppose somebody gets from play group to PhD so many standard in
00:41college no?
00:43So somebody is in first standard, somebody in second standard, so not a single religion
00:49is wrong, all religions are right but not equal.
00:55Somebody is 60 degree, somebody is 120 degree, somebody on 180 degree, some are 240 degree,
01:04every degree has different religion but development take place and at the center when all religion
01:11they finish development then they will come to the center or self-realization and that
01:18is called spirituality, it is science, spiritual science.
01:25Religion they are making people develop and spiritual science is developed after full
01:33development you will get spiritual science and spiritual science is a science for liberation,
01:42then ultimate liberation take place and no more birth and rebirth cycle we have to come
01:50So Dada Bhagwan Akram science is a science, it is not religion.
01:56In religion we have to do some rituals, we have to chant mantra, do fasting, some worshipping
02:05some God and we have to live bad things, we have to adopt good things while in science
02:14eternal element we have to realize and this is bad, this is good, we have to come out
02:20from all bad or good, both things are relative and temporary, we have to come in permanency.
02:27So in permanency or say in spiritual science we are realizing eternal element and experience
02:34of eternal element and all these relative is temporary and we are not improving bad
02:42temporary to good temporary, but both are temporary, so we are living temporary things
02:47and coming in awareness of real permanent thing and that is called science.
02:54So suppose there is water, just as example, so we are bad water, we are improving and
03:02we are making pure water, impurity we are removing by filter or some instrument but
03:08still we cannot separate hydrogen and oxygen from water, while some scientist, some bad
03:16water is there, he will put some chemical and start giving some fire and then automatically
03:27hydrogen and oxygen will separate.
03:29So impurity remain in the, really water is not, hydrogen is pure, oxygen is pure, they
03:36are not impure, but if it is mixture of impurity and water, so water is by element hydrogen
03:46and oxygen, when we make scientific experiment then hydrogen is pure, oxygen is pure, so
03:55like that from bad water we are making good water, it is called religion and science means
04:03we are making, we are not making good water at all, all bad water is there, but by chemical,
04:11real chemical experiment, hydrogen pure, oxygen pure, we can take out hydrogen and oxygen
04:19as a pure element, like you are, this Keshav has bad or good things inside, but you are
04:27separate from Keshav, you are pure soul, this is spiritual science.
04:32So Dada Bhagwan has given spiritual science and by spiritual science we can achieve ultimate
04:39salvation, we are not improving Keshav from bad to good, we are solving this file with
04:48equanimity, dissolve this file with equanimity, no improvement of good or bad, but we are
04:54keeping separate and whatever comes we will solve with equanimity, we keep awareness I
04:59am pure soul, I am eternal, I am immortal, that awareness is a spiritual science.
