Solve Your Problems by Applying Akram Science

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After acquiring Self-Realization can we continue following the religion as we did before? How can we include this Knowledge in our lives without changing the religion we follow?
00:00Our tradition, Jesus Christ is the saviour, so shall I abandon this Christianity and follow
00:12this path here?
00:14No, you can keep as it is, but if you have anger or pride or say any worries or stress,
00:25any conflict, then you can apply this knowledge and help, get help from this knowledge.
00:35Suppose we have heart pain and we have some problem, so we will help, we will take help
00:42of some doctor, surgeon and he is following Christianity or he may follow Hindu religion,
00:50whichever is, but we will get help of that person to cure ourselves.
00:58Like that if you have any disease, worldly disease of anger or pride or any attachment,
01:06hatred or say worries or stress, then take this medicine by this surgeon and you keep
01:16your religion and follow Lord Christ, it's okay.
01:25And really we are not separate from Lord Christ, not from Lord Mahavira, not from Lord Ram
01:36or not from Lord Krishna, because inside enlightened pure soul within Lord Christ or within Lord
01:44Rama or within Lord Krishna or within Lord Mahavira and within Dada Bhagwan, they are
01:52the same quality, same personality or say same inside pure soul, so we have oneness
02:06with all Gods of whole universe.
