¡Top 20 Veces que el Internet RESOLVIÓ Crímenes!

  • hace 3 meses
Estos detectives de Internet resolvieron casos que no pudieron ni las autoridades. Para esta lista, veremos los casos de crímenes reales más interesantes que fueron resueltos por detectives aficionados de Internet.


00:00Welcome to Watch Mojo Español, I am Jackie and today we will show you our top 20 of the most interesting real crime cases that were solved by internet aficionados detectives.
00:16Finally, we knew.
00:46Matthews married the son of the man who discovered the body for the first time. Knowing that the case concerned his father-in-law, Matthews began to investigate on the internet. He went through databases and websites of missing people until he found a coincidence.
01:03The Hackman family had published a report on their missing relative, whose story apparently coincided with that of the girl in the store. He made contact, notified the authorities and the girl in the store was correctly identified.
01:19Case Linda Jane Hart
01:22Websleuths.com is the website where aficionados detectives meet to discuss unsolved cases and all share a main mission, to solve what the police could not. One of its members is Carl Koppelman, who once worked as a Disney accountant.
01:40The man began to examine the website and began to moderate a forum for unidentified victims. The purpose of this forum is to locate missing people through the cross-referencing of forensic reports. Thanks to his participation, Koppelman was able to identify Linda Jane Hart, who had been missing since 1988.
02:02The remains of Hart were found in an abandoned parking lot, but was initially categorized as Jane Doe. It was not until 2011 that Koppelman's investigative skills would lead to his identification.
02:17The stolen camera of Anthony Posey
02:20And now a slightly lighter case. The professional photographer Anthony Posey, based in Louisiana, traveled to Seattle to celebrate his wife's 50th birthday and decided to visit the city's public library while he was there.
02:36Unfortunately, he left his camera in one of the bathrooms, and when he returned, the camera was no longer there. He published a help ad in Craigslist, but he did not have much hope. However, the police soon recovered a stolen camera and used the community website nextdoor.com to publish his find.
02:57One of his users recognized the camera from Posey's ad in Craigslist, and immediately knew it was the same. And having said that, the professional photographer reunited with his camera.
03:10Operation Death Eaters
03:12Founded in 2014 by a woman named Heather Marsh, Operation Death Eaters would later affiliate with the hacktivist group Anonymous, which attracted the attention of the media.
03:28Dear citizens of the world, the time for truth has arrived, a time for freedom and transparency, a time for people to express themselves freely and to be heard from anywhere across the world.
03:58The group is investigating both individuals and entire institutions, including the US Army, which they say governs itself and therefore cannot be trusted to impart justice properly. It is not clear if the operation has led to arrests, but it cannot be denied that their intentions are noble.
04:23The case that was solved on Reddit
04:27During a friend's engagement party at a Seattle bar, 26-year-old Sam Whitehorn was attacked by three men. According to Whitehorn's girlfriend, Bridget Kidston, her Green Bay Packers cap caught the attention of men who were Seattle Seahawks fans.
04:44As a result of the attack, Whitehorn hit his head against the sidewalk. The fall fractured his skull and left him in a coma. Kidston told the story on Reddit, which quickly went viral. Later, a police investigation found and identified the three suspects. According to a post by Kidston, the suspects proceeded to turn themselves in.
05:08Geographically oriented announcements by Billy Jensen
05:14A digital media consultant named Billy Jensen had become one of the most consumed detective fans who work today, with the resolution of alleged 10 homicide cases in his AB.
05:27I wanted to solve these murders myself, and I came up with a system on how to do it.
05:31Jensen once worked as a investigative journalist, and his experience in the field of information on crimes has paid off. Jensen uses geographically oriented announcements on social media to attract the attention of locals, and uses the reports of his witnesses to discover the criminals.
05:50If you're able to target the specific people that you want to target in a specific area, and say, hey, do you know this guy? You're going to get a lot better response.
05:59A specific case solved by Jensen was the murder of Marcus Guiness. With the help of photographs and local videos, Jensen was able to identify the perpetrator as Marcus Moore.
06:09I started kind of fumbling in the dark, started a social media campaign, and was able to actually find someone who was there that took a video of the event, and I was able to take that video, match it up with pictures of mugshots, and was able to identify the puncher.
06:26Since then, Jensen has written two books about his feats, Chase Darkness with Me, and Killers Admits Killers.
06:34Number 14, the case of Jacob Wetterling. In 1989, 11-year-old Jacob Wetterling was kidnapped by a masked attacker while he was cycling home with his younger brother and his friend.
06:48The case remained unsolved for decades, until Joey Baker got involved.
06:53It would take nearly three decades for a break in the case.
07:08That case was too old to prosecute, but there was DNA evidence from it. That DNA evidence, enough to get a search warrant for Heinrich's home.
07:23Then, the authorities' attention was drawn to reopen Wetterling's case.
07:29They found an old DNA sample that was compared to that of a man named Danny Heinrich, who would eventually reveal the location of Wetterling's remains.
07:39He's not getting away with anything. We got the truth.
07:55I look over, and he's standing there, right by the stop sign.
08:08I look over, and he's standing there, right by the stop sign.
08:39Number 12, Anonymous, and the case of Retea Parsons.
08:44After attending a high school party where she was sexually assaulted, Retea Parsons was even more mistreated when photos of the assault were spread online.
08:55The photos also toured the birthplace of Parsons, Dartmouth, in New Scotland.
09:01But under the stress of all this, Parsons tried to kill herself and ended up in a coma.
09:07From the start, police messed up, interviewing Parsons not once, but twice.
09:12Her family, in the end, had to make the difficult decision to interrupt their vital support.
09:17The story attracted the attention of Anonymous, who, it is said, identified the culprits.
09:22They demanded that the Royal Canadian Mounted Police do justice or publicly reveal the names.
09:37There are different accounts of what happened after this.
09:41But it seems that at least two of the suspects were identified by the police.
09:46Number 11, the case of Andrea Bowman.
09:49Detective Carl Koppelman did it again, this time solving the case of teenager Andrea Bowman.
09:57Bowman was abused by her adoptive father, Dennis, before she disappeared from her home.
10:04The case went cold for decades until authorities in Hamilton, Michigan arrested Bowman in November.
10:09Koppelman began to investigate online years later and came across an active page of Classmates.com in the name of Bowman.
10:18He got in touch with the owner and discovered that she was Bowman's biological mother.
10:23The two investigated the case together and came to the conclusion that Bowman's abusive adoptive father was most likely responsible for her disappearance.
10:32The police, in turn, finally took her DNA and linked it to a previous murder.
10:38Knowing that they had caught him, he confessed to having also killed Andrea.
10:43Number 10, Brad Wilman's Trojan Horse.
10:47At the end of the 90s, a Canadian named Brad Wilman gave a Trojan horse that allowed him full access to the computers that downloaded it.
10:56Wilman placed the Trojan horse on websites dedicated to predators and at the height of his activity, he was monitoring up to 3,000 computers.
11:07These belonged to a wide variety of people, including priests, social workers, police officers and military personnel.
11:16His program helped in numerous official channels, including an investigation of the state of Kentucky and a case involving the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
11:26But perhaps his biggest capture was the judge of the Superior Court, Ronald Klein, who pleaded guilty to possession of explicit material and was sentenced to 27 months in prison.
11:38Number 9, Sean Power's laptop.
11:42A Canadian web consultant named Sean Power was the victim of a laptop thief while visiting the city of New York.
11:50After returning home in Canada, a tracking tool called Prey alerted Power that his computer was in use and provided screenshots of the user.
12:01The man started a session on Skype using his real name and gave Power his name, face and location.
12:08Then his 12,000 followers on Twitter joined and one of them discovered that he owned a restaurant called Oficina Latina.
12:20Which is fine, I guess, but I guess when he was confronted with the fact that we had pictures of him and his bank account, he changed his mind.
12:29Power sent a friend to investigate and a Twitter follower named Nick Reese ventured to the restaurant.
12:36They were able to recover the bag and the laptop and Power called the criminal to thank him for returning his belongings.
12:45Number 8, selfies with an iPad.
12:47Ah, the cloud and his habit of arresting criminals.
12:56In January 2015, Randy Schafer woke up and discovered that his truck had been robbed.
13:03A bag containing cash, an iPad and a MacBook was missing.
13:08After informing the police, Schafer realized that some photos had been uploaded to his account in the iCloud cloud.
13:18Schafer uploaded the photos to the Facebook page of Click to Houston, which were shared 11,000 times.
13:25Meanwhile, a friend of his posted the photos on Reddit and a user recognized one of the criminals because he had gone to high school with him.
13:34The friend was linked to the Facebook account of Dorian Walker Games, where they found a video of the man making fun of his new money in cash.
13:48The authorities were alerted and the perpetrators were arrested immediately.
13:59Number 7, the driver in Virginia who ran over a woman and ran away.
14:04On April 7, 2012, a 57-year-old woman died in a collision and escape in Virginia.
14:11No description of the car was provided and the only thing the police took into account was a small piece of metal that came off the car when it hit.
14:21They published a photo of the piece online and it was quickly spread on the website for enthusiasts of Jalopnik cars.
14:29Its users quickly identified the metal as the grill of a Ford 150.
14:34They even identified the exact year and the level of equipment.
14:39And the police used this information to build the case.
14:43It was finally brought to Victor Espinosa and Juan González Vázquez, who were arrested and charged with escape.
14:50Number 6, the case of the Stubenville High School.
14:54This very public and controversial case involved a perpetrated crime against a 16-year-old high school student.
15:02It appears that the juvenile victim attended a party and we're still waiting to find out exactly what happened from there.
15:11It may have happened in several locations, both in the city and outside the city.
15:15The act spread graphically through social media, with dozens of people documenting the event through text messages and social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
15:26Many of these publications were found and published by the criminal blogger and detective Alexandria Goddard.
15:46A subsidiary of Anonymous, known as NightSec, leaked additional images.
15:52Both were essential to uncover the Stubenville case and make it national news.
16:07Information was also exposed to the authors, who were sentenced and sent to a juvenile detention center for one and two years respectively.
16:21Beyond a reasonable doubt, on all three counts, as charged.
16:40The attack has outraged the city and raised concerns about the law.
16:51A photo was posted on Facebook of what appeared to be the attackers in a nearby restaurant.
16:56Bennett claims that the photo was sent to him by a friend of a friend of a friend.
17:02The restaurant was identified as La Viola.
17:05And the user Francines09 verified on Facebook the people who had registered at La Viola that night.
17:11They found numerous coincidences and so they gave the names that were given to the police and detective Joseph Morey thanked them for their efforts.
17:24In 1995, Ellen Leach's cousins disappeared.
17:29And this finally inspired the resident of Mississippi to become a web detective dedicated to finding people missing throughout the country.
17:38At the beginning of the 2000s, a skull was found inside a concrete cube and a reconstruction was made in clay of his human face.
17:47Detective Webb Leach found a coincidence with Gregory May, a missing antiquities merchant who was stolen by his housemate.
17:56The partner, Douglas DeBreen, had stolen May's antiquities collection for $70,000 and had to go to trial for possible murder of May.
18:08The only problem was the lack of a body. Fortunately, the skull coincided with May's.
18:14And DeBreen was found guilty and sent to prison for orchestrating his death.
18:19Number 3. The case of William Francis Melchert Tinkle.
18:23This father, married with two children, examined the chat rooms and pretended to be a depressed woman of more than 20 years.
18:31Then he signed false death pacts with abandoned people, often providing them with detailed instructions.
18:37In November 2006, a retired teacher named Celia Bley found out that a man named Lee Doe had made a death pact with his friend.
18:47Bley investigated Lee Doe and found other alias and previous pacts.
18:52The police were not interested, so Bley organized an undercover operation in which he was able to track the IP address to William Francis Melchert Tinkle in Minnesota.
19:03The police department of St. Paul arrested the man and he was sentenced to two charges. He spent 178 days in prison.
19:12Number 2. Abraham Shakespeare.
19:15While buying cigarettes in a store in Florida in 2006, Abraham Shakespeare decided to try his luck and bought some lottery tickets.
19:23Those tickets made him $17 million richer.
19:33But as so often happens, this lotto winner's drama didn't stick to the script. That's because the money also brought unwanted attention.
19:42Then a woman named Dee Dee Moore started a business with Shakespeare and took full control of the funds.
19:49Then when Shakespeare disappeared, the police immediately suspected Moore.
20:02He could have died because of sinister means.
20:06Murder, we're talking here.
20:08Could be.
20:16Prosecutors paint a picture of Moore as a conniving manipulator intent on taking Shakespeare's cash.
20:32Cold, calculated, cruel. They all apply. Manipulative. Probably the most manipulative person that this court has seen.
21:02And so I was on Facebook one day and I found a post a lot of people have been feverishly posting about a video that was online.
21:32Of course, what are you going to do? Luka McNaughton, hit enter.
21:36And, oh my God, it just like, he just...
21:43I don't know how to explain my reaction to what the results were.
21:49The group was able to link their clues with pictures of McNaughton publicly available and was successful in their search.
21:56Then in 2012, student Jun Lin was murdered in Montreal, Canada.
22:01And the graphic video that showed his death caught the group's attention even more.
22:09They were able to help link McNaughton with the video killer.
22:13McNaughton was finally traced by the police to Berlin and extradited to Canada, where he was sentenced to life in prison.
22:25It was like the perfect way for Luka to go down.
22:28Luka was caught in an internet cafe because he couldn't stay away from his vanity.
