The Smurfs Season 2 Episode 10 – It Came From Outer Smurf (Smurfs' Voices Only)

  • 2 months ago
I've made the Smurfs' High Pitched Voices in Low Normal Pitched.


00:00You're not slowing that lumber, Street Farmer! Watch where you're hammering! Careful with
00:18that ladder, Clumsy! Papa Smurf always says, work with your hands, and not with your mouth!
00:25Little Papa Smurf hears about this! Papa Smurf! Papa Smurf!
00:30Handy! This water wheel of yours is a smurfing idea! We can grind the grain faster than ever
00:35before! Thanks, Papa Smurf! We should be able to start working tomorrow afternoon!
00:39Okay! When I say go, we all lift the axle at the same time! Let's do it! Hey, where's Dreamy?
00:48Gee, I wonder if there's life up there in Outer Smurf?
00:52I'll bet there is! And they're probably wondering if there's any life down here!
00:57Dreamy! Hey, someone up there is calling me! Here I am! Here I am! Dreamy!
01:05Oh, I have to smurf it up! There's work to be done!
01:14There must be someone up there! It only stands to reason!
01:18Dreamy! Watch where you're going! He might even be like Smurfs! Not exactly, maybe, but
01:24something like Smurfs! Dreamy! Oh, Dreamy! Stop! Help! Watch where you're smurfing!
01:36There is no life in Outer Smurf, Dreamy, but there is life here!
01:41And you better start paying attention to it!
01:48Hmm... I wonder what they look like. Maybe they're human or...
01:57Wow! This I've gotta see!
02:04No sign of it anywhere. I might as well go back to...
02:08Gosh! What's that?
02:12Just think, if they fall away from Outer Smurf!
02:16Oh, I wonder if...
02:19Hello? Anyone there?
02:21I guess not. It was a silly idea anyway. Life in Outer Smurf...
02:28We need to see what's around the middle of the road!
02:35Oh, it's near crazy!
02:40What did you guess? What did you guess?
02:46I don't know what we're playing!
02:50Curse! I just saw...
02:52Where have you been, Dreamy? You're supposed to be helping us with the saxo!
02:55This is more important! I just saw a visitor from Outer Smurf!
02:59A visitor from Outer Smurf?
03:03It's true! I saw him! He's about as tall as a Smurfin!
03:07Hey, I'll show you! He's in the forest!
03:10I can't waste my time on your daydreams, Dreamy!
03:13It's true! It really happened!
03:15Smurf! Would you believe I saw a visitor from Outer Smurf?
03:19I didn't think so.
03:26Smurf me that screwdriver, would you please?
03:28It's tricky anyway!
03:30Pardon me, can you please?
03:35Thanks! Now the saw!
03:39I need to be more quick!
03:42Gee, that looks easier than climbing up and down the ladder!
03:45Hey, Handy! Anything else?
03:47Sure, Clumsy! Hold this axle piece for me!
03:50Okay! Tell me when you got it!
03:52I got it!
03:55Hey! Where'd everybody go? I can't see!
04:02The axle pin! Where's the axle pin? It's the most important piece!
04:07Is this it, Handy?
04:09Clumsy! Now I'll have to smurf another one!
04:14And it fell from the sky, Papa Smurf!
04:16And very close! All in silver!
04:18Hanging upside down on a tree!
04:21This is all very hard to accept, Dreamy!
04:23But I'll go with you to the forest where you say you saw these things!
04:27Oh, thank you, Papa Smurf! Thank you!
04:34I need to grow a little leaf for you!
04:37It's right on the other side of these bushes, Papa Smurf!
04:42But I don't understand! It was right there!
04:45There was even a hole in the ground!
04:47Well, Dreamy, with all respect, I'm afraid I don't see anything!
04:51But I saw it, Papa Smurf! Now I saw the desert, too!
04:55Maybe you just dreamed it, Dreamy!
04:57Now I must go back and help Handy!
05:01Oh, hi Smurf!
05:03Who are you?
05:06Oh, I knew every Smurf in the village!
05:13Papa Smurf! I found it! I found it!
05:15Papa Smurf!
05:20Papa Smurf! I found it! Come see! Hurry!
05:27Perhaps you've been working too hard, Dreamy!
05:29Papa! You've got to believe me!
05:31He's not really a Smurf! He's...
05:33Talon, please!
05:35I'll Smurf up a tonic for you
05:37when the waterwheel's finished!
05:45You know what?
05:47Do me a favor and go away!
05:49I never want to see you again!
06:03You look over there, Clumsy!
06:05Just make sure it's a straight piece of wood
06:07and strong enough to support that axle!
06:09Okay, Handy!
06:11Looking for an axle, baby!
06:13Looking for an axle, baby!
06:17This sure is a funny-looking stake!
06:19Lucky! Straight!
06:21And strong!
06:23Hey, Handy!
06:25Look what I found!
06:27What is it? Will it move?
06:29I don't know! I've never seen anything like it!
06:32A good axle clamp?
06:34It just might hit that!
06:40Perfect fit!
06:42Okay, Papa Smurf!
06:44Open the sluice gauge, Handy!
06:58What's going on?
07:00It's glowing!
07:02Handy, what did you use for the axle pin?
07:04Well, I'm not sure, Papa Smurf!
07:06I've never seen anything like it before!
07:08Whatever it is, we'd better smurf it out of there
07:10while we still can!
07:14What do we do, Papa Smurf?
07:16Every Smurf, follow me! Quickly!
07:20I know I saw him!
07:22At least, I think I saw him!
07:24Gee, it sure is windy all of a sudden!
07:34Hurry, my little Smurfs, hurry!
07:36Quickly, Dreamy, quickly!
07:38Papa Smurf!
07:40I've got you, Papa Smurf!
07:46I've seen it somewhere before!
07:48We'll just have to wait out the storm,
07:50my little Smurfs!
07:52What caused the water wheels to spin so fast, Papa Smurf?
07:54I don't know, Smurfette!
07:56I just hope our village survives this wind!
07:59I know who can stop it, Papa Smurf!
08:03Dreamy, stop!
08:09Oh, poor Dreamy!
08:11That wind will blow him from here to Kingdom Smurf!
08:13We can't help in this wind!
08:15We must wait and hope!
08:17There you are!
08:19You've got my helpless!
08:21The wind is destroying our village!
08:23What did you see?
08:25Oh, I saw something blowing on the water wheel!
08:28It's a piece from your shooting star!
08:30I don't want to kill your little kid!
08:32At the water wheel!
08:36Oh, the wind is getting worse!
08:40The wind is dying!
08:42Quickly, we must find Dreamy!
08:46He's waiting for us here!
08:50Look out!
08:52Look out!
08:58Thank you!
09:00You're welcome!
09:06I hope you come back again!
09:08I think!
09:10Oh, Dreamy is so brave!
09:12How did you stop the wind, Dreamy?
09:18Well, to tell the truth, I didn't stop it.
09:20My friend from our Smurf did!
09:22Not that again!
09:24Come on, Dreamy!
09:26Sorry, I hate boring!
09:28Honest, I saw him!
09:30It's true, it's true!
09:32Oh, no Smurf believes me!
09:34I believe you, Dreamy!
09:36Really, Father Smurf?
09:38At least I believe it's possible!
09:40Goodbye, friend!
09:44In fact, I do believe it!
