Top 10 Spanish Language Movies

  • 2 months ago
Top 10 Spanish Language Movies
00:00These classics of cinema are muy bien.
00:08Welcome to, and today we're counting down our picks for the Top 10 Spanish Language Movies.
00:16For this list, we're looking at Spanish language films, whether they were released over in Spain, Mexico, or anywhere else where Spanish is the first language.
00:28¿Qué traes en el estuche?
00:30Mi guitarra.
00:38Here's a movie tip for the casual English-speaking moviegoer.
00:42Check out this Argentine thriller before you waste time on the subpar 2015 American version starring Julia Roberts.
00:48Directed by Juan J. Campanella and featuring a young Carla Quevedo from HBO's Show Me a Hero,
00:58The Secret in Their Eyes demonstrated how to efficiently deliver a truly unforgettable hook,
01:03complemented by the overall symbolic take on Argentine politics.
01:07No me agarres, no me agarres, a mí no me agarres, que no sos mi jefe acá, y no me hagas pasar el papel en el dante de mis amigos, ¿estamos?
01:14It's best to go into this one cold, and by the end of the Academy Award-winning film,
01:19you'll probably want to further explore the filmography of its director,
01:22beginning with another Argentine classic, 2001's Son of the Bride.
01:28No, yo cine argentino no veo.
01:31Viste lo que es andar corriendo detrás de las cuentas todo el día.
01:33No, yo realidad argentina no veo.
01:37Number nine, Cell 211.
01:44Everybody loves a good prison flick, but of course, nobody enjoys being locked up in a literal slammer.
01:53As the winner of eight Goya Awards, Daniel Monzon's film details the plights of a prison guard turned accidental inmate.
02:00And, spoiler alert, Juan Oliver has a few difficult decisions to make.
02:08However, while many films of the genre will deliver the usual clichés,
02:12the director capitalised on the opportunity to comment on both the Basque country of Spain,
02:17as well as the country's terrorism.
02:19Aquí os habla Cristiano, se cierra la boca, que no queremos nada de secretitos.
02:22Vamos, señores. Dos por fuera.
02:24Number eight, Viridiana.
02:26¡La gallina!
02:27¡La gallina! ¡La gallina!
02:29¡Vamos, estamos quietos!
02:33By the time of this film's release, director Luis Buñuel had already established himself as a legend,
02:39both within the landscapes of Spanish and Mexican cinema.
02:44¡Mire, señor Sequiel, qué poca vergüenza!
02:49¡Suelta! ¡Pepita, suelta a mí!
02:52However, Viridiana didn't necessarily please the Italians over at the Vatican,
02:57but for a story about the loss of innocence and misunderstandings,
03:00there was no one better than Buñuel to figuratively dress up Viridiana.
03:05Andan buscando feta detrás del sofá.
03:07¿De qué sofá?
03:10Pues de aquel.
03:11In a time when the French New Wave presented new cinematic ideals,
03:15this film showcased a master at his best and won the Palme d'Or at Cannes,
03:20over a full decade after he won Best Director at the festival
03:24for his Mexican production, Los Olvidados.
03:27¿Por qué no me pega? Ándele.
03:29Usted me trajo aquí, ¿o no?
03:31Y ahora sí hace la buena.
03:32Number seven, The Orphanage.
03:34¿Me guardas un secreto?
03:36Co-produced by the iconic Mexican filmmaker Guillermo del Toro
03:40and starring the daughter of Charlie Chaplin himself,
03:43this throwback horror flick marked the directorial debut of J.A. Bayona,
03:48who injected a healthy dose of artistry into a genre typically known for cheap tricks.
03:53¿Qué pasa?
03:54Alguien se ha metido en la cama.
04:00Based on the story of a woman flipping her childhood home into the titular orphanage,
04:04the narrative requires a certain amount of patience
04:07as each page of the script comes to life by way of the superb direction
04:11and genuine, if frightening, performances.
04:13¿Dónde estáis?
04:16No tengo miedo.
04:25Abre los ojos.
04:27Abre los ojos.
04:31Before Penelope Cruz was a household name in America,
04:34she was already well-known in her native Spain
04:36for starring in this original sci-fi production.
04:41Sí, Cesar, soy Sofía.
04:45Directed by Alejandro Amenábar,
04:47Open Your Eyes investigates the perceived realities of a disfigured man
04:52and the dreams that would ultimately become his nightmares.
04:55Me acabo de acordar de que tengo la moto en la otra dirección.
04:57Pero, hombre, te acompaño.
04:59No, no, ¿para qué, tío? Ya casi estás en casa.
05:01By not forcing easy answers upon the viewer
05:04and fueled by the performances of Eduardo Noriega and Cruz,
05:08the psychological thriller combines realism and fantasy
05:11to deliver a narrative that will find a permanent home within your psyche.
05:15Dios, qué sensación.
05:19¿El qué?
05:20¿No te pasa a veces que te parece haber vivido ya un momento?
05:24Cruz would reprise her role in the American remake Vanilla Sky,
05:28but we suggest you seek out the original masterpiece first.
05:31Every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around.
05:39Number 5. Wreck.
05:49Spanish. Zombie. Horror.
05:52Today, the found footage genre has produced its share of surprise hits,
05:56but no other international thriller made an impact quite like this Barcelona shot film.
06:08Based on the concept of a new story gone horribly wrong,
06:11Wreck found its place in history through an understanding of auditory and visual timing.
06:16And by that we mean the film masterfully balances the narrative tension with a sense of genuine terror,
06:22as the technical side of the production showcases what can be achieved with framing, timing and, of course, screams.
06:35Number 4. All About My Mother.
06:38¿Puedes llamar?
06:42Pedro Almodóvar has long been recognized as one of the preeminent filmmakers of not only his country, but in general.
06:49No eres un ser humano, Lola. Eres una epidemia.
06:52By the close of the 20th century, he made a film truly ahead of its time,
06:56as All About My Mother deconstructed social taboos,
06:59while presenting an otherwise deeply serious narrative with stylistic references to a bygone era of filmmaking.
07:05Pero tú sabes actuar.
07:07Sé mentir muy bien. Y estoy acostumbrada a improvisar.
07:11It's also an ode to all the mothers and women of the world.
07:15¿Mi madre?
07:16¿Tienes una madre? ¿No te acuerdas?
07:19Just a few years later, Almodóvar once again floored moviegoers with another psychological study in Talk to Her.
07:26Venino, Alicia está prácticamente muerta. No puede sentir nada por nadie.
07:30Ni por ti, ni por mí, ni siquiera por ella. Métetelo bien en la cabeza.
07:34Number 3. Amores Peros.
07:37Lo madrador no se quita, lo perdió.
07:41Kicking off the so-called Trilogy of Death, Alejandro González Iñárritu's drama thriller
07:47is a film that would change the modern landscape of Mexican cinema.
07:50¿Qué es esto?
07:53¿Robo o secuestro?
07:54Puede ser el último día de tu vida, cabrón.
07:56Amid the three chaotic narratives of Amores Peros emerges a frenetic energy,
08:01heightened by the pacing of its director, the Mexico City setting,
08:05and the collective ensemble of actors, including future star, Gael García Bernal.
08:16With dogs functioning as the symbolic representation of loyalty,
08:20Iñárritu digs deep into the essence of what makes us all tick,
08:23and the cruel realities of the world in which we live.
08:35Number 2. Y Tu Mama También.
08:43Rising to the immensely high standards set by Iñárritu the year before,
08:47director Alfonso Cuarón unveiled one of the most controversial films of the day
08:51by tackling sexuality, the political spectrum of his country, and the spirit of Mexican youths.
08:58¡Estamos majos! ¿He hecho alastras? ¿Sois fieles?
09:01Yeah, we are.
09:03¿Cómo debe ser, no?
09:04With the aforementioned Gael García Bernal starring opposite Diego Luna,
09:09Y Tu Mama También hits the road, thriving by way of a devilish sense of humor
09:13and a willingness to challenge a rating system
09:16more accepting of overt violence than natural human desires.
09:20No hay nada más difícil que vivir sin ti.
09:26Following the success of this film, Bernal became a worldwide star
09:30after portraying a young Che Guevara in 2004's The Motorcycle Diaries.
09:35¿Cómo se explica que una civilización capaz de construir esto
09:39sea arrasada para construir esto?
09:44Before we unveil our number one pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
09:49Técnicamente, estás muerto.
09:54Ahora quiero hablar con el muerto.
09:57¿Y eso qué es?
09:59Es el bufete de abogados más importante de Nueva York.
10:04Oye, Maggie, ¿por qué no averiguas cómo hacen los elefantes?
10:09¿Y a mí no me va a felicitar?
10:11Sí, cómo no. Que sea muy feliz.
10:14Estoy seguro de que así será,
10:16pues logré con esta boda lo que tanto anhelaba,
10:19estar cerca de usted, la mujer que verdaderamente amo.
10:32¿Por qué la defiendes? ¿Por qué no quieres que vaya la cachetí?
10:35Celia, por favor.
10:36¿Quién es? ¿Quién es?
10:38Si te lo digo, todo se acaba entre nosotros.
10:41Que se acabe.
10:43Con la tiza, razaréis el contorno de una puerta en cualquier parte de vuestra habitación.
10:58No sé que lo que dices es verdad.
11:00¿Por qué habría de mentiras un pobre fauno como yo?
11:12This young Ophelia encounters creatures that live and breathe
11:15through the visual poetry of the imaginative director.
11:24Pan's Labyrinth represents artistic filmmaking in the most grandiose of ways,
11:28thus setting itself apart from the rest of the pack.
11:35Though the Devil's Backbone might have initially been considered a masterpiece,
11:39it's now clear that Del Toro was just getting warmed up.
11:50Do you agree with our list?
11:55What's your favorite Spanish-language movie?
11:57For more mind-blowing top tens published every day,
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12:09¡No he pedido nada hasta hoy! ¡Déjalo ir!
