00:00Jump right on out and watch me blast
00:02To the I, to the M, to the P
00:09She had actual squirrels in her pants
00:13We just got served
00:15Doofenshmirtz Able Incorporated
00:19One moment please
00:21Perry the Platypus
00:22What are you looking at?
00:24Oh these
00:25Yes these are my latest invention
00:27Steak Specs
00:28I came up with the idea after your last little visit.
00:31With these on, you don't have to constantly hold a piece of steak to your black eye, see? See?
00:36I plan on mass-producing these. I'll make millions!
00:39Let me show you.
00:40I've stolen all these steaks in the Tri-State Area and I keep them here in my Steak Containment Unit,
00:46or SCUH for short, or maybe it should be SCUH.
00:51I'm a little on the fence about...
00:52Wait a minute, what are you doing?
00:54Oh, that? That's just a giant heat ray in case I want to do something evil later.
01:01Why don't you stay here with Susie and I'll go buy some ice cream?
01:05No, no, no. You stay here. I'll go buy the ice cream.
01:20Oh, man. We got served again.
01:23I'm going back to culinary school.
01:42Here you go. All they had was fudgy bars.
01:45Candace, what happened?
01:46There were so many of them! The horror! The horror!
01:49Maybe you should sit down.