I Have To Take Care Of Drunk Girl... What's My Unexpected Ending..

  • 2 months ago
I Have To Take Care Of Drunk Girl... What's My Unexpected Ending..
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English
00:00It's so late. I am Shota, working for a medium-sized company.
00:07That day, I decided to take a shortcut because it was late with overtime work.
00:13This street is dark and scary.
00:20I nervously turned to where the voice came from.
00:24What? Is it a person?
00:28I went over right away, thinking she was sick.
00:32Are you alright?
00:37Rika's alcohol. She is drunk.
00:41What can I do? It's not as bad as calling an ambulance.
00:46Without her name or address, I could not just leave her.
00:50So I brought her to my place.
00:52Here you are.
00:55I couldn't see it clearly in the dark, but she is actually very cute.
01:00Besides, perfect face and figure. I had a crush on her.
01:06Dear God, thank you for this fate.
01:10While I was in 7th heaven.
01:13It's hot. Can't. Take it off.
01:19What's happening?
01:21I helped her taking her clothes off in excitement.
01:25What are these?
01:30Oh, she's asleep.
01:32I tried not to care too much, thinking this is popular among young ones.
01:38I laid her on my bed.
01:41I was going to sleep on the couch.
01:44Come here, now.
01:47No, I'll be fine here.
01:50I said, come here.
01:53Yes, ma'am.
01:56I decided to sleep with her, happy and scared at the same time.
02:02If things go well…
02:05No, no!
02:07After going through conflicts again and again, I couldn't sleep at all.
02:13With nothing happened after all last night, I made her breakfast.
02:18Where is it?
02:21Good morning.
02:23Who the hell are you?
02:25You brought me here to harm me, didn't you?
02:28Ow! Headache!
02:31I knew that would happen, so here's shijimi miso soup for you.
02:37While having breakfast, I told her everything about last night.
02:41Of course, not about my crush on her.
02:45I haven't told you my name.
02:47It's Sana.
02:49Sorry for mistrusting you.
02:51You are a nice guy.
02:53My lady, where are you, my lady?
02:56Oh gosh, I have to go.
03:02She told me she's a daughter of yakuza gang
03:05and was ordered to take over the business,
03:08but she didn't want to,
03:10so she ran away from home and drank like crazy to waste it.
03:15I'm sorry for the troubles. Thanks.
03:18Then she was gone.
03:21Daughter of yakuza…
03:24It was a short-lived love.
03:27There's no way she is here.
03:30I tried to forget Sana but couldn't
03:33and kept looking for her on alleys.
03:36Even if I can see her again, what can I do?
03:39Should I tell her not to become a yakuza?
03:42Can I ask her to flee far away with me?
03:46I have no courage for that.
03:49Realized I can't do anything for her,
03:52I went home with a disappointment.
03:56Sana, what are you doing?
03:58She was told to take over the business again and again,
04:02then ran away.
04:04I let her in.
04:06Why did you come here?
04:08I don't know anyone but Shota.
04:11I am bothering you, right?
04:14No, I'm glad to see you, Sana.
04:17I was really delighted.
04:19However, the fact that Sana is a daughter of the yakuza hasn't changed,
04:24so I still couldn't figure out what to do.
04:29My lady, I know you are here. Please come out.
04:33I'm sorry, Shota. I will go.
04:36I am troubling you.
04:39I couldn't stop her.
04:45Are you the one who tricked my daughter?
04:48I was so overwhelmed and scared that I couldn't utter a single word.
04:54Shota has nothing to do. I came here myself.
04:58Shut up!
05:00Seeing her slapped, I felt something inside me clicked.
05:05We are in a relationship.
05:07I heard about the situation from Sana.
05:10She doesn't want to take over the business.
05:13A father who slaps his daughter has no right to tell her what to do.
05:17What kind of a parent are you, not thinking of your daughter's happiness?
05:22That's why she ran away.
05:25You bastard!
05:29I came to my senses.
05:31I realized I couldn't take it anymore, then…
05:35I am sorry, Sana.
05:39To tell you the truth.
05:42Sana's father came here only to tell her his missing son was back to take over the business,
05:48so she can do as she wishes.
05:50But he lost his temper with my words.
05:56I didn't expect to be lectured by a greenhorn like you.
06:01I like your guts.
06:03You may go out with my daughter.
06:06Thank you very much!
06:08Then he left with his tough-looking fellows.
06:12I am sorry that I said we are going out.
06:14You didn't want to be bothered, did you?
06:17No! I was actually pleased.
06:20You had a courage to tell him.
06:24Can you go out with me for real?
06:30Later, we got married and blessed with a child, living happily together now.
06:36Although I am always scared when meeting relatives who look all formidable.
06:59The End
