Wolves in USA Day 2 : Chiquinho, Doyle and Jacksonville

  • 3 months ago
Wolves in USA Day 2 : Chiquinho, Doyle and Jacksonville
00:00Hello I'm Nathan Judah, that is Wolverhampton Wanderers reporting, Mr. Liam Keane, Liam
00:13it is day 2, we are here at Chase Stadium, into Miami's home ground, behind us, to our
00:20right, on your left as you were looking at this, it's Florida Blue, which is the training
00:24facility, we've been there, Gary O'Neill is working extremely hard with these players
00:30and goodness me, they're being put through their paces, only one training session today,
00:33I say only one training session today, because this was a long one, it was a mammoth one,
00:37but they worked bloody hard didn't they? Yeah, about 2 hours wasn't it? Yeah, really really
00:41tough, I mean obviously the normal warm ups, a few rondos, keeping the ball and just getting
00:45the feet moving, and then again a lot of shape work, and a lot of 11v11 work actually, pressing,
00:52playing out from the back, different patterns of play, triangles a whole lot, and then a few
00:56of the players who will be nursing a couple of small nipples, which is normal and expected,
01:02went inside, and then the majority stayed out, and did a sort of much smaller 5-a-side style
01:08game, which gets very competitive doesn't it? And look, they want to win, and yeah,
01:13really really good watch again, and as you say, really tough in this heat, and it's hotter than
01:17yesterday I think, and just as humid, so yeah. Yeah, it's interesting isn't it, the transition
01:22between Marbella and now Miami, things have definitely rushed up a notch haven't they?
01:27They've gone up a couple of notches, because you look at maybe in Marbella, there's a bit more
01:32individual work, and small groups, and like you say now, there's quite a lot of 11v11,
01:36we're getting into the games now, you know, we travel, we go to Jacksonville, we've got the
01:40West Ham game on Saturday, so there will be a lot more games, a lot more 11v11, looking at things,
01:47but before we breathe, it's going to be Wolves against Arsenal isn't it? So look, it's great,
01:53and it's competitive isn't it, like these players aren't just passing and moving, there's a little
01:58bit of, not niggling there, but there's a few strong tackles going in there, and I think that's
02:01what Gary O'Neill will want, they want a little bit of contact, a little bit of strong contact,
02:05because that's what's going to happen, you know, as soon as Saturday really. Well you're not going
02:08to, well Saturday yeah definitely, but also Arsenal, you're not going to go into the Arsenal
02:11game and it's going to be a nice easy ride. It's not going to be a pre-season Charity Shield
02:15feel. Exactly, they're going to put Wolves through the wringer, it's going to be tough,
02:19and you've got to be prepared for that, and I could hear Gary at one point in the five-a-side
02:23obviously split into teams, all desperately trying to win, trying to score, and at one point there
02:27was a team 1-0 up almost at the end of their game, and Gary starts shouting, 1-0 up at the
02:31Emirates, two minutes to go, like he's starting to mentally prepare the players for that game.
02:35Just little snippets like that isn't he, like mention Arteta, mention Arsenal and Marbate,
02:39just to get the players on the same... I forget which player it was in Marbate,
02:43but he mentioned about Odegaard's going to be playing here, and obviously the majority of the
02:47tactical stuff in terms of communicating to the players will be a few weeks from now,
02:50because they've got plenty of games to come before that, but you start to just drop little things
02:54into the conversation, into the training, and you start to mentally prepare yourself for a really
02:58tough game obviously. I'd say 1-0 up with two minutes to go in the Arsenal. Absolutely,
03:00yeah absolutely, great start, even if they don't win the game, it's the same type of boy,
03:04happy days. Yeah it's obviously going to be tough, but then you've got, you talk about
03:08ramping it up, and then very quickly it's going to start coming down again, because you've got
03:12that game on Saturday against West Ham, their team are flying tomorrow over to Jacksonville,
03:16they're going to have to wind down a little bit in training before that game, so that they're
03:21prepared and not completely burnt out, and it's going to be a tough game. West Ham have made some
03:25good signings, one of them we know quite well. Who's that? Lopetegui, no Max Gilbert of course,
03:31can't forget the skipper. Yeah it's going to be interesting, we'll have a full preview of that
03:34game tomorrow. Just a couple of observations I think in training today, first of all,
03:38Wang Hee Chan was here today, wasn't involved yesterday? No he wasn't, but nothing to worry
03:43about as we said on the last video as well. So yeah, he was here, trained the full session,
03:48very involved, and looked good, looked strong, looked happy, going to be a key player for Wolves.
03:56You say looked good, a couple of players I think stood out to both of us today, Tommy Doyle,
04:00with his range of passing, which we know is exceptional, but just seeing it, not just an 11
04:04side game, but the five-a-side game that they play, it is simply sublime to watch at times,
04:08and when you look at the deal, when you look at Mateus Nunez going to Manchester City,
04:1351 million, and then Tommy Doyle coming up for 4.3 was it? 4.3 million, it's just an insane
04:19buy and I think he's one who's really going to progress this year and we'll see a lot more out
04:22of him. Both him and Chiquinho I thought did very well today. Yeah, 50% salon clause for Tommy Doyle,
04:27but for the money Wolves got him for, it could be 100% salon clause, I couldn't care less.
04:31It's an absolute steal to have him at this football club for that price, it really is.
04:38He was excellent, we know what he is technically as a footballer, we know how good he is,
04:41but you then see it close up in training, it's that 11 v 11 where he really shone,
04:46and he didn't have a load of space, but he's using it so beautifully. Cross field passes,
04:51lovely little intercourse passes in behind the line, just so good technically at bringing the
04:57ball down and finding a wall to shear. So, so impressive, I thought he did really well. Chiquinho
05:03you mentioned he actually did really well in both bits, but I think the Fibre side bit where
05:06a little bit of close control, close fee, a couple of nice goals, and you can see the
05:11staff's trying to encourage him, so it'll be interesting to see where he goes from here.
05:15Like you say, they travel now tomorrow, they'll go to Jacksonville game on Saturday night,
05:21they'll then come back on Sunday and they'll be joined by four new players, they'll be like
05:25new signings as they say, been away at the Euros and the Copa America respectively,
05:31but that'll be good to get these four players back. It will be good, it'll be good to get
05:35them back in because obviously the squad is looking pretty healthy as it is, but to have
05:39those four on top, I mean it's, you know, it's, it's, it's pretty impressive. Yeah,
05:43João Gomes, Pedro Neto, José Sarr, Nelson Simeone, my memory almost went there for a second,
05:49as I was going through, and obviously you need these key players in to start to get
05:55them ready for the Premier League season as well. Obviously Neto, there's obviously
05:58question marks over him, but the other three at the moment, it looks fairly standard that
06:02they'll stay at Wolves, and you need to start getting them in the rhythm for the Premier
06:05League season because they've had really good work in Marbella and over here, but tactically,
06:09fitness-wise, you need to start getting these guys integrated again. A couple of players who
06:14won't be here, Bubacar Traoré's at the Olympics, Enzo Gonzalez as well, so those are two that we
06:19won't see until, until probably the season starts, would you imagine? Most likely, obviously
06:22depends how they get on. Probably be late, late comers, would you say? Yeah, it depends
06:24how they get on at the Olympics as well, but yeah, for sure. I think I've said it before,
06:27but particularly with Bubacar Traoré, it's obviously, I think probably quite frustrating
06:31for, for Gary and the player, as much as the player will want to represent his country,
06:35of course, and I haven't spoken to Gary about this, but I'm sort of speaking for him, because
06:39we spoke at the end of the season to Gary about Buba and sort of what he could offer,
06:43and he said the pre-season's going to be really key for him, just so he can get him in and have
06:46a bit of coaching time with him, and now that coaching time's gone, and you can't blame the
06:51player, of course, you're going to represent your country at an Olympics, it's a fantastic
06:54opportunity for him, and he capped in the side as well the other day, so can't really blame him,
07:00but I think it's just going to hinder his impact, certainly in the early stages of the season, so
07:05we've got to hope and pray that he'll come back in good form, really. Yeah, we were looking at one
07:10of the drills that we were doing, weren't they, today, and it was Tommy Doe who was coming back
07:13and almost playing just in front of that, that back four that they were doing, and you were
07:16thinking that could be Bubacar Traore's role, wouldn't it? So, yeah, it'll be one that he might
07:20have to take a few weeks to get going and really make an impact into the squad. Yeah, I think he's
07:25going to need time. Now, the fact he's playing is going to benefit, he's playing in the Olympics,
07:30he's going to be match fit, that's definitely going to be a benefit, but to not have been
07:34around it, been around what they want to do tactically going into the new season, so I've
07:38not played any pre-season games, not been around his teammates, that's going to be a difficult one.
07:43Enzo Gonzalez, I think, is going to be someone that takes time and is going to need time anyway,
07:46so it's less of a concern for him, but more for Buba, who is in and around the first team and
07:51should be fighting to play with only four senior midfielders at the club. That's the end of the
07:55review for day two. Day three's video full preview of the West Ham game will be from Jacksonville,
08:00Florida. We're on a very early flight tomorrow, so we might be a little bit, have to have a little
08:03bit of foundation under the eyes for that video. You've made the most days, that needs to be fair.
08:07We'll see you tomorrow.
