Local artist Ken Wood chats about his life and upcoming exhibition.

  • 8 hours ago
Local artist Ken Wood chats about his life and upcoming exhibition.
00:00Okay Ken, so you're a local artist.
00:04Yes. And you paint military don't you?
00:08A lot of military. But you paint local scenes as well?
00:12Mainly local scenes. Like historic kind of scenes.
00:16I'm not black country born and bred, I was actually born in Ironbridge.
00:20Oh right. Where I was dragged kicking and screaming so to speak,
00:24when I was a kid. So how long have you been painting for Ken?
00:28I started painting when I was about, probably about ten or eleven.
00:32Right. And then I didn't do any for donkey's years obviously because I got to
00:36earn a living. But I started painting again
00:40when I was probably in my
00:44fifties. Yeah. And then I decided I wanted to take early retirement
00:48because I wanted to do something I've always wanted to do and that is to paint.
00:52Yes. And that's what I do now, so I consider myself very fortunate.
00:56Absolutely, absolutely. And you've got an
01:00exhibition coming up? I've got an exhibition coming up shortly, starting
01:04Friday. I'm not quite sure what the date is. The 18th
01:08I think it is, just for a weekend at Astley.
01:12It's the back of
01:16Stourport. Right. On the River Severn.
01:20And that starts on the 17th, that's only going to run for a weekend.
01:24And the week after that I've got an exhibition
01:28coming up with the Guild of Water
01:32Waterway Painters, which I'm a member of.
01:36And they've got their exhibition coming up at the
01:40Canal Trust. Oh right, yeah, Doodley Canal Trust. I think that's going to run for
01:44about a month. Excellent. So anybody that can make it there
01:48you'll find it very interesting. Yes. And it's free entry isn't it?
01:52Sorry? Is it free entry? Oh yes, it's free entry.
01:56So that'll be interesting. There's a nice cafeteria there if you need something to eat.
02:00So yeah, that'll be interesting. So have you got a preference
02:04Ken, of what you enjoy painting really? Yeah, well
02:08actually I do like canal scenes
02:12in Black Country, but sometimes I'll go onto the military scenes because
02:16everybody needs a change to get away from something, and I
02:20get away doing that. I've even painted pictures of
02:24Auschwitz. Oh right, right. The Holocaust, but that's
02:28you know, I do for
02:32because it's just something I think people should remember what happened. Absolutely, yes.
02:36Yes, absolutely. And that's it really. So can you ever see yourself
02:40giving it up and putting the brush down? No, no, I'll never give it up.
02:44I'll go to the studio
02:48in the sky when the time comes, brushing hands on my palette.
02:52Well it's been lovely to see you Ken, and fantastic
02:56work, and all the best for the future. And thank you for your interest.
