Omar Ibn Khattab Series - Episode 05 - WITH ENGLISH SUBTITLES

  • 3 months ago


00:08O people of Quraish!
00:10O people of Quraish!
00:12Until you are patient with Muhammad,
00:14you have seen his companions
00:16multiplying and not diminishing.
00:18And the season was not divided
00:20until his mention was fulfilled
00:22among the tribes of the Arabs.
00:24And you have thought that
00:26speech, debate,
00:28and review
00:30are of no use.
00:32Has the time not come
00:34to talk about him and his companions
00:36so that we may rest and rest,
00:38even if we were defeated
00:40by Bani Hashim?
00:42By Allah,
00:44the time has come.
00:46Your first words do not agree with me
00:48unless you oppose me later.
00:50We have known your opinion.
00:52I agree with you in some things
00:54and I oppose you in others.
00:56As for the time of the conquest,
00:58it has come.
01:00And I am the first to bear the staff and the sword.
01:04But what?
01:08We will not defeat Bani Hashim
01:10so that we may send them as a barrier
01:12between the tribes of Quraish.
01:14Muhammad and his companions
01:16are from all these tribes.
01:18It is better for every tribe
01:20to follow a Muslim,
01:22so that he may harm them,
01:24imprison them,
01:26burn them,
01:28or bring them back.
01:30So let no one look
01:32at my brother
01:34and say,
01:36this is my cousin's son,
01:38so take him as a shield
01:40even if he is against the religion of Muhammad.
01:42Start with your homes,
01:44and if you do,
01:46you will be sufficient for yourselves.
01:48As for this,
01:50it does not matter.
01:52You have been fair today, O Umar.
01:54Yes, you have been fair.
01:56But what danger
01:58does it pose to you
02:00to ask for anything for yourself
02:02in this religion?
02:14Should I not go to him
02:16and speak to him
02:18and offer him things
02:20so that he may accept some of them
02:22and we give him whatever he wants
02:24and he gives up on us?
02:26If he does not accept,
02:28let him do as he pleases.
02:50My father,
02:52he went out to speak to the Messenger of Allah.
02:54So be it, my father.
02:56I have come to you in a hurry.
03:06O Muhammad,
03:08are you better
03:10than Abdul Muttalib?
03:12If you claimed
03:14that they were better than you,
03:16they worshipped the gods
03:18that you worshipped.
03:20And if you claimed
03:22that they were better than you,
03:24then speak so that we may hear you.
03:26By Allah,
03:28we have seen
03:30how your people have become
03:32more evil than you.
03:34You have divided our community
03:36and you have divided our affairs
03:38and you have destroyed our religion.
03:40By Allah,
03:42we cannot wait
03:44for one another to stand
03:46with swords
03:48until we perish.
03:50My son,
03:52if you need anything,
03:54we have collected money for you
03:56so that you may be
03:58the wealthiest man in Quraish.
04:00And if you desire
04:04we have given you authority over us.
04:06And if you only
04:08desire women,
04:10then choose any women
04:12from Quraish that you like
04:14and we will marry you ten.
04:20Let us go.
05:20I swear to God,
05:22Abu Al-Waleed has come
05:24without his face.
05:26And I swear by you.
05:28What do you see, Abu Al-Waleed?
05:30I see that I have heard
05:32a word that I have not heard
05:36By Allah,
05:38it is neither poetry
05:40nor prophecy
05:42nor magic.
05:44O people of Quraish!
05:46Obey me
05:48and follow me.
05:50Leave this man
05:52and what he is doing
05:54and leave him alone.
05:58By Allah,
06:00there is a great news
06:02for what he says.
06:04If the Arabs attack him,
06:06you have already killed him
06:08with your own hands.
06:10And if he appears
06:12to the Arabs,
06:14his kingdom is yours
06:16and his glory is yours.
06:18And you were the happiest of people
06:20with him.
06:22By Allah,
06:24Abu Al-Waleed has bewitched you
06:26with his tongue.
06:28This is my opinion,
06:30so do as you see fit.
06:32By Allah, my father is right.
06:34If you only want to disbelieve
06:36in what Muhammad has brought,
06:38then at least listen to my opinion.
06:40We disbelieve.
06:42We disbelieve in the religion of the other.
06:46Is it really important to you,
06:48the opinion of your father
06:50and the religion of your father?
06:52Then why don't you sit with us
06:54and help us to deal with our enemy?
06:58I heard that you have my opinion.
07:02And this Salim is with you, too.
07:06What brought us to the opinion of Salim?
07:10If he finds a way out for us
07:12from what we are in,
07:14then Muhammad has made us helpless.
07:16Tell us, Salim,
07:20what do we do with Muhammad and his companions?
07:22Do we starve them?
07:24Do we thirst them?
07:26Do we thirst for them?
07:28Or do we expose them in every place?
07:30Shut up, O father of the ruler!
07:32Why do you say, father of ignorance,
07:34as Muhammad teaches you?
07:36What are you saying, father of the ruler?
07:38Don't you know that Abu Hudayfah has become a Muslim?
07:42And his son, Salim,
07:44has become a Muslim, too?
07:46I don't know.
07:48You know, father.
07:50You know that he is my son.
07:52I know that you have called him a son.
07:54But his father, who gave birth to him,
07:56did not give birth to him.
07:58Rather, he is as ignorant as he is ignorant.
08:00The Messenger of Allah has been just
08:02when you were his father.
08:04And you do not feel the truth
08:06of your father, Abu Al-Waleed.
08:08I swear to God,
08:10he was in need of your help.
08:12Shut up, father of the ruler,
08:14or you will hear from me what is bad for you.
08:16What is bad is worse than what is bad for you.
08:18Now that you have forsaken the religion of your fathers,
08:20we will glorify your dream
08:22and we will disgrace your opinion,
08:24you and your children.
08:26May Allah humiliate you, O enemy of Allah!
08:28O wicked, despicable, despicable!
08:30No, you are the one who has forsaken the religion of your fathers.
08:32Enough, father of the ruler!
08:36Have you forgotten that he is my son?
08:38Did he mention that you are his father,
08:40so he avoided you?
08:42By Allah, did you know
08:44that he had believed in Muhammad from time immemorial?
08:46And you hid it.
08:48If you are unable to respond,
08:50we will stop you.
08:52No one can harm him
08:54unless I dig his nose in the sand.
08:56And Salim,
08:58he is not your son.
09:00Will you not leave him between us?
09:02Whoever becomes the son of my son,
09:04I will become his grandfather.
09:06Do you not hear,
09:08O ruler of Quraish,
09:10that the father of Walid
09:12does not want to give us anything
09:14from his son and grandson?
09:16He has insisted
09:18that he finds in a house
09:20of Abd Shams
09:22a woman he hates.
09:24Is it not your duty
09:26to be hostile to your brother,
09:28Salamat bin Hisham,
09:30and your brother to your mother,
09:32Salamat Aslamah?
09:34Why do you hide
09:36from these people
09:38what you have hidden from me?
09:40Arrange your house first,
09:42then look at the houses of the people.
10:02What is this?
10:04Your hands are on me, God forbid!
10:10Abu al-Hakam,
10:12did you order them to do this?
10:14This is a sign of truth.
10:16Are you satisfied?
10:32Are you satisfied?
10:34Yes, we are.
10:36Thank God.
10:40This is what we do
10:42to our foolish people
10:44who have forsaken our religion
10:46and followed the wrong path.
10:48If only our brothers
10:50and our sons
10:52could go back or return.
10:56Come here.
10:58Come here.
11:00Come here.
11:02Come here.
11:04Come here.
11:06Leave me alone.
11:08Leave me alone.
11:10Leave me alone.
11:12Leave me alone.
11:14Leave me alone.
11:16I am angry with Muhammad
11:18and his companions,
11:20including two men from my family.
11:22If I die,
11:24I will kill you first.
11:30This is so that Bani Hashim
11:32and Abdi Manaf
11:34have no proof against us.
11:38Khalilaka and your companions,
11:40son of Hantama,
11:42if you think they are
11:44hungry and thirsty,
11:46talk to them
11:48and show us your proof.
12:00Do you like this, O Umar?
12:02You have brought it upon yourselves.
12:04By God,
12:06I have lived worse than I am now.
12:08But what is the use of you
12:10except to return?
12:12By God, we will not return.
12:26That day,
12:28in the city of Makkah,
12:30when you were speaking
12:32about Muhammad
12:34and claimed to have heard
12:36from some of his companions
12:38that he was the king
12:40of Persia and Rome
12:42and, in Islamic language,
12:44the far east and far west,
12:46and that Muhammad was dividing
12:48between truth and falsehood
12:50and that he was bringing people
12:52together in his religion.
12:54By God, I doubt
12:56that this is true.
12:58Then I pushed him
13:00and pushed him.
13:02I said,
13:04let his brother, Abu al-Hakam,
13:06and his uncle, al-Waleed ibn al-Mughirah,
13:08and I, his companion and his friend,
13:10do it.
13:12If only you remained
13:14as pure in Islam
13:16as we were in ignorance.
13:18And you will remain.
13:20How can I remain pure
13:22when I have entered
13:24your religion,
13:26and I have entered
13:28the religion of falsehood?
13:30Then how can we be together
13:34O Umar,
13:36by God, you are better than me
13:38in mind,
13:40kinder than me in soul,
13:42more truthful than me in speech,
13:44and you are a man of truth
13:46and honesty.
13:48Your outward appearance
13:50and your inner self
13:52are the perfect examples of morality.
13:54And I heard him say,
13:56people are metals like silver and gold.
13:58Their choice in ignorance
14:00is their choice in Islam when they understand it.
14:02And I have tested your metal.
14:04It is like pure gold.
14:12And I hope that your mind,
14:14your heart, and your character
14:16will not submit to you except for good.
14:18Because if you understand Islam,
14:20you will be greater and more noble
14:22and we will be your followers.
14:24And we are all followers of the Messenger of Allah,
14:26peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
14:28By God, your words are like my brother Zayd's words.
14:30Whenever he wanted
14:32to tell me something,
14:34he began to tell me such things.
14:36And I am not the kind of person
14:38who is deceived by falsehood.
14:40So if you think that I am helping you
14:42in this endeavor, then leave me alone.
14:44By God, I am not a doer
14:46until you return,
14:48and I will not be deceived by you.
15:02O Allah, forgive him.
15:04Come to me, O Banu Adi.
15:08Come to me, O Banu Adi.
15:12O Banu Adi, listen to what I say.
15:14The waves of the flood
15:16have reached the shores of Al-Hazm,
15:18and we will not have patience
15:20after this day
15:22for those of us who are patient.
15:24And the people of Surat al-Qawm
15:26have made a covenant
15:28that every tribe
15:30will follow those
15:32who have entered
15:34into the religion of Muhammad.
15:36And I am a follower of you.
15:38So whoever I know
15:40is a follower of my religion,
15:42and whoever I know
15:44has forsaken our religion
15:46and divided us,
15:48I will surely punish him
15:50with a severe punishment,
15:52and I will make him like him.
15:54I will separate between
15:56a brother and a cousin,
15:58a sister and the rest
16:00of the men of Adi,
16:02and their daughters,
16:04and their women,
16:06and their servants,
16:08and their servants,
16:10and their servants.
16:12And if Muhammad
16:14was equal
16:16among his friends,
16:18and he was equal
16:20in view of the rank
16:22and position of the people,
16:24and he assumed
16:26that they were all equal
16:28in truth,
16:30I will also be equal
16:32to those who part
16:34our religion from you,
16:36and I will not unite them
16:38And I have warned you about Sawa'a, so go ahead.
17:08And I have warned you about Sawa'a, so go ahead.
17:38This is not a rage.
17:42It's like the first poem.
17:45We're standing on the edge,
17:47and we're leaving, and we're leaving.
17:50We haven't reached our goal yet.
17:54Whoever wants to follow these fools, let him.
17:59And I'm sure I'll make him wish for death.
18:04And he won't find it until he kills himself.
18:08And he won't find it until he kills himself.
18:12Muhammad warns us of a temporary hell.
18:17The hell is here.
18:20The hell is now.
18:23It's urgent, not transient.
18:27It's permanent, not intermittent.
18:31And what's the news?
18:33It's only a reality.
18:37And the news is not like reality.
18:40Look at them.
18:43These are the kings of Persia and the Levant,
18:47as Muhammad warns them.
18:56Have you given up the curse, kings?
19:00I've given up the curse.
19:03I've given up your sacrifice.
19:07And you...
19:09I'll throw the flies away from you.
19:12With the feathers of the birds, my lord.
19:18I'll come to you, my lord,
19:21with a cup of wine.
19:24It will be as clear as the light of the lamp.
19:33I'll come to you, my lord.
19:43And you, my lord,
19:47I'll call some of my men to you.
19:50They'll beat us to death.
19:53They'll dance to the music of the drums.
19:57They'll sing to us from the poetry of the wind.
20:01And I'll push them, and they'll push back.
20:05The cats will walk to the sheep.
20:09And I'll love them, and you'll love me.
20:12And they'll love us, and you'll love me.
20:16I've never seen kings like these before.
20:20They've forgotten the world.
20:23They've forgotten their past.
20:26They've forgotten the treasures of the earth.
20:31Or maybe I don't serve the kings well enough.
20:35So they've turned their backs on me.
20:39And I've turned my back on them.
20:42And they've turned their backs on her and on me.
20:46So, will you not hold the judge accountable?
20:57You've seen it.
21:00Let him who has a mind consider it.
21:04And cast the poison.
21:07And don't expect me to have kings like these.
21:10Mecca is fed up with its kings.
21:47Water, quickly!
22:05Be patient.
22:07Be patient until God gives you a chance.
22:13Haven't I forbidden you?
22:16Haven't I forbidden you?
22:18By God, I leave you nothing but boredom.
22:32Take them, and keep them where I have commanded you.
22:35Put chains around their legs.
22:37Don't feed them.
22:39Don't give them anything but what they can hold.
22:42And let death take its course.
22:54You are here.
22:56And you won't help me.
23:00Enough is enough, my brother, Omar.
23:03Enough is enough for me to carry all my enemies on my shoulders.
23:06With a stick?
23:07With a stick!
23:09What about Omar, whom I know?
23:13And who is Omar, whom you know?
23:16Omar, whom I was told one day in the desert
23:19to be led by a group of men,
23:22as if they were some of your sons.
23:26Omar, whom I was also told
23:28to be led by a group of men,
23:31Omar, whom I was told one day in the desert
23:34to be led by a group of men,
23:36who are afraid of the strong and the unjust,
23:38and who are afraid of the weak,
23:40and who are afraid of the weak, and who are afraid of the poor.
23:43You forgot Omar, who loves his people,
23:45and hates their division, their disorder,
23:47and the courage of the people against them.
23:49If he is hard, then he will be punished,
23:51and he will be returned, and he will be reformed.
23:53And brother Hazm, he may be hard on those who are merciful.
23:57And maybe a punishment will be inherited by Salah.
24:00And stories of oppression,
24:03and the death of the living.
24:07And if people were not afraid of people,
24:09the earth would have been corrupted,
24:11and people would have eaten each other.
24:18There is no power or strength except with God.
24:21A true word,
24:24if it is revealed in a place.
26:01I swear by a son who has ruined me,
26:04and by a son who has taken away my soul,
26:07and by a son who has taken away my soul,
26:10and by a son who has taken away my soul.
26:13Give me, O Lord, the strength to be with you,
26:15and guide me to the right path.
26:20Do not be impatient before the show intensifies.
26:22Where is that slave?
26:24I told him to prepare himself to go out with us,
26:26so he may carry our belongings and gather our strength.
26:30As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah, as-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah.
26:37Allahumma bima an'amta alayya fala taj'alni maa al-qawli al-dhalimeen, wa najni min amali
26:47Allahumma inni dha'ifun fa qawwini, wakfini bika an khalqik.
26:52Allahumma ya maladha al-mustadhafeen, alja'tu dhahri ilayya, wakfini bika an khalqik.
26:59Alja'tu dhahri ilayka, wa tawakkaltu alayka, wa ista'adtu bika min kulli jabbarin a'aleen.
27:06Amantu billahi rabbaha, wa bil-islami deena, wa bi-Muhammadin nabiyaan wa rasoola.
27:14Ayyuha al-khurab al-aswad!
27:29Amanta li-Muhammadin, wa lam tarqab amri?
27:36La astadhinu fi amri rabbi.
27:40Wa mata kana rabbu al-abid?
27:43Ghayra arbabi asyadihim?
27:46Ud'u rabbaka idhan, an yasrifa anka azaban.
27:50Owshiku an usriaka bih.
27:53Wa lam ta'arif mislahu al-arab.
27:56La nibtalani rabbi bi'adhabin yusibuni minka liya'lama sidqi.
28:00Falasbiranna sabran lam ta'arifu al-arab.
28:03Wa ayna adhabun yanaluni biyadik, min adhabin yunzilhu Allah bik?
28:15Wa taruddu alayya ya ibn al-sawda.
28:19Sabaa abdi!
28:22Faman sha'a yaraa azabahu.
28:25Fal yalhaqbinaa ila ramdaa imakka.
28:28Aslama bilal, wakafur wa mayyatu ibn khalaf.
28:31Wala abab al-akhirati ashaddu wa'afa.
29:39One by one.
29:41Muhammad is in your family.
29:43His people have prevented him.
29:45And you are in this now.
29:48So what is it that carries you?
29:50And you are in need of him.
29:52If you want, you have lifted the punishment from yourself.
29:56He has poisoned Muhammad.
29:58And I am stopping the clock.
30:02One by one.
30:09Ah! Ah! Ah!
30:20Kafur, I have your command here.
30:39Ah! Ah! Ah!
30:57Did your servant give you, O Abu Ali?
31:00I have come to the point that I testify to the people that you do not give up,
31:04until he gives you to himself and poisons Muhammad.
31:08Tomorrow, tomorrow.
31:11And you!
31:13Did your hands get tired from the beating of the whip,
31:16and you were relieved?
31:18Did you not know that your guardians,
31:20Yasir al-Ansi, and his wife Sumayya,
31:23and his son Ammar,
31:25are on the religion of Muhammad?
31:28Ah! Ah!
31:58He is weak.
32:00He is not strong enough for the son of Jubeir ibn Mut'im,
32:03as much as Al-Bashar is.
32:05So what is it that worries him today?
32:10No, it is not.
32:12Rather, it is the magic of Muhammad,
32:14his magicians,
32:16so that he does not know what people know.
32:18If you had not testified to the people about yourself and him,
32:21they would have watched.
32:23Which of you would have given up first?
32:25Then you denied him a weakness.
32:27It was a curse.
32:29And he said to them,
32:31The servant has won, and his master has been defeated.
32:34Then the rest of the servants became an example to be followed,
32:37and he corrupted them against us.
32:39And I heard that day the evil Abu al-Hakam.
32:42I will not fail.
32:44I will not fail until he gives me,
32:47or destroys me.
32:56So this is what you were worried about,
32:58to tell me about it and then silence me.
33:01And doubt has overcome me.
33:05But I pushed him to speak.
33:07What is the matter with a servant like me and like him
33:09in what the Arabs are disputing?
33:11What are you saying, you monster?
33:13Do you still think with your skin or with your mind?
33:16Yes, my skin is like your skin,
33:19except that it is armored.
33:21My skin is like your skin,
33:23but my heart is different from yours.
33:25Fool, crazy.
33:27Why are you doing this to me, you monster?
33:30Why do you hate me and not make an agreement?
33:33If your master had known the secret,
33:35he would not have seen you at the hour.
33:37Maybe I'm a fool like you.
33:39Isn't what you have in me enough to increase it?
33:42Yes, you are a fool.
33:44You are a fool.
33:46You are a fool.
33:48You are a fool.
33:50You are a fool.
33:53Yes, a fool.
33:56You are a fool.
33:59Umair bin Khalaf and I are on the same page.
34:02I should be the one who is the fool.
34:05You and I are on the same page.
34:10I'm with Abu Bakr and Abdurrahman ibn Avf,
34:13Uthman ibn Affan,
34:15and Ali ibn Abi Talib,
34:17You are right. You and those people are the same.
34:21You are a fool, as you said.
34:25Those people have already converted to Islam.
34:27Have you seen anyone being tortured as you are being tortured?
34:31Then you invite me to your religion, so that I will do as you do.
34:35I urge you to be more patient than I am, and you are stronger than me.
34:39This is what confuses me today.
34:41How could you be patient with all that torture?
34:44I didn't know your determination until now.
34:47Islam, you monster.
34:50Don't you understand?
34:52I only understand that you are a slave like me,
34:54and that you are being tortured, and I am not being tortured.
34:57I am the one who sent Muhammad with the truth.
35:00Today I have found more freedom than Umayyah bin Khalaf.
35:14This is the place where the Prophet Muhammad was martyred.
35:19This is the place where the Prophet Muhammad was martyred.
35:24This is the place where the Prophet Muhammad was martyred.
35:29This is the place where the Prophet Muhammad was martyred.
35:34This is the place where the Prophet Muhammad was martyred.
35:47Is Allah and His glory better, or the Lord of Muhammad?
35:51One is better than the other.
35:53No, Allah and His glory are better.
35:56One is better than the other.
35:59Say you don't believe in Muhammad, and leave this place.
36:04One is better than the other.
36:07You are cursed, you ungrateful man.
36:13Our servants and guardians.
36:18They are better for us, and worse for us.
36:22We have paid you, and protected you, and fed you.
36:27We have married you.
36:32Then you leave our opinion and follow Muhammad.
36:38Is this the best you can bring back, you ungrateful people?
36:43Is this the best you can bring back, you ungrateful people?
36:52Either you go back, or we destroy you.
36:57So choose.
37:01Even you?
37:04Even you, you black, stupid, ungrateful man.
37:10You were carrying the dough for us.
37:14And you didn't look at any of us.
37:18I swear, I will humiliate you.
37:22May Allah humiliate you, you enemy of Allah.
37:31Leave her, leave her, and kill me if you want.
37:36That is easier for you.
37:39But don't die until you see what I will do with her.
37:43Or you all go back, and curse Muhammad.
37:47May Allah curse you, you enemy of Allah.
37:51You are foolish, you are ungrateful, and you have fallen.
37:56And you forgot your anger.
38:09Wait, mother.
38:19How do you feel now?
38:22The hell that Muhammad promised us.
38:26Is it hotter than this earth and this rock?
38:31No one, no one.
38:37Remember Allah and his glory.
38:40Just remember them.
38:42I don't want more than this.
38:45No one, no one.
38:54You don't have to curse Muhammad.
38:58Just remember Allah and his glory, as you remember your God.
39:04One word that these people hear.
39:11No one, no one.
39:29It is only one word.
39:32No one, no one.
39:35I can't.
39:39No one, no one.
39:42It is not heavy.
39:45Is this rock really heavy?
39:50My tongue can't speak.
39:54Tell me, Bilal.
39:57Didn't you know that none of your companions...
40:01...has been tortured as you have been tortured?
40:05Give him to me, so that his punishment will be lightened.
