The Phantom Chapter 9

  • 3 months ago
The Phantom Chapter 9
00:30Attempting to stop Davidson from continuing his trek to Zolo's, Dr. Bremmer's men prepare
00:57an ambush at Martu Pass. The Phantom, after rescuing Diana, races to the pass to warn
01:04the expedition.
01:05Ah, let's hook it up here. This ought to be far enough.
01:06Hurry up, fellas. The sapphire's heading in close to the fires.
01:07Good. We're practically set.
01:08Now all you've got to do is pull that plunger up and hurry down on it when I give you the
02:03That's the end of Braddock, too.
02:11You can bury the Phantom and the sapphire at the same time.
02:20You get back to the plunger. When I drop my hand, let it go.
02:32Get back! Danger! Get back!
02:45That ought to satisfy Bremmer.
02:47Yeah, we'll strike him for a raise when we get back. Come on, let's get out of here.
02:57Look! Phantom alive!
02:59You stay. Moku, help.
03:06Master, Moku, come help.
03:29You see? Phantom cannot die.
03:36You had a narrow escape, man.
03:38Yes, indeed it was.
03:39The men who were responsible for this explosion are the same gang who attacked you, Doctor.
03:43But Diana, where is she?
03:44Don't worry, she's all right. I left her back on the main trailer with my dog to guard her.
03:48I had to travel fast, hoping to prevent this explosion.
03:51Well, how did you know the explosion was going to take place?
03:54I overheard some of the men talking who had captured Diana.
03:57You push on. I'll catch up with you long before you get to the Estari River.
04:02I'll go back for Diana now. Good luck, Doctor. See you later, Professor.
04:06Come on, Moku.
04:07Oh, thanks. I won't forget what you've done for us.
04:11Well, I sincerely hope this is the end of our troubles.
04:15And that we'll find that seven key at the Estari village.
04:18For your sake, Professor, I hope so too.
04:20Well, I'd better travel on now. It's still quite a journey from here to the Langa village.
04:23Hadn't you better take a couple of our porters?
04:25Oh, no thanks. I'm an old hand at the jungle. This isn't the first time I've traveled alone.
04:29Good luck, Professor. Goodbye, Byron.
04:32All right, Harkin. Let's get the porters started.
04:35Mulukka! Mulukka!
04:51Hi, Doc.
04:56Who was the fool that talked so loud about dynamiting the pass that the Phantom could overhear it?
05:00Oh, not us, Doc. We weren't even there at the time.
05:02That's just your good luck. Wait till I get my hands on those other morons.
05:06It's too bad you still have that Phantom to worry about.
05:09I'll take care of him at the same time I eliminate the Professor and his party.
05:12It's a good thing I had the foresight to arrange a reception for them at the Estari village.
05:16Can we come along and see the fireworks?
05:18No, you go back and join the others. Then all of you go on to Zolis.
05:21I'll meet you there in a few days.
05:23Come on, give me a hand here.
05:32Nice journey, Doc.
05:41I'm getting tired. Let's have a rest.
05:44There's something creepy about this part of the jungle.
05:47What do you mean?
05:49No sounds, no life. It's just dead.
05:52Don't worry. Diana will be here shortly to cheer you up.
05:56I wonder what's keeping her and the Phantom.
05:58They're traveling light. They should have made better time than we did.
06:00There's nothing to worry about.
06:02All this territory belongs to the Estari tribe. They're very friendly.
06:05I hope you're right.
06:07They've been under the Phantom's rule for years.
06:09I'm getting hungry. Let's start a fire and prepare some food while we're waiting.
06:13All right.
06:29Nothing's here. I wonder where they are.
06:40That's funny.
06:41I wonder what in the world could have happened to them.
06:46What's the matter, Devil?
06:55It's Larkin, killed by a poison arrow.
06:58What's happened to my uncle and Byron? We've got to find them.
07:01Arrow shot by Estari warrior.
07:03Are you sure?
07:05But Mr. Larkin told us that the Estari tribe was friendly.
07:08We've got to get to the Estari village at once to find out what's become of his safari.
07:13Go on.
07:17Moku, go look for a canoe or raft.
07:19Yes, Master.
07:20Take Devil with you.
07:21You and I go look this way, see what we can find.
07:36What do the drums say?
07:38They're calling all Estari to worship the Fire Princess.
07:41The Fire Princess? Who's she?
07:44The story goes that many years ago, the Estari tribe was ruled by a woman known as the Fire Princess.
07:50They believed her to be a goddess, a descendant of the sun.
07:54She ruled them wisely and well, and she was known as the Fire Princess.
07:58The Fire Princess is a goddess.
08:00They believed her to be a goddess, a descendant of the sun.
08:03She ruled them wisely and well, and they became all-powerful in the jungle.
08:08Believing her work on earth accomplished, she vanished and returned to her seat in the sky,
08:13after promising them that one day she would return.
08:16Surely you don't believe that legend.
08:18Of course not, but the natives do.
08:20That's why whoever calls herself the Fire Princess now can take advantage of them.
08:25She may be responsible for Larkin's murder and the safari's disappearance.
08:28Well, then we must get to the village as quickly as possible.
08:39Look, a canoe.
08:47You prisoners.
08:48What's the meaning of this?
08:49You phantom, ghost who walks.
08:51That's right. Then drop those spears.
08:53No, Fire Princess commands we bring you to her.
08:57I'd be taking a chance on your life if I tried to evade them.
09:00I'll say you would.
09:01Get your hands up and turn around.
09:06And who are you?
09:07A pickpocket from Brooklyn.
09:12Now get in that canoe, both of you.
09:14Go on.
09:26Get in.
09:39Go on.
09:48What am I supposed to do next?
09:50You just wait until the phantom gets here and then go to work.
09:54Won't you please change your mind?
09:56You know, it's one thing to pretend to be a fire goddess to fool a bunch of natives,
10:00but another to deliberately lure a man to his death.
10:03You'll do exactly as you're told.
10:05And if I don't?
10:07Well, in that case, I'll be forced to tell the natives you're nothing but a cheap dancer I picked up in Sapana.
10:12They'll only tear you apart.
10:14All right, you win.
10:16That's better.
10:19Now, once the phantom's out of the way, you're going to rule the jungle.
10:22And you'll provide me with all the native help I need to build my air base at Zolos.
10:33Come in.
10:36Well, what is it, Perry?
10:38Your men have captured the phantom, and your boats are now near the landing.
10:41Very well. You may go now.
10:49Well, so far, so good.
10:52I'd hoped they couldn't catch him.
10:54Come on.
11:21Pull the wagon.
11:42Walla Walla.
11:44Move up against that tree.
11:50Now, young lady, you can come with me.
11:51Why are you taking her?
11:52To greet her uncle and her boyfriend.
11:54You'll meet them all later.
12:18Afraid of what they may do to you.
12:19Speak for yourself, John.
14:03My people, I have conquered the flames again.
14:08Welcome, old phantom. I have waited many moons for this hour.
14:12Now I know the reason for my urge to come here.
14:14I, the daughter of the sun, believe that you too are immortal.
14:18The phantom is the man who never dies.
14:20Prove that to me.
14:21Go through these flames and come out unscorched, the same as I did.
14:29Listen to them.
14:30They say you're afraid.
14:32The phantom doesn't dare.
14:35I'll do it.
14:36With the understanding that after I come out, you'll immediately release my friends.
14:41Your request is my command.
14:43I am ready.
14:48I am ready.
14:54He's one man and a million.
15:41Whom is Bremer after now?
15:43And what is the mystery about the Astare chief?
15:46For the answer, don't miss The Chamber of Death,
15:49the next excitement-laden episode of The Phantom,
15:53at this theater next week.