Analysis of Sonic Rivals 2's Plot Part 3

  • il y a 3 mois


00:00Knuckles thinks he's crazy.
00:02Instead of explaining why Chao can help, he gets offended and they fight.
00:07You sure proved him wrong.
00:09Silver must have been holding back the whole fight because you think he would have easily killed Knuckles or sent him to the hospital because of his psychokinesis.
00:18I love Rouge's line here.
00:20If it doesn't glitter, it isn't gold to me.
00:22Espio states the obvious that the Chao is sitting on the Chaos Emerald.
00:27Him stating the obvious implies that he only just now noticed this, which makes me wonder how people didn't notice that before.
00:34Is a Chao really big enough to hide an entire Chaos Emerald just by sitting on it?
00:41How could a Chaos Emerald stand on its own instead of toppling over when a Chao tries to sit on it?
00:46That wouldn't hide it.
00:48The Chao would just be sitting on top of it and everyone would see the Emerald right below it.
00:52Unless the Emerald was in front of a little hill.
00:55Then they would only see the Chao.
00:57They'd have to walk ahead a few steps and then they would see what he was commenting on.
01:02And it says that if she follows him, Silver can get the other Chao.
01:06Silver says that since he trusted him, he'll tell him what's going on.
01:10But he thought he trusted him before.
01:12So why didn't he tell him this immediately?
01:15And he's in a confrontational pose even though he's not angry with him or about to attack him.
01:21Why did it say he looked like he was about to rant at him?
01:24Eggman naked shows up and sends his deadly machine after him.
01:28That really shouldn't stop him from explaining the rest of it,
01:31considering that it would only take a few seconds for Silver to say the Ifrit needs a sacrifice.
01:36When Knuckles and Rouge show up, Silver says that he can take them all on.
01:40Why can't they work together?
01:42He has to know that he gets the same person.
01:45After Knuckles tries to get Eggman to tell him what the Master Emerald is,
01:48even though he should know that Ifrit is doomed from the start,
01:51Silver tells him to shut up.
01:53Why does Silver need to talk to him?
01:56It's such a clearly futile effort.
01:58And there's no reason Silver can't just talk to him while Knuckles and Rouge are there.
02:02Rouge complains about him taking that tone with us,
02:05even though we only said that to Knuckles,
02:07and his tone really wasn't that harsh.
02:09Eggman naked actually lampshades this unnecessary conflict.
02:14And again, I have to assume that the reason Silver doesn't just fly up to Eggman naked with his powers
02:19is that he knows that he could just fly up in the Eggmobile,
02:24and he doesn't want to run out of power and fall because his meter became empty.
02:28Because he assumes the Eggmobile can fly up faster than he can fly up.
02:32After all, what's made for dealing with Sonic?
02:35Knuckles complains that Eggman vanished.
02:38It's weird to see a tough guy like him saying Drat.
02:41It's pretty repetitive how at the start of multiple levels in a row,
02:45you have the characters in every storyline complaining that Eggman got away from them
02:49without them being able to chase after him somehow.
02:52Knuckles tells Rouge to try using the detector by that cactus,
02:56and she's rude to him for no reason.
02:59Concentrate on what?
03:02It sounds a little weird hearing someone like Shadow say,
03:05Hey, in handy.
03:07Maybe he's loosening up.
03:09I can't tell you why.
03:12It makes absolutely no sense for Shadow to be keeping this confrontational from his best friend.
03:18And expects nothing bad to happen when he just asks her the question all suspicious-like.
03:23Oh, actually, he does trust her.
03:26Why does it say the key to opening that portal is the 7 Chaos Emeralds?
03:30Isn't it the Chao?
03:32I love that he doesn't explain to her what the Ifrit is or that it's threatening the world.
03:36Great writing there.
03:38Wouldn't she just ask what the Ifrit is?
03:41Why would she agree to look for jewels just to give them away?
03:45Shadow asks her who hired her, and she gives him a taste of his own medicine.
03:50Rouge is smart enough to try to manipulate Knuckles into wanting to help
03:53by saying you might even have the Master Emerald.
03:56And Rouge didn't need to manipulate him.
03:58He would've wanted to save the world anyways.
04:01Then Eggmanega shows up.
04:04What is it with the characters in this game and uncharacteristically wanting to defeat the villains all by themselves?
04:10Now here's the alternate scenes that you can find from playing the other storylines here.
04:14Sonic talks as if the only thing Eggman's good at is running away.
04:18And not inventing stuff.
04:20Tails finds another page from Eggmanega's book.
04:24Tails reads the page and says the Ifrit destroyed the entire and that's it.
04:29So it wasn't written by someone who was in the world that was being destroyed.
04:34Maybe that person escaped that world.
04:37Usually world's the only word used in that context.
04:41Well that's a bland response.
04:43Yep, this thing is definitely part of the plot alright.
04:47I like that Tails is happy to see both of them.
04:51Rouge says that they need rings.
04:53And asks Sonic and Tails for help.
04:56So Sonic agrees.
04:58So that's nice.
04:59Silver's exhausted and Espio wonders what's going on.
05:03I guess he showed up before he said that.
05:05Separating from him for some reason.
05:07Silver explains something to him while inexplicably no longer being tired.
05:12So why didn't he tell him this earlier?
05:14It's so easy to forget that the Ifrit plans on becoming invincible by absorbing those Chao.
05:20And of course he doesn't explain why that makes sense.
05:23So we're left with a weird plot that will confuse a lot of people.
05:27Just because they have magic in them doesn't mean it makes sense that they'd become invincible from eating them.
05:32Because it's not like Chao are invincible.
05:35Because they hate being abused.
05:37I can understand it becoming more powerful when it comes to the abilities that it has.
05:42But why would it become invincible?
05:45Even Chaos isn't invincible.
05:49That's not exactly the right response to that.
05:51He sounds impressed.
05:53Like it's going to eat my cat?
05:57Silver says he needs some rings to power himself up.
06:00Since when does Silver's powers run on rings?
06:03I don't remember collecting rings making it fill up faster.
06:07Every other character has their special abilities have an infinite amount of energy.
06:11But not Silver.
06:13It's good to have him be balanced considering he's the most overpowered character next to Shadow.
06:18I wish this was in the comic though.
06:21Because then it would make sense that he doesn't use telekinesis at every opportunity.
06:26But I can't assume that it's the case in IDW because I'm pretty sure the writers haven't seen this.
06:32One of those writers didn't even see his gameplay in 06.
06:36Of course they wouldn't have seen an obscure cutscene.
06:39The two of them hear Rouge asking Sonic to round up some rings and decide to go after Sonic and Tails.
06:45Very sneaky doesn't really explain it.
06:48Why does he think it's going to backfire on him if he doesn't tell him the truth immediately?
06:54Why did Gerald Robotnik have vials on interdimensional beasts that destroyed a dimension?
07:00How and why did he research that?
07:03He just knew everything the plot needed him to.
07:06It makes me glad that he's not referenced anymore.
07:09Why are they making Gerald Robotnik know everything?
07:12How did he have the time to research all of this on his own when the military wouldn't have known about the Ifrit?
07:18And the funding to invent things that weren't weapons that he didn't need?
07:22Asbel shows up and tells Sonic that he needs the rings before taking them.
07:27But he doesn't explain why, although that is faster.
07:30But all you'd have to say is Silver is exhausted.
07:33Instead of provoking him into bothering him.
07:36So it wouldn't take any time to explain things to him.
07:39And here's Silver's biggest out-of-character moment.
07:42Why would he call him a half-pint?
07:45Sonic complains about the thieves wondering where they went and Eggman Nega shows up.
07:50Why is he asking if he's talking about him?
07:53Again, he decides to send his machine after him.
07:57Then Silver shows up, telling Sonic and Tails to step aside because he needs to talk to him first.
08:03For no reason.
08:05And Sonic doesn't humor him for no reason.
08:08Isn't he supposed to be a good person?
08:11This is the most repetitive plot in all of Sonic.
08:14When Shadow tells Eggman that Rouge was hired by someone to find Emeralds,
08:18Eggman says it must be Eggman Nega.
08:21That sounds like jumping to conclusions.
08:24Shadow would have told her that Eggman Nega turned her into a card.
08:28Why would you think he would hold up his end of the bargain?
08:31Rouge is supposed to be smart.
08:33This isn't a mystery we have to know the answer to.
08:36Eggman Nega says you know too much.
08:39You know, this would only make sense if Rouge didn't know it was Eggman Nega.
08:44Silver gets his strength back.
08:46He should have been able to do anything, Tails, with no strength.
08:50Someone exhausted wouldn't expend the effort of calling someone a half-pint.
08:55So on the next level,
08:57Eggman warns Shadow that the signal will break up when he gets into the mansion.
09:01But since Shadow already knows everything he needs to know, it doesn't matter.
09:05I'll head there from here too.
09:07Metal Sonic is doing all the work,
09:10and Eggman's not even controlling him.
09:12Why is he saying that he's the one heading there and not the robot who actually is?
09:17Shadow says he has a bad feeling about the mansion,
09:20implying that after all the unique level themes in the Rivals games,
09:24they're just gonna recycle Mystic Mansion all over again.
09:27Why is Shadow afraid of ghosts?
09:30Isn't he supposed to be more confident than that?
09:33Intercept is such a vague term.
09:36He's not telling him exactly what to do after he goes to them.
09:40Why didn't he react that way to Metal Sonic the last time he saw him
09:43instead of just calling him an outdated machine?
09:46He chooses now to be intimidated by him?
09:48He has psychokinesis!
09:50He could just tear him apart.
09:53It's pretty sweet of him to call him a metal hedgehog instead of just a robot.
09:57Maybe there's a lot of robots living peacefully with this society in the future,
10:01and they're referred to in politically correct ways the way he's doing now.
10:05Maybe he thinks he's a good guy now.
10:07Of course, he would jump to that conclusion when he's working with a Mobian.
10:11It doesn't really matter what powers Metal Sonic has,
10:14because Silver can grab people with telekinesis,
10:17so it shouldn't have been written that they had to fight with each other.
10:20The only reason he would hold back
10:22is if he literally thinks he's just a metal hedgehog instead of a robot.
10:27Which, again, makes sense because he was working with Shadow.
10:30So he thinks he's just a roboticized person.
10:33There was roboticization in Lost World,
10:36so it is canon to the games.
10:39And of course, in the future, it would be more than just a cyborg thing.
10:43Silver accepted a fight from him,
10:45but then he runs away from him and he has to race him.
10:48So what really happened here?
10:50Did Silver be all like,
10:52I accept your challenge,
10:54and then start running away screaming?
10:57And then Knuckles talks to Metal Sonic.
11:00Well, that was a stupid line.
11:02Of course, he's Eggman's creation.
11:04He met him before!
11:07Knuckles, I'm not sure how destroying a robot will lead you back to his master.
11:12I'm not sure how Knuckles survived that fight,
11:15or how neither of them got injured enough to affect the plot.
11:19It has to be that Metal Sonic is only fast when he's trying to fly ahead,
11:24as symbolized by the fact that he needs a jet engine when Sonic doesn't.
11:29So when it comes to fighting up close,
11:32Knuckles is gonna be better than him because he's fast on his own and stronger.
11:38Shadow points something out to Eggman Nega.
11:43Knuckles shows up,
11:45once again demanding to be told where the Master Emerald is and expecting an answer.
11:50He goes from laughing like he's going to lie to him, to lying nervously.
11:54This is one of the most nonsensical plots in a Sonic game.
11:58Shadow finally realizes that it's Eggman Nega.
12:02So now for some other scenes.
12:04Espio gives Silver another chow and is thanked for it.
12:08I guess he decided it was safer to reveal himself and look the way he normally does around Silver
12:13because no one's near enough to walk in on the scene.
12:16Even though Sonic's fast, so he could come over here at any second.
12:20Why does he go through the trouble of changing clothes and moving hair dye
12:24to return to his normal appearance just for one scene?
12:27Eggman Nega tells Silver that he's already gathered more than enough chow to feed the Ifrit,
12:32and they're all sealed away in a secret room in the mansion,
12:34once again being an idiot by telling Silver his plan.
12:37Silver could've gotten himself killed without being lured to a trap.
12:43So that's why Silver was looking for a secret room.
12:46Silver is about to give up hope, but Espio tells him not to give up and to find that room.
12:52So it's not even new for him to give him a pep talk in IDW.
12:56Sonic sees a ghost that somehow imitates his shape with evil red eyes,
13:00and he decides to run away to Nobile.
13:03Well, that was pointless.
13:05I say somehow because none of the ghosts in Sonic Adventure 2 or Zandopolis could do this.
13:11It's pretty overpowered, actually.
13:14I guess ghosts are really limited in intelligence,
13:17because you'd think one would take over a country by shapeshifting into the president.
13:21I guess it can only be in a very specific location, where they have unfinished business.
13:27Later on, you see that Tails had the dumbass idea to suggest to Sonic
13:30that he split up from him when going to a haunted mansion.
13:34John replied much?
13:36He doubted that the mansion was actually haunted,
13:39but after going through Sonic Adventure 2 and Mystic Mansion,
13:43he's pretty stupid to think that when he sees a carbon copy of that mansion.
13:47For all I remember, it doesn't look exactly like it, but it's a similar theme.
13:52Tails sees a ghost who looks like him and runs away to Nobile,
13:56and then it changes into Sonic.
13:58And Sonic had no problem with beating up someone looking like his little brother, either.
14:02There is being an antihero, and this is just weird even for him.
14:08You'd expect this level of pragmatism from Shadow.
14:11Of course, he would still do it to just hesitate first.
14:15Espio talks to Knuckles, who says that he thinks either Eggman or Shadow has the Master Emerald.
14:22Why would he ever think that Shadow stole the Master Emerald?
14:25If he hasn't taken it by now, he never will.
14:28He thinks he's powerful enough.
14:30Espio responds uncharacteristically rudely for no reason.
14:35Even though his character portrait has him with a friendly smile.
14:40I thought Espio would provoke a fight with him, but no.
14:43He just leaves.
14:45That's good.
14:47She is acting like a bully here.
14:50Rouge says that she'll tell Silver where some Chao are if he gives her some Chaos Emeralds,
14:55even though she's looking for just one Emerald and has six of them.
14:59And I don't know why she'd know where any Chao are anyways.
15:02Maybe she doesn't.
15:04I know she doesn't, and she's just saying that to trick him into rewarding her, and then she'll just run away.
