Analysis of Sonic Runners' Plot Part 2

  • il y a 3 mois


00:00Sonic says it's a great idea to warn all of the animals here about the danger.
00:04Why do the heroes in Omochao need to find something for an animal to eat?
00:08He usually eats from the forest floor, as opposed to a soup kitchen,
00:13which would probably have better tasting food.
00:15Or his house for that matter.
00:17Are they people or animals?
00:19This is a world with sentient robots in it.
00:21The only way he could have not advanced to the point of having soup kitchens
00:25would be if Eggman makes automatic machines that destroy them all.
00:29And where are the houses?
00:31Sonic 1 never specified that Sonic or Eggman wasn't native to the planet.
00:35So it's not that Eggman's the only source of good technology because he's an alien,
00:39which seems to be what they're going with now.
00:43It turns out Cubot was told to grab all the food in the forest.
00:47He's smart enough to leave and give them the food.
00:49Tails is impressed by how fast he is.
00:52Eggman made his Eggmobile able to keep up with Sonic.
00:55Right on his servant robots so they could serve him as fast as possible.
00:59Makes me wonder why Metal Sonic needs a jet engine and he doesn't then.
01:04I guess Cubot and Warbot are so fast because of witchcraft.
01:08How is candy something the pig that eats everything from the forest always eats?
01:14All Machao thanks them is to think that it's the magic forest where candy grows from the floor.
01:19An animal's upset because his mother got kidnapped.
01:22So apparently, a Sega character other than Cream is allowed to have a parent.
01:27So why don't they have romance in this game then?
01:30Clearly Sega doesn't care what happens in this plot.
01:34The fact that it was specified that his mother got kidnapped to be put in a bad nick,
01:38and we see him cry about it,
01:39makes me sort of care about the fact that Eggman's taking animals for the first time in the games.
01:44But it's still much more boring of a plot than the writers realized.
01:49It's just the heroes asking around to try to track down where to go.
01:53Like they're detectives.
01:55They end up right back to where they started and find Pocky's mother.
01:59Who had told them to stay there while she went to run an errand.
02:03She and Pocky apologize and Sonic instantly forgives them.
02:06So that's a twist.
02:08I really hate that the animals can't just talk like people do.
02:11It keeps me detached from people I'm supposed to care about.
02:14Which makes it less impactful that Eggman keeps kidnapping them.
02:18Also, how is it so lazy that it doesn't even make her look different?
02:22No lipstick or anything?
02:25Omochao apologizes and wishes there was something he could do.
02:28And tells Sonic that Eggman made a factory that's polluting the river.
02:32Knuckles gets mad about that and gets thanked.
02:35It's great for him to be a hothead when it's just righteous anger about the villains.
02:40Tails beats a bad nick and Sonic tells him nice work for doing something pathetically easy for both of them.
02:46And speaking of that, Knuckles beats a robot too.
02:49It's not even worth complimenting and yet Tails does so anyways.
02:53It should be doing this in the gameplay.
02:56Because the heroes fighting one robot is not worth it for a cutscene.
03:00Orbot somehow wastes time telling Eggman he shouldn't pollute rivers.
03:05Why is he able to object?
03:07Wouldn't he be programmed with the same opinions as Eggman from the start?
03:11Otherwise, what's the point of making robots with minds?
03:14Why else does he make bad nicks?
03:17Tails just has to pull out something and tap something to close the factory.
03:22I thought they'd activate bombs Tails would have.
03:25An explosion would've been cool.
03:28Omochao thanks the heroes as they wish the animals could just talk.
03:32And so the animals would give them the exposition.
03:35That would've actually worked for being immersive.
03:38Whereas I can't buy that this is how it always is.
03:41Because why is Omochao here?
03:43Knuckles says the treasure hunters always talk about Ring Hill.
03:48Why would a hill having rings be so noteworthy?
03:54I guess it makes as much sense as a place called Green Hill Zone.
03:59Since when would you get to hear treasure hunters talk?
04:02Does he have a treasure hunter forum he talks to?
04:05Rouge wants to be called one when she's really a jewel thief.
04:08But it couldn't be that Knuckles is a jewel thief.
04:12Knuckles digs to get convenient buried treasure.
04:15I have to assume the person who buried it, because he doesn't believe in banks,
04:19died before he could get it or tell someone where it was.
04:22The heroes' only way to figure out what Eggman's been up to
04:25is to talk to some animals that Knuckles can understand.
04:28Sonic thanks the animals for the gifts.
04:31And Tails thanks the more animals for giving them a thousand rings as a gift.
04:35Orbot and Goomba are both smart enough to lie to the heroes about why they're here.
04:40And with how nervous they are, you'd think the heroes would see through it.
04:43After all, even Cubot isn't always nervous when talking to them.
04:49So it's not like they're thinking they're just afraid of them.
04:53Cubot tells them where Eggman's base is unintentionally somehow.
04:57You'd think Sonic would just run around the entire place
04:59and find everything he needs to in seconds.
05:02Instead, the people around him slow him down,
05:04buying Eggman time to keep making people suffer.
05:07Eggman brags about making a new type of robot that looks just like an Eggpon,
05:12but somehow it's experiments of failure because the robot does nothing.
05:16A new robot is predictably immune to Sonic's attacks, but not Knuckles's.
05:21Eggman says he's found a way of rendering Sonic's attacks useless,
05:25and it better get mass production underway,
05:28which makes all the stories after Sonic Runos harder to believe
05:31because he's not going to end up doing them for no reason.
05:35There should have been an explanation that he couldn't get enough of the materials to mass produce them,
05:40as in make all of the robots like this.
05:44A factory made by Eggman started withering away the grass.
05:48Too bad we didn't see this in the games.
05:51Knuckles isn't immune to lava,
05:53so why is the lava making this Knuckles a specialty area?
05:57Tails gets told nice work for beating one badnik.
06:01It's not worth mentioning when the heroes fight a robot in a cutscene,
06:05unless it results in a compliment.
06:07Why is Tails going woe about Knuckles beating robots he already beat?
06:12Then the heroes get told that Sonic's upset because his girlfriend went missing.
06:16So this sort of is romance.
06:18So aesthetic characters are allowed to have girlfriends.
06:21Why does Runos get all the creative freedom?
06:25Way more people are going to buy mobile games than buy every issue of the IDW comics
06:30because mobile gamers are casuals.
06:33So more people get exposed to this.
06:36Omochao says thanks anyways to someone who hasn't seen the person the heroes are slowly looking for.
06:42Finally, reality ensues because the Flicky thinks Omochao is one of Eggman's robots,
06:47and he has to tell him otherwise.
06:49So Omochao only recently came here.
06:52Or this is a place Omochao never goes to.
06:55What took him so long?
06:57Why doesn't he realize there's nothing to worry about because he's not fighting Sonic and Tails?
07:02Sonic tells Ronkey he's okay.
07:04Sonic acts unusually mean-spirited by giving Eggman a well-deserved accusation that every girl rejected him.
07:10It's like he's Pontex Sonic.
07:13So the animal thanks him for saving him.
07:15Then the heroes find the animal village empty because they got there too late.
07:20So Eggman got lucky with the timing.
07:22Why does he just steal from villages that Sonic isn't guarding all the time and ignore this one?
07:28Then every time would be like this.
07:30Sonic's glad some people are safe and is told everyone ran away
07:34when I thought Eggman was competent enough to kidnap the whole village because he didn't SEC.
07:40But at least this is a twist.
07:42The animals come up with a plan for the heroes for once.
07:47Omochao thanks Tails.
07:49Why can the animals say hooray and not any other English words?
07:54What if they have learned more English than that?
07:57Sonic and Tails never say hooray around them.
08:00Shouldn't they still be restricted to saying their animal sounds?
08:03Because it doesn't come off like they have their own language
08:06when they say nothing but one sound depending on which species they are.
08:11Eggman doesn't believe Sonic even though he never lies to him.
08:14And he's smart to see through his lying.
08:17Eggman says ow because apparently the animals are attack camp for once.
08:21I wish I got to see it better than this.
08:24Tails tells him nice work as I'm reminded of the citizens of Furville fighting back against the robots.
08:30But this is even better because it's fighting against Eggman.
08:34Then the animals end up scared of Sonic.
08:36And I'm reminded of that story in SEC where a robot that looks like Sonic framed him as an animal abuser.
08:43And even Omochao falls for the framing job.
08:46When I thought he was smart and everyone should have immediately convinced themselves he was being framed
08:51because it felt better.
08:52And people tend to go into denial when bad things happen
08:55and there's multiple possibilities about what it is.
08:58I assume he's been framed by someone who looks just like Sonic.
09:02Because that'd be actually believable.
09:05Instead of Metal Sonic somehow being mistaken for him when he sounds like a jet engine
09:09and is very different in appearance from him.
09:12And with all the time Metal Sonic's been around
09:15there should have happened enough times that they would just assume it was Metal Sonic.
09:18I guess in the Sonic Runners universe Metal Sonic is very recent.
09:22Omochao quickly realizes Sonic is himself and can be trusted.
09:26Though it's not as quick as it should have been.
09:28Tails sings and says he's gonna take a nap
09:31and it was an obvious ploy so he could lure the imposter to him.
09:35How shockingly lame.
09:37It is Metal Sonic.
09:39Not someone who doesn't clearly not look like Sonic from behind.
09:44Everyone would have assumed it was Metal Sonic
09:46because he sounds nothing like him when he goes fast.
09:48As Sonic Adventure 2 proved.
09:51If this is all it takes to ruin his reputation
09:53which is insulting to our intelligence
09:56why didn't Eggman frame Sonic like this and then hide Metal Sonic a long time ago?
10:01He could have replaced him with a Sonic robot that doesn't look like Sonic.
10:07Sonic thanks an animal for telling him where to go to follow Metal Sonic.
10:11Why does Omochao need to check to see if this is the real Sonic
10:14when the two look nothing like each other?
10:17How would a robot have such bad vision?
10:20Metal Sonic shapeshifted to look just like Sonic to frame him in Heroes.
10:25And this would have been the perfect excuse to bring them back.
10:29Sonic Boom did this better
10:30because nobody actually saw Metal Sonic when he was framing him.
10:34Eggman's been using a machine to control Metal Sonic out of complete nowhere.
10:39Was Metal Sonic out of control?
10:42Is this another Heroes situation but he was prepared this time?
10:45At least this is new.
10:48And it's never brought up again.
10:50Eggman tells his emotionless robot
10:52excellent work for attacking Sonic so the villains can get away.
10:57Usually he always gets away without needing that.
11:00So I have to assume that he gets away because he flies really high.
11:04Sonic says good idea to one of his friends.
11:06Then a Flicky can't find his little brother.
11:09So Sega characters can have family members.
11:12We already basically did this plot in the game.
11:16Sonic says don't worry as I'm wondering if it's going to turn out
11:19the little brother wasn't taken by Eggman or was.
11:23Sonic thanks him as I hope he was
11:25because Eggman's supposed to be threatening.
11:28It's bad enough he doesn't actually kidnap a village in this game.
11:32Why does Sonic call Cubot Bolt Brain like he's no better than Eggman?
11:37Cubot immediately tells him with no hesitation about the base.
11:41Sonic says they need to go find that base
11:43and Cubot instantly tells him where to go to get to it.
11:47This is why he doesn't deserve to be called Bolt Brain.
11:50But at least Scratch and Grounder had traps that were visually interesting.
11:53This is the easiest plot of AOCH ever.
11:56Eggman says the animals having badniks don't feel anything.
12:00That makes it slightly less sadistic than it could be.
12:03At least it got to have a threatening text bubble.
12:06Sonic wants the animals to calm down because they saw wisps.
12:10It would have been interesting if they weren't wisps.
12:13Why keep doing this?
12:15Some wisps got captured again.
12:18Sonic thanks Tails for beating a buzz bomber
12:21that unlike the ones in the games that are impossibly stupid
12:24is smart enough to go too high for him to jump that.
12:27Why did it take Eggman this long to program his flying badniks to go this high?
12:32Eggman leaves the heroes to meddle Sonic and leaves
12:34instead of wanting the satisfaction of seeing them get beaten in person.
12:38Meddle Sonic's ganged up on and that instantly gets him to run away in terror
12:42because that's totally in character.
12:45The animals can't tell the heroes where Eggman's base is
12:48so the cutscene was a waste of time.
12:50At least it was a twist that they didn't have any info for once.
12:54Sonic thanks someone for telling him where the base is.
12:57It makes sense that the bases aren't always hidden underground
12:59because the noise from making something underground
13:01would attract attention just as fast as making a base above ground for less effort.
13:07But it would only attract attention if there were people there to begin with.
13:11Most of the time, the bases should be underground.
13:14Why is Eggman super surprised that Meddle Sonic let him down like he always does?
13:18He didn't even upgrade him.
13:21He really is recent.
13:23Sonic flatters Meddle Sonic when he's not there.
13:26It's not like him to compliment Meddle Sonic
13:28and by extension compliment Eggman on his skill at making him.
13:32Want to insult Meddle Sonic too?
13:35He called Cubot Voltframe.
13:37I think he was only nice to Meddle Sonic because he reminds him of himself.
13:41Omochao says that flying robots have been all over the place
13:44preventing the animals from flying.
13:47Why doesn't this happen every time Badnik's in Beta Place?
13:50Guess it is a new thing in this universe.
13:53Sonic thanks Tails for taking out a mere Badnik.
13:56Why does Tails have the name of every minor Badnik memorized?
14:00It's not useful information.
14:03Tails compliments Sonic for taking out the flying Badnik
14:06because he can't let him hog all the credit.
14:09I like it because it makes sense.
14:11So it's lucky it took him this long when he's supposed to be impatient.
14:14Anyways, Bounty Ride isn't a memorable name
14:17and this isn't a memorable, dangerous Badnik compared to the other ones.
14:22So why does anybody bother to memorize its name in particular?
14:26The base gets put out of action.
14:28But the heroes don't find Eggman there for once.
14:31Sonic compliments Tails and Cubot was told to be here to avoid doing anything stupid.
14:36So wasn't he somewhere else?
14:38Sonic says that if he tells them where Eggman is
14:41he'll tell Eggman to put him to some real work for change
14:44which Cubot actually wants.
14:47So he tells him the truth and is thanked and thanks Sonic.
14:50I thought Cubot was lazy
14:52and getting offended at being seen as incompetent
14:55but I thought laziness overpowered that.
14:58I get to see Eggman's reaction at finding out that Sonic smashed his base.
15:02And Tails actually tells Eggman to put Cubot to work like Cubot wanted
15:07doing what Sonic said he'd do
15:09proving that he's nicer than Sonic.
15:12And Eggman doesn't like this.
15:14So it's ambiguous about whether he actually did put him to work.
15:19Then Omochao says they see an angel
15:21because somehow the Sonic characters know about that concept.
15:25It's like this was written by panders.
15:28Or more accurately
15:29that one episode of AOSTH.
15:32Sonic gets thanked and told where the not angel is.
15:35Even the title of the cutscene says it wasn't what it was said to be.
15:38Really the scene's about them not finding it.
15:42Omochao gives them another direction ahead and gets thanked.
15:45And this time they trust him even though he led them astray before.
15:48And it turns out the people mistook Omochao for an angel somehow.
15:52So that's what angels are based on in Sonic Universe.
15:56How would anyone think Omochao was that
15:59when they would've been quite familiar with those things?
16:02Metal Sonic captures it
16:03making this the first time Omochao is captured for the sake of putting him in a badnik.
16:08Not that it'll be impressive
16:09because Omochao doesn't actually get put in the badnik.
16:13Tails compliments Knuckles for attacking a flying badnik
16:16which is what I thought Tails was supposed to be for.
16:19Why is a dark Chao happily saying long time no see to Sonic?
16:24Why is he upset about a hero Chao's kidnapping?
16:27It turns out Chao can sense the presence of other Chao out of nowhere.
16:32Sonic thanks him and reassures him.
16:34It's padding that I see Eggman finding out about the Chao Metal got
16:38when he's not the main character.
16:40Sonic's thanked for rescuing the Chao and he understands him.
16:44No wonder the treasure in the clouds won't be a treasure.
16:48Knuckles thanks Omochao for telling him to ask people somewhere else where the treasure is.
16:53You'd think it'd be common sense
16:54if people knew where a treasure was, it'd already be gone by someone.
16:59The wisp says he saw something glittering
17:01and Sonic asks Knuckles if he's sensing anything
17:03and he says he got a sniff of treasure
17:05because apparently he has the treasure hunting sense now.
17:09This is the first time Knuckles being an actual treasure hunter was properly justified.
17:14Nothing else would compel him to do that.
17:17Sonic says not bad when he finds the treasure.
17:21Omochao warns the heroes that Eggman's forces took over a place,
17:25which they could've found out by just running enough.
17:29It's just as convenient that Tails knows what a nebula is called.
17:33Knuckles gets thanked for stating the obvious,
17:36not even in a complimentary way.
17:39Eggman somehow talks as if this is the first time he thought of overwhelming the sky with flying robots.
17:45Sonic says he can't just take over people's homes uninvited,
17:49as opposed to taking over their homes invited.
17:52And how is this the first time he did this?
17:55Other than the exact phrasing,
17:58it's better that he insults Eggman for this, for being evil,
18:03than insult him in a mean-spirited way.
18:06This is what he should be doing in P.O.D. Tech and Graph Stories.
18:09Eggman lies to them that they forced him to build a base here.
18:14At least it's good writing for him to lie because he's the villain.
18:18Sonic figures the animal wants to get home, and decides to take him there.
18:22Why can't the heroes figure out what he's saying
18:24when they can understand what the animals are saying every other time?
18:27Tails somehow wonders what a robot was doing here,
18:31when of course it was looking for people to capture to put into badniks.
18:35Orbot smartly gets scared of seeing the heroes,
18:37and tells them the truth before leaving.
18:40Sonic's fast, so we'd have to let him get away,
18:43unless he's as fast as Cubot.
18:46Should he be ashamed that Cubot and Orbot are faster than him?
18:50I guess it's not because he doesn't know that.
18:53Sonic always went after Eggman, why not his robots?
18:57They always do his bidding, so it's not like they don't have to be stomped.
19:03The heroes get told a bird shaped like a penguin can't fly anymore.
19:07It's not believable that a place is carefree,
19:10when it's a place where Eggman constantly tries to kidnap people.
19:13There are ghost towns in real life,
19:16so it's not like nobody would ever leave their hometown.
19:19A wisp doesn't even know who Eggman is,
19:22even though all of the wisps who settled on the planet would know who he is,
19:26because thanks to him trying to enslave them all that they even ended up here.
19:30Tails asks them if they saw a round egg with a mustache here,
19:34and somehow the wisps know that he's talking about a guy who isn't literally an egg.
19:39A relic gets revealed.
19:41Ancient relic is redundant.
19:44Sonic magically gets a feeling it's powerful.
19:47I'm reminded of Sonic Boom with them obsessing over relics.
19:51It is a good thing though,
19:53because I'd expect magical items to be ancient.
19:56The energy it makes disrupts gravity,
19:59and there's tons of relics like that here.
20:01It turns out penguins here are relying on this energy.
20:04Eggman lampshades that penguins shouldn't be able to fly.
20:08It's just an excuse to annoy people,
20:11because why would a scientist actually want to restore the natural order of things?
20:16He doesn't care about nature.
20:18I'm glad the writer gave a good explanation about why the penguins are flying.
20:23Omochao warns the heroes Eggman's on the attack,
20:26and calls the animals cute,
20:28meaning that this is why he hangs out with them.
20:31And the animals are mature enough to not take offense,
20:33so I'm calling them cute and defenseless.
20:36They should really have a military to handle Eggman by now,
20:39or at least cops with guns.
20:42To be fair, I assume the Eggmobile and his robots are bulletproof,
20:45so that's why it's never the cops dealing with him.
20:48Sonic Forces has militaries trying to attack Eggman's forces though,
20:52so it's not like there's no military in the Sonic universe.
20:57Tails gets thanked, and he hopes Omochao will be careful.
21:00Knuckles doesn't see a base,
21:02as they start wondering if there's a reason that the animals keep having menacing expressions,
21:06like they're actually robots.
21:09One animal says to the other that this might be a good time to run away,
21:12and the other says they've bought enough time and agrees to.
21:16Sonic instantly thinks this is suspicious behavior,
21:19when he shouldn't blame animals for wanting to run away from a dangerous situation,
21:23and in fact should expect it.
21:26Maybe it's from their facial expressions.
21:29Instead, he instantly figures out the lame twist that they're Orbot and Cubot in disguise.
21:34How did the heroes not instantly see through the disguise
21:37from the fact that their mouths wouldn't look like they were moving when they talked?
21:42And they should have been able to recognize their robotic voices.
21:46It's not like their eyes were transferred to different robots, which would have been cool.
21:50The scared robots give them the info they need,
21:53that Eggman's looking for a relic again.
21:56As I'm at least glad they weren't robots that looked just like animals,
22:00because that would make me wonder why the game's Eggman doesn't ruin the heroes' reputation with such technology,
22:05or at least have the robots disguised as the heroes' friends,
22:09and kill them all with a sneak attack.
22:11At least it's new that these two disguise themselves as animals in a disguise people actually fell for.
22:18Eggman lampshades that he should stop trusting Orbot and Cubot,
22:21and plans to use the relic to make an army,
22:24like he thinks he can't make one without one.
22:26I guess it's because...
22:28it'll make an army faster.
22:31He's already taken all the energy he needs from it.
22:34It's good that Eggman was competent for once.
22:37Somehow Sonic assumes Eggman was lying to him about taking the energy.
22:41Well, he is supposed to be cocky.
22:44It turns out even sentient roosters crow every single morning.
22:48And because of this,
22:50Super Joe finds out for Sonic that Eggman made a factory that blocked out the sun where they are.
22:55Why are the heroes sneaking past the pathetic egg ponds,
22:58instead of destroying them all so Eggman wouldn't get to use them?
23:02Somehow Knuckles stepped on a twig because he wasn't looking where he was going,
23:06but somehow the robot didn't think to look at them.
23:10Cubot was trusted to look after the factory.
23:13He's scared of Sonic,
23:15and Tails assumes the robots were slacking off because Cubot was in charge.
23:20Which makes no sense because he'd still be put in charge of them by someone they were programmed to be loyal to.
23:25And wouldn't they expect Eggman to reward them for killing Sonic?
