Albert Gonzalez vs Conrado S. Martinez (13-07-2024) Full Fight

  • 3 months ago



00:00down a bit standing tall right there on the ropes got clipped with that right hand
00:05but if he slows down this is where you're gonna see chop chop start to pour it on
00:09and you see the body work now from chop chop as he does a nice right uppercut and catches chop chop
00:14again young man's spiteful the spiteful the danger of martinez yelling to him he's hurt
00:22he's hurt that was a beautiful right uppercut just making chop chop page chop chop gets over
00:27that front leg gets over that knee all right stop perfectly timed
00:44a little straight jab there from gonzalez and then martinez with a one two
00:49this is the best round for martinez we've seen offensively yes it is
00:55fantastically as well i mean he's doing a little bit of everything he's along the ropes right there
00:58he didn't like it he stepped in i don't care if he's holding he's still smothered don't do it
01:02again got his back watch you're holding all the way back thomas taylor with an excellent
01:08warning for gonzalez says i don't care if he's holding you don't ever hit him in the back of the
01:11head you see martinez just kind of loading up waiting for a counter there for gonzalez to
01:20commit he's looking for an exit right now he's waiting on chop chop to throw right here
01:25chop chop chop he fainted with it and then he got out of there anyway good left hook right there
01:42listen for that bell gentlemen martinez getting a lot more confident here
01:46as we get to the halfway point of this fight against albert chop chop gonzalez who's been
01:51able to chop him down as of yet but gonzalo martinez team had his best offensive output
01:57and it was an uppercut that caught yeah i mean the opponents can do a lot of the work for you
02:02you see martinez leaning forward coming forward trying to be aggressive excuse me chop chop and
02:07he got caught with a right uppercut perfect time you see martinez moving along the ropes he sits
02:14plants that back foot boom what a shot right there i didn't think it was that vicious that
02:20was a vicious shot right there you can see him right there out of space for a split second and
02:25then he came back because he's in tremendous shape however what a big shot and that's a confidence
02:30boosting type of shot for martinez wow come on conor you can see the neck muscles on chop chop
02:37the way that uppercut landed it's important to have those neck muscles man those are your shock
02:41absorbers you know you gotta have neck muscles gotta have trap muscles you gotta work your neck
02:47look at that look at this look at this but the other angle is the one where you actually see
02:53uh the forward part of the neck of he's gonzalez absorbed that shot oh no doubt about it he sent
02:59him to the moon for a minute he's back down to earth now all right so let's see how this second
03:06half of this sixth rounder plays out with gonzalez still pressuring and martinez using his legs
03:11see sometimes sometimes you don't really realize it but you know fighters like martinez you you being
03:17a fighter you can do a lot of the work like he he wants you to come forward you know you can tell
03:22he's in tremendous shape oh what a left hook right there he went left it's lateral trapped and just
03:28came back with the left hook that was beautiful by martinez but see chop chop's doing a lot of the
03:34work you gotta remain patient keep it simple you the more risk you take when you're chasing around
03:42a guy like that you're gonna put yourself in harm's way yeah martinez did a great job of not
03:46allowing gonzalez to set his feet yes and then he steps in again tactically sound as well martinez
03:55is not that bad tricky tricky boxer but again martinez can be landing some flashy shots
04:03however that pressure that chop chop putting on him that's what the judges is looking at too
04:08yeah he's got to keep his hands at home defensively because there's that left hand to the body from
04:14chop chop trying to chop down martinez that nice body shot there with a right from gonzalez investing
04:19in the body that's a smart thing to do especially when you have a mover like that and you see the
04:24response right there from martinez taking a deep breath and stepping back and this is what
04:29gonzalez has been waiting for for him to slow down enough for him to land the body shot that
04:33was a right that straight low yes from chop chop but there's that left to the liver and this is
04:38where chop chop becomes dangerous that energy has slowed down the tempo slowed down for martinez
04:46there's another shot to the solar plexus with the left hook from gonzalez and chop chop trying to do
04:52his chop down on martinez and there it is again those are the shots that he's famous for and where
04:58he puts in the best work now the hands of martinez are down defending just the body and the head is
05:04open this might be over this might be over these two there's too much there's too much leather
05:10downstairs look at the hands of martinez and then martinez don't have the power now legs are
05:18slowed down he doesn't have power to keep chopped up off of it this is over this is where chop chop
05:25does all his best work and you got two more rounds to work he chop chop has two more rounds
05:32to work and he can the next round if this ends he can come right back get right back to work
05:38what a big overhead right over the last few weeks we've talked about fighters not cutting off the
05:43ring the body work just took the legs out of martinez here in round number four and he's
05:49got to think about how he's going to survive the next six minutes of this fight
05:56let's listen in to martinez this morning dude he knocked the braids out of his head
06:00bro did you see his hair he knocked the braid out of his hair
06:06wow you okay
06:10huh hey look you ain't gonna throw bro i'm gonna stop that fight you gotta throw a punch or i'm
06:16gonna stop it you hear me hey are you okay you tired what's the matter did you catch it
06:26hey breathe deep breath deep breath hey i need you moving i need you boxing don't stay in front
06:32of him i don't give a fuck if you run the whole round i'm gonna stop it if you don't throw homie
06:40understand hey let's go give it all you got man use your legs don't lean on him bro
06:47remember if you don't throw i'm gonna stop okay honestly for miram sanchez if you don't throw i'm
06:52gonna stop him he asked him did he catch you no answer i mean you see the demeanor of corrado
06:58martinez and how it changed him with the bodywork as he gets checked out by the doctor here in the
07:11taking a lot of shots yeah i'm like i can't see another round like that okay show me something or
07:16i'm gonna need to do my job all right this is great stuff right over here this is great stuff
07:21you ready and tim we criticize the corners when they don't do their job and the referees when
07:27they don't do their job right now both are ready to do what's required yeah tom tom to leave
07:32one of the best in the business great mechanics great mechanics great instructions letting the
07:38corner know hey if you continue to take this damage i'm gonna stop the match and you see
07:44the legs of martinez here that one minute of rest did him wonders but one body shot from gonzalez
07:50can chop him back down and there you see that left hook and now he's going to the head as well
07:55he got nothing to keep him off with chop chop and he knows that
07:59and chop chop about to go back to work he's gonna start going downstairs picking his shots
08:06chop chop is a juggernaut man yeah because now he's got him thinking
08:10downstairs and upstairs and you see chop chop just going to work on martinez the
08:16legs are just not responding the way they were earlier he can't create those angles of escape
08:20and that right to the body brings the hands down once again as chop chop goes to work
08:26oh man these are ripping body shots but that chop chop is landing short and compact short
08:35and compact you said tim patience how patience can gonzalez be he bided his time and now he's
08:42breaking down martinez yeah but that's usually what happens let's go let it go you know it's
08:46like burning candle on both ends you know yeah he's getting out if he was he seemed like he was
08:51in good conditioning but once he started going down and touching that gas tank siphoning it
08:56it was all she wrote that's all he needs to do he found a way to get downstairs and this is the
09:01result of it and look at now their arm punches from martinez he's just looking to stay alive at
09:06this point without getting the fight stopped and chop chop is thinking the opposite how do i get
09:12this man to throw the towel in the corner or the referee to step in just start putting punches
09:17together take some of the steam off the shots let the hands go change the cadence up a bit
09:21touch touch touch touch touch the referee will step in and initially stop the fight
09:25last two stoppages for gonzalez we're on body shots martina says come forward watch out what
09:31you ask for because that's a big left hook and a right warning from thomas taylor say come on conrad
09:37this pressure that chop chop is putting on martinez is something else i mean this pace he's
09:43fighting at is a vicious pace and tim he goes to the liver he goes to the solar plexus he goes to
09:51the outside with the right hand i mean he hits you with everything downstairs his repertoire
09:56downstairs is as impressive as most fighters have period look i'm not gonna lie i wasn't a big
10:01puncher but i that was one thing that i did love to do and i heard a lot of guys including brandon
10:06rios downstairs i was a good i was a great body puncher man i really was
10:15martinez gets a lot of credit for finishing this fifth round on his feet
10:21chop chop continues to pressure
10:24time right there talk to me man
10:31talk to me talk how you feel baby you know your man better than i do
10:38he's good my legs are gone let's go baby let's go one more time how you feel baby my legs are
10:44going hey stay strong fucking man let's go said my legs are gone i know hey hey just hey we're
10:52here baby okay i need you using that jab moving on you moving your feet you lean on top of them
10:58and then you wait for him to go first well that's when i counter and shoot them okay but you can
11:01take it you beat first don't fucking wait yeah yeah if your legs are gone you gotta be smart
11:05keep your hands up stay tight counter and shoot man let's go i'm still gonna stop it if you don't
11:10fucking throw out here baby i need you smart let's not finish god damn it
11:14thank you you heard it clearly my legs are gone what does that mean because again the body work
11:23and then all the moving that he was doing early on it looked like he was in tip-top shape but
11:28once again you start touching that body that's what happens let's listen to the doctor albert
11:42i love the teamwork between the trainer the doctor and thomas taylor time in orchestrating
11:48every conversation in that corner final round albert chop chop gonzalez one of robert garcia's
11:54rising contenders here at 130 pounds against flandrado martinez and the fight has changed
11:59over the second half thanks to the body work with a man they call chop chop for this reason alone
12:05i remember national pal anthony thompson fought him in the finals he went to my body the first
12:14two rounds the third round i had no legs no punching power lost the fight it was that moment
12:22i went back and i said i'm working on body shots it has that type of effect i had no clue no one's
12:27never done that to me wow so that's what he's feeling i felt that before what martinez is
12:32feeling right now i felt that before he said i have no legs yes i felt the same way you felt
12:38no legs no power wasn't able to move
12:44and you gotta finish her here and gonzalez well chop chop gotta finish this you know he gotta
12:51figure out a way to finish this he can't let he can't let martinez linger linger around like this
12:58he's gotta make thomas taylor do his job or make the corner do their job
13:01you see no knockdown but the legs are gone for contraldo martinez you gotta learn how to be a
13:07finisher you know you do and and right now this is wood master good job good job chop chop
13:18at the end of the day the corner the doctor and thomas taylor gave contraldo martinez
13:24every opportunity to finish this fight on his feet and yet chop chop gonzalez said
13:30i'm gonna make sure you have to protect him from himself
13:35it's a really good performance because it shows you that
13:39chop chop can deal with the movement he can deal with a boxer someone that's a rebound but you see
13:46right there look at the combination short crisp short combinations on the inside just let his
13:53hands go again changing the cadence up taking off the power using the speed right there getting
13:59the referee thomas to step in and say i've seen enough i thought it was a good performance by him
14:04honestly i would like him to be a little bit more patient you know i mean you got robert garcia in
14:10there robert knows what he's doing but if he was a little bit more patient he could have did a lot
14:14more cleaner you know um he could have took some more blocks some shots a little bit more use his
14:20jab a little bit more and i'm talking about chop chop there's some things that he can gather from
14:24this this fight that it can improve his game you know um he's leaning a little bit forward as well
14:30squaring himself up at times so there's a lot of work that still need to be need to be done however
14:36i like this young man i like his aggression i love his combinations i love his fearlessness
14:41how fearless he is i love his body function as well and that tempo at which he fights at that's
14:47hard to do i mean we're great and then the fact that he's such a prolific body puncher that's
14:52something that you don't see a lot someone really invests in the body like chop chop albert
14:57gonzalez did to slow down a mover in conrado martinez let's set it up for mark chinook for
15:03the time of the stop ladies and gentlemen here inside the pearl concert theater at the palms
15:08casino resort referee thomas taylor calls the stop to this bout at one minute 23 seconds of round
15:14number six declaring your winner by technical knockout albert chop chop gonzalez
15:23unimpressive victory for gonzalez he had to work for it all the way to the sixth round but he
15:28forced thomas taylor to stop this fight at a minute and 23 and he continues his unbeaten run five
15:34knockouts in nine victories tonight was supposed to be a big night for andre mikhailovich he made
15:42the trip from auckland
