Alpha, Please Mark Me Full Movie

  • 3 months ago
Alpha, Please Mark Me Full Movie
00:00:00How did you get pregnant before getting married?
00:00:06You should be ashamed of yourself!
00:00:08Don't touch my sister, you senile jerk!
00:00:10Senile jerk? How dare you?
00:00:13So what if Eden's pregnant? Isn't it natural if she's in love?
00:00:17I think that excuses pregnancy.
00:00:20Isabella, promise me.
00:00:22If you're so easily swayed by love, then you will marry Hunter Miller instead of your sister.
00:00:30I have to marry Hunter Miller?
00:00:52So, who am I marrying?
00:00:54This one, Sarah.
00:00:56I'm not marrying him.
00:00:58What'd you say to me?
00:01:11This guy is really handsome.
00:01:14You can't make me! It's 2024, you conservative freak!
00:01:18You must!
00:01:20Your sister's no longer pure, so the responsibility falls to you.
00:01:24A female werewolf is in no place to partner with a wolf.
00:01:28This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
00:01:30Love, Isabella.
00:01:32She's not impure, and I refuse to marry!
00:01:35You don't have a choice.
00:01:37Whether you like it or not, Isabella Cross, you're my wife now.
00:01:50Go on, prosecutor.
00:01:52Well, with her holy moon goddess as my witness, I now pronounce you husband and wife.
00:01:59You've already kissed the bride, so there's no need for that now.
00:02:04I did not agree! I...
00:02:13Welcome to your new home.
00:02:23Hunter, hi.
00:02:25This is our bedroom.
00:02:27It's also our bedroom?
00:02:30Who are you?
00:02:32You poor thing. I'm his mistress.
00:02:35You have a mistress?
00:02:37How can you have a mistress already?
00:02:40Alice, this is Isabella.
00:02:42Take care of her, will you?
00:02:44I have matters to attend to.
00:02:46You're leaving? Hunter!
00:02:50Pathetic. It's only your wedding night and your hubby's already ignoring you.
00:02:56It's none of your business, whore.
00:02:59Get out of my room!
00:03:06Where is Hunter?
00:03:08He's meeting with other werewolves right now.
00:03:10I'm sorry, Mrs. Miller.
00:03:12You'll have to wait to speak with him.
00:03:14Did you just call me Mrs. Miller?
00:03:16Yes, Mrs. Miller.
00:03:18The manor is in a period of great instability right now,
00:03:21and as the new Luna of the Crescent Moon Pack,
00:03:24you'll have to do your part.
00:03:26And yes, Hunter has another lover,
00:03:28but he has his reasons,
00:03:30and you'll have to get used to that as soon as possible.
00:03:32I will not!
00:03:40Not now, Isabella.
00:03:42Isabella, what are you wearing?
00:03:44I'm not here for you, sweetheart.
00:03:47It's nice to see you again, Bruce.
00:03:49Thank you for being so kind to me last night.
00:03:53Nothing happened between us last night, Mrs. Miller.
00:03:56That's enough. Bruce, wait outside.
00:03:59I'd like to speak with my wife alone.
00:04:01Yes, Alpha.
00:04:05What the hell is going on, Isabella?
00:04:07Why would you wear something like that outside of our bedroom?
00:04:10It's just a dress.
00:04:12I didn't know there were rules about what I can wear.
00:04:14Your ass will show if you bend over at all.
00:04:16I don't want everyone in this goddamn mansion staring at my wife.
00:04:19Since when do you get to decide what I wear?
00:04:22I'm your wife, not your slave!
00:04:24I never said you were my slave, Isabella.
00:04:26Listen, Hunter Miller.
00:04:28You have a mistress, so can I.
00:04:30You can treat her however you want, but not me.
00:04:32So leave me alone.
00:04:39I'm not going home.
00:04:41I can't stay here anymore.
00:04:47Fine, Mrs. Miller.
00:04:57Here you go.
00:04:59Thank you.
00:05:00My pleasure.
00:05:01After all, you are my sister-in-law.
00:05:04You're Hunter's sister?
00:05:06Yes, I'm Esma. It's a pleasure to finally meet you.
00:05:09It's so nice to meet you.
00:05:11You're nothing like Hunter at all.
00:05:13Oh, you wouldn't believe me if I told you he used to be called Mr. Sunshine then?
00:05:17I cannot imagine that.
00:05:19I'm telling you the truth.
00:05:21He used to be a fun, outgoing person who always had a smile on his face.
00:05:26What happened to him then?
00:05:28He lost Maggie, his first wife and true love.
00:05:33Her death sucked all the life out of him.
00:05:36He hasn't been the same ever since.
00:05:39But I feel like you can help him overcome this.
00:05:43Change our community for the better.
00:05:55Where's Isabella?
00:05:57They took her.
00:05:58Who took her?
00:05:59I don't know. It was a group of werewolves.
00:06:01They originally came for me, but then Isabella told them she was me.
00:06:05Why would she do that?
00:06:20This isn't Esmabella. You guys got the wrong wolf.
00:06:25Get away from her.
00:06:28It isn't worth it.
00:06:31Let's go.
00:06:34We'll meet again, Hunter Miller.
00:06:53That scent...
00:06:54Are you going through your heat cycle?
00:06:56I'm sure I want you.
00:06:58Isabella, you don't want to do this here.
00:07:01Yes, I do. More than you can ever imagine.
00:07:13I can't get enough of you.
00:07:20Yes! Please mock me!
00:07:22Please, Hunter!
00:07:24I hate you, baby!
00:07:29Yes! Please mock me!
00:07:31Please, Hunter!
00:07:39No. I can't.
00:07:55Marcus, what are you doing here?
00:07:57Damn. I guess my brother-in-law is doing pretty well for himself, huh?
00:08:01Just look at this place.
00:08:03I need your help with something important.
00:08:05What's up? Did he get you in the act?
00:08:11Be serious.
00:08:13I need you to investigate my husband.
00:08:16I need to know everything about Hunter, and especially his ex-wife Maggie.
00:08:32There's a woman here!
00:08:36I swear I saw a woman.
00:08:39You must just be exhausted.
00:08:41Come to bed. You'll be okay.
00:08:45I swear I saw a woman.
00:08:50All right. Here's what you wanted.
00:08:54You know this guy, Hunter?
00:08:56Man, he's got some stories to tell.
00:09:00One day, Hunter's Crescent Moon pack was with Maggie, and they killed her in cold blood.
00:09:07Maggie, Maggie. Are you okay?
00:09:10Even though he was in a weak state, after transforming completely, Hunter cried out for hours while clinging to Maggie's corpse.
00:09:15No matter how hard they tried, they couldn't pull him away from her body.
00:09:20This is...
00:09:22Yep. That's Maggie Miller.
00:09:25People say her and Hunter were all lovey-dovey, but she doesn't look happy in that picture.
00:09:31She gives me, like, creepy vibes, you know?
00:09:34I've seen her before.
00:09:37No way.
00:09:39She's been dead for about two years.
00:09:41No, she was standing outside my window last night, staring directly at me.
00:09:45That window?
00:09:46I swear it was her!
00:09:48She must be alive!
00:09:50Are you being serious?
00:10:01Hunter, it's nice to see you're in a relationship again.
00:10:05And not just blaming yourself for my niece's death.
00:10:09I mean, of course, nobody can replace my Maggie.
00:10:14But it's good of you to try.
00:10:16Even though it might not work out.
00:10:19I've heard that she can't even summon her own wolf.
00:10:25Excuse me, but we'll work out just fine.
00:10:30Isabella's my wife, and today's your welcoming ceremony.
00:10:34If you can talk to her like that, we can get the hell out.
00:10:39Come on!
00:10:48Hunter Miller!
00:10:50We came here to take your life!
00:10:53Tonight's my wife's welcoming ceremony.
00:10:55Sorry, you weren't invited.
00:11:03I can't summon my wolf!
00:11:06Show yourself, Josh.
00:11:24The Invincible Ability.
00:11:26Invincible Ability? That's so powerful.
00:11:29I wish I could summon my wolf too.
00:11:32Isabella, take me into the other room.
00:11:49Hunter, are you okay?
00:11:51Alice, I don't need you.
00:11:53I know. Your injuries.
00:11:57Bruce, call a doctor.
00:11:59Call a doctor. Bring all the blockers here.
00:12:03Yes, Alfred.
00:12:04Bruce, take Isabella away.
00:12:08No! What's happening? I want to stay here with you.
00:12:11Sorry, Miss Miller. You'll have to wait outside.
00:12:23Please, Miss Miller, have a sip.
00:12:27What happened, Hunter? He's...
00:12:31That's the cost of using Invincible Ability.
00:12:34The cost?
00:12:38When using Invincible Ability, it can trigger strong sexual urges
00:12:43that, if not relieved quickly, will cause him to become very weak.
00:12:47So, that's why you brought Alice in.
00:12:50Yes. That's why I had to bring Alice in.
00:12:54He must have a mistress by his side at all times.
00:12:59But now he has you.
00:13:03Yes, Miss Miller.
00:13:06The Alpha decided to use a large amount of blockers
00:13:09that could seriously harm him, rather than see you upset.
00:13:14Isabella, you've changed him.
00:13:17Not even Maggie could do that.
00:13:19You mean, he is...
00:13:21Isabella! Isabella!
00:13:27Isabella! Isabella!
00:13:30Isabella, where were you?
00:13:32I... I was just relaxing in the garden.
00:13:35You should have been there.
00:13:37Well, now you can't live without me.
00:13:40Don't be ridiculous. How could I possibly...
00:13:42It's okay. I'm the one who can't live without you.
00:13:47Let's go back to our room.
00:13:49My Alpha.
00:14:05Isabella, I want you to come to the banquet with me tomorrow.
00:14:08As my wife.
00:14:10Bless you.
00:14:20Why do I desire you so strongly?
00:14:23Are you my mate?
00:14:27I hope one day I can summon my wolf.
00:14:30Then we can finally be together.
00:14:46Forgot the best part?
00:14:48Forgot the best part.
00:14:58You look stunning, Isabella.
00:15:00You look handsome too, Hunter.
00:15:03You know, I was walking through the garden and I found this.
00:15:07I thought it looked as beautiful as you.
00:15:15It's lovely.
00:15:19Shall we?
00:15:29It's an honor to be in your presence, Mr. and Mrs. Miller.
00:15:32I have something for you.
00:15:35Happy birthday, Axel.
00:15:37Why, thank you.
00:15:44Oh, Hunter Miller.
00:15:46I have a surprise for you.
00:15:48Hope you'll like it.
00:15:51I have a surprise for you.
00:15:53Hope you'll like it.
00:15:56You know, Hunter, I've never been to a party this big before.
00:16:00Really? You didn't go to parties like these with a full moon pack?
00:16:04Yes, kind of, but they were never for me or my siblings.
00:16:08Hmm, I see.
00:16:10Well, Bella, I'll take you to parties like these anytime you like.
00:16:14Thank you, Hunter.
00:16:17Bella, now that we're married, things are going to change.
00:16:21Parties like this happen all the time.
00:16:23But better yet, we can travel.
00:16:25Anywhere in the world you'd like to go.
00:16:27Where do you want to go first? Paris? Rome?
00:16:31I'd love to go to Bulgaria.
00:16:35Yes, Bulgaria has the most beautiful roses in the world.
00:16:38And they have a rose festival every first Sunday of the month.
00:16:41Shall we go?
00:16:44We'll go every year.
00:16:50Bruce, what's happened?
00:16:52Something strange. We'll have to check it out.
00:17:03She's... she's...
00:17:11She's... she's...
00:17:21Maggie, I don't understand.
00:17:23I saw you.
00:17:25Maggie, you were dead.
00:17:27Actually, I wasn't dead at the time.
00:17:29I don't know how they did it.
00:17:31But I think they were rogues.
00:17:34And they must have some sort of power or something.
00:17:38You're sure that they're rogues? I mean, how did you...
00:17:41You didn't imagine it.
00:17:43I was kidnapped and...
00:17:45and they...
00:17:47they tortured me.
00:17:49Maggie. Maggie, I'll catch these people.
00:17:53Oh, Richard.
00:17:55I'm still curious how you were able to...
00:17:58And every time I tried to escape, they would punish me.
00:18:01Maggie. Maggie, you have my word.
00:18:04I'll catch these rogues.
00:18:07We agreed on this.
00:18:09Let's work together.
00:18:12Hunter, I'm so scared.
00:18:16Maggie, you're safe now.
00:18:25Who is this woman, Hunter?
00:18:33Who is this woman, Hunter?
00:18:36This is Isabella.
00:18:39Maggie, she's...
00:18:41She's my...
00:18:43Isabella is my brother's new wife.
00:18:47That's impossible.
00:18:54I understand.
00:18:56You have such a large mansion and you...
00:18:59cannot leave it alone without a hostess.
00:19:02Did you really forget about me?
00:19:06I am still your wife, aren't I?
00:19:09Maggie, I would never forget about you.
00:19:17Let's go home, together.
00:19:22If she's your wife, then what am I?
00:19:36Wait a minute, Hunter.
00:19:38This isn't the master bedroom.
00:19:40No, Maggie, this is one of the guest rooms.
00:19:42But you know that I'm used to sleeping in the master room.
00:19:45Well, I know, Maggie, but Isabella's staying in the master.
00:19:49Well, maybe we can...
00:19:50Exactly. Hurry up and rest.
00:19:53All right.
00:19:55I understand.
00:19:58She is your wife, after all.
00:20:02Hunter, I'm so scared.
00:20:05Would you please stay with me tonight?
00:20:08Hunter, please.
00:20:11Aren't I your wife?
00:20:14Isabella is also his wife.
00:20:16Enough, Esma.
00:20:18Maggie just came back to us.
00:20:20Maybe she needs company.
00:20:22So you mean...
00:20:24I'm going to stay in the guest room tonight.
00:20:27See you, ladies.
00:20:31Let it go, Esma.
00:20:33He's made his decision.
00:20:44Don't see Isabella anymore.
00:20:47I've already forgotten about her.
00:20:49She's a lowlife.
00:20:50How could she compare to someone as beautiful as you?
00:20:55How could you abandon me like this?
00:21:03Isabella. Isabella. Wake up.
00:21:06Were you having a nightmare?
00:21:11Why are you here?
00:21:13Weren't you with Maggie?
00:21:15Because I'm really worried about you.
00:21:19Maggie fell asleep.
00:21:21I came to check on you.
00:21:23You came here because she's sleeping.
00:21:26It's getting late, Isabella.
00:21:28She needs rest.
00:21:38I'm sorry, Alpha.
00:21:41If Maggie returns, your marriage to Miss Cross will be nullified.
00:21:45What? How can that happen?
00:21:47Well, according to werewolf marriage laws,
00:21:52you can only have one wife.
00:21:54The Crescent Moon can only have one Luna.
00:21:57I don't understand. Isabella's my true mate.
00:22:00Well, technically, Isabella has not bonded with you yet.
00:22:08I won't let her go, Bruce.
00:22:10I understand.
00:22:12Maybe you should follow your heart.
00:22:17I don't know.
00:22:20I really don't.
00:22:22You have to ask yourself one simple question.
00:22:25Maggie or Isabella?
00:22:27Oh, sorry for the interruption.
00:22:30Can you check on Mrs. Miller as soon as you can?
00:22:33What's wrong with Isabella?
00:22:34Oh, sorry, not that Mrs. Miller.
00:22:37I'm talking about Maggie, that Mrs. Miller.
00:22:39She might be in her sleep cycle.
00:22:42Wait here, Bruce.
00:22:43Yes, Alpha.
00:22:51Hunter, my love, please take me.
00:22:55Maggie, it's not the right time. Please.
00:22:57You wanted to see me? Wait.
00:22:59Isabella, what are you doing here? No, Isabella!
00:23:02Focus on me, my dear.
00:23:05Maggie, please stop.
00:23:08Please, Hunter, help me.
00:23:10Don't be so cruel to deny me.
00:23:14Stop, Maggie.
00:23:16I want you to take me completely, Hunter.
00:23:23Why did you stop?
00:23:25It's not the right time, Maggie.
00:23:27I'm sorry.
00:23:30Isabella Cross.
00:23:32I underestimated you.
00:24:00Were your feelings for me just a dream?
00:24:03Now you only want Maggie and not me.
00:24:30God, what time is it?
00:24:327 p.m.
00:24:36What are you doing here?
00:24:38It's my room, too.
00:24:40Is it?
00:24:42Then I'll leave.
00:24:45Let me go!
00:24:49Let me go!
00:24:50Isabella, let me explain.
00:24:52I don't know what you're talking about.
00:24:54I don't know what you're talking about.
00:24:56Let me go!
00:24:58Isabella, let me explain.
00:25:00You don't need to explain. You can sleep with whoever you want.
00:25:02Isabella, I didn't sleep with Maggie.
00:25:05What do you mean?
00:25:07I got her some blockers.
00:25:09She should be doing her heat cycle now.
00:25:11Why didn't you?
00:25:12I don't know.
00:25:14All I know is the whole time it was going on,
00:25:17I was thinking of you.
00:25:19So, you were thinking of me when you and Maggie were...
00:25:22Yeah, I know it sounds weird.
00:25:24It doesn't make any sense.
00:25:26Look, Isabella, I just need some time.
00:25:30Can you just give me some time?
00:25:36Thank you.
00:25:48I need a lot of Atropa Belladonna.
00:25:52Are things not going well?
00:25:54He didn't stay with you.
00:25:56Do you not understand men?
00:25:59You women always seem more appealing for a while.
00:26:02That's all.
00:26:04I wouldn't be like that with you, Maggie.
00:26:06Don't be foolish.
00:26:08Do you have an invincible mode that can defeat Hunter Miller?
00:26:15Then this is not the time for romantic affairs.
00:26:18Get me what I asked for immediately.
00:26:20I'm going to handle things my way.
00:26:31It's a beautiful day.
00:26:33Does anybody want to play baseball?
00:26:36I mean, it is our family's pastime,
00:26:39and Isabella is so athletic.
00:26:42She hasn't gotten a chance to play with us yet.
00:26:45That's very true.
00:26:46But Maggie did just go through her heat cycle.
00:26:50I wasn't planning on inviting Maggie.
00:26:53She doesn't like baseball, right?
00:26:55Yeah, Maggie.
00:26:56You don't like baseball.
00:26:57I think you might be too weak to play anyway.
00:26:59No, I want to join.
00:27:01Hunter, I want to be with you.
00:27:03You know what?
00:27:05Yeah, maybe you should get some exercise.
00:27:08Channel all that desire for action into a workout.
00:27:12Thank you for your concern.
00:27:14It's all right.
00:27:16My pleasure.
00:27:18Let's have a good game.
00:27:20Shall we, Maggie?
00:27:28Hey, ladies.
00:27:29Want to team up?
00:27:30Hunter, I want to be with you.
00:27:33You two team up.
00:27:47Maggie, you're with me.
00:27:50Esma, why do you always have to give me such a hard time?
00:27:54Maggie, why do you always act so weak and powerless?
00:27:58Stop the act.
00:28:06Wow, Isabella.
00:28:10I think it's broken.
00:28:12It really hurts, Hunter.
00:28:15I didn't mean to.
00:28:16Maggie, are you okay?
00:28:17I think I broke something.
00:28:19Oh, my God.
00:28:20I'm so sorry.
00:28:21Sorry, Maggie.
00:28:22It's okay, Isabella.
00:28:23Bruce, you can take it one at a time.
00:28:25Yes, Alpha.
00:28:26Come here, Maggie.
00:28:32Oh, my God.
00:28:33Oh, my God.
00:28:34Oh, my God.
00:28:35Oh, my God.
00:28:36Oh, my God.
00:28:38Oh, my God.
00:28:44Look who it is.
00:28:46I'm sorry, Maggie.
00:28:48I really hope you feel better.
00:28:50The only way that I will feel better is when you leave Hunter.
00:28:54I'll never leave Hunter.
00:28:56Poor girl.
00:28:58Open your eyes and look at reality.
00:29:01You are just a stand-in for me.
00:29:04In fact, it is out of the goodness of my heart that I suggest you give up this pointless fantasy, okay?
00:29:12I'm not a stand-in.
00:29:17What the?
00:29:19So, you finally show who you really are, huh?
00:29:24Even if you combined everyone in this mansion, they still wouldn't be as strong as you.
00:29:28You're as sturdy as a cow.
00:29:30What the fuck are you talking about?
00:29:33Stop bullying Isabella.
00:29:37Show my brother who you really are.
00:29:41Let's go, Isabella.
00:29:47Isabella, don't let Maggie bully you like that.
00:29:49She's gone too far.
00:29:50I tolerated her when my brother loved her, but now it's clear he likes you.
00:29:55Do you think he actually likes me as well?
00:29:59You're too deep in it to realize it.
00:30:01But, even with Maggie back, his eyes have only been on you.
00:30:06Don't be so down.
00:30:07It's not like you.
00:30:09I will always be here to support you.
00:30:13Thank you so much.
00:30:22You're the one that kidnapped me!
00:30:25I told you, it's too dangerous for you to come here.
00:30:28But I missed you.
00:30:31You two know each other?
00:30:33Nathan is my...
00:30:35I'm her boyfriend.
00:30:38Why did you kidnap me then?
00:30:40Because Hunter doesn't let us see each other.
00:30:43Why not?
00:30:44Doesn't he want Esma to be happy?
00:30:47Nathan is a rogue.
00:30:49Hunter would never accept him.
00:30:51You're dating a rogue?
00:30:53What's wrong with that? Are you a rogue-hater?
00:30:56Nathan, stop it.
00:30:58Do you actually love her?
00:31:00Can you at least tell me that?
00:31:03I do love her.
00:31:06And I would do anything for her.
00:31:10Okay, I understand.
00:31:15Unfortunately for you, your good days are coming to an end.
00:31:29Oh, my dear Maggie!
00:31:31Aunt Sheila!
00:31:32I knew it! I knew it!
00:31:33I never believed it.
00:31:34Not for one second.
00:31:35Not when they told me.
00:31:37Look at everybody.
00:31:38My precious Maggie is back.
00:31:42Oh, this is just unbelievable.
00:31:44Now everything can be perfect.
00:31:46Just the way it was meant to be.
00:31:47You and Hunter can be together again.
00:31:50I can't believe it!
00:31:51I can't believe it!
00:31:52I can't believe it!
00:31:53I can't believe it!
00:31:54I can't believe it!
00:31:55I can't believe it!
00:31:56I can't believe it!
00:31:57I can't believe it!
00:32:00Isabella, let's go grab something to eat.
00:32:08Oh darling, you must be starved.
00:32:10Or at least let's go get you a drink.
00:32:21I just had to get you out of there.
00:32:23Sheila is insufferable.
00:32:24Don't listen to anything she says.
00:32:31Talk to her.
00:32:35Isabella, will you listen to me?
00:32:38You should just listen to Sheila and be with Maggie.
00:32:41Isabella, I want to be with you.
00:32:43Isn't she still your wife?
00:32:45Isabella, just give me some time.
00:32:47Remember, you're my wife now.
00:32:52You've been so busy.
00:32:53I'm not busy now.
00:33:41May Circe bless my creation
00:33:44to claim the lives of those with foreign blood.
00:34:13That's... that's Alice!
00:34:15She was brutally attacked.
00:34:17Bruce, I need you to search the mansion.
00:34:19The killer couldn't have gotten far.
00:34:21Yes, Alpha.
00:34:23Ladies, it's not safe for you here.
00:34:25I need you to go back to your rooms.
00:34:27How could this have happened?
00:34:28Hunter, will you stay with me tonight?
00:34:31All right.
00:34:32Here she goes again, acting like a dancing mistress.
00:34:37Alpha, we got this hysterical wolf in the house.
00:34:42Oh, my God, it's...
00:34:50How do you know him?
00:34:51Didn't he try to kidnap you?
00:34:52No, he just...
00:34:53It doesn't matter.
00:34:54He wouldn't hurt anyone.
00:34:55I know him.
00:34:56He's a rogue, and he was found at the scene.
00:34:59He hasn't lost control in a long time.
00:35:01Someone must have set him up.
00:35:04Esma, I know how you feel,
00:35:06but with all the evidence,
00:35:07he's most likely guilty.
00:35:12Esma, I know how you feel,
00:35:14but with all the evidence,
00:35:15he's most likely guilty.
00:35:17This doesn't concern you.
00:35:19Esma, don't talk to Maggie like that.
00:35:21She's just concerned about you.
00:35:22She can stop pretending.
00:35:23I don't need her concern.
00:35:26It's okay, Hunter.
00:35:27She's just upset.
00:35:28He might be a close friend of hers.
00:35:31Esma, what's your relationship with this rogue?
00:35:37He's the man that I love.
00:35:38Are you crazy?
00:35:39I said I love him!
00:35:43Get off of her!
00:35:46Esma, how could you fall in love with a rogue?
00:35:48Did you forget what they did to Mom?
00:35:50Nathan is different!
00:35:51In what way is he different?
00:35:53They're rogue scum at the bottom of the pack.
00:35:56All they do is rob and murder people.
00:35:58I didn't kill anyone!
00:36:01You kidnapped Isabella.
00:36:03You still think you're innocent?
00:36:04Hunter, it's not what you think.
00:36:07Nathan wanted to see Esma last night.
00:36:09I really don't think he wants to hurt anyone.
00:36:11Isabella, do you know him?
00:36:16I saw him in Esma's room last night.
00:36:19Isabella, you met with a rogue inside the mansion and you didn't tell me?
00:36:23I was waiting for the right time to tell you.
00:36:27Isabella, do you know how dangerous it is for a rogue to stay in the mansion?
00:36:31I'm sorry.
00:36:32I should have discussed it with you, but he's a werewolf like us.
00:36:35These rogues are the main reason everything is happening.
00:36:38If you just give him a chance to get to know him, I think that it will help.
00:36:41That's enough!
00:36:42I don't need to take orders from you.
00:36:44Bruce, take this rogue away.
00:36:46I want to question him myself.
00:36:48Yes, sir.
00:36:49Please don't take him!
00:36:51Calm down, please. I think we can...
00:36:53That's enough!
00:36:54Take this rogue away immediately.
00:36:59Hunter, why don't you just let him explain himself?
00:37:01Isabella, you're the Luna of the Crescent Moon.
00:37:04It's your job to report this and you didn't do it.
00:37:07For the next two days, you can't leave the mansion.
00:37:10I'm not your slave!
00:37:11Today, you are.
00:37:13You are.
00:37:16Isabella, what should we do?
00:37:18Is Hunter going to hurt Nathan?
00:37:20I need to talk to him.
00:37:22Come on, let's calm down and think about this, okay?
00:37:30Why does Hunter hate rogues so much?
00:37:32It's a long story, actually.
00:37:37Our father was a rogue.
00:37:40Our father was a rogue back then.
00:37:42Our mother was the daughter of the Alpha.
00:37:45And he got her pregnant.
00:37:47After he chose to leave,
00:37:49it was very hard living in the pack.
00:37:52We were often bullied.
00:37:54That's why Hunter is so protective.
00:37:56He has been ever since I was a child.
00:37:59That's why he thinks all rogues are evil.
00:38:02That makes sense why he hates them so much.
00:38:04Nathan isn't that kind of rogue.
00:38:06He's never hurt anyone.
00:38:08I understand.
00:38:10I'll take care of it, Esma.
00:38:26How long have you been messing with my sister?
00:38:29I haven't.
00:38:32Lie to me again and see what happens.
00:38:34How did you sneak into this mansion?
00:38:36Hunter, you really don't know your sister, do you?
00:38:39Esma used to sneak home from school all the time.
00:38:41You really didn't think that there was a secret way to get in here?
00:38:44Esma was always at the top of her class. You're lying.
00:38:46How would you know that?
00:38:50Those girls at that boarding school bullied her every day.
00:38:53What are you talking about?
00:38:56They picked on her because of her last name.
00:38:59But she kept quiet because she didn't want to bring you shame.
00:39:03Who are those fucking bitches?
00:39:06You don't need to worry.
00:39:08I made sure they got what they deserved.
00:39:12Anyways, thanks for having her back.
00:39:16You don't need to thank me.
00:39:18I love her.
00:39:20It's my duty.
00:39:22I know you think rogues are trash because we're from the street.
00:39:26It doesn't mean we're incapable.
00:39:28We're not.
00:39:30Because we're from the street, it doesn't mean we're incapable of love.
00:39:44Hunter! Alpha!
00:39:46Not now, Bruce. I need a moment.
00:39:48What? Alpha?
00:39:51He said I need some quiet.
00:39:53It's about Isabella.
00:39:55She's gone.
00:40:01Isabella, did his ex-wife really come back?
00:40:06And she's causing a lot of issues.
00:40:08Sis, if she's causing you trouble, come home.
00:40:11Just divorce him.
00:40:13I can't. Hunter's the strongest wolf in the pack.
00:40:16The full moon needs him.
00:40:18I know.
00:40:20I know.
00:40:22I know.
00:40:24I know.
00:40:26I know.
00:40:28The full moon needs him.
00:40:30But you can't keep sacrificing yourself every time.
00:40:34Eden should have been the one to marry him back then.
00:40:37Come on, Marcus.
00:40:39We're family and family takes care of each other.
00:40:42Yeah. You treat her like a sister.
00:40:45But don't forget about all the times you've had to cover for her since we were kids.
00:40:48Well, as the oldest sister, it's my job to take care of you all.
00:40:53Enough with this depressing conversation.
00:40:55Let's go dance.
00:40:57All right. All right. Drop it.
00:41:10Hunter, what are you doing?
00:41:12Did you really run away to be with some clown?
00:41:17Hunter, what are you doing?
00:41:19Did you really run away to be with this clown?
00:41:21Hey, don't talk to her that way. Show her some respect.
00:41:24Yeah? I'm her husband.
00:41:26Why do you care?
00:41:30You really like this worthless guy?
00:41:32He's my brother, Marcus.
00:41:35Nice to finally meet you, brother-in-law.
00:41:44Isabella, look, I'm sorry. I didn't know he was your brother.
00:41:48Yeah, well, there's a lot you don't know.
00:41:51Isabella, if you want to see your brother, you don't have to run away.
00:41:55What if I didn't leave to investigate?
00:41:57What then? Would you have killed Nathan?
00:42:00No. No, I'm not gonna... I'm not gonna kill Nathan.
00:42:04What's wrong with rogues anyways?
00:42:06Aiden, Marcus, and I were almost rogues too.
00:42:09Isabella, you know that's not the same thing.
00:42:11Then what's the difference?
00:42:13If you hurt Nathan, I'm not coming back home.
00:42:16Isabella, you have to come home.
00:42:19I won't.
00:42:20Isabella, look, I need you to come home.
00:42:24I miss you.
00:42:26Don't you miss me too?
00:42:49Bruce will be by soon to pick us up.
00:42:52Who said I'm coming back?
00:42:55Isabella, you said you were coming back.
00:42:59Only if you don't hurt Nathan.
00:43:01Bella, I don't understand. What is this about Nathan?
00:43:06He's a rogue, okay? They're all liars.
00:43:09Rogues are werewolves just like us.
00:43:12Just because some of them come from bad backgrounds
00:43:14doesn't mean that they're all criminals and murderers.
00:43:17Bella, I'm sorry. I didn't...
00:43:19You saw it yourself.
00:43:21Nathan loves Esme.
00:43:24Can you please just give him a chance?
00:43:32You have one week.
00:43:34Find out what really happened.
00:43:37Okay. Trust me.
00:43:40I will prove his innocence to you.
00:43:44So I have a gun.
00:43:47You were right.
00:43:49Alice wasn't killed by werewolves.
00:43:53She was poisoned.
00:43:55I knew it.
00:43:58How did you know that she was poisoned?
00:44:01Because of this.
00:44:04It's a triple belladonna.
00:44:07Okay, but what is that?
00:44:11Okay, but what does that do? I mean...
00:44:14A triple belladonna is an extremely toxic plant.
00:44:18I found traces of it in her nails.
00:44:20I think the killer put it in her nail polish
00:44:22and that's what took her life.
00:44:26Wait, so...
00:44:28I mean, who do we think the killer is?
00:44:32We'll have to search everyone's rooms and see who has it.
00:44:35But I have a feeling Maggie has something to do with it.
00:44:56How's the rogue doing?
00:44:58He's still in custody and he's not causing any problems.
00:45:02Esme is visiting him every day.
00:45:08Bruce, I need you to do a thorough search of the mansion.
00:45:12First you couldn't summon your wolves
00:45:14and then Alice died without anyone even noticing.
00:45:17I think it's fishy.
00:45:19Yes, Alpha.
00:45:22I'll see to that as soon as possible.
00:45:24Is that big money?
00:45:26Oh, um...
00:45:28I'm just amused that Isabella's been able to influence you so much.
00:45:32You never would have let a rogue live before.
00:45:37I just don't want to falsely accuse Nathan, just in case he's innocent.
00:45:41Right, yes. Alpha, that's right. That's it.
00:45:45Thank you, Bruce.
00:46:06I found it.
00:46:24I knew Maggie was up to something.
00:46:37Hunter, what's going on?
00:46:41Isabella, can you just hold me for a bit?
00:46:48Can you just hold me for a bit?
00:46:57Is everything okay?
00:46:59I don't know, Bella.
00:47:01You can always talk to me.
00:47:05I thought I was right to hate the rogues.
00:47:08They've done so many terrible things to me, as have my mom.
00:47:14I thought that hate would make me stronger.
00:47:17Why does it hurt so much?
00:47:20The way they look at me.
00:47:22They look at me like I'm the bad guy.
00:47:24Hunter, hate can make you stronger.
00:47:28It can also blind you.
00:47:31I'm blinded by hate?
00:47:35You're just lost.
00:47:39You need love.
00:48:02What's this, Miss Miller?
00:48:05Is your husband not satisfying you?
00:48:07After being with you, why would I want to be with anyone else?
00:48:12Don't fight.
00:48:14Why not?
00:48:16You never want to mate with me.
00:48:18Don't be a petulant teenager.
00:48:21Whether we're mates or not, at the end of the day, it's just the two of us.
00:48:26Don't be a petulant teenager.
00:48:28Whether we're mates or not, at the end of the day, it's just a useless mock.
00:48:33Besides, we're having enough fun as it is.
00:48:39Poor boy.
00:48:41Forget it.
00:48:43How's everything else going?
00:48:45It's all sorted out.
00:48:49Good boy.
00:48:54I hope you enjoy what little time you have left.
00:49:03Isabella, you said you know someone involved in Alice's death?
00:49:07Who is it?
00:49:09I do.
00:49:11It was Maggie.
00:49:14Have you lost your mind, Isabella?
00:49:17I had Marcus investigate Alice's cause of death.
00:49:21The wound wasn't from a werewolf attack.
00:49:23It was poison made from a trope of belladonna.
00:49:28And I found these in your room.
00:49:32It isn't mine.
00:49:34But I found them when I followed you to-
00:49:36It was me.
00:49:39I gave them to her.
00:49:45can all...
00:49:47I'll try!
00:49:55Oh my god.
00:50:02He's losing too much blood.
00:50:04We need a blood transfusion as soon as possible.
00:50:07We're in the middle of arranging the donations at the hospital.
00:50:12I'm a match. You can take my blood.
00:50:14Miss Miller, that won't be a small amount of blood. Are you sure?
00:50:18Of course. He's my husband. I have to save him.
00:50:22Alright then. Let's proceed with the transfusion.
00:50:40We've done everything we can.
00:50:42All we can do now is wait.
00:50:47Hunter, please.
00:50:49You have to wake up.
00:50:51Mrs. Miller.
00:51:18You're awake.
00:51:20Oh my god.
00:51:23Get the doctor!
00:51:27It's a miracle.
00:51:29Your wound healed so quickly.
00:51:32This is the strength of an alpha.
00:51:34Make sure to get proper rest.
00:51:36If nothing goes wrong,
00:51:38you should be okay.
00:51:40If nothing goes wrong,
00:51:42you should be able to get out of bed by tonight.
00:51:55Thank the moon goddess you're safe.
00:51:58Thank the moon goddess that you're safe.
00:52:04You don't know how terrified I was when that happened.
00:52:07My heart almost broke when I saw the maid rush you with the knife.
00:52:12It's all in the past.
00:52:14We're both here now.
00:52:18You must have lost a lot of blood.
00:52:20I'm glad you're still here.
00:52:27There's something I want to tell you.
00:52:29There was a moment where I thought I was going to die.
00:52:33So I started praying.
00:52:36I started praying, Bella.
00:52:38What were you praying for?
00:52:41I was praying to the moon goddess to bring me back to you.
00:52:45So I could tell you,
00:52:49I love you.
00:53:02Isabella, are you sure?
00:53:06I want you, Hunter.
00:53:24I promised to set things straight with Maggie.
00:53:27I had to be true to myself and face the consequences.
00:53:30But from now on, I promise you're my only maid.
00:53:33There's no rush.
00:53:34I understand and I'm willing to wait.
00:53:37Thank you, Isabella.
00:53:40But about Lucy,
00:53:42I think something's really off with her.
00:53:45I don't think she would kill someone.
00:53:47Can I...
00:53:48Bella, you're the Luna of the Crescent Moon.
00:53:51You can investigate whoever you like.
00:53:53You have my full permission.
00:54:03Hunter marked her already.
00:54:05Now his maid is Isabella Cross.
00:54:08She's going to be the leader of the Crossroads Pack eventually.
00:54:11I'm finished.
00:54:12No, it won't.
00:54:13You still have a chance.
00:54:15Calm down.
00:54:17What do you mean?
00:54:18You haven't divorced Hunter yet.
00:54:21As long as you bear the heir to the Crescent Pack,
00:54:23you will be the Luna of Crescent Moon.
00:54:26Not Isabella Cross.
00:54:29I mean, have a child with me.
00:54:32An heir to the Crescent Moon.
00:54:41I'm so, so sorry for your loss, Mrs. Lawrence.
00:54:45I can't believe it.
00:54:47How could Lucy possibly kill herself?
00:54:50Let alone other people.
00:54:53She could barely kill a chicken.
00:54:57Mrs. Lawrence, I didn't know Lucy very well,
00:55:00but I could sense something was off.
00:55:02She had to be cursed.
00:55:04Maybe by an evil witch.
00:55:07A witch?
00:55:08How could that be?
00:55:10Mrs. Miller, did you not see my Lucy's body?
00:55:14Her heart was withered.
00:55:16It had to be a witch.
00:55:19That's ridiculous.
00:55:22What do you mean by that?
00:55:24You may be too young to know,
00:55:26but my nanny told me that witches could control werewolves.
00:55:31That they would perform a curse on a werewolf's heart
00:55:35that would completely subdue them to the power of the evil witches.
00:55:39Then their hearts would wither away.
00:55:52Witches do you?
00:55:53It's all just nonsense said by a suspicious old woman.
00:55:56Be respectful, Marcus.
00:55:58Respect your elders, remember?
00:56:00Dad has to have some hints in his notes.
00:56:03It all sounds crazy to me.
00:56:07Banned witchcraft.
00:56:09Heart-seizing spell.
00:56:11Witches use Atropa, Belladonna, and Holly to control werewolves.
00:56:15It's real!
00:56:17Did you forget about what they used to say about Dad?
00:56:20They called him a lunatic!
00:56:22Just wait.
00:56:25They can use potions to induce symptoms of feigned death.
00:56:33Feigned death.
00:56:39What if...
00:56:51There's a woman here!
00:56:55Yo, come back!
00:56:58It's her! It's Maggie!
00:57:01She never died! She was really never dead!
00:57:04Isabella, what are you talking about?
00:57:09I think she's the witch.
00:57:12If you and your rogues, you should join the Crescent Moon Pack.
00:57:16You know, you got a lot of skill.
00:57:18You don't want to waste it, do you?
00:57:23But my rogue buddies?
00:57:25They're no pushovers.
00:57:27Yeah, I wouldn't worry about them.
00:57:29I'll take care of them.
00:57:31I'll get everyone into the Crescent Moon.
00:57:41What the hell do you want?
00:57:43Zack, this is the Alpha of the Crescent Moon Pack.
00:57:46Hunter Miller.
00:57:47And why should I care?
00:57:49I came to propose an alliance.
00:57:51Here's my peace offering.
00:57:57One million dollars.
00:57:59To be used for the education and housing of the rogues.
00:58:02We ain't charity cases.
00:58:04Zack, come on. The kids could use this for schooling.
00:58:07Nathan, you're his mediator.
00:58:10That means he should know our rules.
00:58:13Street rules.
00:58:16A proper fight.
00:58:19A proper fight.
00:58:30Bring it on.
00:58:39Bring it on.
00:58:49Come on, big boy.
00:59:08Can't get up yet?
00:59:12You win.
00:59:16On your knees.
00:59:19All of you.
00:59:21Welcome to the Crescent Moon Pack.
00:59:27Yeah, it's been a while since I threw down like that.
00:59:30Esma told me.
00:59:33Then you know, man.
00:59:35Bruises like this, that's how I got to the top.
00:59:38You know what's funny?
00:59:40You forget about all the blood and sweat it took to get there.
00:59:44I'm glad you're a part of it, man.
00:59:46Does that mean I don't have to sneak into the mansion anymore?
00:59:50No, but you gotta tell me how you snuck in.
00:59:54Here, cheers, Nathan.
01:00:01Street rules. Good old fists, huh?
01:00:06Okay, okay.
01:00:08So you suspect that Maggie's the witch.
01:00:10Doesn't that mean the Crescent Pack's in danger?
01:00:13We don't have enough concrete evidence.
01:00:15If we take this directly to Hunter, he might not believe us.
01:00:19So we need to wait a little bit longer?
01:00:21We need to think this through carefully.
01:00:24I hope nothing bad happens.
01:00:29Fly, Hunter Miller.
01:00:38No! Hunter! No!
01:00:41What happened? What happened?
01:00:45Huh? Did you have a nightmare?
01:00:50That was a terrifying dream.
01:00:53What time is it?
01:00:56It's a little past 8 p.m.
01:00:59I have to get out of here. I have a bad feeling.
01:01:02Isabella! Isabella!
01:01:07You're awake.
01:01:10Wait a second, Maggie?
01:01:12What are you doing here? Where am I?
01:01:14That was some night, honey.
01:01:16No. No, I remember. I had a drink and then I went back to the master bedroom.
01:01:21Maybe you were just too into it, Hunter.
01:01:25Not remembering's half the fun.
01:01:27Ah, you were amazing last night.
01:01:31I'm sorry, Maggie. I've got something to do.
01:01:44Oh, Isabella. You're done for.
01:02:01I'm okay. What's going on?
01:02:03I had a bad dream. I'm glad you're okay.
01:02:08Isabella, there's something I want to talk to you about.
01:02:11There's something I want to tell you, too, but you go first.
01:02:17So, something happened.
01:02:20It was last night while you were gone.
01:02:23What is it?
01:02:25Well, it's about...
01:02:29Well, it's about Nathan.
01:02:32Well, I decided to let Nathan and his ropes into the Crescent Moon Pack.
01:02:35That's great! Esme will be so happy.
01:02:40Hunter, about Maggie...
01:02:42What do you mean? Did Maggie say something?
01:02:46Hunter! Hunter!
01:02:52What's going on?
01:02:53Axel and some of the elders from the Werewolf Alliance.
01:02:56They want to speak to you immediately.
01:02:58It must be important. Let's go.
01:03:00Isabella, I'm sorry I had to deal with this.
01:03:02Go ahead. I understand.
01:03:05What about Miss Miller?
01:03:07Are you going to tell her what happened last night?
01:03:09Bruce, don't you ever talk about what happened last night in front of Isabella.
01:03:15When all of this is over, I'll tell Isabella myself.
01:03:26I should go help Hunter.
01:03:28Nate, you have to wait for my brother and the others to finish their talk.
01:03:32The elders aren't fond of rogues and your presence might make things worse.
01:03:35I can't just sit here and do nothing.
01:03:37You have to trust my brother, Agnes.
01:03:41Nathan, I need you in my office. It's time to meet the elders.
01:03:45But what if the elders...
01:03:46Esme, if you want to gain the elders' respect, you can't ignore them.
01:03:50Let's go, Nathan.
01:04:02Wait, so you're saying you think Maggie is a witch?
01:04:05I don't have concrete evidence, but according to my father's notes,
01:04:09the ability to fake your death and come back to life can only happen if you're a pureblood witch.
01:04:15Also, the condition of Lucy's heart is similar to those under a witch's spell.
01:04:21So you're saying Maggie's a pureblood witch?
01:04:24I'll have to prove it.
01:04:25But if she is a witch, she shouldn't be able to summon her own wolf.
01:04:30Have you seen her summon her wolf before?
01:04:32Come to think of it, I haven't seen her summon her wolf since she's been back.
01:04:37Great. I think I have an idea.
01:05:08Well done, sweetheart.
01:05:11That's impossible.
01:05:13She has a wolf.
01:05:18But Maggie is definitely keeping a secret from us.
01:05:24She has a wolf.
01:05:26Esme, what if I was wrong?
01:05:29No, Isabella. I think it's the opposite.
01:05:32I think your guess might be right.
01:05:36It's the smell.
01:05:37It's the smell.
01:05:39It was just...
01:05:40Even with the room reeking of perfume and it being ages since I last saw her,
01:05:46her she-wolf today smelled different than her previous one.
01:05:51So, you think she left and came back with a new wolf?
01:05:57But Maggie is definitely keeping a secret from us.
01:06:03What happened?
01:06:07During the fight, Nathan was attacked by a wolf.
01:06:09Bruce, go get a doctor.
01:06:11Right away.
01:06:13How did this happen?
01:06:14It's okay. It's okay. We handled it pretty easily.
01:06:18Yeah, we did. Nathan was a huge help in the fight.
01:06:21That's great. Hunter, are you okay?
01:06:25Yeah, Isabella.
01:06:26Hunter, something's up with Maggie. You should check on her.
01:06:31Nathan's hurt. I'll deal with Maggie in a while.
01:06:36Hunter, I have a surprise.
01:06:38Guess what?
01:06:40I'm pregnant.
01:06:44You're pregnant?
01:06:45Isabella, it's not what you're thinking.
01:06:47You're carrying Hunter's baby?
01:06:49Of course, it's Hunter's baby.
01:06:52How? How could this happen?
01:06:56I guess he didn't tell you.
01:06:59When you were away, Hunter stayed with me the whole night, and voila!
01:07:06Isabella, won't you congratulate me?
01:07:10Is this true?
01:07:12Yes, Isabella.
01:07:14The night you were gone, Maggie and I...
01:07:26Hunter, come on. Don't you think you should be with your pregnant wife?
01:07:30That's enough, Maggie. I have to take care of Isabella now.
01:07:47Isabella passed out. You can't be a little bit more considerate?
01:07:53Take very good care of her, Hunter Miller.
01:07:56After all, you're the one next in line.
01:08:05Baby, I miss you.
01:08:08I love you.
01:08:13Isabella. Isabella, I'm so sorry.
01:08:18I don't even know what happened. I just woke up and Maggie was right next to me.
01:08:23That's enough.
01:08:25You're just making up excuses.
01:08:29She's carrying your child.
01:08:32I know it's my fault. I should have told you as soon as it happened.
01:08:37That's not the point.
01:08:40No matter what you told me, it doesn't change anything.
01:08:46You're the father of her kid.
01:08:50Isabella. Isabella, you know you're the one that I love.
01:08:56Hunter, you slept with her. She's pregnant.
01:09:02How could I ever believe that you love me?
01:09:05Isabella, you know that I love you.
01:09:10Just leave me. I want to be alone.
01:09:28Why do I feel this way? It's so early in the morning.
01:09:40Can I get an aspirin, please? Excuse me, I asked you a question. Can I get an aspirin?
01:09:45I'm sorry, Mrs. Miller, but the other Mrs. Miller has started morning sickness and there's no more aspirin.
01:09:58Maggie, are you okay?
01:10:01Here's some water.
01:10:03Oh, Isabella, what are you doing standing there? Anything you need?
01:10:11I was just passing by. You should get some rest.
01:10:16Bella, wait.
01:10:18Bella, wait.
01:10:47Dear Hunter, by the time you read this letter, I'll have left home.
01:10:52I'm sorry for not saying goodbye in person, but I think we both know what's been happening.
01:10:56Taking a little break might be a good idea for both of us.
01:10:59Don't worry too much. I just need some time.
01:11:02I still miss you. I still love you.
01:11:05Sincerely, Isabella.
01:11:30Shameless of you. Trying to fuck me in Hunter's place, huh?
01:11:35Didn't you say you wanted me? I'm just trying to satisfy you, baby.
01:11:48I said, faster.
01:12:05Don't worry. We'll be done soon before dinner anyway.
01:12:29So how are things going?
01:12:31Great. That woman already moved out.
01:12:35Poor Hunter. He's devastated.
01:12:39Why? You feeling sorry for him now?
01:12:41Ew. Why would I feel sorry for him?
01:12:45I only care about you. The real father of my child.
01:12:50Once our plan is set, I'll take you and the little one far, far away.
01:12:56But for now, make sure Hunter bears the brunt of it.
01:13:33A pureblood witch can hide her identity by getting pregnant?
01:13:38Yep. I heard that before when Dad was around.
01:13:42Apparently, witches can hide their identities in multiple ways.
01:13:46If they get pregnant with a werewolf's baby, they can pretend to be a normal person.
01:13:52Honestly, how did you get all this information?
01:13:55I wouldn't even know where to start.
01:14:00He didn't find that information from just looking at books. I helped him.
01:14:05Hey. You made it, man. Good to see you.
01:14:08Good to see you.
01:14:12Hi. It's been a while. Isabella Cross. Do you remember me?
01:14:19Of course.
01:14:23Isabella Cross. Do you remember me?
01:14:27Of course.
01:14:32Alright. Well, I'm gonna go grab you guys some refreshments. Go ahead and catch up in the meantime.
01:14:39Come on. Have a seat.
01:14:41Thank you.
01:14:45So, why did you come all of a sudden?
01:14:48Well, you might not know this yet, but I'm teaching a course in werewolf history at the University of San Francisco.
01:14:59And, you know, Marcus was contacting me like crazy because he wanted to know more about witches.
01:15:04So I decided that I could be of some help.
01:15:08Wow. You're a university professor already. It suits you. You were always a great student.
01:15:16And what about you? What have you been up to? I heard that you're married now.
01:15:25Yeah, you're right. I'm married. Just a simple housewife now.
01:15:30Come on. Don't be so humble. You're anything but simple.
01:15:35What do you mean by that?
01:15:37You were not just the only smartest person in the class.
01:15:41But you also were the only one that knew how to dance on Superstar Me during prom.
01:15:48So I think I'm right on the point.
01:15:52Clearly you haven't lost your confidence either.
01:15:55So, should we get down to business?
01:16:00So what you mentioned about the witch, I think she made a blood oath with a werewolf.
01:16:06A blood oath?
01:16:09I think she made a blood oath with a werewolf.
01:16:13A blood oath?
01:16:15A blood oath is a type of unbreakable connection.
01:16:18A blood oath is a type of unbreakable connection.
01:16:22But you mentioned that the witch could fake her own death.
01:16:26That means she's a pureblood witch.
01:16:29And you also said that she can invoke a wolf.
01:16:33Yes. But how can she summon a werewolf? She's still a witch, right?
01:16:41But if a blood oath was made, that means that she can harness the power of the werewolf and use it to summon a wolf for herself.
01:16:52Not to share his power.
01:16:55Isabella, are you okay?
01:16:59Yes, I'm okay.
01:17:01If you ever deal with people like that, call me.
01:17:10Witches can gain protection from werewolves by making a blood oath.
01:17:15Blood oaths usually involve witchcraft, blood, and intimate relations.
01:17:22If there's true love involved, the oath will be even stronger.
01:17:31Could Hunter have known that she's a witch and did a blood oath to protect her?
01:17:44I'm sorry, Isabella, but you might not be able to stay here tonight.
01:17:56Isabella, are you sure you don't want to stay here tonight?
01:18:00Eden's baby isn't even a month old yet. It's best that I don't.
01:18:05Yeah, but your wolf summoning issues aren't even contagious.
01:18:09We might not think it is, but Eden's mother-in-law might. So it's for Eden's sake.
01:18:17Hunter got me a five-star hotel, so it's okay. I'll get some rest tonight, and you should rest too. We have a busy day tomorrow.
01:18:25Alright, alright.
01:18:33Get there safe.
01:18:39I should have saved more money. If I did, I wouldn't be in this situation.
01:18:45I'm a werewolf who can't summon a wolf.
01:18:48If Hunter made a blood oath with Maggie, I'm the one that should be left behind.
01:19:01Mrs. Miller, this is external service. Can I come in?
01:19:04Come in.
01:19:08I hope you enjoy it.
01:19:10Thank you so much.
01:19:22Ms. Miller has received all the gifts we sent her.
01:19:28I need you to keep taking care of her.
01:19:31I can't believe she stayed at that crappy motel.
01:19:34Should we try to convince her to come back?
01:19:38How can I get her to come back?
01:19:41It's my fault that all this happened.
01:19:50Nathan, what's going on? Has something come up?
01:19:53Maggie's been playing me.
01:19:55What are you talking about?
01:19:56I only care about you.
01:19:58The real father of my child.
01:20:05We will find those fucking homewreckers.
01:20:08Nate, wait.
01:20:10I have a plan.
01:20:12What are you going to do?
01:20:14Tell Bruce to have the family doctor come by the estate.
01:20:17I'll expose that woman myself.
01:20:22Hi Lucas.
01:20:24I'm sorry to interrupt your work.
01:20:27No, no, I'm just tidying up. Please, come in.
01:20:31Oh, sorry.
01:20:33It's okay.
01:20:35I'm just going to check on the kids.
01:20:37No, I'm not going to do that.
01:20:39I'm sorry.
01:20:41I can't let you do that.
01:20:43You can't do that.
01:20:46No, I'm just tidying up. Please, come in.
01:20:50Have a seat.
01:20:57What's wrong?
01:20:59I'm gonna get a bandage, okay?
01:21:05What is that?
01:21:07Oh, this is a rose I need to get rid of.
01:21:12I can't keep it alive.
01:21:16When did you come here, all of a sudden?
01:21:20Well, Lucas, I came because I wanted to ask you.
01:21:24Can a blood oath be completed without a werewolf's knowledge?
01:21:29Well, it's not impossible.
01:21:32But a blood oath requires a lot of blood from the werewolf.
01:21:38So doing it without their consent would be quite difficult.
01:21:42So once a blood oath is completed, are you able to back out of it?
01:21:49A blood oath will only be broken if the werewolf dies.
01:21:55I see.
01:21:57So it can only be broken by death and completed only through consent.
01:22:03Does this mean that Hunter knew all along that Maggie's a witch?
01:22:07I won't do it!
01:22:08You have to.
01:22:09Why should I?
01:22:10It's just a simple test.
01:22:12Yes, Mrs. Miller, it's just an amniocentesis.
01:22:16This is a very common procedure.
01:22:18I'm perfectly healthy, so this is completely unnecessary.
01:22:21I need more information about the child.
01:22:24What are you saying?
01:22:26Are you doubting me?
01:22:28Doctor, can you please wait outside?
01:22:30I'd like a few moments with my wife, alone.
01:22:33How could I not doubt you, after everything you've done to me?
01:22:43I found out.
01:22:45Why would you do this to me?
01:22:46You dare ask me why I did this?
01:22:50Did it get to you?
01:22:54I didn't do it.
01:22:56I didn't do it.
01:22:57Why would you do this to me?
01:22:58You dare ask me why I did this?
01:23:02Didn't you fall in love with someone else?
01:23:05Yes, I love Isabella now, but back then my feelings for you were genuine.
01:23:11You think that excuses what you did?
01:23:14Give me a break.
01:23:15The moment I was gone, Alice moved in.
01:23:19And do you think that I would just look past that like some naive schoolgirl?
01:23:23You were dead, Maggie.
01:23:25I had responsibilities to uphold for the mansion, and I never hid anything from you.
01:23:29You always knew what my intentions were.
01:23:36When I'm not home, you had sex with your ex, and now she's pregnant.
01:23:41Can't I even have a little bit of joy in my life?
01:23:43Isabella, there's something that you don't know.
01:23:47You need to listen to me.
01:23:49I never slept with Maggie.
01:23:53That child's not even mine.
01:23:54I never even marked her.
01:23:56Everything that's going on is just a big misunderstanding.
01:24:02What are you talking about?
01:24:04Nathan and I found out.
01:24:06Maggie's been cheating with Axel this whole time.
01:24:09Nothing even happened between us.
01:24:11She wouldn't even let me test the baby's DNA.
01:24:13She's been fooling all of us this whole time.
01:24:18Maggie, she...
01:24:20She even told me she never loved me.
01:24:23She must have been fooling me from the beginning.
01:24:34It's not your fault.
01:24:35No, it is my fault.
01:24:37I'm sorry about everything that happened with Maggie.
01:24:39I should have told you about that night as soon as possible.
01:24:44I understand.
01:24:47At that time,
01:24:48we all wanted to look away.
01:24:50Look, I'm happy she told me.
01:24:54This nightmare can finally be over.
01:24:57I don't love Maggie, Isabella.
01:25:00The only one that I love is you.
01:25:04Will you please forgive me?
01:25:06Will you just give me a second chance?
01:25:47Everything is prepared and we are awaiting you and Miss Miller's return.
01:25:52We'll also keep an eye on Miss Maggie.
01:25:55Excellent. Thank you, Bruce.
01:25:57Well, I won't disturb your rest.
01:25:59Have a good night, Alpha.
01:26:16How is this possible?
01:26:20I spent so much time trying to revive it and nothing seemed to be working.
01:26:26Could it be that...
01:26:29Isabella has special powers?
01:26:44Now it's just the final step left.
01:26:52I'm surprised you're up this early.
01:26:54You had quite the night, huh?
01:26:56Come on, Esme. Don't tease me.
01:27:01You ready to die?
01:27:05Let her go, Axel!
01:27:07Do you want Isabella safe?
01:27:09Release Maggie.
01:27:10Maggie went against the Miller family.
01:27:12She has to pay the consequences.
01:27:14She's carrying my child.
01:27:16And nobody's gonna harm her.
01:27:17So you admit to having part of this?
01:27:19You're not getting away either.
01:27:24You didn't see this coming, did you, Miller?
01:27:28You thought you were the top, Alpha.
01:27:30Well, I've been fucking your woman this entire time.
01:27:38Axel Blackner, today's your last day alive.
01:27:53The blood oath is complete, Hunter.
01:27:55Your invincible mode is now mine.
01:28:10How is that possible?
01:28:12You can just summon an invincible mode?
01:28:14Unfortunately for you, my blood oath is unbreakable.
01:28:18If the former werewolf whose oath bound is killed,
01:28:21the killer inherits the oath and becomes the new vessel.
01:28:26So, when Hunter killed Axel, he became your new oath blood werewolf?
01:28:32Otherwise, why would I spend so much time with a lesser werewolf?
01:28:37But his blood allowed me to summon my own wolf and deceive you.
01:28:43Even with your invincible mode, you can't beat Hunter.
01:28:46Oh, Ezra, you brainless whore.
01:28:49Do you think I would only have one trick up my sleeve?
01:28:56Majestic Circe, bless my craft.
01:28:59I offer you the blood of my foe's heart and my own.
01:29:03Bestow upon me your mightiest magic
01:29:06and let the heart and body of my foe bow to me forever!
01:29:25No, it's me!
01:29:26Sorry, my dear. He does not remember you.
01:29:29And he'll never remember you ever again.
01:29:33Hunter, kill this woman.
01:29:37Hunter, kill this woman.
01:29:46No! Hunter!
01:29:47Isabella, wake up! Hunter is lost!
01:29:49Get out of here while you can!
01:29:55Majestic Circe, use your power to possess Scorpion's soul!
01:29:59Hunter Miller, kill her! Kill her for me!
01:30:06Hunter, you promised me we were going to go to Bulgaria and see the roses together.
01:30:10Don't you remember our vow?
01:30:18Hunter, please wake up!
01:30:22Yes! Yes, it's me!
01:30:26It's me! You're awake!
01:30:30You think you can kill me, you pathetic slut?
01:30:38No, this is not possible!
01:30:40This is absolutely impossible!
01:30:46Maggie Cohen, you will never harm anyone ever again.
01:30:51Now that I've inherited the power of the Moon Goddess, your darkness is eradicated!
01:30:58Thank the Moon Goddess, Hunter!
01:31:02Everything's been avenged.
01:31:05Not everything.
01:31:06There's one more crucial thing we have to do.
01:31:20The Moon Goddess
01:31:37We are gathered here today in the sight of the Moon Goddess and in the face of this company
01:31:44to join together Hunter Miller and Isabella Cross in holy matrimony.
01:31:51Mother, we pray for all married people that they may experience more and more joy at the passing of each day.
01:32:01In the presence of the Moon Goddess, I declare you husband and wife.
01:32:08Broom, you may kiss your bride.
01:32:11You sure you want to marry me this time?
01:32:13Of course, Hunter Miller. You're my husband now.
01:32:19So, where are you going for your honeymoon?
01:32:29So, where are you going for your honeymoon?