The Back of the Unwanted Bride Full Epsiode

  • 2 months ago
The Back of the Unwanted Bride Full Epsiode
Flash Marriage After One - night Stand:
Escape The Billionaire's Embrace Full Epsiode:
The CEO's Tempting Secretary Full Epsiode:
Once Upon a Divorce The Double Life of Lady Diana Full Epsiode:
#shorts #shortfilm #reeels
00:00:00Charlotte, where are you? The wedding ceremony has already started. Everyone's waiting for
00:00:13you. Why didn't you wake me up? I've been calling you dozens of times all morning. Charlotte,
00:00:19what's going on? Are you okay? I'll be right there. Dear friends and family, we're gathered
00:00:40here today to join Andrew Thompson and Charlotte Cooper in holy matrimony. Where have you been?
00:00:46Is everything okay? There's something I need to tell you. What's wrong, honey? We're going to be
00:00:58husband and wife. Tell me everything. Come on, it can't be that bad. Andrew, I slept with someone
00:01:08last night. You cheated on me on our wedding day? I thought it was you. You disgust me. Go home.
00:01:27Wedding's canceled. Charlotte, where are you? The wedding ceremony has already started. Everyone's
00:01:51waiting for you. Why didn't you wake me up? I've been calling you dozens of times all morning.
00:01:57Charlotte, what's going on? Are you okay? I'll be right there. Dear friends and family, we're
00:02:18gathered here today to join Andrew Thompson and Charlotte Cooper in holy matrimony. Where have you
00:02:25been? Is everything okay? There's something I need to tell you. What's wrong, honey? We're going to be
00:02:37husband and wife. Tell me everything. Come on, it can't be that bad. Andrew, I slept with someone last
00:02:47night. You cheated on me on our wedding day? I thought it was you. You disgust me. Go home.
00:03:08Wedding's canceled. Oh my God, Dad! Calm down. I swear I didn't know the man last night wasn't Andrew.
00:03:24Someone had to have set me up. You ruined your engagement, whether it was your fault or not. You know how bad
00:03:30things are? You might have ruined the business deal with the Thompson's. I just lost my chance at
00:03:35lifelong happiness, and all you care about is a business deal. Don't get upset at Charlotte. I mean, she's still your
00:03:41daughter. Enough! She's disgraced us for the last time. Charlotte, go get your things. Dad, what are you talking
00:03:49about? Don't call me that. Father-daughter relationship is over, as of right now. Go get your things. Go. Sir, I
00:04:02reviewed the hotel security cameras, but it looks like someone wiped your floor's footage in between 11 p.m. and
00:04:08midnight. Are you trying to say that someone tried to set me up? What about the girl that came to my hotel room last
00:04:14night? Could it be her? We can't confirm if you're the target, sir. The eldest son of the Thompson family was
00:04:20having his bachelor party at the hotel. Some escorts came, and it could have been one of them. Oh, and
00:04:31Charlotte, I forgot to tell you something. It was all me, slut. Yes? What are you talking about? Honestly, it was
00:04:41too easy. I just found a drunk stranger at the hotel bar, and then I stole his room card, and then I accidentally
00:04:49took you to his room. Oh, I was just wondering if you liked your bed, or anything else. How could you do this to me? Is it
00:05:01true? What a pain in the ass. Wait, let me out. Over the years, I've been abroad until my father suddenly told me to
00:05:16come back half a month ago. Fortunately, I'm not alone anymore. Roman, how many times have I told you don't wander off
00:05:24without me? Sorry, Mommy. It's okay. I'm not trying to scold you. It's just dangerous wandering off without me, okay?
00:05:33Isn't this your home? This was my home. It's not anymore. You're my only family. Wherever you are, that's home. Will we
00:05:42still get to see Daddy this time? Then we can finally be a real family. If only I knew who he is. Let's go.
00:05:57Excuse me. Excuse me, sir. Excuse me, ma'am. Thank you. Hey, what are you doing? We've been waiting here forever. You can't just
00:06:06cut in line. How much do you want? You want money? How much do you want for the cab? Five hundred bucks? Are you serious?
00:06:13You want a thousand? Here you go. Take the money, and this gram. Are you cheating me? Are you cheating me? Let me go.
00:06:26Don't disrespect me like that. That's my money. Daddy. I'm not your dad, kid, okay? Get out of the way. Roman, come on, let's go.
00:06:34See you later, Dad. Go, please. I want you to find out as much as you can about that girl. Yes, sir. Hold that cab.
00:06:46Andrew? Charlotte. It's been a while. You've changed a lot. What are you doing here? Honey, who is it? Oh, my God, Charlotte, you're here.
00:07:11Good. After all these years, you finally decided to show up. I missed you so much. Wait, who's the kid? Oh, you've got to be joking. Don't tell me you got pregnant from that one-night stand.
00:07:28You gave birth to it? Ew. Watch it. If you say something like that again, I'll make you wish you were never born. Forget it, babe. Let's go back inside. Wait, you two are...
00:07:44Oh, Daddy didn't tell you? Andrew and I are engaged. The wedding's this weekend. Didn't tell you? Andrew and I are engaged. The wedding's this weekend. Congratulations. You two truly deserve each other.
00:08:03Is she here? Yes, Daddy. Well, I should get inside before Daddy gets mad. You wouldn't want that, right?
00:08:12Where did you bring him? Roman is my son. Of course I would take him with me. She's right, Daddy. I mean, that is your grandson over there. You'll never accept a bastard as my grandson.
00:08:33How could you say that? If you weren't going to welcome us, then why call us back here at all? This weekend is Vanessa and Andrew's engagement party. I also plan on announcing Vanessa as the new Cooper heir. I thought you should be here for that. Not with a child.
00:08:49Well, the next time something like this happens, just delete my number and save us both the time. Goodbye, and hopefully we never see either of you again. Let's go, Mom.
00:09:03Charlotte Cooper, 30 years old, eldest daughter of the Cooper family. Ten years ago, her father, Bruce Cooper, kicked her out of the family because of some sort of a scandal. I mean, she's been working as a fashion...
00:09:16Hold on, hold on. Did you just say that there was a scandal ten years ago? Hold on, hold on. Did you say that there was a scandal ten years ago?
00:09:26Yes, sir. The records show here that Charlotte Cooper left the country ten years ago following a scandal. I was exposed to Andrew Thompson's wedding.
00:09:34Let me see that.
00:09:36She's been abroad ever since.
00:09:39You know, there's something familiar about this girl.
00:09:42Wait, what?
00:09:46Thank you, sir.
00:09:48Keep digging. I want to know what else you can find out about this girl.
00:09:58Shoot. I forgot to exchange money.
00:10:01I'm sorry, honey. This is all Mommy has.
00:10:04Don't worry, Mommy. It's enough.
00:10:14Mommy, the nice ice cream lady gave me an extra one.
00:10:19That's so sweet. Did you say thank you?
00:10:31Excuse me, mister. You dropped your ring.
00:10:36You dropped your ring.
00:10:39It's you. Did you steal it, you filthy brat?
00:10:43Andrew! No, I didn't.
00:10:45How could you say that? Roman didn't do anything.
00:10:48He knows it is hard whether he did it or not.
00:10:51You really have no shame, huh, Charlotte?
00:10:53Aren't you embarrassed dragging around this stealing?
00:10:56Bastard, with you everywhere.
00:10:59You say that again, I swear.
00:11:01Did I call him wrong? I mean, it's true.
00:11:04He's nothing but a filthy little bastard.
00:11:08Are you out of your damn mind?
00:11:11Oh, my God!
00:11:13Barking and biting like a rabid dog?
00:11:16What kind of parent raises their child like that?
00:11:18Don't blame the kid. Raised without a father.
00:11:21No wonder he didn't do it.
00:11:22Don't blame the kid. Raised without a father.
00:11:25No wonder he didn't do it.
00:11:31Hey. Hi, sweetheart.
00:11:34You all right?
00:11:37You all right?
00:11:39Huh? Hey, buddy.
00:11:41Hi, Daddy. You good?
00:11:43I'm sorry, guys. I had to take a phone call from the NBC reporter.
00:11:46Oh, my God. They just keep pestering me for an interview.
00:11:49Did I miss something?
00:11:50No, honey. They just wanted some money for the bus.
00:11:54No, guys. I'm so sorry. I don't have any money.
00:11:57But if you guys need a ride, we can take you for a ride in our new Porsche.
00:12:05Thank you so much. I'm Charlotte.
00:12:08I only did that because I don't like to see kids being pestered.
00:12:11But what kind of parent gives their kid only ice cream?
00:12:14And where's the kid's father?
00:12:16I mean, what kind of father leaves their kid with someone like you?
00:12:18I mean, what kind of father leaves their kid with someone like you?
00:12:30Are you serious?
00:12:33Are you really going to treat somebody like that that just saved your life?
00:12:37I'm grateful for your help, but no one tells me how to raise my son. Let's go, brother.
00:12:41All right. We'll see him soon.
00:12:43Don't worry.
00:12:49Luckily, I still have one last refuge in this world.
00:12:56Oh, my God. Charlotte, my sweetheart.
00:13:00Where have you been?
00:13:02Hi. I'm Roman.
00:13:04Hi, Roman, sweetie. So good to see you.
00:13:06You guys, come on in.
00:13:08So good to have you back.
00:13:10You need a wing. Here you go.
00:13:13So how's he doing in school?
00:13:15Amazing. He's great.
00:13:19Slow down, child.
00:13:22Okay. I'm going to go outside.
00:13:24Oh, okay.
00:13:28Thank you so much for all of this.
00:13:31Honey, I'm your godmother.
00:13:33I should be conjuring up glass slippers and pumpkin carriages for you.
00:13:39Oh, you know what? That reminds me. Wait here a moment.
00:13:42So, I heard about Andrew and Vanessa's engagement party this weekend.
00:13:47I'd really rather not go.
00:13:50I think I just want to cut off all contact with them.
00:13:53Charlotte, living well is the best revenge.
00:13:56And those who wish ill upon you, that's the right thing.
00:14:01You know what? Open the box and give them a sight to behold.
00:14:05You're going to be beautiful.
00:14:12Excuse me, ma'am. May I see your invitation, ma'am?
00:14:15What invitation?
00:14:17I'm sorry.
00:14:19No invitation, you can't enter, ma'am.
00:14:22Listen, I didn't even want to come here tonight.
00:14:24You're home late.
00:14:26I'm sorry.
00:14:28I'm sorry.
00:14:30I'm sorry.
00:14:31Listen, I didn't even want to come here tonight.
00:14:34Your host is the one that invited me.
00:14:36And if he doesn't see me, it's going to be a big problem for you.
00:14:39Rules are rules. No invitation, no entry.
00:14:50I didn't expect to see you here.
00:14:52Well, I'm invited.
00:14:55We forgot our invitation.
00:14:58Do you think you could help us in?
00:14:59Of course.
00:15:01But, uh...
00:15:03You're going to have to beg me.
00:15:07You're going to have to beg me.
00:15:11Okay. Please.
00:15:13Will you help us get in?
00:15:17Ethan Wright.
00:15:19Please, Mr. Wright. Will you help us?
00:15:23But just to be clear,
00:15:25I'm only doing it for the kid.
00:15:27Of course.
00:15:30There you go.
00:15:33I'm sorry, Mr. Wright.
00:15:43Pretty dress.
00:15:45Thank you so much. And thank you for coming, really.
00:15:50I heard Galaxy Net Media's CEO, Ethan Wright, is in town.
00:15:55So, I asked someone to send him an invitation.
00:15:59Do you think he'll come?
00:16:01Ethan Wright.
00:16:03I've never heard of him attending private events.
00:16:06What makes you think an ice king like that
00:16:08would want to come to our little engagement party?
00:16:10Does it hurt to try?
00:16:12Think about it. If he comes today,
00:16:14everyone will look up to us.
00:16:19That bitch.
00:16:22Oh, Charlotte.
00:16:24What a surprise to see you here.
00:16:25Didn't Daddy tell you not to bring the bastard?
00:16:28Well, I find your party just as sad and disgusting as you.
00:16:33That's why I brought some people
00:16:35that don't make me sick to look at.
00:16:37What are you laughing at?
00:16:41My apologies.
00:16:43I've never been to such a quaint little banquet before.
00:16:47Please, excuse my rudeness.
00:16:50Excuse my rudeness.
00:16:54This dress is a one-of-a-kind designer gown.
00:16:58Custom made for me in Italy.
00:17:00My dear sister, if you really didn't have anything suitable
00:17:04to wear for tonight, you could have borrowed something of mine.
00:17:07Nothing can be as bad as that out-of-season thing you're wearing.
00:17:11What's under that cloak you're too scared to take off.
00:17:15I bet it's something even more embarrassing.
00:17:17Something even more embarrassing.
00:17:21Something even more embarrassing.
00:17:25Not what you expected?
00:17:32I'm so sorry.
00:17:34I'm so sorry.
00:17:36Let me help you.
00:17:38Stop pulling my body, mean lady.
00:17:40My limited edition designer shoes.
00:17:42Get out of here, you little brat.
00:17:45Andrew, let him go.
00:17:47Andrew, don't blame the boy.
00:17:49After all, his mother is Charlotte.
00:17:54You know, the woman who slept around before her wedding day.
00:17:58Let go of the kid.
00:18:03Who the hell do you think you are?
00:18:07And what makes you think you can talk to me like that?
00:18:09Oh, I'm sorry.
00:18:11I must have not mentioned.
00:18:13I'm the kid's father.
00:18:15You can get lost too before I throw you out with him.
00:18:20What's going on here?
00:18:24What's going on here?
00:18:26Daddy, it was Charlotte.
00:18:28She was telling everyone that...
00:18:30Enough, enough.
00:18:32Can't you see we have an esteemed guest here?
00:18:34Mr. Miller doesn't want to hear this nonsense.
00:18:36Charlotte, come with me.
00:18:44Do you want to get some food?
00:18:53Charlotte, this is Starfield's CEO, Mr. Miller.
00:18:57Starfield's the biggest oil company in our state.
00:19:00And a very important partner.
00:19:02It's nice to meet you, Mr. Miller.
00:19:04Nice to meet you too, Charlotte.
00:19:06You're just undeniably gorgeous, aren't you?
00:19:10Thank you.
00:19:13I had a feeling you two would be a great match.
00:19:15Dad, what is this all about?
00:19:18Behave yourself, Charlotte.
00:19:20It's all right, Bruce. No worries.
00:19:22Charlotte, I got myself a private room upstairs.
00:19:26Why don't you and I go get some coffee and get to know you a little better?
00:19:30Absolutely, Mr. Miller.
00:19:33Go on, Charlotte.
00:19:35Mommy, I see this really good cake over there.
00:19:38Do you want to go try it with me?
00:19:39Mommy, Charlotte, is this your rug or hat?
00:19:42I can come to your room, Mr. Miller, as long as my son and my husband approve.
00:19:49Come on over here, Cooper.
00:19:51Excuse me, gentlemen, but I'm afraid I tend to be the jealous type.
00:19:58As you heard, it looks like my husband isn't okay with it.
00:20:01So, I'll have to decline your offer.
00:20:04This is a misunderstanding.
00:20:06She doesn't have a child.
00:20:07She doesn't have a child.
00:20:09This is just technically just an important little bash.
00:20:12Dad, stop with the lies.
00:20:14Everyone here knows Roman is my son.
00:20:16Stop pretending like he isn't.
00:20:18What the hell is this, Cooper?
00:20:20Are you trying to make a fool out of me, huh?
00:20:22No, no, no. Joe, look, I would never do that. You know that.
00:20:25They're just a couple of hired actors.
00:20:28She's role-playing. It's just playing house.
00:20:31Fuck you, Bruce.
00:20:33Our deal's off. You pay your own goddamn debts yourself.
00:20:38I'm sorry.
00:20:43Charlotte, I have had it with you.
00:20:46This is the last time you embarrass me.
00:20:48Go, go and apologize to Mr. Mutherfucker.
00:20:51Dad, are you crazy?
00:20:55Mr. Wright.
00:20:58Wouldn't you like for me to get someone to clean up this mess?
00:21:01Did you just say Mr. Wright?
00:21:04Who are you, really?
00:21:08This is Ethan Wright.
00:21:12And he's the top ten on Forbes Billionaire List.
00:21:16CEO of Galaxy Net.
00:21:18And, of course, Miss Charlotte Cooper's husband.
00:21:24My wife here came as a courtesy to enjoy her sister's engagement.
00:21:30But, unfortunately, instead of you thanking her for coming,
00:21:33you have completely embarrassed both of us
00:21:36by trying to get her to go to another man's room in front of our son.
00:21:40Do you care to explain?
00:21:43Do you care to explain?
00:21:46Mommy, did you hear that?
00:21:50I... Mr. Wright, if I may, I...
00:21:54I obviously was not privy to all the ins and outs of what's happening here.
00:21:59And somebody didn't tell me they got married.
00:22:02So there's no way I was going to know that he was your son.
00:22:05It's impossible. He wasn't even the guy from that...
00:22:08What? Why don't you finish?
00:22:11I... I...
00:22:13Why don't you tell them how you framed me and ruined my peaceful life?
00:22:17Spit it out!
00:22:20Obviously just jealous of our happiness and speaking nonsense.
00:22:28I'm not jealous.
00:22:30Honey, honey, honey.
00:22:32This is all your fault.
00:22:34Let's go.
00:22:39My son-in-law. Your son-in-law.
00:22:41Look, I can't apologize enough.
00:22:44I can only hope that you find it in your heart to forgive me.
00:22:48Because I didn't know why I...
00:22:51Yes, you did make a mistake.
00:22:55You have absolutely embarrassed us.
00:22:58I do not appreciate how you have treated my family.
00:23:01Charlotte, let's get out of here and rid ourselves of the filth.
00:23:06You're right, honey. Let's go.
00:23:11I can't leave these people.
00:23:13What's wrong with them again?
00:23:16Sure thing, sweetheart.
00:23:20We could be partners and make a lot of money together.
00:23:32Hold on one sec. I'm just going to call room service because I need to find a new...
00:23:41What? Do I look weird?
00:23:44No. No, you... you look...
00:23:46You look, uh...
00:23:49You look good.
00:24:06What? What is it?
00:24:11Okay, let me ask you a question.
00:24:13What did they mean about you fooling around about your wedding ten years ago?
00:24:16Ethan, let me go.
00:24:17Answer my question.
00:24:20Does he think I'm easy because of what Vanessa said?
00:24:29I'm sorry.
00:24:34I didn't mean to do that.
00:24:41I'm sorry.
00:24:43I should go.
00:24:50Roman, let's go.
00:24:58Are you here?
00:25:02Roman, where are you?
00:25:10Charlotte, I have Roman.
00:25:12You'll stay with me until you help us seal the deal with Ethan Wright.
00:25:17What's wrong with you, you monster?
00:25:19He's your grandson.
00:25:21Watch your mouth, my good daughter.
00:25:24Your son's safety is in your hands.
00:25:26If I were you, I'd start running.
00:25:28Wait, please let me talk to him first.
00:25:47Ryan, where is Ethan?
00:25:49I need to see him right now.
00:25:58I'm constantly repeating myself.
00:26:00I feel like a broken record.
00:26:05Ethan, are you listening to me?
00:26:07Yeah, yeah.
00:26:09Then what did I say?
00:26:11That it's time to find a wife.
00:26:13And that I need to start thinking about marriage.
00:26:14And that I need to start thinking about marriage and family.
00:26:16But I'm not.
00:26:20Listen, I know you're busy.
00:26:22So, I found some nice girls for you.
00:26:27Ethan, Ms. Charlotte Cooper is insisting on seeing you.
00:26:32She's at the front door right now.
00:26:36I'll be right back.
00:26:45Well, looks like I may actually have a daughter-in-law soon.
00:26:50It's time.
00:26:54Hi, I'm so sorry to bother you, but I really need your help.
00:26:57Okay, calm down.
00:26:59What happened?
00:27:01My father took Roman.
00:27:03You're the only person who can help me.
00:27:05What worse terms?
00:27:07You just have to pick the Coopers as your business partners.
00:27:09I'm sorry, but I've run out of all other options.
00:27:11Otherwise, I wouldn't bother you like this again.
00:27:13What's in it for me?
00:27:15I mean, listen.
00:27:17Just because I've helped you out a couple of times,
00:27:19doesn't make me some automatic, wish-granted genie, okay?
00:27:22Even genies take some sort of payment.
00:27:27What do you want to pay me?
00:27:29Whatever it takes.
00:27:32That you and your father are putting together?
00:27:34What, you're trying to bait me into believing
00:27:36that there's some kid being held hostage?
00:27:38What, you just gained my sympathy?
00:27:40What do you mean?
00:27:42I've seen these dirty tricks happen way too many times.
00:27:45If your father wants to cut a deal with me,
00:27:47he can make me a deal that's going to impress me.
00:27:49Otherwise, no fucking deal.
00:27:51You really think that little of me?
00:27:55Thanks for nothing.
00:28:01What's wrong?
00:28:05Alfred, what's the problem?
00:28:07I'm just concerned that you may regret your actions
00:28:10if later you find out you misjudged our love for Miss Cooper.
00:28:24Hello, Ethan.
00:28:26I need you to figure out if Roman's really being held hostage.
00:28:28Figure out if this is a trap set by the Coopers.
00:28:41Daddy, are you sure this is safe?
00:28:44I mean, Ethan Wright's a very powerful man.
00:28:47He'll probably find that place easily.
00:28:49Don't worry.
00:28:51I've got my best men keeping watch.
00:28:53Plus, it's offshore.
00:28:55It's not as easy as you think.
00:29:10Did you hear something?
00:29:12Relax, Dad.
00:29:14You're probably just on edge.
00:29:16Plus, our new locks won't let anyone get past the combo.
00:29:19You know, I bet Ethan Wright isn't even with Charlotte,
00:29:22or he'd be here by now.
00:29:24That bitch is probably on a show.
00:29:26Who knows what she offered him in return.
00:29:30Their relationship might be more complicated than it seems,
00:29:34but you might be able to take advantage of that.
00:29:43The men are on the move?
00:29:46Whose men? Ethan?
00:29:48There's no way.
00:29:50He made it very clear that he wasn't interested in helping.
00:29:53Well, put the order out and move the little bastard.
00:29:56Do it now!
00:29:58That doesn't sound good.
00:30:00If they move Roman, I bet they'll up the security.
00:30:02Then it'll be even harder to track him down.
00:30:05Oh, no. I have to go now.
00:30:21Sweet daughter.
00:30:23Still up to your dirty little tricks, I see.
00:30:26You're not my father. You're a monster.
00:30:28Give me my son back!
00:30:31All this time, you haven't changed.
00:30:34You still have a bit of a temper, huh?
00:30:38I'm your hotshot husband that should be here
00:30:41begging to make a deal with me.
00:30:43I've already tried to convince him.
00:30:45There's nothing else I can do.
00:30:47He refused?
00:30:49I knew you weren't his wife.
00:30:53Oh, my God. How dare you try to act like some what?
00:30:56High and mighty wife?
00:30:58Oh, you're going to cry?
00:31:03Sweet child.
00:31:05Here now is your opportunity to make things right.
00:31:08Remember Mr. Miller?
00:31:10I know you do.
00:31:12He was quite fond of you.
00:31:14Why don't you two marry?
00:31:16You can play your part in our family business.
00:31:21If you like him so much, why don't you marry him?
00:31:24Won't that be better for your family business?
00:31:26If you keep saying no to me,
00:31:28then I won't be able to guarantee
00:31:30the safety of your little brat!
00:31:40Our men have confirmed.
00:31:42Roman Cooper?
00:31:44He was kidnapped by his grandfather.
00:31:46He was last spotted at
00:31:48Andrew and Vanessa's engagement party.
00:31:50Could I really have misjudged you then?
00:31:53Come on, go with me!
00:31:55Help! Help!
00:31:57Somebody help!
00:31:59Don't bother.
00:32:01Nobody's coming to save her.
00:32:03Sorry, little ass.
00:32:05What do you think you're going to do with him, huh?
00:32:09Put him down.
00:32:11Fuck off, lover boy.
00:32:13You heard what I said.
00:32:15I'm going to kill you.
00:32:17I'm going to kill you.
00:32:19I'm going to kill you.
00:32:20You heard what I said.
00:32:23I'm going.
00:32:26You asked for this.
00:32:31You okay?
00:32:33You're so cruel.
00:32:35Those bad guys didn't stand a chance.
00:32:38Daddy, watch out!
00:32:42Dang it.
00:32:44Let's go home to mom.
00:32:46I'm sorry,
00:32:48but the person you've called
00:32:50has a voicemail box.
00:32:52Sorry, the person you've called
00:32:54has a voicemail box.
00:32:59Hey, don't worry.
00:33:01Okay, your mother is probably
00:33:03outside looking for you.
00:33:05That's why she didn't answer the phone.
00:33:07But do you want to stay with me
00:33:09for a couple of days?
00:33:13is mommy in danger?
00:33:17Your mom
00:33:19is going to be perfectly fine, okay?
00:33:21She is tough.
00:33:23She is very, very tough.
00:33:25But she needs someone to protect her.
00:33:28Daddy, can you protect her?
00:33:36I'm sorry, kid.
00:33:38I'm not your father.
00:33:41Are you hungry?
00:33:43Do you want to get some food?
00:33:45Come on.
00:33:57Throw it.
00:34:01Oh, that's a good throw.
00:34:03Good job, buddy.
00:34:05Ethan, what are you doing?
00:34:07Who is this kid?
00:34:09Hi, I'm Roman.
00:34:11Hello, sweetie.
00:34:13What on earth is going on here?
00:34:15If you're going to lie to me,
00:34:17then who's his mother?
00:34:19Is she that girl that came by last time?
00:34:21Yes, but listen, it's not what you think.
00:34:23Roman's grandfather kidnapped him.
00:34:25I'm just looking after him
00:34:27for his mother, that's all.
00:34:29You seem to have more interest
00:34:31in this child than your son.
00:34:33Listen, I'm not going to lie, okay?
00:34:35We do have a strong connection,
00:34:37a connection that's
00:34:39like what a father and son would have,
00:34:41but he's not mine.
00:34:45Ethan, I know you want to try
00:34:47to take care of him yourself,
00:34:49but there's already rumors
00:34:51about you having a secret child.
00:34:53Better to keep a low profile now
00:34:55and let me look after him for a while.
00:34:57All right.
00:34:59That makes sense.
00:35:01Come on, sweetie.
00:35:03We'll have some fun together,
00:35:05won't we, Romy?
00:35:15Can we play leader again?
00:35:19Ethan, right.
00:35:21You need to explain yourself.
00:35:23Hey, buddy,
00:35:25how old did you say that you were?
00:35:27I'm nine.
00:35:29Okay, you're nine.
00:35:33the timing matches up.
00:35:35Ethan, no matter what the truth is,
00:35:37right now finding his mother
00:35:39is a priority.
00:35:41We can work out everything else later.
00:35:43Come on.
00:35:45Let's go.
00:35:52Where are you, Charlotte?
00:36:05Oh, there she is.
00:36:07Oh, look at you.
00:36:09Looking pretty as a picture.
00:36:11Sparkling like a diamond in that dress.
00:36:15I need to use the restroom.
00:36:19Remember what I told you.
00:36:23if you want the boy to live.
00:36:26Let's go.
00:36:29There she is.
00:36:31It certainly is wonderful
00:36:33to see you again, Charlotte.
00:36:35Looking spectacularly beautiful as always.
00:36:37So, I'm glad we cleared up
00:36:39that little misunderstanding, Joe.
00:36:41But, uh,
00:36:43about our previous arrangement...
00:36:45Oh, man, my word.
00:36:47You're dead,
00:36:49for the sake of it.
00:37:03I escaped when?
00:37:11Tell him to send more.
00:37:13The brat must be found.
00:37:16I love you.
00:37:18I love you, too.
00:37:20Oh, don't be shy, beautiful.
00:37:22Come on, I'm just trying to be nice.
00:37:24Oh, here?
00:37:26Let her go.
00:37:29Ethan, thank God.
00:37:31Ah, uh, Mr. Wright.
00:37:35Charlotte's been promised to Mr. Miller now,
00:37:37so even with all your power,
00:37:39you just can't do
00:37:41everything that you want, right?
00:37:43I'm sorry, Mr. Miller.
00:37:45A game, hmm?
00:37:47The winner takes the girl home?
00:37:49This is Jill.
00:37:51I'm so excited.
00:37:53I haven't checked on the person.
00:37:58He found Roman?
00:38:00All right, gentlemen.
00:38:02Let's do this.
00:38:04How much are you willing to wager for the girl,
00:38:06Mr. Miller?
00:38:08Well, that depends.
00:38:10How much are you willing to
00:38:12throw down yourself, their house?
00:38:13I'm willing to wager
00:38:15one-tenth of my net worth.
00:38:20Is that all?
00:38:22How much could that possibly be?
00:38:24Mr. Miller,
00:38:26Ethan Wright was worth
00:38:28$100 billion, so 10%.
00:38:30You said $10 billion?
00:38:32Are you out of your goddamn mind?
00:38:34Ah, don't worry.
00:38:36We can take all your real estate
00:38:38and your company's value.
00:38:40I mean, if you add those up, right,
00:38:41you have a net value of five properties
00:38:43that adds up to
00:38:45exactly $5 billion.
00:38:47You know, Mr. Cooper,
00:38:49I think for the sake of your daughter's happiness,
00:38:51you ought to contribute.
00:38:55Mr. Wright,
00:38:57it's too preposterous.
00:38:59I think we should, uh...
00:39:01If either of you win,
00:39:03it will count as a win for both of you.
00:39:05And I would like to have Charlotte
00:39:07represent me in this game.
00:39:09You're an object to be bargained with.
00:39:11I'm simply giving you control
00:39:13of your own destiny.
00:39:15Do you trust me?
00:39:22I don't have time for this.
00:39:25Okay, Mr. Wright,
00:39:27but don't regret this if you go bankrupt.
00:39:29Enough talking.
00:39:31What are we playing, Slick?
00:39:33Why don't we play a fair and simple game?
00:39:35Blackjack, five rounds, best of three.
00:39:36Shall we?
00:40:34Oh, goddamn!
00:40:36I did it! I did it!
00:40:38Come on.
00:40:41Well played, ma'am.
00:40:43No, Cooper, you're on your own.
00:40:45Mr. Wright,
00:40:47I think we got off on the wrong foot here.
00:40:49Why don't we play another round?
00:40:51Double or nothing, huh?
00:40:53Mr. Miller, I don't think we should do that, you know,
00:40:55because you wouldn't want to ruin your reputation
00:40:57off of just a simple little game, right?
00:40:59Ryan, please take our gentleman here,
00:41:01Mr. Miller, into the back
00:41:03to do all the necessary paperwork and procedures
00:41:04and not want him to walk off, right?
00:41:06Cooper, Cooper,
00:41:08just a second, just a second.
00:41:10You're going to help me out, Cooper.
00:41:12You're going to help me out.
00:41:14Mr. Cooper,
00:41:16you're not going to go against your bet, are you?
00:41:18Well, we never actually,
00:41:20we never agreed to the terms or to the odds.
00:41:23That's really how you want to do this?
00:41:27Someone get the surveillance footage.
00:41:29It's been settled.
00:41:31But there's a problem.
00:41:34you can see the surveillance.
00:41:37Mr. Wright,
00:41:39there's no footage
00:41:41or evidence of the deal.
00:41:43I mean, that's a shame.
00:41:45Yes, that is a shame.
00:41:47A strict shame.
00:41:49But I did find out that Andrew
00:41:51in the security department
00:41:53was terminated today.
00:42:03Oh, and I forgot to mention, you know,
00:42:05because of all the factors going on,
00:42:07I was able to acquire
00:42:09a magazine today
00:42:11in case something like this happens.
00:42:13So any surveillance that you're looking for,
00:42:16I can get you copies of all of it.
00:42:23Mr. Wright,
00:42:25I was wrong.
00:42:27Please, please,
00:42:29have mercy.
00:42:30Let's just forget this.
00:42:32Forget all of it, right?
00:42:34But that would only come
00:42:36with specific conditions.
00:42:40Forget all of it.
00:42:42But that would only come
00:42:44with specific conditions.
00:42:46Anything, name it.
00:42:48I would like to name it,
00:42:50but I think that Charlotte
00:42:52should be the one to handle this situation.
00:42:56Sweetheart, sweetheart.
00:42:58You know I love you.
00:43:00You're one of the family.
00:43:02Even my grandson
00:43:04is, uh,
00:43:08That won't be necessary.
00:43:10I don't want anything to do with you.
00:43:12But as far as our conditions,
00:43:15I think I can come to better terms
00:43:17than your assets.
00:43:19Whatever you want, name it.
00:43:21First, you won't harass me or Roman again.
00:43:25Second, you'll return my mother's shares to me.
00:43:27They're worth 30 million
00:43:28and they belong to me legally.
00:43:30You can't keep them.
00:43:32Okay, I'll start the...
00:43:34And lastly,
00:43:36you will remove Vanessa's name
00:43:38from the inheritance entirely.
00:43:40Are you out of your damn mind?
00:43:42No, she's not.
00:43:44I heard her.
00:43:48Seriously? You're really gonna...
00:43:56Looks like we're even now.
00:44:05Mommy, I missed you so much.
00:44:07Oh, sweetie.
00:44:11Daddy left everything behind to find you.
00:44:13I knew he would be able to save you.
00:44:15Thank you so much for watching him, Mrs. Wright.
00:44:18Oh, you're welcome, honey.
00:44:20Is everything okay now?
00:44:22Were you able to resolve all the issues with your family?
00:44:24Yes, thanks to Ethan,
00:44:26everything is okay now.
00:44:28Let's go home now.
00:44:30Bye-bye, Granny.
00:44:32Wait, Charlotte,
00:44:34I'm sorry if this offends you,
00:44:36but I have to ask,
00:44:38how is Roman's father?
00:44:42It's... it's okay.
00:44:46looks like I'll have to come up
00:44:48with some story to get through this.
00:44:52Roman's father wasn't a very good man.
00:44:54We were married for two months
00:44:56and he treated us terribly.
00:44:59We only have each other now
00:45:01and we're a complete family.
00:45:06is there anything else, Mrs. Wright?
00:45:08I understand, Charlotte.
00:45:10You're welcome to visit anytime.
00:45:12I really like Roman.
00:45:14He's such a sweet boy.
00:45:17Thank you so much again.
00:45:19I appreciate it.
00:45:21All right, let's go.
00:45:31I'm hungry.
00:45:33Shh, one second.
00:45:35Lucy, are you here?
00:45:39Anyone here?
00:45:43Quite the weight you put me through.
00:45:47Quite the weight you put me through.
00:45:52what are you doing here?
00:45:54Where's my godmother?
00:45:55Don't worry.
00:45:57The old woman's safe.
00:45:59I think you know why I'm here.
00:46:02What do you mean?
00:46:04Charlotte, you went too far.
00:46:06How could you take everything from your sister?
00:46:08I'm here to give you one last chance to fix this.
00:46:11What do you think I'm grateful for out of this?
00:46:15you can still turn back.
00:46:18Don't call me that.
00:46:20Let's get one thing straight, Andrew.
00:46:22You and me have not been in a relationship
00:46:23like that in ten years.
00:46:25So you
00:46:27actually do have something going on with Ethan, right?
00:46:32Of course.
00:46:34He's my daddy.
00:46:36Over the last ten years,
00:46:38I need to know honestly,
00:46:40did you ever once
00:46:42feel regret
00:46:44for betraying me with Ethan?
00:46:46What are you jealous?
00:46:48Say it.
00:46:50No, I don't regret it.
00:46:51You can go to hell.
00:46:53Now wear
00:46:55and cough up that stuff you took from your sister.
00:47:03You're going to pay for that.
00:47:25Open up, Charlotte.
00:47:27Let's pick up.
00:47:36Ethan, pick up.
00:47:39Hey, Charlotte, you okay?
00:47:41Ethan, thank God. We need you here right now.
00:47:43Hey, where are you? Are you okay?
00:47:45I'm at my godmother's. Andrew is here.
00:47:47Okay, listen, put me on speaker.
00:47:49I will be there very soon, okay?
00:48:03Hey, Charlotte.
00:48:05Mommy, I'm scared.
00:48:07Hey, it's okay. It's me.
00:48:09It's okay. It's daddy.
00:48:13I knew you would be here, daddy.
00:48:15Hey, you guys okay?
00:48:17You good?
00:48:19Okay, it's not safe for you here.
00:48:21I'm going to get you out of here, alright?
00:48:23Okay, come on. Go.
00:48:29Oh, hey.
00:48:31Let me down. Let me down.
00:48:35Hey, listen.
00:48:37We got to get out of here quickly.
00:48:39You're going to slow us down like this.
00:48:41Let's go get out of here.
00:48:43Wow, daddy.
00:48:45Your house looks like a castle.
00:48:48Come on.
00:48:57Really, I'm fine now.
00:49:03Really, I'm fine now.
00:49:06I'm fine now.
00:49:08I'm fine now.
00:49:10I'm fine now.
00:49:12Okay, just so we're clear.
00:49:14I'm not paying your medical bills.
00:49:17I mean, it's not like you have health insurance right now that you're back home.
00:49:33Ethan, they are...
00:49:37Grace, this is Charlotte and Roman.
00:49:40They will be staying with us, like I said.
00:49:42Of course. All set.
00:49:45Hi, I'm Grace.
00:49:47And I've watched Ethan grow up since he was a little boy.
00:49:51And I've been serving the Wright family for about 30 years now.
00:49:55It's nice to meet you, Grace.
00:49:57Same to you, dear.
00:50:02The little one looks like Ethan when he was younger.
00:50:08The little one looks like Ethan when he was younger.
00:50:10He was younger.
00:50:12Um, it's not what you think.
00:50:15Okay, how about we go check out our rooms now, shall we?
00:50:18Let's go.
00:50:20Well, you would not want to disappoint our sweet Grace here, would you?
00:50:25We can just stay in a hotel. It's fine.
00:50:28You don't think Andrew Thompson is going to be able to figure out what hotel you're staying in?
00:50:32Okay, fine. But just until we find a more proper place to live.
00:50:37Thank you for putting up with us, Grace.
00:50:38Oh, you're very welcome, dear.
00:50:42So, Rowan, would you like to come and pick out a big room for yourself?
00:50:46Would you like to come and pick out a big room for yourself?
00:51:47Mom, you really gotta stop sending me these girls' information. I'm not interested.
00:51:57Ethan Benjamin Wright, you have to get married this year.
00:52:02This is an ultimatum.
00:52:13I don't marry Charlotte.
00:52:15What? What? Are you crazy?
00:52:18Am I crazy? My mom needs me to get married.
00:52:22You and Roman need protection so things like yesterday don't happen again.
00:52:26Like a win-win situation.
00:52:29Okay, I get that, but...
00:52:32Ethan, don't be childish. Are you serious about this?
00:52:36Marriage is not a joke.
00:52:38I've been thinking about this for a little while now.
00:52:40And, uh, I think today's the right day.
00:52:51Will you marry me, Charlotte?
00:52:54You don't need to feel pressured, sweetie.
00:52:56If you're not in love with him, you don't have to say yes.
00:53:05You good?
00:53:07We're gonna get you out of here, all right?
00:53:08Let's go get him.
00:53:16I do.
00:53:23I will see you tomorrow.
00:53:26City Hall.
00:53:31Goodbye, Beyoncé.
00:53:33Goodbye, Beyoncé.
00:53:43Bye, Mom.
00:53:46I hope you're happy now.
00:53:51Okay, sweetheart. Let's go.
00:53:53He didn't even get down on one knee.
00:53:57Are you ready?
00:53:59You guys ready?
00:54:02Everybody say, money!
00:54:10Mommy, Daddy, we've finally become a family.
00:54:13Good job, buddy.
00:54:44Now that you're married, you can just expect to spend this money.
00:54:48It's time to find yourself a job.
00:54:57Galaxy Net Media's CEO, Ethan Wright,
00:55:00announced his upcoming reality show, Glam Gala,
00:55:03to discover the most talented fashion designers on Earth.
00:55:08Shut up.
00:55:13The numbers in the first quarter are lower than expected
00:55:16in the home entertainment department.
00:55:18Given previous experience,
00:55:21we thought that you might like to fire everyone in that department.
00:55:26Mandatory overtime for the rest of us.
00:55:29You know, things happen. Let's just...
00:55:35Sir, you have a special guest waiting in your office.
00:55:41You know, good work, everybody, with this quarter.
00:55:44Let's just keep it up.
00:55:49Well, that's new.
00:55:55Charlotte, my lovely wife,
00:55:58do I have the pleasure?
00:56:01I have a proposition for you.
00:56:03A proposition? For me?
00:56:05Okay, what is it?
00:56:07I want to work for you.
00:56:12You want to work for me.
00:56:14My budding wife, fashion designer.
00:56:17You know, you continue to amaze me every day.
00:56:20So, do I have the job?
00:56:26Down that hall, take a right.
00:56:30Honey, I need two cute things professional in this office.
00:56:44Don't you think you're being a little bold?
00:56:49We'll see about that.
00:56:55It's impressive.
00:56:57You have some very skilled fingers.
00:57:02That's nothing.
00:57:04I could do this all day.
00:57:08You know,
00:57:09I could do this all day.
00:57:15Then you're hired.
00:57:18Are there any special
00:57:24Thank you for the opportunity, boss.
00:57:27As for my condition,
00:57:29maybe we should keep our marriage a secret for now.
00:57:32We should keep it professional, right?
00:57:40I like that.
00:57:47Sir, sir, I...
00:57:50Sorry, sir and ma'am.
00:57:52I didn't see anything.
00:57:54Maybe next time you should
00:58:01What is it, Ryan?
00:58:04Oh, am I interrupting something?
00:58:12You're back in town.
00:58:14I am. I got back a few days ago.
00:58:16I wanted to surprise you.
00:58:18And how long are you going to be in town for?
00:58:20I'm actually not planning on leaving anytime soon.
00:58:24why don't you introduce us?
00:58:26Yes, Charlotte, this is Sarah.
00:58:29She's an old friend of mine.
00:58:31Sarah, this is Charlotte.
00:58:33She is...
00:58:35I'm a new employee.
00:58:38Oh, Ethan,
00:58:40I found that limited edition necklace
00:58:42that your mom has been dying to have.
00:58:44I'll bring it over this weekend.
00:58:46You'll be there, right?
00:58:48You know, I might be a little busy this weekend,
00:58:50but my mom would love to see you.
00:58:57could you just give us a little bit of a privacy?
00:58:59This isn't really for staff members to hear.
00:59:03I should head to the art department.
00:59:05Excuse me.
00:59:13Oh, my God, we have so much to catch up on.
00:59:15I know.
00:59:25Anybody there?
00:59:27Can you turn back on the lights, please?
00:59:30I'm fine.
00:59:34Oh, my God, I'm so sorry.
00:59:36Are you okay?
00:59:38It's fine, it's fine.
00:59:40Let me see.
01:00:04Anyone there?
01:00:12Maybe we should go home.
01:00:15Yeah, right.
01:00:31Let's go.
01:00:43What's wrong with me tonight?
01:00:45Why can't I get him out of my head?
01:00:48You got a late night snack?
01:00:51Damn it.
01:00:54You okay?
01:00:56You have to be more careful.
01:00:58Hold on.
01:01:03Hold still, okay?
01:01:05I'm gonna make you feel nice and better for you, okay?
01:01:10Hold on.
01:01:12Damn, that hurts.
01:01:16Does that feel better?
01:01:20Okay, stay there.
01:01:22Hold still for me.
01:01:49Where is everybody?
01:01:51Ryan picked Roman up for school this morning.
01:01:54He should be getting out soon.
01:01:57It's that late already?
01:01:59Ethan left early today to catch a flight.
01:02:02But he wanted you to have these.
01:02:04He changed the passwords to your birthday.
01:02:09Well, I guess I should thank him by taking his Audi to go get some groceries.
01:02:23Long time no see, Charlotte.
01:02:29Charlotte, wait. I need to talk to you.
01:02:31What? Is that a pepper?
01:02:33Stop, stop, stop.
01:02:35Let me go or I'm gonna call security.
01:02:39I came here behind Vanessa's back.
01:02:41I'm not gonna hurt you.
01:02:49Okay, Andrew.
01:02:51What's this all about?
01:02:53I know the truth, Charlotte.
01:02:55About Vanessa.
01:02:56I found this.
01:02:58And a hotel receipt tucked away in our home.
01:03:04What's this about, Charlotte?
01:03:06Maybe you should ask your precious fiance about that.
01:03:09Charlotte, Charlotte, wait.
01:03:11I know the truth now.
01:03:13You were right all along and I was blinded.
01:03:17Can I please find it in your heart to forgive me?
01:03:22Can I please find it in your heart to forgive me?
01:03:32It's too late.
01:03:34Who's that? Ethan Wright?
01:03:37With his wealth and his stature, there's no way he'd look twice at someone like you.
01:03:41Beauty queen or heiress.
01:03:43What could you possibly give to someone like him?
01:03:47You really haven't changed at all, have you?
01:03:50You and Vanessa deserve each other.
01:03:58You really haven't changed at all, have you?
01:04:01You and Vanessa deserve each other.
01:04:13Oh, you're here.
01:04:15Thank you so much.
01:04:17I'll take it there.
01:04:19I miss Daddy and I miss coming back home.
01:04:23He's on a business trip. It'll just be a few more days.
01:04:26Made a wish that he would come home today.
01:04:45How's my little troublemaker? You good?
01:04:47Yeah. So, where have you been?
01:04:50You know, I've just had a little bit of business to take care of.
01:04:54I got you something.
01:05:03How are you?
01:05:07I, uh...
01:05:12I missed you.
01:05:18I missed you.
01:05:27Hey, bud.
01:05:28Can you hear me?
01:05:29Hey! Hey, wake up!
01:05:33I brought this back from a business trip.
01:05:37You get a bite of it and then you react.
01:05:43This is hazelnut.
01:05:44Has he ever had an allergic reaction before to hazelnut?
01:05:47No, he's never really tried hazelnuts before.
01:05:51Okay, well, I'm going to send the blood test results to the lab
01:05:53and they'll check for specific allergens.
01:05:55But in the meantime, I suggest Roman stays here for a couple more days under observation.
01:06:00Hey, Doc.
01:06:02Can I have a word with you outside?
01:06:17Can parents pass down the same allergy to their kid?
01:06:21If a parent is allergic to something,
01:06:23there's a high chance that the child could inherit that same trait.
01:06:29Don't tell me you're allergic to hazelnut also.
01:06:33You can't just give your son hazelnut chocolate like that.
01:06:37That could be very dangerous.
01:06:41How long does it take to get the results for a paternity test?
01:06:49How long does it take to get the results for a paternity test?
01:06:53Oh, that could be very...
01:07:12Is everything okay?
01:07:15Everything's fine.
01:07:16Why don't you go home and get some rest?
01:07:19I can take care of Roman.
01:07:23Roman is going to wake up and he's going to want his mom.
01:07:27You need to stay strong for him.
01:07:29If there are any updates, promise you'll call me.
01:07:32I promise.
01:08:38Here are the results that you asked for.
01:08:45Probability of paternity.
01:09:02Hey, how's it going?
01:09:04Is everything alright?
01:09:05Yeah, everything's...
01:09:07Everything's fine.
01:09:08I just got my hopes up a little tonight.
01:09:13Did you see something?
01:09:20I'm sorry guys, but I'm afraid I have some bad news.
01:09:33I'm afraid Roman has leukemia.
01:09:36Oh, no.
01:09:38We need to find a bone marrow match as soon as possible.
01:09:41We can't afford any delays.
01:09:43I'm his mother. I'll get tested right now.
01:09:45Very well. I'll get the paperwork started.
01:09:49Thanks, Doc.
01:09:52Hello, doctor?
01:09:54I did everything you wanted, Vanessa.
01:09:56You'll be sending my payment wire soon, right?
01:10:02You know, maybe we can try to find Roman's dad and get him tested, too.
01:10:07I lied to you about how I got pregnant with Roman's dad.
01:10:11I didn't lie to you.
01:10:12I didn't lie to you.
01:10:13I didn't lie to you.
01:10:14I didn't lie to you.
01:10:15I didn't lie to you.
01:10:16I didn't lie to you.
01:10:17I didn't lie to you.
01:10:18I lied to you about how I got pregnant with Roman.
01:10:22The truth is, I don't know who Roman's father is.
01:10:26It was a one-night stand.
01:10:32It's okay.
01:10:34I will do everything I can to try to find him.
01:10:37I promise.
01:10:49I don't believe you know each other.
01:10:51That doesn't matter.
01:10:53What matters is that we have a common enemy.
01:11:00Interested in teamwork?
01:11:10You said you found the bone marrow match for Roman?
01:11:13Is that true?
01:11:14You said you found the bone marrow match for Roman?
01:11:17Is that true?
01:11:19It is.
01:11:23If you want the treatment, you're going to have to agree to my terms first.
01:11:35Is there any good news?
01:11:36Talk to the doctor.
01:11:39There is a match.
01:11:40That's great.
01:11:41That's what we wanted.
01:11:42That's good.
01:11:46Hey, hey, hey.
01:11:47That's good news.
01:11:49Look at me.
01:11:50That's good.
01:11:55What's wrong?
01:12:02I know there's something wrong.
01:12:05Tell me the problem.
01:12:13I'm leaving you.
01:12:19I'm leaving you.
01:12:25I found Roman's biological father.
01:12:28He agreed to donate bone marrow if we get back together.
01:12:32If you get back together so he's going to let his own blood and flesh die?
01:12:36For you to just listen to him?
01:12:38Does that make any sense?
01:12:42Listen to me.
01:12:44I'm going to keep searching and find somebody that will help Roman.
01:12:48Do you hear me?
01:12:50Everything's going to be okay.
01:12:53Ethan, I can wait.
01:12:55But Roman can't.
01:12:57I'm sorry.
01:12:58I've made my decision.
01:13:00We have to get a divorce.
01:13:05Is that your final decision?
01:13:13All right.
01:13:15I'll write up the paperwork within the next few days.
01:13:41I need you to find out who's threatening her.
01:13:45I need you to find out who's threatening her.
01:13:49Yes, sir. I'm on it.
01:13:58Ma'am, I'm sorry. You're going to have to wait here.
01:14:03You made the right call.
01:14:17Mrs. Cooper.
01:14:19The treatment seems to be working wonders.
01:14:22Roman's blood cell count has improved dramatically.
01:14:27It's a good thing.
01:14:28Thank God.
01:14:30We'll need to keep him for observation, of course.
01:14:32But I'm optimistic that he's going to make a full recovery.
01:14:37I can't thank you enough, Doctor. Really.
01:14:40It's my pleasure.
01:14:41You have a good day.
01:14:57I can't let Ethan see me.
01:14:59Not yet.
01:15:02I'm not who you think I am. Let me go.
01:15:04Don't go anywhere, okay? I see you.
01:15:06Okay, where have you been this whole time? You know I've been worried about you?
01:15:08When were you going to tell me the truth?
01:15:10I mean, I'm here. I see everything.
01:15:13And what else is there to say?
01:15:15I couldn't put our relationship before Roman's life.
01:15:17The vows that we took?
01:15:19Till death do us part. Does that not mean anything to you?
01:15:21We're supposed to be in this together.
01:15:23We're supposed to be in this together.
01:15:25We're supposed to be in this together.
01:15:27Till death do us part. Does that not mean anything to you?
01:15:29We're supposed to be in this together.
01:15:32As partners, no matter what.
01:15:57I know Ethan has found you.
01:15:59And since you broke our deal,
01:16:02don't blame me for being ruthless.
01:16:05What do you want?
01:16:19I'll get people to look for him right away.
01:16:22I'll get people to look for him right away.
01:16:25I'll get people to look for him right away.
01:16:27He couldn't have went far.
01:16:29I can't just sit here and wait. Who knows what she might do next?
01:16:32Charlotte, there are some things I think I need to tell you.
01:16:36Charlotte, there are some things I think I need to tell you.
01:16:39Ryan told me that not long ago.
01:16:41He saw Sarah speaking to somebody at the coffee shop near the company building.
01:16:44That person looked a little bit like Vanessa.
01:16:46You mean...
01:16:47It seems that Vanessa and Sarah have been plotting something.
01:16:50I'm not sure what, but I do believe that it likely has something to do with Roman.
01:16:55Oh no!
01:16:57Roman might be in danger.
01:17:05Charlotte, wait!
01:17:08Andrew, please not now.
01:17:12I know where Roman is.
01:17:14What do you know?
01:17:15Vanessa has been out a lot lately.
01:17:18Coming in late, acting suspicious.
01:17:21A few days ago, I called her.
01:17:23To find out where she was, although she didn't tell me.
01:17:26I heard ship horns flaring and a woman's voice.
01:17:30She was talking about kidnapping Roman.
01:17:32I wanted to ask her about it, but she hung up the phone.
01:17:38Ship horns?
01:17:39Were they somewhere near the water?
01:17:41Yes, I think so.
01:17:43I tried to contact you to tell you about it, but you had changed your number.
01:17:47So I've been waiting here.
01:17:49Hoping to run into you.
01:17:53I think I know where Roman is.
01:17:56Thank you, Andrew.
01:17:58No problem, Charlotte.
01:18:03What about us?
01:18:05Getting back together?
01:18:15Try her birthday.
01:18:16We're running out of time.
01:18:17Try her birthday.
01:18:18Let's try your birthday.
01:18:19My birthday.
01:18:20No, this is not my birthday.
01:18:28Looks like Sarah really is obsessed with you.
01:18:30Charlotte, she's not obsessed with me.
01:18:31Listen, she's nobody to me.
01:18:33This doesn't mean anything.
01:18:35Let's go.
01:18:39Mommy, help!
01:18:40Please don't hurt him!
01:18:44Mommy, help!
01:18:45Please don't hurt him!
01:18:47It's a kid.
01:18:48Let him go.
01:18:49Just a little bit.
01:18:50Just a tiny drop will be enough to snuff out this little brat's life.
01:18:53Oh, and luckily for him, his mommy and daddy came just in time to see his final moments.
01:19:02Oh, you idiots haven't figured it out yet.
01:19:05Ethan right here is Roman's biological father.
01:19:09Oh, right, right.
01:19:11Yeah, remember that night ten years ago?
01:19:13Yeah, see, I tried to set you up with some vagrant, but you ended up in Ethan Wright's room instead.
01:19:21Well, that doesn't matter now.
01:19:23That little mistake will be erased today.
01:19:27Sorry, Ethan.
01:19:29But if I can't have happiness, I will make sure that you don't either.
01:19:33If you have something to say, you can say it to him.
01:19:36But let the kid go.
01:19:38I'll do anything.
01:19:39Please just don't hurt him.
01:19:44What do you think?
01:19:48Let's see.
01:19:49Please slap yourself in the face.
01:19:51She's not going to slap herself in the face.
01:19:56Do you know what would make me feel so much better?
01:20:01Just stabbing this little bastard right now.
01:20:10Now you cry.
01:20:11That's my birthday.
01:20:16No, no!
01:20:17It wasn't me!
01:20:18It was Sarah!
01:20:19It was me!
01:20:20It was Sarah!
01:20:21Wait, no!
01:20:23She's the mastermind!
01:20:29Thank you.
01:20:31Thank you.
01:20:36Will you marry me?
01:20:40Of course I will.
01:20:51Mommy, what are you doing?
01:20:54Roman, what are you...
01:20:57Roman, what are you doing here?
01:20:59Oh my goodness.
01:21:01Sorry about that.
01:21:02He must have slipped away.
01:21:04You too.
01:21:05Carry on.
01:21:06Carry on.
01:21:08Carry on.
01:21:09Carry on.
01:21:38Carry on.
01:21:39Carry on.
01:21:40Carry on.
01:21:41Carry on.
01:21:42Carry on.
01:21:43Carry on.
01:21:44Carry on.
01:21:45Carry on.
01:21:46Carry on.
01:21:47Carry on.
01:21:48Carry on.
01:21:49Carry on.
01:21:50Carry on.
01:21:51Carry on.
01:21:52Carry on.
01:21:53Carry on.
01:21:54Carry on.
01:21:55Carry on.
01:21:56Carry on.
01:21:57Carry on.
01:21:58Carry on.
01:21:59Carry on.
01:22:00Carry on.
01:22:01Carry on.
01:22:02Carry on.
01:22:03Carry on.
01:22:04Carry on.
01:22:05Carry on.
01:22:06Carry on.
