Are you pleased to see Tramlines return? Residents split ahead of big Sheffield festival

  • 3 months ago
Are you pleased to see Tramlines return? Residents split ahead of big Sheffield festival at Hillsborough Park
00:00Could you tell me what your views as a local are of tramlines coming to Hillsborough this week?
00:05Well, I just don't think a public park in a residential area is an appropriate venue
00:11because it causes too much disruption for local people.
00:15What sort of disruption do you find it causes?
00:18Well, the park's closed off for the duration
00:22and it also has knock-on effects for traffic, public transport
00:27and I don't think it does nearby traders any good
00:31because apparently once you go into it, into the event,
00:34you can't come out to go for a drink or a meal or anything like that.
00:40So I really don't think it benefits the local community at all.
00:45Do you think tramlines is a good thing or a bad thing?
00:49I think it's a good thing for the area.
00:51I think it brings a lot of money into the area and the outlying area as well.
00:55Do you live locally?
00:56Yes, I do, yeah.
00:57And will you be going?
00:58I'm going on Friday.
01:00Are you looking forward to it?
01:01Yes, I am, yeah.
01:02First time I've been, I've been, so I'm looking forward to it.
01:05They put generators within 80 yards of our house, which they have running 24-7.
01:11They're not, they have no interest in local residents really.
01:15Is it a big problem for people living close to the park?
01:19Well, it's a big problem for us. I can't speak for everybody, obviously,
01:22but I can speak for us that we don't enjoy it.
01:26We went it first year that they had it here, but it's too big for the area.
01:30It's too big for the park.
01:32They shut off the park. We can't walk as dogs.
01:35We just have the park taken away from us, which we don't agree with.
01:41Can you tell me what you think of tramlines coming to Hillsborough again this weekend?
01:45I think it's a good idea.
01:47Are you a fan?
01:49Well, I'm a fan. I don't go, but I just think it's good for the area and everything.
01:55Do you think tramlines is a good thing for Hillsborough?
01:58Yeah, I think it's really good. I really enjoy it.
02:01Will you be going yourself?
02:03No, but I'm planning on going next year.
02:06And does it cause much disruption for you living locally?
02:09It did. I used to live there on the end, and it was, like, really bad.
02:13Like, I could hear it a lot, and it wasn't nice, but I live over there now in Middlewood,
02:18and I still hear it, but it's not that loud. It doesn't, like, keep me up at night anymore.
