• last year
We asked people are you worried about Hillsborough Park being damaged by Tramlines again
00:00Could you tell me if you're worried about what Hillsborough Park will look like after tramlines
00:04this year? Well no not really because it did look a mess and but they did put it all right
00:12as you can see it all looks good it was a terrible mess though after and people couldn't use it
00:20children couldn't use it so perhaps that is a problem for people with kids but they have put
00:26it right and um you're happy with it I think so yeah because it just brings a bit of life to
00:37Hillsborough and a bit more you know um and it is attended well isn't it really so yeah I think it's
00:47it'll be all right. Could you tell me if you're worried that tramlines might leave Hillsborough
00:52Park in a bad state again? Um I guess potentially it might do yeah I mean um obviously I was aware
01:00of the damage it caused last year you know the fact that they had to sort of give it so many
01:05months to sort of repair it so I guess there is a potential that I'm you know worried that they
01:10might cause damage again coming back. Could you tell me if you're concerned about how Hillsborough
01:16Park will be left after tramlines this year? Yeah I just hope it isn't the same as last year because
01:21for a three-day festival it sure left it and you know it were a long time before it was sorted
01:27and as a parent it was a long time of not being able to I know there are other places to take
01:32children but the park's the the main one it's a you know a free area and it was just it was just
01:38so disappointing that that's how it was left so hopefully there are measures in place this year
01:43that you know it won't be the same as last year. Could you tell me please if you're worried for
01:48Hillsborough Park after tramlines? I think I'm a little you know as concerned as a citizen would
01:54be with regards to having the space back afterwards but I think the money it brings
01:58in and the sort of fun it has for everyone I just can't see a problem with it really.
02:02Do you think it's worth it overall? I think it's worth it yeah for tramlines it's it's a good money
02:07generator and it's a lot of fun for the area so yeah I think I think it's a good thing. Are you
02:12worried about tramlines in Hillsborough Park next month after what happened last year with the park?
02:17Not really no because I say when you know it looked a mess but they certainly put some effort
02:21into it to replacing the grass the grass and that I thought they made a good job of it again.
02:26I know it took a lot of time but they certainly did it so I've no objection to it at all.
02:32Could you tell me please if you're worried about tramlines this year and the state that the park
02:36might be left in? I'm not I'm not worried I think I think it's just a learning curve tramlines are
02:43still relatively new to the city and it's really good for the city and it's good for local
02:48businesses and the young people here so I think we just adapt and yeah it'll be great.
