Homeless People in Taiwan Seek Refuge From Typhoon Gaemi

  • 3 months ago
Homeless people across Taiwan are seeking refuge in shelters as Typhoon Gaemi bears down. TaiwanPlus reports live from one such center in Taipei offering food, water and warmth.
00:00Now while most people are riding out typhoon Kami in the comfort of their homes many of Taiwan's several
00:05Thousand homeless people are seeking refuge in emergency shelters. Reese airs is that one such shelter in Taipei?
00:13Reese how are folks there coping as this storm intensifies?
00:19Well here at this the one Hua Social Welfare Center in Taipei
00:24Homeless people are gathering to take refuge from this typhoon as it intensifies
00:30You can see behind me folks are lining up to collect instant noodles and snacks to have for dinner
00:35Just trying to stay dry and safe as this typhoon makes landfall tonight
00:40We actually came here early this morning at around 10 a.m. To find a few people already waiting outside
00:46Even though the doors didn't open until 5 p.m.
00:49Regardless shelters like these are very important in Taiwan particularly during the winter months when it gets very cold and
00:57During times of intense weather
00:59Offering food dry clothes and water and a place to sleep for the night in this center for up to 40 people
01:07You're the only doll to go. There's been a Sunday and what is
01:11Wonka, how is it? I'm I don't see a defunct
01:13Now you're the only way you sent out your channel with you to do you quite now
01:17We are the single person from being the normal Joe. Oh my
01:21Baha, there's no catch-up. I said what I
01:28Now there are over
01:303,000 homeless people in Taiwan most of them live in Taipei. That's a relatively low number compared to most other
01:37developed nations
01:38But for those that 3,000 shelters like the these could be life-saving as we've already seen today
01:45Strong winds caused by these typhoons can throw debris
01:50In a dangerous way causing injuries and even deaths
01:54There are at least two such service centers like these in Taipei
01:59Some even going as far as to send cars out to pick up homeless people who can't make it here on foot
02:05For those that don't make it inside for the night or those that don't just just don't want to be here
02:10They'll probably end up spending the night in
02:13Convenience stores or in fast-food restaurants and now most of the people here are from the local one hard district
02:19Which is where a large number of Taipei's homeless population live
02:25Don't do arguing even if you just lose it if I'm not more harsh. Oh, she's down
02:30Y'all have a yes. Wait. I've got name base
02:36Now we're not quite sure whether or not this particular center will open tomorrow
02:41That's still to be decided but as this storm intensifies
02:45At least they have a place to stay tonight and they tell me that they hope that it will open again tomorrow
