Pourquoi Personne Ne Peut Escalader Cette Mystérieuse Montagne Au Tibet

  • 2 months ago
Le mont Kailash reste l'un des plus grands mystères de l'alpinisme, toutes les tentatives des alpinistes expérimentés se soldant par des échecs. La position sans cesse changeante de la montagne désoriente les grimpeurs, et des blocages mystérieux apparaissent souvent sur les chemins. Selon le folklore tibétain, un moine bouddhiste du XIe siècle nommé Milarepa est la seule personne à avoir jamais atteint le sommet. Après son ascension réussie, Milarepa a mis en garde les autres contre la tentative de l'ascension. Depuis lors, personne d'autre n'a réussi à conquérir le mont Kailash. Animation créée par Sympa.
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00:00In the southern part of Tibet, there is a magnificent mountain called Kailash, which culminates at about 6,700 meters.
00:07Although less elevated than Mount Everest, it remains unique because almost no one has ever tried to climb it for quite unusual reasons.
00:16In 1926, a renowned British mountaineer decided to conquer the top of Kailash and undertook a long study of the mountain.
00:23The mountaineering association informed him that this mountain was totally impassable, but despite this warning, he decided to persevere.
00:31As he explored the northern face, a snowstorm surprised him, making any progress impossible. He then abandoned his project.
00:41The next attempt was led by another mountaineer, Colonel Wilson, who managed to find a suitable passage to the top with his partner.
00:51Convinced of reaching the goal, however, he had to give up because of the rigors of winter. The colonel wanted to retry the ascent, but never had the opportunity.
01:00Another pretender at the top was an Australian writer and mountaineer. During his exploration of the Tibetan mountains, he noticed Kailash and thought he could easily reach its top.
01:11He met a local lama and asked him if it was possible to climb Kailash. The lama replied that only a person pure of all sins could reach it.
01:22And this person would not even need to climb the frozen walls, because she would fly away like a bird.
01:28The writer did not really understand where this lama wanted to go, but he nevertheless abandoned his project for an unknown reason.
01:34In the 1980s, the Alpinism Association re-evaluated the issue of the ascent of Mount Kailash.
01:40They offered Reinold Messner, an Italian mountaineer famous for having made one of the first ascents alone from Everest, to try the ascent of Kailash.
01:50Messner, however, refused this offer, stating that, if we conquer this mountain, then we will conquer something in the soul of the people.
01:57The alpinist was aware that this mountain had a sacred character for the Tibetans. Pilgrims from all over the world came to pray at his feet.
02:05Reinhold Messner knew it very well and did not want to do anything that could offend anyone.
02:10No one is allowed to climb the top of this mountain, but you can go to its base to feel its energy and admire the view.
02:18Put a photo of the rainbow mountains next to a canvas representing a landscape.
02:23It will be difficult to distinguish the painting from reality, as these mountains look like works of art.
02:29Located in one of the geological parks of China, the rainbow mountains sparkle with almost all the colors of the luminous spectrum.
02:36The rocks, as if covered with glass, reflect the light of the sun.
02:41These exceptional colors come from chalk and minerals. Compressed for 25 million years, these substances shaped the rainbow mountains and made it one of the most beautiful places on earth.
02:52We are now in the Philippines, where more than a thousand unusual hills extend over a vast area.
02:58No, this is not a picture of chocolate. These are the Chocolate Hills.
03:03Being quite small, the highest reaching about 120 meters, you can reach the top in a few minutes.
03:08The peculiarity of these hills is that hundreds of thousands of people daily sprinkle their top with millions of tons of chocolate chips.
03:16Then, when they melt, an incredible smell of cocoa spreads throughout the territory.
03:21I'm kidding, of course. These are obviously not chocolate chips.
03:25Each hill is covered with green grass.
03:28Then, during the dry season, it dries out and takes on a chocolate brown hue, creating a landscape that would make a magnificent illustration for a package of snacks.
03:35Maybe a company has already printed it on its box?
03:39Imagine a small mountain about 20 meters high and 100 meters wide.
03:44This is not even a mountain, but rather a small hill.
03:47Nothing grows on it, no grass, no trees, just a dark sand.
03:52But the peculiarity of this mountain is that it can move.
03:56Every year, it travels about 20 meters.
03:59Look at it, remember its position.
04:02And come back in 12 months.
04:04It will have changed its place and shape.
04:07This moving mountain is located in the Tanzanian savannah.
04:10This huge dune has been moving in different directions for 3 million years.
04:15In reality, it is not composed of sand, but of magnetized volcanic ash.
04:20A very long time ago, a volcano erupted here, and the ash fell back to form these hills.
04:26If you take a handful of this ash and throw it in the air, it will be attracted by the total mass of the dune.
04:31A strong wind made it move, but the magnetic forces maintain the cohesion of the sand.
04:37But one fine day, the mountain split in two parts, which went in different directions.
04:43One of the most mysterious and strangest mountains is in North Carolina.
04:48This is Mount Brown.
04:50Externally, there is nothing special about it.
04:52However, try to camp a few nights here, and these nights could remain engraved in your memory forever.
04:57Many witnesses have observed mysterious lights flying around this mountain.
05:02Strange fireballs that moved at high speed above the summit to disappear into the night sky.
05:09These lights appear, disappear, and reappear sometimes.
05:13Initially, some thought they were the result of the evaporation of inflamed nitrogen, but this theory was quickly removed.
05:19Others suggested that they were locomotive headlights.
05:22However, after the flood of the railway and the stop of the trains, the lights continued to appear.
05:28Witnesses state white, yellow, orange, and blue lights.
05:33And many people think it's just optical illusion.
05:38A physics teacher wanted to verify this hypothesis.
05:40He spent several years camping near the mountain, filming almost daily.
05:44One day, he finally managed to capture these strange phenomena.
05:48In July 2016, he filmed Mount Brown with two cameras at different angles.
05:53And both captured the same flying fireball.
05:55If it was an optical illusion or a reflection on the lens, only one of the cameras would have recorded it.
06:02This proves that these fireballs are real, but their nature remains a mystery.
06:06A man claimed to have touched one of these flying fireballs while flying over the highway.
06:11He would then have felt like an electric current.
06:14Today, this place attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world.
06:19In particular, amateurs of strange and unexplained phenomena who rush to come here.
06:24This mountain has a frightening and inhospitable look.
06:28Located on a small volcanic island in the Tasman Sea, in Australia, this formation is called the Ball Pyramid.
06:35The mountainous chain of this island has a triangular shape that rises to 550 meters in height,
06:42almost twice the size of the Eiffel Tower.
06:45One might think that a mad scientist or a vampire resides at the top.
06:49Climbing this steep cliff is dangerous because of its slippery surface.
06:54Sailors discovered this place in 1788.
06:58Thinking that the island was uninhabited, they did not want to explore it further.
07:03However, more than 200 years later, the exploration of this island was still intriguing.
07:08Considered a desolate place for a long time, scientists made a surprising discovery there in 2001.
07:14During an ascent, they discovered a strange bush at a height of about 30 meters.
07:20Something was stirring inside.
07:22By spreading the branches, they discovered a colony of large insects,
07:26Australis dryococelis, or arboreal lobsters.
07:30These small creatures belong to the family of phasms and look a bit like sausages.
07:35They measure about 15 centimeters and are provided with six tenacious legs and a solid brown shell.
07:42On that day, scientists counted 27 insects.
07:46The most surprising thing is that these arboreal lobsters have been considered extinct since the early 20th century.
07:52How did they land on this mountain?
07:55And how did they survive in this remote and apparently lifeless place?
07:59Nobody knows.
