Can We Get a Signal_ Guess Not. (Space Angel Re-Dub)

  • 2 months ago
00:00Flight by six, four, three, two, one, launch.
00:30Never mind about playing fair, there's no ship anywhere that can beat the X-49.
00:41Yes, what is it now?
00:43Sorry to interrupt you, sir, but Crater Eddie insists on talking to you.
00:47That Crater Eddie's got a unique talent for calling at the wrong time.
00:51All right, put him on.
00:54Eddie, this is the chief.
00:56If you're trying to wangle a ringside seat to the space race...
00:59Ringside seat fettle-fattle. I'm going to be in it.
01:02You're going to be in what?
01:04The race. That's what I'm calling about.
01:06But you can't. You don't represent a populated planet.
01:09I represent a populated moon, and technically a moon's a planet.
01:13I live here, don't I?
01:15Well, yes. That makes it populated.
01:18Okay, if you can convince the space race committee, go ahead.
01:21I'll convince them all right.
01:23Welcome. Switch that call from Crater Eddie to the space race committee.
01:27I like to humor the old boy.
01:29He'll never get that rattletrap of his off the ground.
01:31Not him I'm worried about.
01:33It's those new designs that are being readied on some of the planets.
01:36I understand Anthenia has a secret design.
01:39They claim it will beat anything we have.
01:41Don't pay any attention to those guys.
01:43To hear them tell it, you'd think they invented everything from weightlessness to baked beans.
01:48They talk a lot, but you know they're a sneaky bunch.
01:51I don't trust them.
01:52And as I understand it, Taurus, you're flying your own design.
01:55That's right, sir.
01:57Chris and I'll take the X-49 and Taurus the supercharged C-138.
02:05Taurus doesn't really think that he can compete in that walrus of his.
02:08Now, lass, don't you sell my sweetheart here short.
02:12I took a tow rope along, Chris, just in case he needs help.
02:15Hear that, Taurus?
02:17If things get too bad, we'll let you hook on.
02:20Hey, Charlie, you hear that?
02:22I heard it, boss.
02:24When they fall behind, we can use the tow rope to bring them along.
02:28That way, we'll cover both first and second place for our team.
02:32I see you got that co-pilot of yours well trained.
02:35Oh, Taurus is a very reliable co-pilot, only he talks too much.
02:40Attention, attention.
02:42Pilots, man your craft.
02:44Come on, Chris.
02:45Good luck, Taurus.
02:50Go, go, go.
02:53Go, go, go.
02:55Go, go, go.
03:19Participants in the 11th Space Classic are gathering.
03:22Earth, Venus, Jupiter, and Pluto are en route to the starting area.
03:27Contestants from Saturn reporting ready for takeoff.
03:30All fueling stations are on standby.
03:33Planet shammots.
03:52Oh, I'm going to show those amateurs what a real old timer can do
03:56when it comes to racing these newfangled contraptions.
03:59Why, I'll beat their silly streamlined tailpipes off of them.
04:03Clear the pad.
04:06Fuel okay.
04:08Fuel okay.
04:10Umbilical go.
04:14Umbilical gone.
04:16Ready for blastoff?
04:20Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.
04:28Oh, I said blast you.
04:48Participants in the 11th Space Race Classic are approaching rendezvous.
04:52Only Anthenia is missing as yet,
04:54though reporting to have his three craft ready for takeoff.
04:58Race will commence promptly at 0700 hours Greenwich at the evening star.
05:03Any entry not in position at that time will be automatically disqualified.
05:12Meanwhile, on Anthenia, some very unusual freight is being loaded on the racing ships.
05:28Now you understand we win this race.
05:32We have our surprises ready.
05:34They can't win.
05:36I'll count on you fellows to fix up a few accidents where they count the most.
05:44All Anthenian race pilots, man your ships.
05:47All other personnel, clear the area.
05:58Clear the area.
06:09As starting time draws near,
06:11the greatest variety of spacecraft ever assembled are heading for the evening star.
06:16Since this is to be a race of skill,
06:18many of the competing ships show emphasis on maneuverability rather than speed.
06:45Professor Mace,
06:47everyone is approaching rendezvous point.
06:49Starting flares are ready.
06:51It is start time minus eight minutes.
06:54Eight minutes to go, Scott.
06:55I guess that will give Torus time enough to catch up.
07:01Always the comedian, eh, Skipper?
07:07Hey, boss, look at three o'clock low.
07:10Someone flying an oil derrick.
07:12Well, Torus, at least you won't be alone in last place now that Crater Eddie is with us.
07:17Two minutes to go.
07:19Look, Scott.
07:21That's quite a sight.
07:24Well, I see the Anthenians made it.
07:26Yes, with three ships, no less.
07:34All participants get into position.
07:37One minute to go.
07:52Start minus four zero.
07:54Three five.
07:56Three zero.
07:57Two five.
08:00Two zero.
08:01One five.
08:03One zero.
08:04Zero five.
08:41Gentlemen of the press, they're off and running.
08:43As you can see on this map, the first leg calls for a three-quarter orbit around the Earth
08:48to pass between Earth and Moon before leaving our gravitational field
08:52and going on to leg two, which takes them into the gravitational field of Jupiter.
08:57The race will test not only the speed of the vehicles,
09:00but the skill of the pilots and their ability to perform each maneuver with precision.
09:04The purpose of this race, as you gentlemen know,
09:06is to test the reliability of a variety of rocket designs
09:10under the most severe operating conditions.
09:12The finalists will be considered for that much-talked-about research and development contract,
09:17which involves one of the largest items in the current Space Council budget.
09:34Look, Scott.
09:46Taurus is getting ahead of us.
09:48What's the matter, Taurus?
09:49That stovepipe of yours running away with you?
09:51Hate to say it, Skipper, but you haven't got a chance.
09:54Could be.
09:55Except at that speed, you'll be thrown right out of orbit before you pass the Moon.
09:59Charlie here says different.
10:01Charlie, you sure you know what you're doing?
10:03I never make a mistake.
10:05Here, I'll prove to you, boss.
10:13Boss, you made the mistake.
10:15Slow down or we'll hit the Moon.
10:18Oh, I'm sorry, Charlie.
10:46...passing the first checkpoint.
10:48Jupiter in the lead, followed closely by Earth's X-49 and C-138 side by side,
10:54followed at some distance by Juno, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Mars, Venus,
11:01and way behind the field, the representative from the Moon at a dangerously low altitude.
11:06He may be dragged into the atmosphere.
11:23Eddie is trying gravity acceleration.
11:25But that's dangerous.
11:27He's got to pull out fast at the right moment.
11:30That's it, gravity.
11:31Keep pulling.
11:32That's good.
11:33Come on, Eliza, old girl.
11:35Don't get too hot.
11:36Just one more minute.
11:37That's up, baby.
11:39We'll show those miserable newfangled contraptions.
11:42Good girl.
11:45Is Creator Eddie trying to perform the dangerous gravity acceleration maneuver?
11:51Will his strange ship be able to develop sufficient thrust to let him pull out before it's too late?
12:12Now, number three, do your stuff.
12:21All right.
12:25Now we'll see who'll win in the end.
12:28Latest information on the race takes the Jupiter ship out of the running,
12:31having overshot the orbit and passed on the wrong side of the Moon.
12:36Now, this puts Earth's X-49 in the lead, followed immediately by C-138.
12:41The representative from the Moon is rapidly passing the field and...
12:44Stand by.
12:46A new report just informs us that two of the three Athenian craft have altered course
12:51and apparently dropped out of the race.
12:54Number one, set your thrust and stand by for ignition as lead ships approach.
13:10Scott, what's that ahead?
13:25Radar's picking up a signal.
13:31I see it.
13:33There's not supposed to be anything there.
13:35Skimmer, are you sure you haven't drifted off?
13:37One minute for scientific analysis.
13:42Phenomenon on our course analyzed as cloud of 73% hydrogen and 22% ammonia with 1% sugar.
13:52Put a stick in, we got a lollipop.
13:56Sorry, highly explosive.
13:58Suggest extreme caution.
14:00No smoking.
14:01I don't like it, Skipper.
14:03Neither do I.
14:04It's holding steady, right in our path.
14:08Fire retros.
14:10I want to check on this before we hit it.
14:19All right, ship one.
14:21It's your turn again.
14:35Look, they're flying right into the fire.
14:43That narrows the field.
14:45Now for the next surprise in our bag of tricks.
14:55We've got to change course.
14:57This is murder.
14:58But, Skipper.
14:59Hold it.
15:00I'll solve the puzzle, boss.
15:02Oh, stop rattling your bolts, Charlie.
15:04Solution, make tunnel-like hole in the fire and fly through it.
15:09Sure, with a shovel, I suppose.
15:11Hold it, Tars.
15:12He has an idea.
15:13How do we dig a hole in a ball of fire?
15:15If this were an oil well in Texas, we could blast it with dynamite.
15:19You're a genius, girl.
15:21But we have no explosives on board.
15:23We do.
15:24Last I could kiss you.
15:26Heaven forbid.
15:27Tars, pull ahead.
15:29Fire a delayed action explosive and...
15:31And as soon as it blasts a hole, we scoot through.
15:34Hang on, Skipper.
15:35Here we go.
15:36Just leave things to Charlie.
15:38He has a solution for every emergency.
15:40Okay, you're a genius, too.
15:42Ready, Skipper.
15:43Firing one and two.
15:57Hang on, Chris.
15:58Here we go.
16:02Hey, hey, wait for me.
16:11Hey, kick that cooling unit up.
16:13I'm roasting.
16:14Humans are of inferior quality.
16:16Temperature 179 Fahrenheit.
16:19I feel fine.
16:21Better get out in a hurry.
16:22You could fry eggs in here.
16:23It's closing up behind us.
16:31Come on, Eliza.
16:32Do your stuff.
16:34This is gonna be a hot one.
16:41This is getting ridiculous.
16:47Be prepared, I always say.
16:48Hey, Eliza.
16:58Oh, an unexplained series of mishaps.
17:00The field has narrowed down to four contestants.
17:03Still leading is Scott McCloud in his X-49.
17:33Number one and three, ready as planned.
17:42Say, Toss, look straight ahead.
17:45Oh, no.
17:46We're going to have to change course.
17:48We can't.
17:49This asteroid belt is like a plus.
17:50It's straight ahead or not at all.
17:52And the spiders are right there waiting for us.
17:54Don't mind, Scott.
17:55I'll fix it for you.
17:58Well, Lizzy, old girl, here goes nothing.
18:04Oh, no.
18:15Scott, what's he up to?
18:17I don't know, but it better be good.
18:20It'll never work.
18:21He'll tear himself to pieces.
18:27Now, Lizzy, stick out your big toe.
18:30Now, let's go.
18:42Now, you miserable son of an Athenian.
18:55Good old crater head.
18:58Good old crater Eddie.
18:59He saved the day for us.
19:00Well, step on it, Dad.
19:02Scott McCloud is getting ahead.
19:08Crater Eddie, you old dear, bless your heart.
19:12Chris, finish line just ahead.
19:19Two lead ships approaching, sir.
19:20Practically neck and neck.
19:21All other ships eliminated.
19:23Very well.
19:24Oh, what a race this has been.
19:28Hey, wait for me.
19:31It's Eddie.
19:32Good old crater Eddie.
19:34He's okay.
19:40And so, with the help of crater Eddie,
19:42the evil attempts of the Athenians were foiled.
19:44And Scott and all his friends returned safely to win the race.
19:48Tune in again next time for another exciting adventure
19:51with Scott McCloud, Space Angel.
19:57Space Angel