Space Angle 19

  • 2 days ago
00:00Blast off for another exciting adventure in outer space with Scott McCloud, Space Angel,
00:17in the story of Incident of the Loud Planet.
00:22You remember last time, Johnny had stowed away on the space dart.
00:27Scott had gone too far to turn back.
00:29So agreed to take Johnny along on their search for the sonight planet and Johnny's dad, Professor
00:41It certainly looks evil enough, Skipper.
00:43It looks completely dead.
00:44How could anyone survive on such a place?
00:47If anybody could, it would be your father, Johnny.
00:50He's a very capable man.
00:52Aye, laddie.
00:53I read one of his books on how to survive in hostile environments.
00:58Gravity reading .015.
00:59Moving up fast, Scott.
01:00Right, Chris.
01:01We'll drop into orbit now and survey this planetoid.
01:02Taurus, get on the analyzer and check for atmosphere content.
01:03Aye, Skipper.
01:04Crystal, check the radiation and ground conditions, please.
01:05Right, Scott.
01:06Aren't we going to land, sir?
01:07Not until we take a look around, Johnny.
01:08We have to know what we're getting into.
01:10gonna be alright.
01:11You tell him, Johnny.
01:12You tell him.
01:13Tell him, Johnny.
01:14Tell him what?
01:15Tell him the truth.
01:16Tell him that we're going to land.
01:17Yes, sir.
01:18We have to know what we're getting into.
01:48Your Highness, we have an alert. Unidentified spacecraft coming in on low approach.
02:03Well, General, shall we go see who our unexpected visitor is?
02:09Of course, Your Highness.
02:12Who knows, but we may fall heir to another youthful pride.
02:18Safe enough. Let's drop down and drag the area.
02:32Any atmosphere readings, Taurus?
02:34Atmosphere negligible, Skipper.
02:36Geiger reading in the green. Safe gravity, .094 G's.
02:41Very good.
02:42They're coming closer now, Your Highness.
02:45Hmm. Does this stranger have any markings, General?
02:50It, it, Your Highness, it looks like the Space Angel ship.
02:55The Space Angel. I might have known.
02:59Your Highness, the tower. They'll spot the sonar transmission tower.
03:04Of course they will, you fool. We'll just prepare a little surprise reception for the Space Angel.
03:14Why, of course, Your Highness.
03:30Sure hope my dad's down there.
03:32Aye, lad.
03:33Hey, look. Was that a tower?
03:37Out here in the middle of nowhere?
03:39Hey, Taurus, check a stern.
03:41Aye, Skipper. Jump in Jupiter. It's a tower, all right. And there's smoke coming up near it.
03:47Then it must be coming from an underground installation.
03:50Oh, boy. Dad must be there. He's alive. He must be alive.
03:55Chances are pretty good, Johnny. Stand by, crew. We're coming about for a landing.
04:25Landing legs extended.
04:33Steady, power. Steady.
04:36Power steady. Ready for touchdown.
04:45That Space Angel is such a fool. Is everything in readiness for his surprise, General?
04:52Everything, Your Highness.
04:57The Space Angel will get the surprise reception he deserves.
05:02What kind of a surprise has the Queen for the Space Angel?
05:06Will Scott fall into their trap?
05:08Don't miss the next exciting episode of Space Angels.