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00:00Previously on Shortland Street.
00:02It's nice to see you excited about someone.
00:04I thought that ass and I didn't fit.
00:06But I like him.
00:08This is Fleur Douglas.
00:10The Gardner Pharmaceuticals rep I was telling you about.
00:14You and Naz are finally hooked up.
00:16Anyone could see that coming.
00:18He wants to keep it a secret.
00:20It looks like we're not alone anymore.
00:22Did you know that they'd be here?
00:24Can you just stop acting so mortified to be seen with me?
00:26If you thought this was embarrassing, wow.
00:40Alicia Silverstone's breakout comedy.
00:42Leanne was a fan, apparently.
00:44Well, enough of a fan to become a digital pirate.
00:46Anyway, $5? You look like you could use a loan.
00:48No thanks.
00:50I know DVDs are a dead medium, but it's for a good cause.
00:52I'd like to settle my bill, please. Can I get some service here?
00:54I wasn't trying to look earlier,
00:56but Monique's voice really just carries.
00:58I'm sorry things took such a turn.
01:00Keep the change.
01:02You sure I can't tempt you? There's lots of great stuff.
01:08A sizzling chemistry.
01:10A tantalizing game of will-they-won't-they.
01:12Why can't Monique and Naz just accept they're a good fit?
01:14I truly don't know.
01:16Any luck?
01:18It's a great idea, but I'm not sure
01:20there's much of a market for Leanne's knick-knacks.
01:22Not to worry. Fleur is an excellent saleswoman.
01:24She'll move some units.
01:26How wonderful.
01:28So are you two...
01:30Oh, yes. Yeah.
01:32You've never mentioned her before.
01:34Well, we've only just met, really, but she seems very keen.
01:36I'm glad you found someone.
01:38It's best not to end up like me.
01:40The 40-year-old virgin.
01:42Excuse me?
01:44In the clueless box. Oh, these are all mixed up.
01:46Is it serious?
01:48Well, it is if you're going to watch Madagascar with the kids
01:50and you get an eye full of clockwork orange.
01:56So what exactly did you do?
01:58Oh, OK.
02:00Just assume that volatile hothead Monique messed things up.
02:02For your information, that man is a walking red flag.
02:04Which man?
02:06Nazza. First date.
02:08End that with Monique blowing up at him in public.
02:10When's the second one?
02:12When hell freezes over.
02:14Or when bloody arrogant doctors get a bit of humility, whichever comes first.
02:16You still haven't said actually what happened.
02:18He was literally humiliated to be seen with me.
02:20Humiliated how?
02:22When you guys all came, he might as well have hidden under a table.
02:26What did he expect? That people wouldn't find out?
02:28That I would just keep shagging him in secret forever?
02:30I don't think Nazza's like that.
02:32We have a lot to learn about men.
02:34Ask Phil.
02:36Dating a colleague is a recipe for disaster.
02:38How would I know?
02:42He's always doomed to fail.
02:44If I had any brains, I would have cut it off before it even began.
02:52MBA incoming.
02:54Thought Warner and I could tackle them together
02:56since we're going to be turfing most of them off to surgical anyway.
02:58Oh, well that makes sense.
03:00You know, for someone who got the dream job upstairs,
03:02you don't seem to be able to kiss us goodbye, do you?
03:04We should have a drink sometime. Catch up.
03:06Look, I didn't pick you as a Leonardo DiCaprio.
03:08Ha ha ha.
03:12I just want to know what happened with E-hire.
03:14I thought you two were the real deal.
03:16Well, I don't know.
03:18You know, this department was starting to look halfway modern.
03:20But with me leaving,
03:22and boom and boom as my replacements,
03:24it's like we're stuck in the same ditch.
03:26Have you met me and Maeve?
03:28Just keep them on a tie leash, that's all.
03:30Dr. Grayson,
03:32I know the staff here are incredibly good-looking,
03:34but I have an appendectomy upstairs with your name on it.
03:36Yep, right behind you.
03:38Look at them, they're like Batman and Robin.
03:40What one's Batman?
03:42Don't make me answer that.
03:44This is exciting, though.
03:46You know, you, Chris, Emmett, Maeve,
03:48all working in the 1-ED.
03:50Talk about learning from the best.
03:52Okay, don't you have patients to look after?
03:58Ooh, you look magnificent.
04:00Oh, thank you.
04:02Oh, thank you.
04:04Oh, thank you.
04:06Ooh, you look like hell.
04:08Please don't say that.
04:10But, well, maybe you should try a little more blasphemy
04:12and a little less coveting.
04:14Bye, flatmate.
04:16I just didn't sleep well last night.
04:18Yeah, sex dreams will do that to you.
04:22What, really?
04:26Ooh, is that coffee hot?
04:28Are you ill?
04:30No, I just had a rough night.
04:32I hope Flora and I didn't keep you up.
04:34She stayed over.
04:36Yeah, well, you know, the fundraiser finished late,
04:38so she came back here, and one thing led to another.
04:40Yeah, so Nicole sorcered on.
04:42Maybe we could tell her about the fundraiser together.
04:44Yeah, together sounds good.
04:46Yeah, and I got some total bargains last night.
04:48You know, that's not really the point.
04:50Yeah, but it's 20 bucks more than what she had yesterday.
04:52So should we hook up around lunchtime?
04:56Great. Better get this up to Mademoiselle Douglas.
04:58Where's she going?
05:02I'll take her up.
05:04How backlogged are we?
05:06Actually, we are humming.
05:08I soon admit we've nearly fed all the MBA patients.
05:10Oh, really? How long was I in recess?
05:12Experience counts for a lot out here. Keep one.
05:16Hi, Matt.
05:18I'm Harper, one of the doctors here.
05:20Have you been in a car accident?
05:24Sorry, just excuse me for a second.
05:28I'm going to do a needle throw across to me.
05:30No, you can't do that.
05:32Of course I can.
05:34For God's sakes, Chris, you're consulting only. No procedures.
05:36Hey, mate, can you please take over here?
05:38She has a pneumothorax.
05:40Give me some space.
05:42Could you pull the curtain, please?
05:44Overzealous superior clipping your wings, eh?
05:46That's what I signed up for.
05:48Is it what your patients signed up for? Double handling?
05:50Harper's right. I'm consulting only.
05:52I know what it's like to be ousted by the wanksters, mate.
05:56I could squeeze you in this afternoon,
05:58but I will let you know now that we're not looking for supplies.
06:02Parma reps?
06:04Back in the heavy place, huh?
06:06Putting out yester's fires?
06:08Or burying yourself in work?
06:10Snap to the real hard mahi, which is...
06:12Don't say opening your heart.
06:14I'm going to go back upstairs.
06:18Monique, can I just get one...
06:20Make an appointment, Dr. Rashad.
06:22My advice?
06:24Well, I'm guessing Monique's giving you the latest.
06:26Why am I not surprised?
06:28You know, people actually discuss their personal lives with their friends.
06:30So what did she say?
06:32Oh, now you'd like me to discuss said personal information.
06:34Information that pertains to me.
06:36And you're my friend, too, aren't you?
06:38Despite my best efforts?
06:40No, look, she thinks you're stringing her along
06:42to find a better offer.
06:44What? Oh, that's ridiculous.
06:46Look, I've seen Monique do this dance a few times,
06:48most recently with her mother.
06:50What's Maura got to do with this?
06:52She'll begin to retreat at the first sign of trouble.
06:54And I'm trouble?
06:56Big trouble.
06:58Look, we all know you're a nice guy,
07:00but after the hellscape of failed romances that Monique's been through,
07:02it's a miracle she's even still standing.
07:04So unless you're serious about her,
07:06back off.
07:16Oh, don't worry, I didn't see anything.
07:18Sorry, um, did you need something?
07:20Just to apologize if I put you in a difficult situation earlier.
07:22It's fine.
07:24The last thing I want to do is cause problems.
07:26Well, just do your job. There won't be any.
07:28Uh, guys?
07:30He's having a seizure. Roll him on his side.
07:34This is Anthony. I was speaking to him earlier.
07:36He's a febrile non-epileptic on sodium valproate.
07:38He's had two seizures already this morning.
07:40I'll give Maurice a pen, move him to recess.
07:42I think we should go with VNS.
07:44Whoa, whoa, you're getting a bit ahead of yourself, Warner.
07:46We'll take him for a CD scan.
07:48He's got two seizures. VNS.
07:50We'll book him for a CT once he's stable.
07:52Gentlemen, check his bloods, please.
07:54You don't even know what we're dealing with yet.
07:56Yes, we do. He's known to us.
07:58He comes in all the time.
08:00There we go. He is stabilizing.
08:02Nice work, Maeve.
08:04Well, he's sub-therapeutic, so he obviously
08:06hasn't been taking his medication for a while.
08:08You two are over-complicating things.
08:10Am I allowed to move him to recess?
08:14Overruled, eh?
08:16Oh, worked out well in the end.
08:18Well, must be hard, coming back here
08:20and not being in charge.
08:22What are you driving at, Clover?
08:24Nothing. I just, I guess you've got to suck it up
08:26like the rest of us.
08:28Yeah, well, if it was up to me,
08:30things would be different.
08:34Problem solved, eh?
08:36Thanks to Maeve.
08:40All the proceeds should land in your account
08:42this afternoon.
08:44Oh, my God.
08:46I can't believe it.
08:48People actually bought Mum's junk.
08:50Vintage. It's all about marketing.
08:54I just thought you were going to
08:56donate it to a charity show.
08:58You're not upset, are you?
09:00Oh, God, we've offended you.
09:02No, no, no. It's just unexpected.
09:04That's all. Thank you.
09:06Might cry.
09:08Oh, don't do that.
09:10That would cause irreparable damage.
09:12Weep away.
09:14Well, then I might shout, Maeve.
09:16It's gone.
09:20Is there anything better than the feeling
09:22of selfless generosity?
09:24Yeah, is it really selfless if we get the warm fuzzies
09:26from it, though?
09:28Now, that is a bigger philosophical question.
09:30Easy-talking philosophy without me.
09:32Oh, sprung.
09:34Fleur's a bit of an expert.
09:36Oh, armchair expert.
09:38She's being modest.
09:40Oh, favourite existentialist on three.
09:42One, two, three.
09:46What does a pharmaceutical rep need with a
09:48philosophy master's?
09:50Nothing, really, but, you know, I've always felt
09:52that education was just a lifelong pursuit.
09:54You really ought to get your doctorate.
09:56Someday, maybe, but for now,
09:58pushing pills pays the bills, eh?
10:00Speaking of, what did Nicole say?
10:02Oh, she was thrilled.
10:04Of course she was.
10:06I dare you to.
10:08I was a little bit worried, you know, after the slow start
10:10last night. Oh, come on.
10:12If the fundraiser had really tanked, you could have just
10:14spotted neck the cash yourself. It's not like Thaddeus
10:16has his spare thousand dollars just lying around.
10:20Do you?
10:22Well, this way we were able to sensitively
10:24repurpose Leanne's belongings as well.
10:30Um, I've got to prep for my meeting with Monique.
10:32Au revoir.
10:36Okay, Frances,
10:38I'll just get you to lie back down for me.
10:40Thank you.
10:42Um, now, you're still a little bit dehydrated,
10:44so I've got you on some fluids.
10:46Okay. Can I go now?
10:48Um, we're going to keep you on a bit longer
10:50for observation, but I'm hoping your headaches
10:52and nausea should subside shortly.
11:02Aren't you supposed to be on lunch?
11:04Aren't you supposed to be on lunch?
11:06How's Anthony?
11:08Ah, Vadasans are good, thanks to Laura's Pam, so go and leave.
11:10Oh, lucky she was paying attention.
11:12Unlike the rest of you.
11:14Sorry, um, just saying.
11:16But anyway, we don't want you passing out from hunger,
11:18so can you take lunch, please, boss?
11:20Um, actually, I was thinking I might take
11:22a slightly longer lunch.
11:24Um, Marley wasn't feeling that well this morning
11:26as I've been going round at school. I thought I'd check on him.
11:28I could get a sit-up, but it might just be a pulse.
11:30Take all the time you need. We're good.
11:32That's been the boss, eh? One day.
11:34Thank you.
11:36Emmett, Harper is taking a long lunch while she's gone.
11:38You are up.
11:40Yes, ma'am.
11:42Watch it.
11:44Long lunch.
11:46Be bloody happy to get five minutes to get a pie down your back
11:48when we were that age, eh?
11:50Are that surgical subcuticular suture?
11:52Very nice.
11:54Like I was watching a young Drew McCaskill.
11:58Sorry, um,
12:00my car needs a wharf, and my mechanic
12:02has a window this afternoon.
12:04You're supposed to be observing my workings.
12:06Fine. I'll just cross my fingers
12:08and hope that I don't get pulled over on the way home.
12:10Hey, I guess you don't really need to be in the O.R.
12:12with me.
12:16Go. Get your life together. Just make sure you review the notes.
12:26It's unbecoming to discuss one's finances.
12:28But you've discussed them with Fleur.
12:30What's wrong with me?
12:34So you're an undercover boss. Is that real or fake?
12:36I've never lied to you, Madonna.
12:38Yeah, but you had me believe you're a regular blue-collar worker.
12:40I am, for all intents and purposes.
12:42Fleur and I were discussing
12:44investments and portfolios.
12:46It's fairly dry stuff.
12:48So it's family money.
12:50Compound interest.
12:52I started investing straight out of high school,
12:54picked a couple of solid index funds,
12:56and $10 birthday money from Gran every year.
12:58So, yeah, some family money.
13:00And now you're rich.
13:02Ooh, I wouldn't say rich.
13:04I'm no Warner, but let's just say
13:06if I wanted to buy a new magician's hat on a whim,
13:08it wouldn't be a problem.
13:10Okay, Thaddeus, this doesn't change the way I see you.
13:12You're disciplined and financially literate.
13:14Those are all wonderful qualities.
13:18Yes, and I'm sorry for prying.
13:20To be fair, Fleur could have been more discreet.
13:22It was just a slip of the tongue.
13:24I'm sure she didn't mean anything by it.
13:26Still, you trusted her, and she let you down.
13:28Well, you know, I'm happy
13:30it's out in the open now.
13:32It's a burden lifted, to be honest.
13:34Selina, I play the stock market,
13:36and I yield above-average returns.
13:38Good for you, hotshot.
13:40Thaddeus is a finance partner.
13:42And now we know why Fleur's been hanging around.
13:44His cash?
13:46Why else?
13:48Same reason that you want him, maybe?
13:50I have to get to the bottom of this.
13:52I'm obsessed by the airs.
13:54This is completely unacceptable.
13:56Uh, I'm busy.
13:58You slashed my budget.
14:00Yeah, not patient resources, just work-related expenses.
14:02Necessary costs to do my job.
14:04$125 lunch date.
14:06Yeah, with a paediatric specialist visiting from Sydney.
14:08Cool, I will have to verify that.
14:10Sorry, I know you like things to be discreet.
14:12Oh, this is exactly what I was afraid of.
14:14Things go sour, and it's not just a bad date.
14:16It's a compromised work relationship.
14:18Okay, cool. Well, buckle in, because I'm not going anywhere,
14:20and I'm not going to help.
14:22I should be angry at you.
14:24You humiliate me in public,
14:26completely misinterpret what I'm trying to say.
14:28And when I try to apologize, you just walk away.
14:30You try to apologize as if.
14:32Oh, Sage is right. You have major trust issues.
14:34What did he say?
14:36And I'm sorry that you've been hurt in the past,
14:38but you can't expect a husband after one date.
14:40Says the guy who's trying to clinically assess me
14:42to see if I'm girlfriend material.
14:44Where did you get that from?
14:46Sage! And he said how blimmin' serious you are.
14:48Okay, well, doesn't mean I'm desperate.
14:52Well, this was a complete write-off.
14:56Better luck on dating apps.
14:58Well, we have to do something about this.
15:00Don't worry. I'll leave your precious budgets alone.
15:02Okay. But I've been misled and humiliated.
15:04Yeah, so have I, mate.
15:06Exactly. And it's not your fault or mine.
15:10No. It's Sage's.
15:14I hate taking handouts from friends.
15:16It's not charity. They bought months' thanks.
15:18But most of them are skint as we are, Nick.
15:20Right, so I should give the money back
15:22while we're racking up interest on the loan you took out.
15:26Sorry, honey, I can't do this right now.
15:28Enjoy your scone.
15:32Based on your abdominal pain,
15:34your ongoing pain, and your many visits in here,
15:36I'm going to recommend an exploratory laparotomy.
15:38Will you be doing it now?
15:40Oh, I won't be performing the surgery,
15:42but my colleagues are very capable.
15:44Anthony's recovering well.
15:48I hope you don't think that I was trying to undermine you before.
15:50You were right.
15:52You have to apologise for that.
15:54Straight out of the Warner Whitman playbook.
15:56Seriously, Chris, it's good to have you back.
15:58Oh, I wish everybody felt like that.
16:00Are you kidding?
16:02Having experienced doctors in the room is always an advantage.
16:04Brace yourselves, people.
16:06We've had a platform collapse at a construction site.
16:08We've got about ten, maybe twelve patients coming through.
16:12Can't even get one measly tradie to come and fix my deck.
16:14Can we divert Ernie to Central?
16:16Well, they're at capacity, and same with St Cat's.
16:18Can we recess for three hours at once?
16:22Okay, we've got about ten minutes before we are drowning in patients.
16:24Let's do our best to stay afloat.
16:26I'll see if we can discharge Francis.
16:28We're going to need the beds.
16:30Someone call Harper.
16:32Tell her a long lunch break is over.
16:34Um, just get back here ASAHP.
16:36That's as soon as humanly possible.
16:38We're struggling.
16:40Um, bring Marley if you need.
16:44Um, I can't share right now.
16:46Then talk quickly.
16:48Where do you get off telling people that I'm some joyless bachelor looking for a stay-home wife?
16:50Or that I'm a tragic dating disaster with mummy issues.
16:52Okay, um, well, I would love to...
16:54We have been blaming each other, but then we figured it out.
16:56You, you little twerp, you've gotten our heads.
16:58What the hell have you been doing?
17:00I'll tell you what he's been doing.
17:02He's been sabotaging us.
17:04Okay, that, that is crazy.
17:06Is it?
17:08You know?
17:10Oh please, you're jealous.
17:12Yeah, you know what, maybe you're right.
17:16Maybe a part of me didn't want to see my two best friends getting shacked up and leaving me in the dust.
17:18Right, couldn't stand to see us happy.
17:20That is...
17:22I'm just, I'm hopelessly alone.
17:24Perhaps in the future you can give your advice to yourself.
17:26Cool, yeah.
17:28Can I go now?
17:32So glad we got that sorted.
17:34Yeah, you'd think our colleagues could mind their own business and let two people who like each other just get on with it.
17:36Yeah, why do they have to complicate everything?
17:40Dinner, tonight?
17:44You want lunch?
17:46No one's going to be home for a couple of hours.
17:48That's because they're all at work and we should be.
17:50I guess it means we've only got a limited time to do this.
17:52Oh, stop it.
17:56Don't tell me you've run out of stamina already.
17:58If I get back into bed with you I might never get out.
18:00I wouldn't mind.
18:02Well that's tempting.
18:04Tomorrow then?
18:06I don't think Drew would be very happy with you bailing on him again.
18:08Just the least of his worries.
18:10Oh crap, I've got like a hundred missed calls.
18:12From him?
18:14No, from E.D.
18:16I've got to go.
18:20You are amazing.
18:22Compared to the usual sleazy soaps the drug company sent us.
18:28He would run over his own mother to get some.
18:30That is totally the impression I got.
18:32Well it was wonderful to meet you Monique.
18:34Whatever you decide.
18:36You know what? You caught me in a really great mood.
18:38I think we could do business.
18:40But you'll need to wait for Esther's sign off, won't you?
18:42I don't know, hello. I'm with a supplier.
18:44It's okay. Madonna's a friend.
18:46Really? Great. Maybe you could walk through to her car.
18:48I have plans.
18:50My pleasure.
18:52Everyone here's so nice.
18:54Yeah, you've made an impact on everyone.
18:56All thanks to Thad. He helped set up the meeting.
18:58He's got such a kind heart, doesn't he?
19:02I mean, if you had that kind of cash, you could do whatever you wanted with your life.
19:06Toit de choix, tu es le choix.
19:08Too many choices kill the choice.
19:10Of course.
19:12Yeah, and you could give up the rep work
19:14and go back and finish your PhD.
19:16Yeah, that'd be a dream, wouldn't it?
19:18But you know, I'm happy here.
19:20Especially now that you've got your foot in the door where Thaddeus works.
19:24I get the sense you want to say something to me?
19:26You might have Thaddeus wrapped around your little finger,
19:28but I've got you figured out,
19:30and I'm going to make sure he sees you for what you really are.
19:36Frances, I need you to open your eyes for me, please.
19:38I'm tired.
19:40Come on, Frances, look at me, okay?
19:42You're all fuzzy.
19:44Where's he going?
19:46Theatre 2 is free, but I'm...
19:48No buts, Clover.
19:50I'm still waiting on an available surgeon.
19:52Oh, fuck, that throbbing forehead vein won't get him in the OR any quicker.
19:54No, but he might.
19:56Scrub in.
19:58I'm here as a consultant.
20:00Well, consult then.
20:02What's your take on this poor bastard bleeding out, plus a spinal cord compression?
20:04Estimated clear.
20:06Oh, look, we are way too understaffed to be playing silly buggers.
20:08It's Drew. He's scrubbing in now, but that means all the theatres are full.
20:10Go then.
20:12Emmett, I've got a possible stroke.
20:14Resus, Sage, you're with me.
20:16Well, it was bound to happen eventually.
20:18Struggling through a surgeon shortage
20:20while the goat is stuck in the SIM bin.
20:22Word on Harper?
20:24Um, this is more than a headache.
20:26Frances is nauseous.
20:28It's getting worse, not better.
20:30She's drowsy, blurred vision.
20:34CT's just confirmed a subdural haematoma.
20:36She needs a bill.
20:38No, she needs theatre.
20:40Well, there are none available, no free surgeons.
20:42Let's get her into resus.
20:44No, it's full, Emmett's dealing with two triage worms.
20:46Okay, looks like I'm doing it here then.
20:48I need a drill.
20:50Grace, Harper will lose her mind.
20:52Can you help me or not?
20:56Do you remember me telling you about a man I dated
20:58who went by the name Mark but his name was actually Terry?
21:00Yeah, dreadful man.
21:02If I remember correctly, he stole from you, right?
21:04Yeah, it was painful and humiliating.
21:06And the worst part was
21:08I never listened to my friends when they warned me.
21:10That's just awful.
21:14Why are you thinking about this now? Do you need a loan?
21:16That is exactly the problem.
21:18You are a kind, trusting, generous man
21:20and I'm concerned you're being taken advantage of.
21:22What, Fleur?
21:24Yeah, I know her type.
21:26Charming, funny, fiercely intelligent.
21:28Looks like she walks straight out of a salon.
21:30Her father owns a law firm and her mother is a very successful architect.
21:32She's never taken a cent from them.
21:34Yeah, and she's told you all of this information.
21:36How awfully fast.
21:38We'd like to talk. Is that a crime?
21:40How can you not see that you are being played?
21:42Because she's so obviously out of my league.
21:46I mean...
21:48What do you really think, Madonna?
21:50That he is.
21:54Is the drill ready?
21:58Okay, both of you stop what you're doing right now.
22:00Subdural hematoma.
22:02Chris, I need to assess her.
22:04There's no time.
22:06Both of you step back right now.
22:08That would be unwise.
22:10Mate, I can't believe you're going to go ahead with this.
22:12There's no free surgeons.
22:14These rules are going to kill someone.
22:16You want to judge me? Fine.
22:18But I'm still a surgeon.
22:20You are a sociopath.
22:22Using my patient to prove you're still relevant.
22:24You disappear.
22:26Can we focus on Francis, please?
22:28Don't you dare talk to me about disappearing.
22:30You should never have come back.
22:32He is mentally unstable.
22:34If you support him, I cannot protect you.
22:36How dare you come into my ED and talk about ego?
22:38You're either micromanaging everyone or nowhere to be seen.
22:40What kind of leader are you?
22:42Okay, this isn't helping.
22:44I'm not performing a surgical procedure
22:46when we have a fully qualified one right here.
22:48We do not have a fully qualified one right here.
22:50Well, why don't you do it then?
22:52Um, guys?