Shortland Street 7968 22nd July 2024

  • 2 months ago
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00:00Previously on Shortland Street.
00:02This is Janine, she fell and hit her head, glass shard in her neck.
00:06Call the theatre manager.
00:07I'm sorry but you don't work here.
00:08Another surgeon will scrub it.
00:09I need a surgical consultant.
00:11So no surgeries, consults only.
00:12I look forward to working with you all.
00:14Same goes for us.
00:15Believe me, I understand difficult parents.
00:17But sometimes it's easier to grin and bear it.
00:19You ungrateful, spiteful, nasty little...
00:21I want you out by the end of the day.
00:23What did you say to her?
00:24She is toxic.
00:25See you can call me selfish, you can call me cruel.
00:27Please just leave me alone, okay?
00:37Sage, I need you to order an ultrasound.
00:39We don't have time, Dr. Warner.
00:40And if you're not going to help, can you move?
00:41No, stop.
00:42What do you bloody mean, stop?
00:43Something's not right.
00:45Yeah, you're ordering unnecessary scans
00:48when you should be saving your patient's life.
00:50Isn't he supposed to be the best?
00:52She needs a second IV line.
00:56She has acute bacterial cholangitis.
00:58She needs antibiotics.
01:00Set up a second IV line.
01:02On it.
01:04Are you sure?
01:06We should see her perk up in a few hours.
01:08She'll need to be admitted.
01:09And she'll need follow-up tests.
01:11Any price for that?
01:13Good to have you back.
01:29Would you quit that?
01:35You've fallen asleep.
01:37Go ahead.
01:41This is so weird.
01:43Sage, you're all messed up.
01:45Weird bad?
01:46No, like...
01:48Like weird.
01:58Seeing your teacher in the supermarket.
02:01This was a surprise to me too.
02:03I thought we'd never get here.
02:05What is it supposed to mean?
02:08It's nice.
02:11You should go.
02:15Why just me?
02:17I don't want you to feel like...
02:19You feel obligated to be here.
02:21Do you want me to go?
02:24You're descending so fast.
02:28I'll go.
02:37I don't like...
02:39I don't actually want you to go.
02:45Because I don't want to go.
02:49So you don't regret this?
02:53Not one bit.
02:59Senior Surgical Registrar.
03:03Remember those days?
03:04Hard work.
03:06Oh yeah.
03:08I've got an idea.
03:09Sorry, can I wait until after work?
03:11I will see you at the next consult.
03:15What do you think of Vili working as a surgical nurse again?
03:17Good idea, better than nothing.
03:19He's kind of too handsome, isn't he?
03:21Yeah, a bit.
03:23Speaking of which, I was thinking of busting out that wig that you liked so much.
03:26Yeah, whatever you think.
03:31I'm trying to share here.
03:33Sorry, yes.
03:34I'm listening.
03:35Remember what our therapist said?
03:37Yes, yes, you are right.
03:39I have a very good feeling about working with Vili.
03:42I'm glad.
03:43I have a very good feeling about working with Vili.
03:46I'm glad.
03:50Sorry, what?
03:51I didn't even think.
03:53Oh, no.
03:54Nicole's okay.
03:55Don't worry about any of this, just focus on her.
03:58Sorry, I should have asked.
03:59No wonder you're a million miles away.
04:03There must be something we could do.
04:05Meb's too proud.
04:06Believe me, I've tried.
04:07Ooh, what about a fundraiser?
04:09What's something Leanne would have liked?
04:12A seance.
04:13You really think summoning Leanne's ghost in some unholy ceremony is going to be a good idea?
04:18No, I didn't...
04:19It might be too soon.
04:21Don't you two have jobs to do?
04:23Nicole is our top priority for the moment.
04:26What terrible idea do you guys have now?
04:28We're actually trying to help.
04:30Oh, with more vegan gift baskets?
04:33No, we're hoping to trick her with a big community fundraiser.
04:37Public humiliation, right.
04:39Okay, well I'm glad I came just when I did to shut this down.
04:42No, into taking our money that she doesn't want.
04:45Look, if you're so worried about Nicole's bank balance,
04:47why don't you help them sell some of Leanne's unwanted stuff?
04:50Through a fundraiser?
04:52Sure, if you can't let go of that part.
04:58So, uh, what was...
05:00I don't know what you mean.
05:01Yes, you do.
05:02Can we talk about something else?
05:03Look, it's nice to see you excited about someone, even if it is our flatmate.
05:08He's just my friend.
05:10Whatever you say.
05:17Why did it stop?
05:20Don't worry, they can read your message.
05:25I'll kill them.
05:26The paid receptionist?
05:27Yeah, he started this by calling you.
05:32I have to go.
05:33Just call in sick.
05:35I wish.
05:38Alright, well, I guess I'll just see you at work then.
05:42Yeah, if this isn't the end.
05:47Could you do me a favour?
05:50Could you check if the coast is clear?
05:52I wouldn't want to have to explain myself.
05:54Be seen leaving.
05:56Just until we know?
06:00It's all good, honestly.
06:01You work with my flatmates, I very much get it.
06:09This was great.
06:11It was.
06:12I guess I'll see you around.
06:22Yeah, it's a radius fracture.
06:24It's very common.
06:25You'll be in a cast for about six weeks and one of the nurses can come and do that for you.
06:33First day back done.
06:35How do you feel?
06:36Um, good.
06:38Well, you'll get used to it in the sore feet.
06:41Anyway, get out of here before I have to wrangle you into another patient.
06:46First round's on you, now you're employed again.
06:49Oh, and Chris, he used to be such a legend.
06:51Well, I guess he still is a legend, obviously, but after everything he's been through,
06:54I don't know, I just feel a little bit underwhelmed.
06:59You're hardly going any deeper, but you'll get there.
07:02You're hardly going any deeper, but you'll get there.
07:05Sorry, Chris.
07:06Don't worry about it.
07:07First day of school, you'll get used to it.
07:09Just here to work, Emmett.
07:14He's just trying to stir it.
07:16I know.
07:17You're beating yourself up.
07:18I know, better than beating someone else up.
07:21It'll get easier.
07:23I got kind of, uh, overwhelmed.
07:27The good thing about ED is someone's always got your back.
07:30Even though you don't like him, Emmett did...
07:32Emmett didn't know what was going on with that patient.
07:35He was just flapping around in there.
07:37I get it, he's a grumpy old bastard, but no one's going to change that.
07:40You'll learn to work together.
07:42It's fine, I'm not here to make friends.
07:54Uh, I mean, if you want to do it, sure.
07:57We'd love to.
07:58Thank you.
07:59Um, it's a strange offer, but it's really thoughtful.
08:03I can't, um, pay you for it, if you're looking...
08:06We just love you, Nicole.
08:08And we love Leanne.
08:10I'm sure Mum felt the same.
08:13Take your time.
08:14Looks like a lot of stuff.
08:22You can run now, you've seen how bad it is.
08:24No, no, we got this.
08:26The only way out is through.
08:29Okay, where do you reckon we start?
08:31Well, which one of Leanne's many personalities would you like to start with first?
08:36You've got the florist, or the, um, the internet sleuth.
08:39Do not forget the...
08:42Do you want it?
08:43Uh, no, thank you, I see enough of Drew as it is.
08:49Oh my God.
08:51What are those love letters?
08:53Should we find out?
08:59No, that, um, image of Damo and Mum will be, um,
09:03will be burned into my brain forever.
09:05That can, that, that can go to the grave with Mum.
09:12Do you have something else on?
09:15Um, no, sorry.
09:17Sorry, no, where were we?
09:19Oh, Leanne's racy letters.
09:21You don't have to be here with me.
09:24You don't have to be here with me.
09:26Look, I know I haven't been here,
09:28and I've been distracted, and that's dumb,
09:32and I'm really sorry, but I'm here now, and I,
09:34I want to do this with you.
09:37And this, ooh, yes,
09:41this is one for the junk shop if ever I saw it.
09:44Yeah, unfortunately it was specified that I keep that thing,
09:49it was great-aunt-someone-or-others' beautiful treasure.
09:53Hmm, okay, well, lucky you.
10:06Got this, yeah?
10:16Oh, oh, God, that got in my eye.
10:18Beauty is pain, get over it.
10:20Oh, God, you wreak.
10:21It's not for you.
10:22Well, who's it for, then,
10:23to wake up the common patients in the wards?
10:26Sorry, you were never going to guess.
10:28What, you and Naz are finally hooked up?
10:30Yes, actually, we did.
10:34Well, anyone could see that coming.
10:35Okay, well, there's something else you should know.
10:38Go on.
10:39He wants to keep it a secret.
10:43That's kind of rude.
10:45Okay, you can go now.
10:47Actually, no, I think I'd like to have a word with him.
10:49Go away.
10:54I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight.
10:57Like a date?
10:59Yeah, like a date, if you want.
11:02Is that a yes?
11:05Uh, that perfume, it's, um...
11:07Yeah, sorry, I've got to go, got to go.
11:19Maeve and I will make sure you're all right.
11:22Who's her family?
11:23Chris is working on her grandad.
11:25We'll check on him.
11:34How's he doing?
11:36Shoulder injury from the seatbelt.
11:38I want to order a CT scan.
11:40For his shoulder?
11:41Yeah, I want to keep an eye on him.
11:42Look, I know you're going to have teething problems,
11:45but this is ED, we have to move fast.
11:47I have triage threes and fours outside.
11:50We can't be ordering CT scans willy-nilly,
11:52so just fix his shoulder, get the bed free.
11:58And there's nothing else I can bring you?
12:00No, there's nothing.
12:02I can't ring your family, let them know you're here at least?
12:05I'm sure they're worried about you.
12:06Not again.
12:07I'm in here too much.
12:09I'll be right back.
12:12Hey, why the long face?
12:14I can't treat my patient properly.
12:16What's wrong with them?
12:17They have Crohn's disease,
12:18and the only medication that can actually treat them
12:20costs $5,000.
12:22A year?
12:23A month.
12:25Ah, yes, Lumivexa.
12:27Not funded here, it's ridiculous.
12:29What's ridiculous is me hovering around over her bed
12:31when she's in unnecessary pain.
12:33I'm sure she appreciates you being there.
12:35I know I would.
12:37That's very kind.
12:38Thank you.
12:40That's very kind.
12:41Don't give up.
12:42You'll be affecting her mood more than you think.
12:49He was just admiring my work.
12:51And your face, and your hands, and your cute little shoulders.
12:54Stop it, he's my friend.
12:55Okay, let me tell you this.
12:57Thaddeus has not stopped me not once down the corridor
13:00to admire my work or write a book about me.
13:03It's not about me.
13:05Keep telling yourself that, babe.
13:07Stop it.
13:11Found another crystal.
13:13Oh, God, it's so relentless.
13:15I will put it with the others.
13:17We should make it a drinking game.
13:19Ah, we would be comatose by dinner time.
13:22How could she still be so annoying from beyond the grave?
13:25Well, she was definitely a character.
13:27No one could accuse her of being boring.
13:33Just, just look at it.
13:35I won't be mad.
13:36It's fine.
13:37Just read it.
13:38Don't make me anxious.
13:45Who is it?
13:46No one, just boring work stuff.
13:50I mean...
13:54Put everything away.
13:57What about this over here?
14:00I can't look at that.
14:04In the bed?
14:08In the bed.
14:12Am I a bad person?
14:14I don't want any of this stuff.
14:15You don't have to have any of this stuff.
14:18Maybe this is just the wrong time to do this.
14:22We can stop and we can tell Madonna to hold off.
14:26I just don't think I'll have the guts if I don't do it now, you know?
14:30Okay, well, why don't we get some fresh air,
14:33get some more beers.
14:35Yeah, it's really, it's really heavy emotional stuff.
14:40Luckily, you'll only have to do it once.
14:45Thank you.
14:48For being here.
14:49You do not need to thank me for that.
14:51You're my best mate.
14:53And you're mine, through thick and thin, remember?
14:57I just think I'm just realising what I'm losing, I guess.
15:06It's really good that you're here.
15:14Where are you off to?
15:15I'm going out.
15:16Can I come?
15:17Can we go clubbing? I want to go on a night out.
15:20Okay, well, do you want to come and be the fundraiser later?
15:23My God, she actually hates me. What did I ever do?
15:25No, that's just her at the moment.
15:26Anyway, I need your help.
15:28With what?
15:29The date.
15:30Well, what do I know? You're the one who slept with him.
15:31Well, I don't know what he likes.
15:32Well, you by the sounds of it.
15:35Oh my God, you're actually proper nervous, aren't you?
15:38No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
15:39I just, I just want it to go well, you know?
15:42Okay, yeah.
15:44I like him, and yeah, I'm probably, I'm nervous.
15:46Great. First step's admitting it.
15:48Okay, well, help me.
15:49Well, second step is calm down.
15:51Oh, come on.
15:52Look, you've already both established that you like each other,
15:54and you don't really know exactly what the problem is.
15:55Why doesn't he want anyone to know?
15:57Well, maybe he just doesn't want people up in his business this early on.
16:00Why not?
16:01I don't know. He's classy.
16:03Sorry, am I not classy?
16:05Get it together, Monique. You're the best.
16:07I know it. He knows it. You know it.
16:09So stop wasting time with this stupid little male town.
16:11Yeah, right.
16:12He'd probably be so happy to be seen with me.
16:14Yeah, but I wouldn't push him on that one.
16:15Okay, so we're going to go to Lola.
16:17Leanne's thing is going to be there.
16:18We're going to be seen by everyone.
16:19He's going to be stoked because he's going to be like,
16:21This is Meg, and she's with me. How lucky am I?
16:24Yes, because I am the best, right?
16:26You said so yourself, so I should never doubt that.
16:28I should never doubt it.
16:34Lynn, what's going on? Are you alright?
16:35More than alright.
16:36We sorted a prescription for Lumavexa.
16:38What? How?
16:40Recently I met someone at a conference who works for Gardner Pharmaceuticals.
16:43Let's just say I called in a favour.
16:46You didn't do anything illegal for me, did you?
16:49You shouldn't have. Not on my account.
16:51No, no, but it's all free for the next little while.
16:56You are my hero. Our hero.
16:59Can I go back to my room, please?
17:01Yes, of course.
17:10Okay, what is all of this?
17:13I think maybe you're right.
17:15Okay, you're going to have to be more specific because your girl's always right.
17:18I thought Thaddeus and I didn't fit, but he's kind.
17:23He's really smart. He makes me laugh. He...
17:26He's the guy for you?
17:28Well, it's good to see you're not bottling it up anymore.
17:31No, I'm not. I like him.
17:40Oh, do you need a holly sling? Give you a hand?
17:43No, thanks, but I don't want to sit him up yet.
17:47I'm keeping an eye on his bruising.
17:49Okay, good call.
17:51CT results?
17:54You and him are not getting along.
17:56We don't have to be friends.
17:58Look, he doesn't know when to close his mouth sometimes, but he's...
18:01He's really good at his job.
18:03And he's someone you want on your side when he gets tough.
18:06I hope you can get to that point with him.
18:08I think he's the one who doesn't trust me.
18:10What's happening? Why's this guy in here?
18:12Is this the shoulder patient?
18:14He's got motling on his abdomen.
18:16Why didn't you tell me before?
18:19Okay, he's crashing. Call O.I. and warn them.
18:21Incoming patient. Let's prep him.
18:45Sorry, was that weird?
18:47No, no, that was so nice.
18:49Okay, what shall we have?
18:52A dinner, right?
18:54Yeah, of course. I just meant drinks first.
18:57Yes. Yes, of course.
18:59I just... I told Sage that I wouldn't get messy.
19:02Oh, you told Sage?
19:04Yes. Is that okay?
19:07You sure?
19:08Yeah, of course. It's fine.
19:09Are you sure that's okay?
19:10Yeah, of course. It's fine.
19:14Thank you.
19:19So, you know what you want?
19:21I do know what I want.
19:23Just tell him.
19:25What, with you watching? No way.
19:27I'll be super quiet, okay? Like this.
19:30It can wait.
19:32You'll drive yourself mad if you don't do it.
19:34See, this is what I mean about you bottling stuff up.
19:42You look great.
19:43Oh, thank you.
19:44But I think we all know who the real showstopper is.
19:47This is Fleur Douglas.
19:51How did you get into my house?
19:53Apologies for the lack of introductions.
19:55This is the Gardner Pharmaceuticals rep I was telling you about.
19:57Hi. I sorted your Crohn's patient with Elemavexa.
20:00She's the best. We owe you big time.
20:03Oh, don't be silly. I'm happy to help.
20:05But if you want to pay me back in drinks, I won't stop you.
20:08You're so tall.
20:09What's that?
20:10Oh, shall we get out of here?
20:12Should be fun.
20:13You're coming too?
20:14Yeah, I didn't put this dress on for nothing.
20:20Well, shall we team?
20:21We can get to know each other better at the fundraiser.
20:28I'm so sorry. I should have replied.
20:30I mean, you did make me sweat a bit.
20:33Yeah, we were at Nicole's going through Leanne's stuff.
20:37You don't need to go into it.
20:40She's okay?
20:41Yeah, don't worry.
20:46So you're not upset?
20:48Why would I be?
20:50Um, because I'm not managing this very well.
20:53I don't need to be managed.
20:55I know that this isn't a normal way of dating someone.
20:58I never expected it to go smoothly.
21:00We're good.
21:01Shall we get out of here?
21:06He's still got a way to go.
21:08The air's ready for him.
21:10Thanks, mate.
21:11You're safe to travel now.
21:17You're not going with him?
21:18See it through to the end?
21:20Well, I would.
21:23I'm still just consulting.
21:25I don't say this very often because I don't need to.
21:28But I'm sorry for not listening to you before.
21:30Could have saved a lot of trouble.
21:32That's alright.
21:34Just listen to me next time.
21:37So, we're going to head to this fundraiser?
21:40After we wrap this up?
21:42Oh, I'd love to.
21:43But I better sit this one out.
21:45You sure?
21:46Buy your beer.
21:47Next time.
21:48Well, I'll save you a crystal.
21:50I'd like that.
21:54Oh, this is perfect.
21:57This feels perfect?
21:59Drinks, anyone?
22:00White wine.
22:01Oh, I'm on it.
22:03Hey, isn't that...
22:06Oh, wow.
22:07Don't look.
22:08Who are they?
22:09Just another surprise hook-up.
22:11So, it looks like we're not alone anymore.
22:13Oh, am I late?
22:14What are you guys doing here?
22:17Yeah, it's all about to kick off.
22:19How do you know?
22:20Oh, look at his face.
22:21We should go.
22:22What? Why?
22:23I thought you said you only told Sage.
22:24I did.
22:25Then why are they all staring at us?
22:26I don't know.
22:27Probably because we're clearly here together.
22:29Just let them look.
22:31I wish they'd stop staring.
22:33Because it's so embarrassing to be seen with me.
22:35No, no, of course not.
22:36But can you keep your voice down?
22:38I'm sorry, why would I do that?
22:40Because I have to see these people at work tomorrow.
22:42And so do I.
22:43Look, I didn't tell them.
22:44Yet here they all are.
22:46I'm just trying to understand what the problem is here.
22:48Did you know that they'd be here?
22:49Can you just stop acting so mortified to be seen with me?
22:52What? No, I'm not.
22:53I cannot believe that I thought that you would be proud to be seen with me.
22:57Look, I am.
22:58Look, why are you taking it like it's...
22:59You know what, Nas?
23:00If you thought this was embarrassing, wow.
23:02I'm gonna eat.